MK - Annihilation, what went wrong?
posted11/15/2010 12:47 AM (UTC)by
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10/09/2009 11:53 PM (UTC)
"All of what we wanted to do in the first movie but we couldn’t, we did in the second. This movie isn’t a sequel - but a bigger and better chapter of a group of adventurers, phenomenally popular characters in a universe called Mortal Kombat "said producer Larry Kasanoff, president of Threshold Entertainment, the company responsible for the franchise administration of $3 billion dollars. With a more surprising visual and more action scenes than the first film - which grossed more than $ 23 million in the first week of exhibit in the United States. Mortal Kombat - Annihilation is a extension of the original film, which go to satisfy and thrill those who waited anxiously for this new saga. Since the first Mortal Kombat hit theaters around the world, the Internet has been buzzing with rumors and speculations about how the film's characters would be developed in the sequel. Following the great success of the first movie, the website of Mortal Kombat debuted as one of the ten most visited of the Internet. Since then, 300 unofficial Mortal Kombat websites had worked extra hours trading speculations of how would be the character development in Mortal Kombat – Annihilation. To increase the magnitude and surprise of Mortal Kombat - Annihilation, the production used as background extravagant locations and, a temple in Thailand, an abandoned coal mine in Wales and a lost town in the desert of Jordan. This entered to the story: it was the first time a production filmed in this city, and also the filmmakers who first joined the team of Israel and Jordania to work together. Beyond this updated and epic background, there’s a collection of state of the art special effects, created by two of the first innovators in the industry, Chuck Comisky and Alison Savitch. John Leonetti, who worked as cinematographer on Mortal Kombat and Mask, directs this sequel.His brother Matthew Leonetti, who shot the hit movie Star Trek - First Contact, replaces him behind of the cameras. Brent V. Friedman and Bryce Zabel wrote the screenplay from the story of Lawrence Kasanoff, Joshua Wexler, John Tobias. Alison Savitch, Carla Fry and Brian Witten are the executive producers, veteran Chuck Comisky is the visual effects supervisor. The action coordinator Pat Johnson is now the second unit director. Kevin Reidy is co-producer and production manager. An very important and innovative technique in Mortal Kombat – Annihilation is the“capturing movement” technique, allowing Leonetti to direct the first sequence with CG character (computer generated) and an actor in real time on the scenery, instead of directing the actor alone in front of a blue screen and having to add the CG character later. "Never make a film knowing how we will accomplish more than 80% of special effects," says Kasanoff. The other 20% were reached by Kasanoff and Comisky, the magician who brought the tricks of digital film working with a team of Technicians all over the world, always with the objective to innovate. The legendary fight choreographer Pat Johnson was promoted to second unit director on Mortal Kombat - Annihillation and Robin Shou, the young star of Hong Kong, which again takes the role of Liu Kang, choreographed the fight scenes. "For the first film, I choreographed the fight scenes between Johnny Cage and Scorpion, and Liu Kang against Reptile, and was so good that they called me to make all the fight choreography in Mortal Kombat - Annilation," said Shou. He adds: "Each fight scene has a style and a different flavor. But they all have the style of Mortal Kombat, that very quick and very visible, like in the face of the viewer." And Chuck Comisky says: "The fans are very attuned to the characters in the game in terms of movements that each one can do. In this movie, we use these same movements, which already had been developed in the previous film, and now improved with digital technology. Thanks to these all new technique, we now have martial arts fighters-class characters struggling with CG. Also are present improvement of martial arts moves, as the exciting flying kicks, which subsequently were enhanced digitally. "
11/19/2009 11:50 PM (UTC)
Everything, that's why.?
11/20/2009 08:36 PM (UTC)
According to producer Larry Kasanoff:

"Mortal Kombat Annihilation was innovative beyond belief. For the first time ever we had CGI monsters FIGHT in hand to hand mortal kombat with the human characters. We were the first to do something like that, and I'm really proud of that.

For three years we gathered the greatest martial artists in the world to be a part of the film so I'm pretty proud about that too.

Finally, everything about MKA is bigger than the first movie. The budget is bigger, there are more characters, more fights, more explosions, more special effects... It really is an outstanding martial arts action exploder."

thanks to Zentile for this info
02/08/2010 01:32 AM (UTC)
No thread bumping, especially your own, and especially with nothing important to add.
Historical Favorite
02/08/2010 09:35 AM (UTC)
Nothing. MKA was awesome. Suck it, Schindler's List.
04/18/2010 08:02 PM (UTC)
HOLY CRAP! What didn't go wrong?!

