I wanted to try a different approach to drawing/coloring. Seeing the amazing jobs that Bleed and Aculeus do, really inspired me to try it for myself. Not nearly as good as theirs, but I guess it really is practice, practice, practice! Enjoy! :)
MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor Signature by Pred
•11/05/2009 02:25 PM (UTC) •
I'm not a huge fan of the style, as I feel he just looks too blurry, and the hands seem a bit too small body, but I really like the eyes you have there. This is your first time with it, so maybe a second attempt will yield better results?
For a first attempt, it is not bad, but it could use a bit of work. As already somewhat mentioned, the hands are a bit small on the wrists and the style of the eyes clashes badly with the rest of the image, thus, standing out more than they should. 3/5