If I could get a sig with this picture of the Green Jester from Gauntlet Dark Legacy that would be fantastic. Make it say "Knickxasawrrr" somewhere in there, and a matching avatar if possible. Thanks ^.^

"Her touch intoxicating, she holds my heart within her hands. Unmerciful, she has become my everything"--The Agony Scene [Gifts] [My Sigs] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] [My Site] [Request a Sig]
EDIT: Here you go K Dragon. I did my absolute best to get everything you wanted in, but it became hard due to file size. I left out a username because there was no real room with the video clip in it and with the two character renders on each side. However, I hope you like the way it came out. I had to remove A LOT of frames from it. I had made one that had the entire sequence of him shooting Wesker and the file size was over 600kb, to get it smaller I removed dozens of frames. I got to 236kb so I may still need to cut it but here's what it looks like. I have a nonanimated one too. Hopefully it works for you:

Here's the nonanimated version, I'll update the animated version tonight so it'll look better and be smaller and I'll post it when it's done.

"Her touch intoxicating, she holds my heart within her hands. Unmerciful, she has become my everything"--The Agony Scene [Gifts] [My Sigs] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] [My Site] [Request a Sig]
Instead of putting the animation on top of the sig, you can make it "leak" through the sig which will cut down its size and make it look alot better.
Cool. I'll have to give that a try when I get home this evening. Thanks. What settings do you use to make it do so?
If someone showed me how to use PhotoShop, i can also help around here!!!

"Her touch intoxicating, she holds my heart within her hands. Unmerciful, she has become my everything"--The Agony Scene [Gifts] [My Sigs] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] [My Site] [Request a Sig]

Here's the one for you too TheNinjasRock:

And K-Drag, if you want to try your hand at sig making, go for it! It's fun. Go to GIMP.org and download GIMP. It's basically the same thing as PhotoShop, only that it's free. I used to use it before I found myself a copy of Photoshop CS5. It's great. If you need tutorials, go HERE or HERE or HERE to find some help/tutorials that will help you. Just play around with it.
EDIT: Sorry about forgetting your avatar TNR. Here you go

In fact, I'll take reference pics if you don't beat me to it.
Hello everybody, so good to be back! May I request a sig with Christie and Skarlet please?
These two would be perfect, I'd like Christie's half bright and pretty, and Skarlet's more dark like, this would be incredible if anybody wants to attempt it? I appreciate the effort you guys put into these sigs.
My username half bright and half dark to match the overall theme possibly bottom centre also?
Thanks again.
Ill do dis
Thank you for your time.
here it is

Sig Cred: UNdiscovered
Amazing job again.

"Her touch intoxicating, she holds my heart within her hands. Unmerciful, she has become my everything"--The Agony Scene [Gifts] [My Sigs] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] [My Site] [Request a Sig]
I request a new Fluttershy sig. If anyone is familiar with "Call of The Cutie", I'd love to see what you can do with a cutout of the scene where her younger self starts singing.
In fact, I'll take reference pics if you don't beat me to it.
Which one do you want? I found two different images from the scene:

Just let me know and I'll get started, unless there's a different one you want.

"Her touch intoxicating, she holds my heart within her hands. Unmerciful, she has become my everything"--The Agony Scene [Gifts] [My Sigs] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] [My Site] [Request a Sig]
EDIT: Here's what I came up with. Hopefully it works for you.

For Rain, I'd like him the way he was in his fatal wallpaper
For Sheeva
I cannot find a good picture, the only cool poses she has that I would have went with are confined in Youtube videos, but I'd like something in her primary costume. Her win pose where she's flexing with her arms downward is preferred, but any cool pose with Sheeva will do.
Or her final pose in challenge tower might be easier to fit in I'm not sure though
For Stryker

Cool, I'll get started on it ASAP and edit this post as soon as it's done.
EDIT: Here's what I came up with. Hopefully it works for you.

The sauce. She is awesome! Someone give this man some dragon points!
"Ohhhhhhh what a magical place and I owe it all to the Pegasus race!"
Thanks, man! Rocking of sig in progress.

with the code. i'd be very greatfull.
If I may politely request a Stryker, Rain, Sheeva sig. Thanks in advance.
For Rain, I'd like him the way he was in his fatal wallpaper
For Sheeva
I cannot find a good picture, the only cool poses she has that I would have went with are confined in Youtube videos, but I'd like something in her primary costume. Her win pose where she's flexing with her arms downward is preferred, but any cool pose with Sheeva will do.
Or her final pose in challenge tower might be easier to fit in I'm not sure though
For Stryker
I will try this one
i remember you made like the exact same request a few months back and I did it for you
I will make it better this time though

"Her touch intoxicating, she holds my heart within her hands. Unmerciful, she has become my everything"--The Agony Scene [Gifts] [My Sigs] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] [My Site] [Request a Sig]
You know what? Could someone customize my avatar to match my sig? I want the same picture as I already use, but with a new background so as to be rid of the "TV Y".
Here you go, I had to slightly brush over her left ear to hide the box that was over it, but I think I got rid of it completely

Thanx a lot!!!
Sorry for the late thank you, but I just wasnt here as much as I wanted to be.
I'm currently working on a Operative Woods(Call of Duty:Black Ops)sig thanx to the links you provided.
Thanx again!

You know what? Could someone customize my avatar to match my sig? I want the same picture as I already use, but with a new background so as to be rid of the "TV Y".
Here you go, I had to slightly brush over her left ear to hide the box that was over it, but I think I got rid of it completely

You rock! woohoo.
@J-Spit: Weren't you a mod on this site?How is it that your rank dropped to mortal?Did you quit or something?

I never see your name around anymore. so i hope i can get away with addresing this on this thread:
@J-Spit: Weren't you a mod on this site?How is it that your rank dropped to mortal?Did you quit or something?
You can find me in General Discussion mostly.
Nah. I was a Shadow Priest though. I gave out a meager amount of points due to my insistence on hanging out in the GD forum. Still I found some good stuff.
I think I may be too prickish to be a mod.
Didn't stop Mick from being promoted.

I kid. I have no issues with him and he's helped streamline my Kommunity Play thread.
Maybe you think I'm a mod because I tend to post community focused threads (if I'm not asking dumb questions about recycling or seeing what x-rays people come up with).
Ionno. Do you think I should be a mod? Also, I haven't seen you outside of this thread yet. I'll be on the lookout.