The Kourt of Khaos
By Phillip Lee Dixon
Chapter 1. The Time Before Time
I am Liu Kang, God of Fire, Protector of Earthrealm and a Titan of Time. As Titan of Time, it was my duty to construct the timeline and all events that occur within it. This power and responsibility was bestowed upon me when I defeated the former Titan of Time, Kronika. Kronika sought to re-write history so that her son, the mad elder god Shinnok, could rule. Unfortunately, I couldn’t defeat her until after she erased all of time.
Creating a timeline from scratch is strenuous work, especially when you were but a mortal days before. In the beginning, I would often take breaks and explore the cosmos. There was not much but floating matter in the vacuum of space. It was beautiful and serene to see the universe at its infancy.
On one such occasion, I happened upon Geras, Kronika’s sentinel, lying comatose, but alive. I thought all beings had been erased when Kronika erased all of time. I restored Geras to find he didn’t hold any ill will towards me for defeating his creator. He said his devotion was to the hourglass, the artifact that contains the sands of time. He was sworn to protect it and whoever wielded its power.
Before I could get started though, I had to defeat my old nemesis, the sorcerer Shang Tsung, who had been trapped in a void by Kronika for refusing to aid her. He sought to control the hourglass for his own means.
I defeated him, or so I thought. It turns out our battle was so powerful it ripped time. Creating several timelines, each one with its own Titan of Time. Each Titan was someone I knew from my life as a mortal, including Shang Tsung.
Once he discovered this, he set out to control all timelines. I stood against him, along with the other Titans I was able to rally by my side, and we rid all timelines of his evil for good. He wasn’t the only one though. We had to fight off other evil Titans as well.
After many battles, we have eliminated the would-be Tyrants of Time. Unfortunately, the damage to the timelines is more severe than we were aware. Events are not playing out in each timeline as we Titans have set them to. We have all gathered to discuss this pending issue.
“I believe I have discovered the problem by studying the hourglass.” I tell them.
“As have we.” says Titan Kitana, Princess of Edenia, Kahn of Kitana. From a lifetime that we both thought was long forgotten, but the moment I saw her, the moment I realized she still existed, all those feelings from eons ago came rushing back. Emotions that made me feel...mortal, again.
“The sands of time have been spread too thin.” I continue, “Their power cannot maintain so many timelines. If we do not do something soon, all time will cease to exist.”
“What do you propose Lord Liu Kang?” Titan Raiden asks. Raiden, the God of Thunder, the protector of Earthrealm from the previous timeline, when he was my mentor. He bestowed upon me his godhood so that I could defeat Kronika, sacrificing his immortality. I grew up an orphan among the shaolin monks, but he served as a father to me.
“There can only be one timeline.”
I let the gravity of my words sink in. I knew what they meant. Sacrifice, ruin, the end of millenniums worth of work. Most of us know we must put our feelings aside in this endeavor and do what must be done. Some may refuse out of love, thinking of their mortals, and not wanting to see their lives come to an end. Others may refuse out of pride, not wanting to destroy what they have created.
“We must return the sands of our timelines into the hourglass so that it will be strong enough to maintain one permanent timeline.”
“Whose timeline will remain Liu Kang? Yours?” Titan Kung Lao mockingly asks. Kung Lao was my best friend. We grew up together at the Wu Shi Academy. He has always been somewhat envious, maybe jealous of me. I was chosen over him to be the Champion of Earthrealm in the Mortal Kombat tournament. As the descendant of The Great Kung Lao, the first Earthrealm Champion, he believed it was his destiny. It wasn’t enough to live in the shadow of his ancestor, but he felt he was living in my shadow as well.
“That is a decision we must make together.” I say.
“How do we decide? How can we choose one timeline over the other?” Titan Kitana asks in despair.
“I don’t believe we choose.” I say.
“You already have a solution, don’t you Liu Kang.” Titan Raiden still knows what I am thinking after all this...time.
“I do not like it myself. I did away with it in my timeline as many of you did, but it is the reason we all came together in the first place.”
“You’re talking about a tournament. A Mortal Kombat tournament.” Titan Kung Lao says.
“Amongst ourselves?” Titan Kitana asks.
“No. We are too powerful. The battle between Shang Tsung and I split time in the first place. Our war against the Tyrants of Time is most likely what brought the timelines to this point we are at now. If we were to fight amongst ourselves, we would only expediate the unraveling of time.”
“We must choose champions from our timelines to fight in our stead. Once one timeline’s champion is defeated, their Titan will merge the sands of their timeline into the hourglass, until only one timeline remains.”
“And what happens to us?” Titan Scorpion asked. Scorpion was once Hanzo Hasashi, greatest ninja of the Shirai Ryu, turned into a specter of vengeance. He spent two timelines seeking revenge for the death of his family and clan, until he was finally able to create a timeline where they were allowed to live in peace. If any were to refuse my proposal, I fear him the most.
“Once our sands have joined with the hourglass, we too will cease to exist.”
