Sprite Komics I never got to make.
posted01/28/2022 02:52 PM (UTC)by
Tetra Vega

These are some komics I was working on when I lost all my files. No images, just the text outline. Since the image hosting site I was using went down too, I basically finally quit.

-Skool Projekt
*Scene: Klassroom with that stone counter/table I made,
blackboard behind MK3 Sonya w glasses as teacher, reads "The Realms".
Kidd Thunder standing giving report.

Kidd Thunder: The main export of Outworld is "Aggro Culture"...
Sonya: I think you mean "Agriculture", dear.
Kidd Thunder: No. No I don't. -_-*


-Witch Trial
*Scene: Sindel tied to a post, wood pile at feet,
Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, and Jax wearing those belt hats.
Johnny Cage holding torch, Liu holding pitchfork.

Jax: Queen Sindel, thou art hereby charged with practicing magic, sorcery, and thy dark arts!
What doth thou to say for thine self?
Sindel: Oh, come on. This is a total WITCH HUNT!
Liu Kang: Um, yeah! *eyeroll


-Foolish Mortals

*Scene: The Kombat Kids encounter Moloch somewhere.

Takeda: Hey, check out that weird monkey, it has 3 eyes!

Kung Jin: Well this IS Outworld.

Moloch: Foodish morsels!

Cassie: It can talk?!

Jaqui: Not very well... Don't you mean "foolish mortals"?

*Moloch slurps a leg into his mouth: Indeed!


-Cooking with Scorpion
*Scene: Outworld Marketplace, Scorpion & Takeda gathering cooking ingredients.

Scorpion: We're here at the Outworld Bazaar, gathering ingredients in this mobile segment.
Takeda, how do you like your vegetables?
Takeda: BLANCHED!! *Throws Old Lady at Scorpion.


-Cooking with Scorpion
*Scene: Scorpion & Kronika in the kitchen.

Kronika: Thank you for inviting me on your show.
Scorpion: Well Kronika, you "Tok the Tok", but can you "Wok the Wok"?
Kronika: You're out of Thyme! *Holds up empty spice jar.


-Song Dynasty

*Pic of Tremor "He's up all night to get stoned."

*Pic of Shinnok or Quan Chi on bone hands throne. "He's up all night to get boned."

*pic of the Kombat Kids "They're up all night to kill Chucky. They're up all night to kill Chucky.

They're up all night to kill Chucky!"


-Song Dynasty

*Scene: Gotham City, Earthrealm, Jokers Lair. On Halloween. Joker comes out wearing a dark towel over the top of his face, and a dark blanket for a cape.

Harley Quinn: Who're you sposeda be Mista J?

*Joker holds cape across face, face in elbow/superhero dab "I'm BATS!"

*Joker holds arms/cape out like wings, standing on 1 leg. "I'm BATS!"

*Joker points at Harley. "You KNOW IT!"


-Song Dynasty

*Scene: Mileena & Baraka in the Living Forest.

Mileena: They took all the trees, put 'em in a tree museum.

Baraka: Actually dear, it's called an arbor eat em! *throws Mileena into tree's mouth.


-Song Dynasty

*Scene: Johnny Cage holding a bunch of shopping bags for Cassie.

Johnny Cage: This sale is taking it's toll on me. She said "good buy" too many times this store!


-Song Dynasty

*Scene: Shao Kahn & Quan Chi running from their assassin trios.

"All the girls crazy 'bout a "sharp" dressed man!"


-Kove Name

*Scene: The Kove,

Liu Kang: Why'd they name this place "The Kove"?

Doesn't sound very exciting? Seems kinda bland, peaceful for Outworld..

Johnny Cage: I guess. It's not like they could call it... "Danger Bay"!

*Piano flutter, Johnny Cage driving Jeep across a Bridge.


About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

02/05/2022 11:58 PM (UTC)

Those sound pretty good. It's too bad about your computer, and the old image site.

I remember people being against sprite comics back in the day, but I always enjoyed them.

Tetra Vega
02/08/2022 12:07 AM (UTC)Edited 02/17/2022 05:27 PM (UTC)

Thank you.

I don't remember people hating sprite comics. I remember criticism of mine because they were... unpolished.

I still see people around the net mentioning Bezou's Adventures of Spirit Liu, and quoting "JOHNNY BOUGHT A CAAAARRRR!!!!" as recent as a few weeks ago, and a few months back aswell.


02/08/2022 02:24 PM (UTC)

Oh I remember hating them (not just yours Tetra, but ALL of them)

Maybe I just have a different sense of humor than most............... the only komics I might have enjoyed were if they were action/story focused and not weak-sauce jokes.

I always wanted to do more action oriented stuff. I miss making fight sequences. I wish I had better writing skills, and could've focused more on finishing details instead of forgetting stuff.


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