The turn out at this point is scaring me... I shouldn't have listened to Veno and kept the sign-up open so long. Everyone who wanted to participate probably forgot about it by now. Waiting for MK11's release was a bad idea. There's no damn hype train.
If entrants couldn't be bothered to remember that they entered, then they weren't invested in the first place. Would you really want to see what they could throw together if they couldn't even remember that they entered the FPK? Don't place blame on me, bro. I'm not the one who was running this thing. Just sayin'.
To anyone wonder where I've been, I've been living my life. Fake pictures are taking a backseat to real life. Gonna be a hectic next several months, but I couldn't be happier or more thankful for it. I'll be back before long, but probably not anytime in the near future.
I'll be back to vote before the inexplicably lengthy 30-day voting period ends to cast my votes. Most entries are impressive. Too bad no one bothered to personally ensure that entrants weren't shirking their duty.
It's understandable. We're all getting older and life happens. I can't believe I've been putting out as much work as I have been since the FPK has been announced. I thank you guys for reigniting that passion in me.
A dedicated Voting thread might have been a better choice. Keep the "Vote now" title on this one and just link to it or have MKO users choose which thread they want to vote in and compile the points at the end. The only thing is, with this forum there are so many old stickies at the top it's hard to find any new kontent. Can any mods evaluate their need or consolidate the information?
Fedegita thanks for pointing out that error with duplicate #8's. Hopefully BS can take care of that soon.

2 days and not a single vote. Come on @CCShadow or @Mick-Lucifer make it happen. Twitter, facebook, myspace, front page come on people work hard on these.

Not sure why MKO put such a heavy emphasis on this FPK and the Kreations portal if they're not gonna follow through when voting time comes. I mean we're pretty much keeping the scene alive, but not getting the due. I guess it doesn't help that there have been multiple trolls spamming this forum leading up to the voting period and very lax submission approvals. BS, what about a new thread just for voting? I mean we still have 26 days left...

What does a new thread give us? The entries are on the first damn post so it's not like anyone has to dig to find WTF they're looking for.
When I first edited the original post on Monday, the thread had 2.96k views. It is now up to 3.39k. No one can say this thread isn't getting any traffic. Perhaps people are too inept to figure out how to vote? Perhaps I made it just OH SO COMPLICATED by giving more than one category. I don't care to change it. If some one else wants to make a thread and have people vote for just their one favorite, feel free.
Part of the whole page views thing is that I advertised this with the MK MUGEN kommunities and on deviantart. How many of those care enough about MKO to create a user account just for voting? This place doesn't have the greatest reputation and I don't blame them for not signing up.
I had fun making the pics, don't really care of I win to be honest. I was more looking forward to just seeing the art, not the outcome. It's like FPKs are the only way to generate any sprite edits around here. Whatever. I'm already over it and MKO.

Besides even if BS were to make a new thread specifically just for voting, the mods will just merge it with this thread.
Entry 1 - Arena 3 Characters 4 Originality 3.5 Authenticity 3
Entry 2 - Arena 4 Characters 4 Originality 3 Authenticity 4
Entry 3 - Arena 2.5 Characters 2 Originality 2.5 Authenticity 3.5
Entry 4 - Arena 4 Characters 5 Originality 3.5 Authenticity 4
Entry 5 - Arena 1 Characters 1 Originality 2 Authenticity 3.5
Entry 6 - Arena 3.5 Characters 3 Originality 3.5 Authenticity 3
Entry 7 - Arena 2.5 Characters 3.5 Originality 4 Authenticity 2
Entry 8 - Arena 3.5 Characters 4.5 Originality 4 Authenticity 4
Hope that was right. Honestly wasnt sure if voting was open you guys are sulking and trash talking so much. Everybody did a good job though. Hopefully people wont be lazy like usual.

...Honestly wasnt sure if voting was open you guys are sulking and trash talking so much...
I guess the thread title "VOTE NOW" must have been confusing. Anyway, thanks for breaking the ice and voting.
Having a dumb moment, let me make sure I get how voting works.
Is it like a ranking system? So we have to allocate fakes either 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or zero points on each domain?
E.g. for the Arena domain I could allocate Fake #X 5 points, Fake #Y 4 points, Fake #Z 3 points, Fake #A 2 points and Fake #B 1 point, and then all the other fakes zero points? (I'm using letters as placeholders for numbers just to keep things hypothetical).
I'm probably overthinking it, someone clarify it for me.

