This might be a toughy. Could anyone make me an avatar and an animated signature . The theme is Rain "the ninja" so there will be a lot of purple in both the sig and avatar. In the avatar could you just have the worlds Liquid Rain on it with a cool font and background that will match the signature. It will be 80 x 80. For the signature could you do like a rain storm, and have a big flash of lighting and after the lighting the words Liquid Rain would flash on the screen and than slowly diaspear. You can work your magic for any other details for the sig. The only rule is there is to be NO picture of Rain (the ninja) on it and the sig size should be 150 x 648. PM me for any questions you may have, thanks You, !!!!!!!
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
Are you still doing userbars, redman? If you are I'd like you to do this one for me:
I would like this pic. and I want it to say "Black Dragon clan Grand Master". please.
I would like this pic. and I want it to say "Black Dragon clan Grand Master". please.
GrotesquetheBeast Wrote:
Are you still doing userbars, redman? If you are I'd like you to do this one for me:
I would like this pic. and I want it to say "Black Dragon clan Grand Master". please.
Are you still doing userbars, redman? If you are I'd like you to do this one for me:
I would like this pic. and I want it to say "Black Dragon clan Grand Master". please.
Sure thing. I'll have it to you in a couple of minutes.(BTW) Would you like the pic on the userbar or to have it with the black backround with it?
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
in the userbar is fine
Hope you like man. If you need any changes, P.M. me or tell me.

Hope you like man. If you need any changes, P.M. me or tell me.
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
redman Wrote:
Hope you like man. If you need any changes, P.M. me or tell me.

Hope you like man. If you need any changes, P.M. me or tell me.
Thanks dude.

Can I get a Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare signature, and a Master Chief avatar? For the Call of Duty sig, I want a picture from the cover (it's on wikipedia), and with either the logo to CoD4 on it, or the words Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on it.
For the avatar, I just want a picture of Master Chiefs head on it, solid picture.
For the avatar, I just want a picture of Master Chiefs head on it, solid picture.

s3Kt0r Wrote:
I'll take your request, woot it's been so long since I took one xD.
I'll take your request, woot it's been so long since I took one xD.
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
I need a new itchy and scratchy sig, and an avy to match, please. I'm not going to ask for anything that specific, just do what ever, and be sure to make it violent.
GrotesquetheBeast Wrote:
I need a new itchy and scratchy sig, and an avy to match, please. I'm not going to ask for anything that specific, just do what ever, and be sure to make it violent.
I need a new itchy and scratchy sig, and an avy to match, please. I'm not going to ask for anything that specific, just do what ever, and be sure to make it violent.
I'll take a shot. Provide me with a cutoutpic? or Pic. (Would be better for it to be cutout but whatever)
Can somone make me 10 Donkey Kong userbars:
Just have all of them say "Member of DK Source" or "" so make like 5 with one and 5 with the other. Than just have different pictures of Donkey kong, diddy kong, and dixie kong on them. Some could have all 3 some could have just 2 of them or some could have 1. As for background colors, just have different combonations of brown, green, yellow, white, or red. If anyone could make them I would really appreciate it, thanks!
Just have all of them say "Member of DK Source" or "" so make like 5 with one and 5 with the other. Than just have different pictures of Donkey kong, diddy kong, and dixie kong on them. Some could have all 3 some could have just 2 of them or some could have 1. As for background colors, just have different combonations of brown, green, yellow, white, or red. If anyone could make them I would really appreciate it, thanks!
RainiaR Wrote:
Can somone make me 10 Donkey Kong userbars:
Just have all of them say "Member of DK Source" or "" so make like 5 with one and 5 with the other. Than just have different pictures of Donkey kong, diddy kong, and dixie kong on them. Some could have all 3 some could have just 2 of them or some could have 1. As for background colors, just have different combonations of brown, green, yellow, white, or red. If any could make them I would really appreciate it, thanks!
I'll make the userbars for you.Can somone make me 10 Donkey Kong userbars:
Just have all of them say "Member of DK Source" or "" so make like 5 with one and 5 with the other. Than just have different pictures of Donkey kong, diddy kong, and dixie kong on them. Some could have all 3 some could have just 2 of them or some could have 1. As for background colors, just have different combonations of brown, green, yellow, white, or red. If any could make them I would really appreciate it, thanks!
RainiaR Wrote:
Can somone make me 10 Donkey Kong userbars:
Just have all of them say "Member of DK Source" or "" so make like 5 with one and 5 with the other. Than just have different pictures of Donkey kong, diddy kong, and dixie kong on them. Some could have all 3 some could have just 2 of them or some could have 1. As for background colors, just have different combonations of brown, green, yellow, white, or red. If anyone could make them I would really appreciate it, thanks!
Heres your Request RainiaR. Can somone make me 10 Donkey Kong userbars:
Just have all of them say "Member of DK Source" or "" so make like 5 with one and 5 with the other. Than just have different pictures of Donkey kong, diddy kong, and dixie kong on them. Some could have all 3 some could have just 2 of them or some could have 1. As for background colors, just have different combonations of brown, green, yellow, white, or red. If anyone could make them I would really appreciate it, thanks!

About Me
i'll attempt your request xmxvolt
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
redman Wrote:
I'll take a shot. Provide me with a cutoutpic? or Pic. (Would be better for it to be cutout but whatever)
GrotesquetheBeast Wrote:
I need a new itchy and scratchy sig, and an avy to match, please. I'm not going to ask for anything that specific, just do what ever, and be sure to make it violent.
I need a new itchy and scratchy sig, and an avy to match, please. I'm not going to ask for anything that specific, just do what ever, and be sure to make it violent.
I'll take a shot. Provide me with a cutoutpic? or Pic. (Would be better for it to be cutout but whatever)
Ok, I'll see what I can find.
EDIT: here's non-cut outs:
And here's some cut out pics:
cut out1
cut out2
cut out3
You can use whichever ones you wish, anything is cool with me.

About Me
Here's your request XMXVOLT.......sorry about the text, if i would have put it on the bottom you wouldn't be able to see it. Hope you like it........

About Me
Grotesque, if you don't mind, do you care if try your request as well? I want to try to make a cool sig with two renders.
It'll be done sometime tonight.
EDIT:Here's my attempt, it sucks. 
It'll be done sometime tonight.

About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
Big thanks to both of you. those sigs look great. I think i'll wear RomanK's though, no offence.
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