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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/10/2003 06:05 PM (UTC)
Awww, I'm sorry. Well that is too bad. I will call you whatever I please. And I will communicate with you all I want.

balkcsiaboot Wrote:
No, don't call me anything. I don't want you referring or communicating with me EVER.

LouisTypo Wrote:
Just die already bs. Or should I call you banned Saibot?

SubScorpTile, I'm glad to see you have a dedication to improve. That's what makes you better. I realize I'm a big ass towards fakes, but that's just me... I can promise you, you'll get a lot better.

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05/10/2003 06:12 PM (UTC)
Banned Saibot? He has been around a hell of a lot longer then you, and has yet to be banned, and im doubtful he ever will. And can you get banned for sharing you point of view anways? I think not. Posting your pictures in here just set them up to be commented on. Not everyone will give you a good score, and they shouldnt.

Are you SubScorpTiles boyfriend or something? You defend him like he is, (No offense to you SubScorpTile) and then you act like your hard shit and give some stupid ass reply. You should just keep your trap shut, and not make yourself look even dumber then you already do.

Thank you, please come again.
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/10/2003 06:23 PM (UTC)
Yes, banned Saibot. And blacksaibot IS banned. But now he has another name. Well, if you think he isn't, then you are wrong. Plus, you CAN get banned for sharing your point of view, if it involves flames, then yes. Do a little research before coming here to try and flame me, but look like a fuckin' fool. And why don't YOU keep your trap shut, you don't even know what you are talking about. And yet, you say I am making myself look dumb? Shut up. You have already proved that you are a fool. Thanks. Bye.

Skorpion Wrote:
Banned Saibot? He has been around a hell of a lot longer then you, and has yet to be banned, and im doubtful he ever will. And can you get banned for sharing you point of view anways? I think not.

Posting your pictures in here just set them up to be commented on. Not everyone will give you a good score, and they shouldnt.

Are you SubScorpTiles boyfriend or something? You defend him like he is, (No offense to you SubScorpTile) and then you act like your hard shit and give some stupid ass reply. You should just keep your trap shut, and not make yourself look even dumber then you already do.

Thank you, please come again.

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05/10/2003 06:57 PM (UTC)
What, you've been here for what? A month? If that? And you already think your tough shit? You've got a lot to learn before you come in here and think you know everything.

If you can get banned for flaming, the whole forum would be gone. Why would I do research on somthing I already know.

I look like a fool? I revisited a few threads where you make some of the most stupid ass remarks I have ever seen. And you call me a fool? Look at some of your previous posts. Dont try that.

I know your going to reply to this with one of your little paragraphs that make you look like an ass, but dont expect me to reply. I dont have time to argue with noobs.
05/10/2003 07:00 PM (UTC)
LouisTypo who do u think you r? don't you know everybody could flame and clown your ass? u really sound like TDDX.
05/10/2003 11:24 PM (UTC)
Typo, believe it or not, EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY here is agaisn't you, and standing up to the other ppl you are 'insulting'. BlackSaibot isn't making himself look like a fool, you are, because you are alone in this 'fight', and getting totally owned by every1 else who hates you. Nobody likes you. Who are u to say BlackSaibot is making a fool out of himself?
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 04:24 AM (UTC)
Ahem. Exactly, where did I look like "tough shit"? And yes, you CAN get banned for flaming. Christ, do you WANT to be wrong all the time? Another thing, I've been here a lot longer than you. I just came on a different name. But, something tells me you don't want to reply anymore because you are a pathetic coward. Also, you ARE a fool. You say you don't have time to argue with "noobs", yet, you are.

Skorpion Wrote:
What, you've been here for what? A month? If that? And you already think your tough shit? You've got a lot to learn before you come in here and think you know everything.

If you can get banned for flaming, the whole forum would be gone. Why would I do research on somthing I already know.

I look like a fool? I revisited a few threads where you make some of the most stupid ass remarks I have ever seen. And you call me a fool? Look at some of your previous posts. Dont try that.

