About Me
Sorry about the double post.
But i changed my request.....sorry if someone started.
anyways, could you use this pic............
No bg specifics, just as long as it looks cool.
no username please.
if anyone does this, thanks.
*ONLY highly skilled sig makers attempt these please.*
But i changed my request.....sorry if someone started.
anyways, could you use this pic............

No bg specifics, just as long as it looks cool.
no username please.
if anyone does this, thanks.
*ONLY highly skilled sig makers attempt these please.*
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
skinsley Wrote:
Give is the dimensions in Pixels....however big you want it to be....then were in business.
Give is the dimensions in Pixels....however big you want it to be....then were in business.
You talkin' to me?

Can I get a signature with Leon Kennedy and Billy Coen from RE standing back to back?

About Me
Hello MKO can i get a sig of the Undertaker with out my name

About Me
Ok 2L84ME: I fixed the size you wanted and the font as well, placed it somewhere else with the drop shadow asked.
PS: to all photoshopers: I used the reduse noise filter to get a good final sharpened outcome. IMO it's better than the regular sharpen filter. You just have to play with the settings.
Select whatever one you like, or if you want any changes, just say so.

PS: to all photoshopers: I used the reduse noise filter to get a good final sharpened outcome. IMO it's better than the regular sharpen filter. You just have to play with the settings.


Select whatever one you like, or if you want any changes, just say so.
Hikari715 Wrote:
Ok 2L84ME: I fixed the size you wanted and the font as well, placed it somewhere else with the drop shadow asked.

Ok 2L84ME: I fixed the size you wanted and the font as well, placed it somewhere else with the drop shadow asked.

Not that you aren't being a big help, but the font looks almost exactly the same.
How about going out to dafonts.com and looking for a decent font? The ones you're choosing look to basic, and default.

Hikari715 Wrote:
Ok 2L84ME: I fixed the size you wanted and the font as well, placed it somewhere else with the drop shadow asked.
PS: to all photoshopers: I used the reduse noise filter to get a good final sharpened outcome. IMO it's better than the regular sharpen filter. You just have to play with the settings.
Select whatever one you like, or if you want any changes, just say so.
Ok 2L84ME: I fixed the size you wanted and the font as well, placed it somewhere else with the drop shadow asked.

PS: to all photoshopers: I used the reduse noise filter to get a good final sharpened outcome. IMO it's better than the regular sharpen filter. You just have to play with the settings.


Select whatever one you like, or if you want any changes, just say so.
I just took both, thanks.

About Me
Hikari715 Wrote:
I love you
only one problom can you take off my name?

About Me
^ Same font but different position.
Different one.
Flameshang: Final- No font.


^ Same font but different position.

Different one.
Flameshang: Final- No font.

About Me
thanks sooo much
the only reason i dont like text is if i ever go anywhere on a diffrent site with a dfrrent name i might want it that way
the only reason i dont like text is if i ever go anywhere on a diffrent site with a dfrrent name i might want it that way

BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
If there is a good sprite sig maker, can the make a sprite sig using this sprite of Doom's Cyberdemon...
I can wait a bit...
I'm still waiting...If there is a good sprite sig maker, can the make a sprite sig using this sprite of Doom's Cyberdemon...

I can wait a bit...
can someone make me a baraka sig?
xtactics Wrote:
You sound.. quite ungrateful at times.
2L84ME Wrote:
I didn't want a border ><
Besides that it's good!
I didn't want a border ><
Besides that it's good!
You sound.. quite ungrateful at times.
Ungrateful is hardly the word.
When I ask for a signature, I expect to get what I asked for. I realize that people are doing this as a gift, and that they don't HAVE to do it, but wouldn't you be a little puzzled if you asked for a WWE signature and you got some Donkey Kong themed one?
Yeah, all I want is for my request to be followed through.
If I don't like something, of course I'm going to ask for it to be changed. Why is this? So that I don't come back two days later asking for another signature because I am unhappy with the one that wasn't done properly.
Quit yapping.