Here's my list of complaints:

1. Shao Kahn was not human! If you look in any comic refference in the MK universe, he was clearly a demon/creature/humanoid.

2. Shao Kahn is not Raiden's brother!!! WTF was that all about????

3. Shinnok is not Raiden and Shao Kahn's father!!! STUPID!!!! In the video games you're talking about 3 completely-unrelated characters that they decided to make family???!!! Geezuz!!!! God did that piss me off!

4. And speaking of Shinnok...He wasn't a human either! You want the perfect cinematic version of Shinnok, go watch the frickin COMMERCIAL of MK4!!! That looked cool as hell!!!

5. The costumes looked like they were all purchased from a Mortal Kombat cosplay convention! There wasn't a fantastic cinematic thing about them!!! Yeah, sure, Kahn's helmet looked kinda cool...but that's where I draw the line! When the costumes in the actual video games look more impressive, I think that becomes a problem!

Man, there's just waaaaay too much stuff to cover! I'd be writing a frickin novel if I kept going...

What I don't understand is this: ALL of the "TRUE" MK mythos was/is written in the instruction manuals of the video games, comic books, and in the actual games themselves...You want perfect cinematic Mortal Kombat characters, seriously, go watch the live-action video game trailers for both MK2 and MK4...I think they did an amazing job on those 1-minute little commercials and really nailed the look and feel of how each character SHOULD HAVE looked. I can't believe that they didn't refference those or at the very least get really inspired by them. Both directors had soooo much genuine information at their fingertips, and they completely neglected to use that! WHY?!....lolol...Why did the Mortal Kombat flicks become such a tamed-down, family-friendly, moral-riddled, blood-lacking cinematic car crash?! They need to hire actual MK fans to make these movies!...lolol

"Mortal Kombat is not about death; but life"....
NO! Mortal Kombat is "kill or be killed!!!" PERIOD! It's either kill the bad guys, or watch as they steal our souls and take over the realms!!!
Maybe it's about life from the point of "try to stay alive and bring balance to the realms" BUT you still gotta kick some ass and kill a few villains to make that happen! I think Shinnok proved that theory well! If you trap a villain, even in the most hell of all realms, eventually with the help of a bastard sorcerer, THEY WILL ESCAPE AND TRY TO KILL YOU FOR REVENGE! hahahahahahaaa

04/18/2010 09:41 PM (UTC)
04/19/2010 11:33 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I agree...they rushed MK3 into what should have been MK2...They put Motaro instead of Kintaro, and they tossed in Sindel way too early in the storyline...One critic explained it best...

"There wasn't a plot; just a ton of explaining! Something would happen, then someone would explain why it happened."

FOR EXAMPLE: Sindel just showed up and Kitana and Raiden had to explain to everyone what happened...

"Find your animality!"...BULLSHIT! You should have just had someone pull a "friendship"...OH YEAH, that was Johnny Cage in part 1!...hahahaa...

So lets see...they had a Friendship, a fkd up Animality, and a half-ass Fatality by Scorpion spanning both movies...In the words of the great Shao Kahn: "THAT WAS PATHETIC!"...."IS THAT YOUR BEST?!"...

HERE'S THE ULTIMATE LINK TO A VIDEO EXPLAINING WHY MKA WAS ALL MESSED UP...CHECK THIS OUT FOR A GOOD LAUGH start the video at 3:38 to skip the BS...and the vid comes in 2 parts...TRUST ME IT'S WORTH CHECKIN OUT;=PlayList&p;=A1A3AD371AE9D84B&playnext;_from=PL&playnext;=1&index;=54
04/20/2010 01:46 AM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:
Yeah, I agree...they rushed MK3 into what should have been MK2...They put Motaro instead of Kintaro, and they tossed in Sindel way too early in the storyline...One critic explained it best...

"There wasn't a plot; just a ton of explaining! Something would happen, then someone would explain why it happened."

FOR EXAMPLE: Sindel just showed up and Kitana and Raiden had to explain to everyone what happened...

"Find your animality!"...BULLSHIT! You should have just had someone pull a "friendship"...OH YEAH, that was Johnny Cage in part 1!...hahahaa...

So lets see...they had a Friendship, a fkd up Animality, and a half-ass Fatality by Scorpion spanning both movies...In the words of the great Shao Kahn: "THAT WAS PATHETIC!"...."IS THAT YOUR BEST?!"...