I know your going to reply to this with one of your little paragraphs that make you look like an ass, but dont expect me to reply. I dont have time to argue with noobs.

05/11/2003 04:31 AM (UTC)
enough bitching i thought sum1 sed sumthing about my fake not about another member and Louis u only get banned for flaming if u flame over and over again u get skulls for flaming, now can u people stop u keep making me think that sum1 is sayin sumthin about my fake and i end up checking and be like omg these people are annoying so cut it please, Thank You
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 04:33 AM (UTC)
Who do I think I r? Well, It doesn't take a geenyuz to figure that out. I am obviously BETTER than u.

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
LouisTypo who do u think you r? don't you know everybody could flame and clown your ass? u really sound like TDDX.

Yes, you are right, 4 "ppl" flaming me sure makes EVERYBODY "agains't" me. Wow, u sure r smrat, zentile. And do you even know what "owned" means. Clearly, you don't. And even if "everybody" hates me, why should I give a shit? This is a fucking MESSAGE BOARD. MESSAGE BOARDS, aren't my entire life.

Zentile Wrote:
Typo, believe it or not, EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY here is agaisn't you, and standing up to the other ppl you are 'insulting'. BlackSaibot isn't making himself look like a fool, you are, because you are alone in this 'fight', and getting totally owned by every1 else who hates you. Nobody likes you. Who are u to say BlackSaibot is making a fool out of himself?

05/11/2003 12:00 PM (UTC)
Uhh, no... ass hole. Just because somebody switches to one of their old names doesn't mean they are banned on the other. So just do yourself and the rest of us a favor. Shut the fuck up already.

LouisTypo Wrote:
Yes, banned Saibot. And blacksaibot IS banned. But now he has another name. Well, if you think he isn't, then you are wrong. Plus, you CAN get banned for sharing your point of view, if it involves flames, then yes. Do a little research before coming here to try and flame me, but look like a fuckin' fool. And why don't YOU keep your trap shut, you don't even know what you are talking about. And yet, you say I am making myself look dumb? Shut up. You have already proved that you are a fool. Thanks. Bye.

05/11/2003 01:16 PM (UTC)
louistypo you have 39 visits and you think u are so smart so shut up and leave every1 alone
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 09:01 PM (UTC)
Who the fuck are you? Do you even know why I am flaming? I am sticking up for little disobediant, ungrateful shits like you. And I have 39 visits on THIS name.

yankeefan4life3 Wrote:
louistypo you have 39 visits and you think u are so smart so shut up and leave every1 alone

Uhh, yes... ass hole. Besides, I don't even care if you were banned or not. I don't take requests, so I will most certainly NOT stfu. I do not stfu, ever.

blacksaibot Wrote:
Uhh, no... ass hole. Just because somebody switches to one of their old names doesn't mean they are banned on the other. So just do yourself and the rest of us a favor. Shut the fuck up already.

LouisTypo Wrote:
Yes, banned Saibot. And blacksaibot IS banned. But now he has another name. Well, if you think he isn't, then you are wrong. Plus, you CAN get banned for sharing your point of view, if it involves flames, then yes. Do a little research before coming here to try and flame me, but look like a fuckin' fool. And why don't YOU keep your trap shut, you don't even know what you are talking about. And yet, you say I am making myself look dumb? Shut up. You have already proved that you are a fool. Thanks. Bye.

05/11/2003 09:26 PM (UTC)
Can you guys like chill for a second,and just like follow a good moral for once or something?How about this one"If you're not gonna say something nice,don't say anything at all"...I know it's kinna gay,but atleast it's better than being a fag and bitching about how someone didn't measure up to your standards,....geez,forget it I'm outta here
05/11/2003 09:56 PM (UTC)
this guy is the dark duelist x.
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 10:27 PM (UTC)
This guy is the coward who can't put a full sentence together no matter how hard he tried.

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
this guy is the dark duelist x.

