No Kenshi for MKX *comic spoiler*
posted02/19/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Pretty sure his son, Takeda, is going to take his place on the roster. I'm sure we will see a watered down version of the telekinetic swordsman through his son. It just wouldn't make sense from a gameplay point to have them both in it, same goes for Cage & and Sonya with Cassie.
01/23/2015 06:14 AM (UTC)
While I do think what you are saying is very likely to happen, I still wouldn't be very surprised if we saw Kenshi in the game.

Also, I'm almost 100% sure Cage will be in it, and I don't think Sonya's chances are that low either.
01/23/2015 06:19 AM (UTC)
They would be in it for sure as cameos in story mode and maybe a Challenge Tower if they have one but I don't think they will be playable.
01/23/2015 06:30 AM (UTC)
They might be out, but it would be wierd to tell the story of Shinnok's invasion without them, given they were the only heroes alive, and we know from the comics that they both survived it. Killing them or having them only as NPCs would be kinda weird. I have less faith in Sonya (Kinda 50/50 with her), but I would be surprised if Cage wasn't in.
01/23/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
@MK_fanatic So wait, let me clarify this myself. You're saying that because Kenshi has a son he will not be in the game. Is that right? No further evidence?
01/23/2015 06:55 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Pretty sure his son, Takeda, is going to take his place on the roster. I'm sure we will see a watered down version of the telekinetic swordsman through his son. It just wouldn't make sense from a gameplay point to have them both in it, same goes for Cage & and Sonya with Cassie.

You don't make a terribly convincing argument.

There's no reason Kenshi and Takeda can't both be in, provided they play differently (and hopefully they do, because I wouldn't be able to stomach Takeda ripping off and replacing Kenshi - that would be terrible and lazy on NRS' part).
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01/23/2015 07:34 AM (UTC)
It also crossed my mind that Kenshi might actually die or disappear in the comics and Takeda will take his place and be playable in the game
01/23/2015 07:43 AM (UTC)
It would suck so fucking much if kenshi didnt return
01/23/2015 07:56 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
It would suck so fucking much if kenshi didnt return

It would suck even more if Takeda stole his moveset. Takeda needs to be his own damn character, different than Kenshi. I hope NRS realizes this, but the leaked casting call describing Takeda as a "telepathic swordsman" worries me.

Demon_0 Wrote:
It also crossed my mind that Kenshi might actually die or disappear in the comics and Takeda will take his place and be playable in the game

Even if he dies in the comics, he still lived through the Netherrealm War and had a big role in Hanzo's rebirth, plus possibly survived up to 15 years in the MKX timespan since we probably haven't seen the last of him in the comics. He'll feature in the story mode for sure, but not necessarily be playable.
01/23/2015 09:34 AM (UTC)
I still have my money on Kenshi being playable. There's really little evidence to the contrary.
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01/23/2015 10:06 AM (UTC)
Kenshi being in as opposed to out or DLC is fine. I just hope if Takeda is actually a new playable character which I want him to be he won't copy his dad's moves.

Since he was trained by scorpion he should be unique. Being in the comic I hope he isn't just a comic character. He needs to have a reveal I think before april.

If not then I'll be plenty pleased if I open the game and Takeda us in the roster. We need more new blood
01/23/2015 10:28 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Pretty sure his son, Takeda, is going to take his place on the roster. I'm sure we will see a watered down version of the telekinetic swordsman through his son. It just wouldn't make sense from a gameplay point to have them both in it, same goes for Cage & and Sonya with Cassie.

While your topic is logical, it is heavily flawed and I'll tell you why;

- It wouldn't be the first game where multiple characters in the same game shared similar special abilities: Deadly Alliance (Sub-Zero and Frost), Deception (Kenshi and Ermac) and MK9 (Kenshi and Ermac).
- We have verbal confirmation that relatives in the game will be able to fight each other.
- Ed Boon stated that DLC characters from MK9 would not be DLC yet again in MKX, meaning their chances to make the main roster are increased. Seeing as Boon has been relatively candid about making sly jokes about no Skarlet or Rain, and they wouldnt repeat Freddy, that leaves Kenshi.
- We have the photograph Boon tweeted of a motion capture session with the actor doing a Kenshi styled move with his finger at his temple and not making eye contact, so unless Takeda literally becomes Kenshi 2.0 and is also somehow blinded....
- The game will likely feature several acts in Story Mode similar to MK9's two tournaments and Earthrealm invasion. I'll bet money Act 1 of MKX is the Netherealm War so even if Kenshi dies in the comics, he could still be involved in the Netherealm War and thus make the roster.
- Just because a character could seemingly be thought to be dead or not heavily involved with the comic storylines doesnt mean they cant be in the roster for MKX; see Sub-Zero's comment about Quan Chi's relevancy in the first issue yet hes playable in the game. Clearly something happens to Quan Chi at the end of the Netherealm War. What that is remains to be seen.

So, I wouldn't hold your breath. I am 99.9 % sure Kenshi will make the roster.
01/23/2015 11:35 AM (UTC)
Seeing how I am not bothering with this comic can you tell me this. Does Takeda have the ability of telekinesis?
01/23/2015 11:40 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Seeing how I am not bothering with this comic can you tell me this. Does Takeda have the ability of telekinesis?

It's not mentioned yet in the comics. It is however mentioned in the casting call for the web series that he does indeed share his fathers abilities.
01/23/2015 12:03 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Seeing how I am not bothering with this comic can you tell me this. Does Takeda have the ability of telekinesis?