HERE'S THE ULTIMATE LINK TO A VIDEO EXPLAINING WHY MKA WAS ALL MESSED UP...CHECK THIS OUT FOR A GOOD LAUGH start the video at 3:38 to skip the BS...and the vid comes in 2 parts...TRUST ME IT'S WORTH CHECKIN OUT;=PlayList&p;=A1A3AD371AE9D84B&playnext;_from=PL&playnext;=1&index;=54

I like you. You spoke the truth.
04/21/2010 02:43 PM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:
Yeah, I agree...they rushed MK3 into what should have been MK2...They put Motaro instead of Kintaro, and they tossed in Sindel way too early in the storyline...One critic explained it best...

The movie was made right when MK3/UMK3 came out, so of course you'll be seeing those characters in the movie.
04/24/2010 02:01 AM (UTC)
The fight coreography was awful
04/24/2010 03:57 PM (UTC)
I agree. They just went to the Mortal Kombat 3 storyline instead of Mortal Kombat 2. It should be called Mortal Kombat 2: The Second Tournment.

They should of included all the characters from the second game in it. That includes Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Reptile, Sub Zero, Shang Tsung, Kitana, Jax, Mileena, Baraka, Scorpion, Raiden, Jade, Smoke, Noob Saibot, Kintaro, and Shao Kahn. Mortal kombat the first movie had all the characters from the first game, Johnny Cage, Kano, Raiden, Liu Kang, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Sonya, Reptile, Goro, and Shang Tsung. They even followed the plot from that game. Also, make them useful, don't just throw them in there for 4 seconds just so fans can say


Fights happen for no goddamn reason. I swear, the dumbass director automatically thinks that fights in the plot of Mortal Kombat happen for no reason. Its just characters jumping another character. Example.

Mileena VS Sonya
Raiden VS 3 Reptiles

I hated that Raiden VS 3 Reptiles fight. It was a complete insult to the fight between Liu Kang and Reptile in the first movie.

Lets talk about the plot. After Liu Kang and the gang beat Shang Tsung in the first tournment, they have another tournment. However, in this piece of shit, after Liu Kang beats Shang Tsung, they have a fucking invasion by motherfucking Super Sentai wannbees. Everything about the plot is just fucking horrible. This did happen in the game, but after the second tournemnt. This movie tries way too hard to be serous, and it fails automatically.
04/25/2010 11:59 AM (UTC)
superliu Wrote:
I agree. They just went to the Mortal Kombat 3 storyline instead of Mortal Kombat 2. It should be called Mortal Kombat 2: The Second Tournment.
I hated that Raiden VS 3 Reptiles fight. It was a complete insult to the fight between Liu Kang and Reptile in the first movie.

Lets talk about the plot. After Liu Kang and the gang beat Shang Tsung in the first tournment, they have another tournment. However, in this piece of shit, after Liu Kang beats Shang Tsung, they have a fucking invasion by motherfucking Super Sentai wannbees. Everything about the plot is just fucking horrible. This did happen in the game, but after the second tournemnt. This movie tries way too hard to be serous, and it fails automatically.

I agree...What's amazing too is that in part 1, as soon as Liu gets to Outworld, he's fighting Reptile...ok, Reptile's stealthy...but they did the same thing in part 2! As soon as they get to Outworld, POOF! THREE Reptiles!!! It's like the director said, "Ok boys, how are we gonna up this one? I KNOW, we'll just add two more Reptile characters!!!!" STUPID! Didn't Shao Kahn kill off Reptile's race?!
REPTILE'S MK3 BIO SAYS: Such an opportunity arose when Kitana had escaped into the unknown regions of Earthrealm during Kahn's invasion of that world. Reptile was sent by Shao Kahn, who promised Reptile to RESURRECT his race (as in 'THEIR DEAD'!) if he succeeded, with Jade to find and, if necessary, kill Kitana. He did not succeed as Jade betrayed him to help Kitana.

And yeah, the plot...hahaha...if I'm not mistaken, in the original MK1 and 2, didn't the fighters actually go home after the first tournament? Then they got LURED into going to Outworld?

"Coming home from Tsung's Island, he found many of his Shaolin killed in a vicious attack by a Tarkatan horde. Enraged, Liu Kang decided to travel to Outworld, backed by fellow White Lotus member and spiritual brother Kung Lao, Raiden, Sub-Zero (the younger brother of the original Sub-Zero who was killed by Scorpion), and Smoke to seek revenge. Before he traveled to Outworld, Liu Kang went to Hollywood to seek Johnny Cage's help."