05/11/2003 10:33 PM (UTC)
Actually u fucking idiot, I meant as in, every1 here, in this topic. Meaning, you're alone in this little convo of ours. What are you trying to proove here? That you are better then other ppl? Well, you sure aren't very 'smrat', because no1 will ever think you're better then others just because you start fights for no reason. So just chill the fuck down, and break your own god damn neck already.
05/11/2003 10:38 PM (UTC)
damn stupidity caming from lois-crap-0. hey zentile r u omplaining about my spelling? blacksaibot r u aswell? the answer is no. stop trying to intimidate us because is not working newbie.
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 10:52 PM (UTC)
You call me an idiot, but you can't even spell "you". And if you really meant "every1" is against me, but just in this thread, why didn't you say that in the first place? Or maybe you are just pulling this out of your ass because of me making a fool out of you. I am not trying to "proove" anything. And I don't think I am better than other "ppl". We are all organic, let us all rot together. What does being smart have to do with "starting fights for no reason". I am chilled, and I am "starting fights" because you flame people because you don't like their art. Like I said earlier, I don't take requests, so I won't break my own neck.

Zentile Wrote:
Actually u fucking idiot, I meant as in, every1 here, in this topic. Meaning, you're alone in this little convo of ours. What are you trying to proove here? That you are better then other ppl? Well, you sure aren't very 'smrat', because no1 will ever think you're better then others just because you start fights for no reason. So just chill the fuck down, and break your own god damn neck already.

05/11/2003 10:56 PM (UTC)

get off zentile nuts. you pick the wrong place to mess w/ us don't you know that?

A quote from Louis-crap-0:

"im also a idiot that cannot choose a profile pic neither a fucking profile of myself"

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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 10:57 PM (UTC)

Dude, you crack me up. What do you think "stupidity" is? "U" "r" the one with stupidity. Let me explain:

"r" is not a word.
"u" is not a word.
"omplaining" is not a word.
"aswell" is not a word.
"because is not working newbie" makes NO sense.

BTW, I porpozlee have typo's in my last post(s).

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
damn stupidity caming from lois-crap-0. hey zentile r u omplaining about my spelling? blacksaibot r u aswell? the answer is no. stop trying to intimidate us because is not working newbie.

05/11/2003 11:00 PM (UTC)
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 11:01 PM (UTC)
Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know I was "on" zentile's nuts. Thank goodness you saw that. When trying to make quote's, do it right. And yes, I CAN make a profile and an avatar. Why don't you look at it sometime?

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
get off zentile nuts. you pick the wrong place to mess w/ us don't you know that?
A quote from Louis-crap-0:
"im also a idiot that cannot choose a profile pic neither a fucking profile of myself"

05/11/2003 11:10 PM (UTC)
dumass you berly put made a profile pic just right now.

im not in zentile nuts so please don't clown me if you can't. You know what they say about people who are mad? the people that are always mad at berly going trough their period, so I respect your puberty.

your just a internet chump trying to make a impact but first starting a feud w/ the top dogs in this site. and please stop acting like a white boy, you call me dude.
05/11/2003 11:11 PM (UTC)
You aren't making a fool out of any1 but yourself, you moron. Nobody reading this thread likes you. So no1 gives a shit about who you are insulting or not. Every1's insulting you. What do u think that means, 'smrat' ass? And you better get used to people writing ''ppl'' instead of ''people'', and ''u'' instead of ''you'', because now that you've found out about the greatness that is the internet, u'll c it happen alot of times.
You fucking dumbass.
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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

05/11/2003 11:33 PM (UTC)
Perhaps you still don't get it.

It's "I'm"
"dumass" is not a word.
"berly" is not a word.
"going trough their period" makes no sense.
There IS a difference between "your" and "you're".
Not only white people say "dude", you bigot fuck.
And I never said you were in zentile's "nuts". That just isn't possible, just like you passing English.

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
dumass you berly put made a profile pic just right now.

im not in zentile nuts so please don't clown me if you can't. You know what they say about people who are mad? the people that are always mad at berly going trough their period, so I respect your puberty.

your just a internet chump trying to make a impact but first starting a feud w/ the top dogs in this site. and please stop acting like a white boy, you call me dude.

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