Im thinking he wants every fake rated 1-5 on each category like the previous person (@MrMephistopheles). If I am wrong black can come say othertwise
Entry #1: Arena - 3; Characters - 3; Idea - 1; Authenticity - 2
Entry #2: Arena - 5; Characters - 5; Idea - 3; Authenticity - 4
Entry #3: Arena - 2; Characters - 1; Idea - 1; Authenticity - 3
Entry #4: Arena - 4; Characters - 4; Idea - 3; Authenticity - 2
Entry #5: Arena - 1; Characters - 1; Idea - 0; Authenticity - 1
Entry #6: Arena - 3; Characters - 2; Idea - 1; Authenticity - 2
Entry #7: Arena - 1; Characters - 1; Idea - 1; Authenticity - 0
Entry #8: Arena - 1; Characters - 2; Idea - 1; Authenticity - 3
The voting process for this one might be a little convoluted. But, sometimes it's nice to deviate from the norm. Give users some time and voting will pick up soon enough.

Goes to show, fancy sprites don't necessarily mean you made a good fake.....
Entry #1:
Arena: 3
Characters: 4
Originality: 2
Authenticity: 1
Entry #2:
Arena: 4
Characters: 4
Originality: 1
Authenticity: 1
Entry #3:
Arena: 4
Characters: 1
Originality: 5
Authenticity: 4
Entry #4:
Arena: 3
Characters: 5
Originality: 1
Authenticity: 1
Entry #5:
Arena: 0
Characters: 1
Originality: 0
Authenticity: 4
Entry #6:
Arena: 3
Characters: 3
Originality: 2
Authenticity: 3
Entry #7:
Arena: 1
Characters: 3
Originality: 1
Authenticity: 0
Entry #8:
Arena: 2
Characters: 3
Originality: 4
Authenticity: 5
Entry #1 - Arena 4, Characters 5, Originality 4, Authenticity 4
Entry #2 - Arena 5, Characters 4, Originality 3, Authenticity 3
Entry #3 - Arena 3, Characters 1, Originality 3, Authenticity 3
Entry #4 - Arena 3, Characters 4, Originality 4, Authenticity 4
Entry #5 - Arena 0, Characters 1, Originality 1, Authenticity 3
Entry #6 - Arena 4, Characters 2, Originality 3, Authenticity 3
Entry #7 - Arena 2, Characters 4, Originality 3, Authenticity 2
Entry #8 - Arena 3, Characters 3, Originality 4, Authenticity 4