I mean, THE STORY IS RIGHT THERE! SET IN STONE! Couldn't they have just followed this?! Not that difficult!!! Would have made for a much better sequel, don't u think?! And I'm sure it would have made for a much lengthier movie, but hey I'm down for a few hours of Mortal Kombat!
05/02/2010 03:38 PM (UTC)
I love how in the first movie they had all the areana's if I remember correctly.

Lets see, we have the courtyard. This is were Kano and Sonya fought. We have the palace gates, which I could of swore was in the beginning of the movie where Liu's little brother fought Shang Tsung. Then we have the warrior shrine, which is where we see Reptile's first introduction. Then we have both the bottom and top pit. We see Shang Tsung and Liu Kang's epic showdown here. The difference here is that the pit in the movie isn't a bridge, is inside a building, and its located in outworld. Then we have the throne room. I could of sworn Liu Kang and Sub Zero fought here, as well as Art Lean and Goro. Finally we have Goro's lair, which is where Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Sonya fought Shang Tsung's underlings.
05/02/2010 09:19 PM (UTC)
superliu Wrote:
I love how in the first movie they had all the areana's if I remember correctly.

Lets see, we have the courtyard. This is were Kano and Sonya fought. We have the palace gates, which I could of swore was in the beginning of the movie where Liu's little brother fought Shang Tsung. Then we have the warrior shrine, which is where we see Reptile's first introduction. Then we have both the bottom and top pit. We see Shang Tsung and Liu Kang's epic showdown here. The difference here is that the pit in the movie isn't a bridge, is inside a building, and its located in outworld. Then we have the throne room. I could of sworn Liu Kang and Sub Zero fought here, as well as Art Lean and Goro. Finally we have Goro's lair, which is where Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Sonya fought Shang Tsung's underlings.

That's not entirely accurate, but yeah in the first movie they did a lot of arena tributes to the games. They even took the window from the arena in MK II with the floating monk in the centre, and put it on a wall during the Reptile vs Liu Kang fight.
05/03/2010 02:56 PM (UTC)
superliu Wrote:
Raiden VS 3 Reptiles

I hated that Raiden VS 3 Reptiles fight. It was a complete insult to the fight between Liu Kang and Reptile in the first movie.

This angered me more than anything I saw in the movie. I could have sworn that Reptile was the last one of his race (no I am not including the chameleons into this) How could there be more reptile-like characters in the series when Reptile is technically the last of his kind?

Either the writers do not care for the actual story of characters, or they just ran out of ideas to put in for a fight scene so they thought they can add about three more useless characters to the movie.
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05/26/2010 05:50 AM (UTC)
I thought that the movie started out strong, but it soon went downhill.
Kitana gets kidnaped alittle too easily.
Sub-Zero can fly.
Jade is evil.
Jax is the sterotype angery black guy.
Liu Kang turns into a dragon(WTF!).
Motaro is just horrible.
Shao Kahn, and Raiden are brothers, and Shinnok is there father(no, just no!!!).
The actress who played Sindel was terrible.

The only good thing about the movie is Cyrax's Net move looks pretty cool.
05/29/2010 12:40 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
superliu Wrote:
Raiden VS 3 Reptiles

I hated that Raiden VS 3 Reptiles fight. It was a complete insult to the fight between Liu Kang and Reptile in the first movie.

This angered me more than anything I saw in the movie. I could have sworn that Reptile was the last one of his race (no I am not including the chameleons into this) How could there be more reptile-like characters in the series when Reptile is technically the last of his kind?

Either the writers do not care for the actual story of characters, or they just ran out of ideas to put in for a fight scene so they thought they can add about three more useless characters to the movie.

In the movie's defense, Reptile was never stated to be the last of his race anywhere in the Movie universe. So that's not really a flaw at all.
Icebaby Wrote:
blissted78 Wrote:
Yeah, I agree...they rushed MK3 into what should have been MK2...They put Motaro instead of Kintaro, and they tossed in Sindel way too early in the storyline...One critic explained it best...

