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09/28/2006 02:55 PM (UTC)
Zedox,you did a superb job!10\10!!
06/22/2007 05:30 PM (UTC)
In response to Sub-Zedox's piece:

Gotta say this piece didn't age well at all. If you're gonna throw a tantrum at every piece of constructive criticism thrown at you, you'll never improve. You have alot to learn my grasshopper.
06/22/2007 06:21 PM (UTC)
Super bogus, but good.

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06/25/2007 09:51 PM (UTC)
UltimateRyu Wrote:
In response to Sub-Zedox's piece:

Gotta say this piece didn't age well at all. If you're gonna throw a tantrum at every piece of constructive criticism thrown at you, you'll never improve. You have alot to learn my grasshopper.

Uhm, ok...you brought up the last fake I did...I can't remember what year I made it but it was a while back. It's funny that you and MKVII act sort of the same (bring back my old pieces and all). If you can comprehend what my altercation was about in this thread, was about his problem with me, period. There were people in this very thread who did NOT like this piece, it was ok...did I throw a tantrum at them, no. I took it and moved on. I guess you can't read well or something.

Looking at this fake now, it's horrible, I could make it so much better if I felt like it right now. With all the skills and tools that I have learned since that fake, I could definitely change that fake around into a better piece. I will agree with the bases of what you said (besides the first sentence) as you don't throw tantrums at every piece of constructive criticism thrown at you or you'll never improve. I have alot to learn (but not your grasshopper).

I try to stay as humble as possible, when I do respond to people when I make a fake is that I let them understand my process of how I went into detail. They give me a score, that's them, making them understand what I had to do to achieve a certain look is something that I like for them to know. I don't care if they knew and still gave me that score, it's just that if I knew how much effort someone put into the work and they came out with something better than "more of the same" I respect them more. So the whole temper tantrum does not apply to me. It's someone's opinion, and as for that fake, more people stood up for it than even I so I have no regrets on anything.

I consider myself an artist, not just for fakes as I draw on occasion as well and an artist knows that he is never perfect nor ever be perfect. You can only strive to get better (I stated something like that in this thread...). So I will always have alot to learn. There is no lie in that and I love the face that I always DO have to learn, I don't want to be content.

Anyways, if you want to (UR), you can keep finding ways to try to make me look bad. First of all, I don't give a fuck of what people think of me. I do what I do and no one is going to stop me and I'm going to get where I need to go without anyone. I don't depend on others. If they think I'm cool, that's cool, if they think I'm an ass, whatever. Not everyone is going to like you. You appreciate (and I do appreciate) the nice things people say, you take in the bad things people say about you and evaluate it and you look into yourself.

I can keep going on if I wanted to, but I already have enough bad things happening to me for this to waste my time. Reply if ya want, I just give my $.02
06/25/2007 10:29 PM (UTC)
This piece is still pretty damn good for something that was done mostly on paint


You feelin jealous UltimateRyu? You should be.tongue
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06/26/2007 01:21 PM (UTC)
7 - 7.5/10 . Nevertheless a good fake, but nothing superb.
That's great! Looks like it belongs in an old MK game. 5/5
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Made by MINION.
06/26/2007 11:53 PM (UTC)
another 4/5, its not perfect but its pretty great.

You walked the walk.
07/06/2007 06:32 AM (UTC)
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