Entry #1 - Arena: 3, Characters: 5, Originality: 3, Authenticity: 3 ;
Entry #2 - Arena: 5, Characters: 4, Originality: 2, Authenticity: 4 ;
Entry #3 - Arena: 4, Characters: 2, Originality: 3, Authenticity: 4 ;
Entry #4 - Arena: 4, Characters: 5, Originality: 3, Authenticity: 4 ;
Entry #5 - Arena: 1, Characters: 1, Originality: 2, Authenticity: 3 ;
Entry #6 - Arena: 3, Characters: 3, Originality: 2, Authenticity: 3 ;
Entry #7 - Arena: 2, Characters: 3, Originality: 3, Authenticity: 1 ;
Entry #8 - Arena: 4, Characters: 3, Originality: 4, Authenticity: 3 .
Well damn, I missed the deadline. In my defense, there's some important personal issues that I've been dealing with, and I haven't exactly felt motivated or creative enough to work on anything at all. Not that it matters to most of you, since most of you don't know me and won't care, but I felt the need to explain myself anyway.
I'll still vote.
Entry 1.) Arena: 4 Characters: 2 Originality: 4 Authenticity: 1
Entry 2.) Arena: 3 Characters: 2 Originality: 3 Authenticity: 1
Entry 3.) Arena: 2 Characters: 2 Originality: 3 Authenticity: 3
Entry 4.) Arena: 2 Characters: 2 Originality: 3 Authenticity: 1
Entry 5.) Arena: 0 Characters: 1 Originality: 0 Authenticity: 5
Entry 6.) Arena: 3 Characters: 3 Originality: 2 Authenticity: 3
Entry 7.) Arena: 0 Characters: 0 Originality: 2 Authenticity: 0
Entry 8.) Arena: 0 Characters: 0 Originality: 3 Authenticity: 0
If you (as a voter) didn't give the fifth entry 4 or 5 points for authenticity, then I can't take you seriously, because that looks like it's straight out of a 2D MK game. It's also the only image that actually sticks to the original games' blueprint, because it doesn't exceed the normal color count. All other images violate this standard, with the exception of #7, but that one's so different from the norm that I ranked it the lowest. Not that I don't like the image, but I'm judging these on how authentic an edit is. Entries 1, 2 and 4 have such high color counts that those images just don't resemble the original games anymore. They are fantastic works of art for sure, but that style looks like they simply downsized existing images from modern games, with some color/light filters added, and re-positioning the limbs and what-not. Again, they look great, but it's not really my style. Almost every single pixel in those images has its own unique color. Original sprites didn't have that.
That being said, I think the overall creativity of those images is worth noting. In terms of character editing, I think #5 is super uninspired. While the image looks authentic, it just doesn't make for a very interesting scene. You're capturing a single moment in a single frame, the entire point then is to make what's on display interesting. I like the rounded cabinet glass effect of the last entry, but the editing is lacking. The green dragon in the background, as well as the Shadow Priest and Hornbuckle; they look like they've been pasted in there. They don't look like they're part of the environment they're in. Furthermore; the image used for Kintaro is in a completely different style than the one used for Baraka (doesn't look anything like a Baraka, but ok). Stay consistent, either use cartoony images, or normal ones, but please don't mix them. Entries 3 and 6 are very similar to one another. I like 6's character sprites, but the scene is a bit generic. If the creators of these two images would've stuck to the original 2D games' standard, for their backgrounds, then these would've easily been winner and second best.
All in all, this was kinda close in a way. The cabinet look of #8 doesn't compensate for its flaws. I don't think #7 is a contender, although I do like the art. Entry 6 has a great background. Entry 5 is the most authentic, but also too easy. Number 4 is an awesome image, nice and clean and colorful. It's dynamic and I like it. Number 3 is just solid. Good job. Entry 2 has an amazing arena, but the characters are boring, and they lose that realistic look that original sprites had. The first entry is impressive on multiple levels. Something's happening on screen, composition of the characters is great, and the background is dope. It too, however, suffers from the 'too many different colored pixels' problem, but I still think #1 wins the contest.
Not easy to judge these by the way. I think there should be two main categories; one for fakes that stay true to the games' 'rules & criteria', and one category for edits that stray away from that. Because it's hard to judge which image is better if one uses hundreds and hundreds of different colors and looks amazing as a work of art, while the other one has a much more limited amount of colors but looks more like actual, authentic MK still-frames. Also, there's something to be said about the characters themselves. Original sprites look real, because real people were used. When you use Cassie Cage, for example, then there are no pixelized photographs of an actress for that character; only 3D high def models. Anyway, sorry for typing this much, and my apologies for failing to submit an entry.

Entries 1, 2 and 4 ... but that style looks like they simply downsized existing images from modern games, with some color/light filters added, and re-positioning the limbs and what-not...
Now this is the biggest load of croc shit I've ever seen in my life, and the reason I usedto make "before and after" animations of all my edits; showing the progression of my base sprites into their final result. I thought I had done that enough to the point I wouldn't have to do that to defend my art (again). I guess not everyone sees them.... well, I suppose such silly assumptions of render/screen shot resizing is a compliment in disguise.
I don't know how anyone would expect an artist to recreate a costume from the 3D games with the same color count as the originals. If one were to do that, the costume would look like pure shit and the details of these complex costumes would be lost. I didn't expect a high score in authenticity and I had no plans of winning in that category, yet I still created the category... but your argument above against these three fakes sucks hairy balls, to be honest.
...but I do appreciate your voting and the rest of your extensive feedback. It is greatly appreciated. The compliments and (some) of the critiques you praised the other entries for I can agree with.
I knew I would be getting some erm.. feedback lol. Read what I wrote: "it looks like..."
I understand that there's more to it, I've seen your folders ;) Really no need to get defensive. I simply expressed an opinion in the context of the contest, and I mentioned multiple times that I do think the images look amazing.
I could totally do that. The same way I convert real photographs into sprites. There's no difference between taking a real picture and reducing the color count, and using a 3D rendered image. The difference is that the real photo is going to look good, and the render not as good.. because it's not a real image to begin with.
Don't worry about my criticisms.. you know your work is good, and you know I love it. I just have a particular way of judging these. It's like I said, there should really be two separate categories, because if not, then it's kind of an unfair competition imo.