The movie was made right when MK3/UMK3 came out, so of course you'll be seeing those characters in the movie.
Not true, MKA came out after Mortal Kombat 4. The first MK movie came out around the time MK3 got released.
05/30/2010 03:02 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
superliu Wrote:
Raiden VS 3 Reptiles

I hated that Raiden VS 3 Reptiles fight. It was a complete insult to the fight between Liu Kang and Reptile in the first movie.

This angered me more than anything I saw in the movie. I could have sworn that Reptile was the last one of his race (no I am not including the chameleons into this) How could there be more reptile-like characters in the series when Reptile is technically the last of his kind?

Either the writers do not care for the actual story of characters, or they just ran out of ideas to put in for a fight scene so they thought they can add about three more useless characters to the movie.

In the movie's defense, Reptile was never stated to be the last of his race anywhere in the Movie universe. So that's not really a flaw at all.

Icebaby Wrote:
blissted78 Wrote:
Yeah, I agree...they rushed MK3 into what should have been MK2...They put Motaro instead of Kintaro, and they tossed in Sindel way too early in the storyline...One critic explained it best...

The movie was made right when MK3/UMK3 came out, so of course you'll be seeing those characters in the movie.

Not true, MKA came out after Mortal Kombat 4.

The first MK movie came out around the time MK3 got released.

Whether or not the movie said anything about Reptile being the last of his race, you'd be pretty stupid to defend the movie for that when everyone knows that Reptile is basically the last of his kind, excluding Khameleon. Just like defending the movie all because Shinnok is the "father" of Kahn and Raiden... Stu-pid.

And I thought the movie came out after MK3, I was trying to remember the video clip in Deadly Alliance of the history of MK... So it's "my bad."
05/31/2010 09:04 PM (UTC)
It's not a flaw that there were more Reptiles... How is that a flaw? You have to realize that the movie Universe and the games universe are two completely different things. Is it a flaw that Liu Kang only wears a white shirt instead of a red one like in the games?
No I'm not stupid, thanks.
05/31/2010 11:30 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
It's not a flaw that there were more Reptiles... How is that a flaw? You have to realize that the movie Universe and the games universe are two completely different things. Is it a flaw that Liu Kang only wears a white shirt instead of a red one like in the games?
No I'm not stupid, thanks.

We went over this before and I know that the movie and the game are two different things, it's just like how movies butcher the books their doing a movie on. I'm not some kind of a retard to know that there's a difference. But if you're going to put something in a movie that's about a video game that has NOTHING to do with the video game itself, just like making various Reptile characters, making brothers when there's no blood related characters in the game other than the Sub-Zeros, it's just stupid.

In my opinion it's stupid, in yours it's not. And I'm not going to continue arguing with you because I know how you get, I know how personally you take things and I've never told you that you're stupid. Where you got that idea is beyond me... If you can't handle what I think it stupid and what I think of a movie, then you might as well ignore the shit I say and leave me be. Otherwise, stop trying to provoke an argument that's going to get out of control because the last time we've argued about games/movie related subjects, you took it too personally.
06/05/2010 07:52 PM (UTC)
You JUST said I'd pretty stupid to try to defend the movie.

And last time we argued I took it so personally I don't even remember it at all, that's how personal it was.

I personally don't give a shit if a movie is an exact replica of the source material as long as it's GOOD. I wouldn't even mind Rayden and Shao Kahn being brothers if it had been done right.
Some movies are even better than the source material. I don't see how the number of Reptiles in the movie affects it's quality as a film at all. I'm sorry it made the movie worse for you, but it really wasn't a storyline flaw.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/09/2010 06:37 AM (UTC)
That was an impressive wall of text....anywho.

"What went wrong?"

I think it was the fact that this movie was rushed to capitalize off the first movie's success and the impending release of the new game(MK3, if I remember correctly).

The script was The dialogue seemed to roll off the tongue like chunky vomit. "FEEL YOUR ANIMALITY!!!".....fuckin seriously!

They tried to pack way...way too much of the video game cast into the movie for nothing more than the sake of inclusion. No reasoning, no real plot...just inclusion.

Bad CGI, cardboard actors, forgettable story, ahhh....the list goes on and on and quite frankly I'm getting depressed discussing it.

Bad movie.
Historical Favorite
06/09/2010 08:17 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:

"Your Animality"


Jade is asian.
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06/09/2010 04:00 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Detox Wrote:

"Your Animality"


Jade is asian.

There are Asians of dark color. Jade may well be such in the games as I doubt her design is African. Animality - agreed.

But we should have known it before: tagline: DESTROY ALL EXPECTATIONS!
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