Kool! I think that costume would be excellent for Reptile. However, as far as Reptile goes, I would thin khis feet are a bit small, and perhaps his tail could be a little "fatter", lol. But still, excellent drawing. Definately looking forward to the colour version. I would think it would "complete" it, or something . Good job.
This is pretty nice. I like the costume idea alot, sort of makes all those ninja fans happy, while keeping the 'new' Reptile that I love. The head looks good overall, its more long and narrow than his MKDA design. The diamond pattern is very cool. More like a snake, and less like a dinosaur looking, to me anyway. Nice idea. Muscles are well drawn, and also nicely shaded. The 'spikes' coming off his costume are a wonderful addition. The hand is a bit odd though, his fingers seem a little too spread out. His tail could be 'fatter' I suppose, but I think it looks nice as it is. It fits along with that 'snake' thing I mentioned.
The feet are the only real thing thats not so good. I think he needs one more 'toe' exposed, to give him that three-toed look. That would help his feet look bigger as well I think. Also, his ankles seem to be a tad bit too bulky, there needs to be a little difference in their width, and the width of the calves. Anyway, you have shown here that not only can you do fakes, but you have a good drawing talent as well. Good work.