Please, if at ALL possible, incorperate this image into a christmas sig (meaning, this pic of Axl, with snow at his feet and mabe a santa hat)
Thank you if it's possible!!
skinsley Wrote:
Prodigy only made you that sig a few days ago.
V1LLA1N Wrote:
Can someone make me a sig of Rob Zombie and putting in STKV1LLN, and put in some red flames. Thanks in advance.
Can someone make me a sig of Rob Zombie and putting in STKV1LLN, and put in some red flames. Thanks in advance.
Prodigy only made you that sig a few days ago.
Heh, and you give me a skull. It's incredibly ironic that right after I talk on about how I want a signature that I can stick with for a while, you give me a skull for it, and then that very thing happens moments later.
And alas, no skull.
This is another reason why MKO is doing so horrible.
Not to step on your toes or nothing, but if you're so unsatisfied with what some people are doing for you, why not make the signature yourself? If you aren't satisfied with the final product.. then there are much more discreet manners in which you can deal with the person who made your signature. Your refusal(s) of the finished item was brash, not even sounding the least bit thankful for what Hikari had done for you. THIS is why you have been awarded (irony) a skull point. I was "yapping"? Why? Because I was telling you that in my opinion you were rude not just ONCE, but thrice? Any normal and unconceited person would of had the decency to notify the person by PM at the very least, and not make public outcrys of disatisfaction.
Why am I writing so much? You don't deserve it, not at all. MKO isn't going terrible, you are. Thank you, and have a very nice day.
Why am I writing so much? You don't deserve it, not at all. MKO isn't going terrible, you are. Thank you, and have a very nice day.
xtactics Wrote:
Not to step on your toes or nothing, but if you're so unsatisfied with what some people are doing for you, why not make the signature yourself? If you aren't satisfied with the final product.. then there are much more discreet manners in which you can deal with the person who made your signature. Your refusal(s) of the finished item was brash, not even sounding the least bit thankful for what Hikari had done for you. THIS is why you have been awarded (irony) a skull point. I was "yapping"? Why? Because I was telling you that in my opinion you were rude not just ONCE, but thrice? Any normal and unconceited person would of had the decency to notify the person by PM at the very least, and not make public outcrys of disatisfaction.
Why am I writing so much? You don't deserve it, not at all. MKO isn't going terrible, you are. Thank you, and have a very nice day.
Not to step on your toes or nothing, but if you're so unsatisfied with what some people are doing for you, why not make the signature yourself? If you aren't satisfied with the final product.. then there are much more discreet manners in which you can deal with the person who made your signature. Your refusal(s) of the finished item was brash, not even sounding the least bit thankful for what Hikari had done for you. THIS is why you have been awarded (irony) a skull point. I was "yapping"? Why? Because I was telling you that in my opinion you were rude not just ONCE, but thrice? Any normal and unconceited person would of had the decency to notify the person by PM at the very least, and not make public outcrys of disatisfaction.
Why am I writing so much? You don't deserve it, not at all. MKO isn't going terrible, you are. Thank you, and have a very nice day.
Let me step on your toes here.
If I had the skills necessary to create a signature for myself, why the HELL would I be requesting one in here? No, I am not satisfied with the outcome, you're right. What you're not right about, is that it isn't finished.
It being finished, would it being complete. It is not complete, thus I am not satisfied. I'm sure you don't aim for the half glass of water.
Not sounding a bit thankful?
"Besides that it's good!"
Now, you're just trying to make me look bad.
You were yapping because you really had no idea what the hell you were talking about. As I have said in a previous post, I am thankful for Hikari's help with the sig. It's not complete, so I'm asking for some changes.
What the fuck is wrong with that? Nothing! So stop acting like there is.
Lastly, if you're going to try and seem intelligent with your posts, then you should probably check on your spelling there pal. No, that's not flame. That's a tip; take it.
No thanks, and have a fucking bad life
(now, if I get skulled for that statement, then THAT'S what I mean by MKO is doing so horrible. the moderators and staff here take offense by any little insult they see, and go crazy. notice why there's only 2 people online at a time? I'm not the one that's doing horrible... and don't try to make it seem like MKO is doing fine, because really it's not.)
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