I think he's just as irritated as I am when it comes to spriting. We spend time to make stuff look good and "some" people like to rip it up and say it was crap (albeit theirs looks 100x worse than ours). I'm not saying it was you Xaeed, but we also get people in the MUGEN community that like to steal our works and claim as their own. So we can get a lil defensive, don't mind us.
Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate the criticism and dissection of the pictures. I know you don't know whose is whoms but the commentary surely does fit the bill. I will agree with you about the paletting of colors, however since this is also about quantity Black surely grouped everything together due to lack of entrees. If, say, 30 people entered and some are more traditionalists like you mentioned and others are extremes then yes we can do the separate categories.
LOL I'm abstaining from voting because I'll frankly be biased. Everyone's did turn out pretty damn good, a whole hell of a lot better from when I first started I can tell you that!
I think he's just as irritated as I am when it comes to spriting. We spend time to make stuff look good and "some" people like to rip it up and say it was crap (albeit theirs looks 100x worse than ours). I'm not saying it was you Xaeed, but we also get people in the MUGEN community that like to steal our works and claim as their own. So we can get a lil defensive, don't mind us.
Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate the criticism and dissection of the pictures. I know you don't know whose is whoms but the commentary surely does fit the bill. I will agree with you about the paletting of colors, however since this is also about quantity Black surely grouped everything together due to lack of entrees. If, say, 30 people entered and some are more traditionalists like you mentioned and others are extremes then yes we can do the separate categories.
LOL I'm abstaining from voting because I'll frankly be biased. Everyone's did turn out pretty damn good, a whole hell of a lot better from when I first started I can tell you that!
You know, when I joined this site here, a couple of months ago, I was expecting there to be a somewhat substantial community that took an interest in sprite editing and all that. But I've come to realize that this isn't the case. It's not much different from deviantart in that sense, even though this this site is specifically for MK fans. Even this competition; you'd think that there'd be lots of editors hanging around here, but there's only 8 entries. Sure, I told BS I'd compete, and then didn't, but I'm relatively new, especially here. I was just expecting a lot more people to be interest and invested in this stuff.
For as far as criticisms go; it's inevitable that people are going to disagree on pretty much everything, and that's fine. I sure meant no disrespect, because BS's one of the guys who got me inspired to start editing myself. I've had lots of stuff stolen too, it's super annoying to be watching some mugen MK video on YT and suddenly see one of your creations, and some random dude taking credit for it, getting props and shit for it and actually saying "thanks man", instead of admitting that "yeah no, I took that from someone else". It's happened multiple times to me. So I get the frustration.
My main point, I think, was that traditional fakes don't really stand a chance against more elaborate edits in a competition for which one looks the coolest. It's like taking a MK3 versus screen image, copying it, reducing the copy in size by 50% and then blowing it up to 200% again, to make it as large as the original, but then the second version has less colors and less detail, and so when you ask "which one's cooler", then there's no real reason to ever choose the second version. Here, it's the other way around, more or less. The traditional stuff would be like the second version of the verses image, and while that's following the blueprint of the original games, one might create an image that is way more detailed. Then when asking others which one is better, everybody's going to pick the more detailed image. Granted, apparently there simple aren't enough creators in this community to divide the competition that way.
Anyway, again, I meant no offense. If I did offend anyone, then I sincerely apologize.

voting extended or is it done?

Most of us the votes were by the people who actually created the entries so not sure how we can do a legit tally to be honest. This FPK started with a bang then completely fizzled - a few simple things could have gotten it back on track. Oh well anyway @Fedegita looks like you're the featured artist today - too bad you couldn't get a piece submitted. You put some really good work out in the past.

Really thought more people would get behind a fpk...Only voted(objectively) after talking to BlackSaibot , so we can start things off , it would have been up to him if he takes them into account .

Most of us the votes were by the people who actually created the entries so not sure how we can do a legit tally to be honest. This FPK started with a bang then completely fizzled - a few simple things could have gotten it back on track.
Blame @mick-lucifer and @ccshadow for not wanting to advertise the voting to generate more interest. It's like how dare we make such an impetuous request.

CCShadow - Owner/Administrator
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Umm... this post is at the top of the Kreations page and has been for some time

Umm... this post is at the top of the Kreations page and has been for some time
That's the problem. @CCShadow you guys assume this Fan Art section be active. When in fact it's completely dead. That's why we were hoping for some publicity such as a front page announcement.