Artist's Remarks: | |
Here's Motaro, not much to say about him.
Full Scale | 481x685 | Category | Drawing (Pencil - B/W) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 9 | Score |
TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

The Storm Has Returned...
Realm of Khaos
TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

Oh, and Jordanman didn't critique your image. All he did was give you his opinion. A critique would be something telling you what is wrong with the image, as well as what is good about it, which, in this case, is nothing.
TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

The Storm Has Returned...
Realm of Khaos
TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.
VenoMark Wrote: You kinda need to stop posting these. They're boring, and just show people how well you can rip off Tobias's original works. You're not showing us how much talent you really have (if any) by just copying someone else's work. Show us something original, girl. |
If you stopped to use your brain you might realize that not everyone can copy an image. To tell you the truth, some people can't even trace. What defense do you have for a sprite that you made yourself. You are ripping off Tobias and Midway as well if you want to play that game. I've mentioned several times that this phase was a learning process.
Hydro Wrote: Veno's Right and guess what ? The proportion are out of size. |
Heh, how can you humiliate me when you can't even use art terms in their correct context.
balistic49 Wrote: Well all your doing is ripping off Tobias' pictures though, how can we give you credit for that? And some of them aren't even proportioned right....its like a photocopier that fucks up the job. And this is all you've done too, I am yet to see an original picture from you yet. |
How can you give me credit for that? I don't know, you don't have to. But I would appreciate a true critique on how I can improve and where I went wrong instead of comparing me to some machine. As for original ideas, you can now see my more recent works by going to the Fan Art homepage and looking up my name. I'd be producing more but my RAM is low on an outdated computer, meaning I can't open Photoshop and that I don't have a program for my scanned images to load into.
VenoMark Wrote: A real critique? You want us to critique something that you copied, yet still managed to fuck up the proportions? Heh, sorry babe, but I ain't wasting the time. Oh, and Jordanman didn't critique your image. All he did was give you his opinion. A critique would be something telling you what is wrong with the image, as well as what is good about it, which, in this case, is nothing. |
Yes, you can't get that through your thick skull though. You know in Japan, when you copy and artist's work, to any recognizable point, it is considered a spiritual achievement. Though I am not Japanese, I do understand that believe as I understand my own progress in art by choosing to work by this learning process.
As for JordanMan not giving me a critique, now that I look at it again, I agree, but you haven't made much of an effort towards it yourself.
Zentile Wrote: I hate it when people rant about other ppl's critics when they're negative. Well guess what Nova? You're cool n all, but these are exact rips of Tobias's art. Congrats, you kan look at a picture and draw it. Try doing your original work, like Liu kicking Sub, or something. |
I'll once again take the right to call all fake pics plagarism if my work counts as such. I have added my own touches that any true artist or critic can see if they are actually looking for it. Liu kicking Sub...hmm...that's never been done before...very original. -_-;
Okay, this is probably looking extremely weird looking to you all, but I felt that this was necessary for me to move on with my outlook on art, etc. Though I had let this whole thing sort of roll off my back, I could still feel these comments, and the others like them, haunting me like unfinished business. Now my older work can fade look the deep recesses of this board in peace. Dig it
NovaStarr Wrote: You know in Japan, when you copy and artist's work, to any recognizable point, it is considered a spiritual achievement. |
Well in America it is considered lame, unless you're 10 and just learning to hold a pencil.
Once again, let it go

RaMeir Wrote: Talk about bringing something back from the dead. The last post on this was from April, APRIL. Perhaps you should have spilled your guts on it then instead of waiting this long. Let it go. BTW... NovaStarr Wrote: You know in Japan, when you copy and artist's work, to any recognizable point, it is considered a spiritual achievement. Well in America it is considered lame, unless you're 10 and just learning to hold a pencil. Once again, let it go Wyatt |

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Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?
RaMeir Wrote: Talk about bringing something back from the dead. The last post on this was from April, APRIL. Perhaps you should have spilled your guts on it then instead of waiting this long. Let it go. BTW... NovaStarr Wrote: You know in Japan, when you copy and artist's work, to any recognizable point, it is considered a spiritual achievement. Well in America it is considered lame, unless you're 10 and just learning to hold a pencil. Once again, let it go Wyatt |

NovaStarr Wrote: Hey VenoMark, say what you want about my art but do not call me babe. |
lol, ok Barb Wire.
I like it, regardless of what anyone says.

No special name edited MK signature, but hey.... I don't give a f00k.