It's not mentioned yet in the comics. It is however mentioned in the casting call for the web series that he does indeed share his fathers abilities.

Remember in the casting call for MK 2011 how they mentioned Cyrax was a tech enthusiast? Where was that in the game?
01/23/2015 01:11 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Pretty sure his son, Takeda, is going to take his place on the roster.

It's Possible.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I'm sure we will see a watered down version of the telekinetic swordsman through his son.

God I hope not. From what we've seen so far from both MK9 and now X they're not doing that anymore! Thank the Elder Gods.

Characters might share one or possibly two moves from another character but not complete copies like they used to be. Even at that, the moves they share have different animations to keep them unique. Cassie is a good example, she is a bit of both her parents but her animations are different and she has a nice mix of her own moves too. Hopefully Takeda and any other descendants will be the same.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
It just wouldn't make sense from a gameplay point to have them both in it, same goes for Cage & and Sonya with Cassie.

It makes sense if they're unique. Take Tekken and the Mishima/Kazama families for example, they have a hell of a lot of related characters (Possibly too much) but every one of those characters is unique because they look and play differently.
01/23/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Seeing how I am not bothering with this comic can you tell me this. Does Takeda have the ability of telekinesis?

It's not mentioned yet in the comics. It is however mentioned in the casting call for the web series that he does indeed share his fathers abilities.

Remember in the casting call for MK 2011 how they mentioned Cyrax was a tech enthusiast? Where was that in the game?

Sure but being a tech enthusiast as a part of your personality and having special abilities that immediately lend towards gameplay are two completely different things.
01/23/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Seeing how I am not bothering with this comic can you tell me this. Does Takeda have the ability of telekinesis?

It's not mentioned yet in the comics. It is however mentioned in the casting call for the web series that he does indeed share his fathers abilities.

Speaking of the web series, it was noted in Takeda's casting call bio that he has to work with his father meaning that Kenshi is still alive probably after the comic's events.

And since Kenshi was alive during the Netherrealm War (where he probably helped Scorpion out at that time) and seems to be working for Johnny's SF group after 20 or so years, it's very likely that he'll be playable.
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01/23/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
MK176 Wrote:
Speaking of the web series, it was noted in Takeda's casting call bio that he has to work with his father meaning that Kenshi is still alive probably after the comic's events.
And since Kenshi was alive during the Netherrealm War (where he probably helped Scorpion out at that time) and seems to be working for Johnny's SF group after 20 or so years, it's very likely that he'll be playable.

Pretty much this.

To elaborate:

Casting sheet Wrote:

In his mid 20s, quiet and mild-mannered, but with an angry streak, he is the "nice" one of the group. He is a world-class swordsman and he is adept at telepathy and telekinesis. Takahashi Takeda is the son of the hero Kenshi and a young Thai-American woman named Suchin, whom Kenshi met during his travels. When Suchin passed away, Kenshi was shocked to learn he had had an eight-year-old son with her. He took Takeda to Hanzo Hasashi, the former Scorpion, to be instructed in the Martial Arts. Takeda had no contact with his father for many years, until the day he was to leave Hanzo’s tutelage. Kenshi revealed that he had left Takeda with Hanzo to protect him from his mother’s murderer. Despite this revelation, and subsequent reconciliation with Kenshi, Takeda has abandonment issues yet to overcome—which makes working with his father in Johnny Cage’s Special Forces team a challenge at times...LEAD

Casting sheet Wrote:

working with his father in Johnny Cage’s Special Forces team a challenge at times

It pretty much spells out that they'll both be active at the same time.
01/23/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)
It's a tendency for posters to overconfidently make claims based on so little info.

And come on, not that nonsense again about parents having to be left out for their children's sake. Cassie's parents returning will not lessen her in anyway, nor will Kenshi if both he and Takeda are on the roster, as long as Takeda is individualized enough from his father gameplay-wise, just like Cassie who doesn't share many moves with either of her parents.

What will lessen an offspring's impact, is being a cheap ripoff of their parents, whether their parents are also playable or not. And right now, Takeda sounds more like a ripoff than Cassie does.
01/23/2015 02:45 PM (UTC)
Aditionally, we need warriors fighting for Earthrealm BEFORE the revenants resurection (which means any body the Special Forces can provide like Johnny, Sonya and Kenshi will probably fet chapters 1, 2 and 3 of story mode).

We learn that it was Kenshi who helped Scorpion gaining control so that will probably be shown too.

And the casting call mentions Takeda fighting in the same team than his father.

IMO both will be playable and Takeda's power will be less finesse and more uncontroled force (like Hellion from the X-Men), coupled with some Shiray Ryu tricks like the Spear or making two katanas whirl around him with his powers. I'm secretly hoping Takeda becomes the Cyan ninja to complete the RGB+CYM palettes (Ermac, Reptile, Sub-Zero, Missing Cyan Ninja, Scorpion, Rain).
01/23/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
Baseless argument!
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01/23/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
After the comic and Takeda's casting description, if this game doesn't have a representative from the Red Dragon, it'll be a wasted opportunity
01/23/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
After the comic and Takeda's casting description, if this game doesn't have a representative from the Red Dragon, it'll be a wasted opportunity

Takeda's description doesn't even name the Red Dragon. I think that speaks for itself.
01/23/2015 06:39 PM (UTC)
Misleading title but I agree. I don't think kenshi, Johnny or Sonya have a spot on the main roster.
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