This is Noob's new costume, sort of like a ninja look and the little cape attached to his belt(waist) to give him that Grim-reaper cape look plus a sort of hood. ENJOY :D
The hood kind of threw me off a little, if you would've left it out, then I would've seen that it was the black wraith instantly, but what good is it to not put in your own concepts? Nice job dude, as usual, nice work! Details are terrific, and the base drawing in general is awesome, once again, you get a five out of five from me! Keep them all comin! Black-Rose
THNX you guys, I wanted to give Noob the hood for the Grim-reaper feel and I think it suits him, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, any way Thanks.
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•04/26/2006 09:33 PM (UTC) •
The art looks like a 12 year old drew it. I'm going to be honest and tell you that it looks alot like you just traced parts and threw things together; especially since the headband does not fit with the hood;
the eyes are off-center and it seems like everything is off.