All now contemplate, not only the end of the timelines they have spent eons constructing, but the end of their existence as well. There is a long silence until finally Titan Raiden speaks.
“Titan Fujin and I are the only ones here who lived as gods before we became Titans. I made sacrifices for mortals then. I will do so once more if need be.”
“I too am willing to sacrifice my existence and timeline if it means at least one will flourish.” Titan Fujin says.
“Once more, we are with you Liu Kang.” Titan Kitana says.
All the Titans stand in agreement. I instruct them to go and choose their champions. The tournament for the timeline would begin soon. Before I go, I stop to talk to Geras; he has served as the sentinel of all timelines since we discovered ours wasn’t the only one.
Geras has always served the Titan of Time. Even watching over the hourglass for me when I relinquished my power so that I could serve as the protector of EarthRealm. He never took the power for himself, has never asked anything for himself. He truly, and selflessly serves the timeline.
“Geras my friend, thank you for allowing us to meet here in your domain, the nexus of timelines.”
The Nexus of Timelines exists in the void between all timelines. It looks much like the universe did when I began constructing my timeline. Only, instead of an hourglass there is a throne where Geras sits and watches over all timelines through window portals surrounding it.
“Your gratitude is not necessary. The nexus only exists because all of you exist.” Geras says in his humble, gravelly voice.
“Are you sure we need to eliminate all but one timeline? Will the sands not be strong enough once some of the other timelines have been absorbed?” I asked him, almost pleading but knowing the answer.
“The sands of time were never meant to be split. The timelines existed alongside each other for so long because they did not cross, though it strained the hourglass. I believe this would have come about eventually, but the war with the Tyrants sparked the unravelling and it cannot be undone if the sands are not whole once more.” Geras is straightforward with his answer, though I do feel a touch of compassion in his words.
“Then let us pray that whichever timeline is final, it is one of peace.”
Chapter 2. The Once and Future Fallen God
The NetherRealm is a realm of fire and brimstone. Made to house the lost souls of other realms. Outside of the souls damned to this place, its only inhabitants are Oni. Oni are monstrous, demon-like creatures with great strength or magical powers.
In the NetherRealm, a man trudges along a lava river. He is Oni, but not like most. This Oni is almost human, weak, frail and has never been able to conjure any magic. He has pale skin and dresses in rags. The only evidence that he is an Oni are the two horns sticking out of his bald head.
As he walks, he hears something behind him. He turns to see a large blue ape-like Oni with three eyes and a boulder chained to one of his hands barreling towards him. He begins to run as fast as he can. The ogre is gaining on him, surprisingly fast for a creature his size. He starts to climb a rocky slope hoping to slow his pursuer down. It does not work as the beast begins to leap up the slope.
He sees a crevice big enough for him to squeeze in but too small for the ogre to follow him. He slides into the crevice, but to his dismay, it is not deep enough to hide him. The big blue Oni staggers over the crevice, he reaches in to grab the pale Oni, he backs as far away as he can, he is just out of the ogre's reach.
The ogre pulls his arm out and roars at the Oni in frustration. He starts to beat at the edges of the crevice with the boulder chained to his other arm. Rock starts to fly hitting the Oni all over. The ogre is making the crevice wider so he can reach in and grab him.
The small pale Oni had spent his life running and hiding. He had to learn to survive in a world where he was weak and helpless, and now it was all about to end. He was about to be yanked out and devoured by this monster. As the monster roars and rocks hit him in the face, he begins to weep at the tragedy that is his existence.
Suddenly, he starts to feel a tingle in his body. Red and yellow lights, shaped like runes he had never seen before, swirl around him. The monster stops bashing at the crevice for he too is distracted by the lights. They start to swirl faster and faster. The sensation in his body becomes more intense. He tries to scream, not out of pain but out of fear. He can only gasp as the lights spin so fast and become so bright that all he can see is white. He covers his eyes from the light.
As suddenly as the sensation in his body had started, it begins to dissipate. The light dies down, and he can feel that he is no longer in the crevice. The air is cooler, and he no longer feels the hard rock walls around him. He opens his eyes and sees that he is now in a dark room lit by torches with strangers surrounding him.
One comes over to offer his hand off the floor. The Oni is frightened by the man’s face. His nose and mouth had been burned away and only his bare teeth could be seen as he spoke.
“Welcome Shinnok.” the hideous man said in a scratchy voice.
Shinnok scrambles to his feet without taking the man’s hand.
“Who are you? How do you know my name? What do you want from me?” Shinnok nervously asks.
“To make you a god again!” the man profoundly states.
Shinnok is puzzled.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“You were an elder god in a previous timeline.” another man steps in to speak. He is dressed in elegant red and gold robes. He is human with long black hair and a pointed goatee. He speaks with smooth confidence.
“We were all something greater than what we were made to be in this timeline.” the man in robes says.
“You were Lord Shinnok” the half-faced man starts. “The fallen elder god. You waged war against your fellow elder gods to rule the realms. You were imprisoned in the NetherRealm, until Quan Chi freed you.” The half-faced man motions to a bald man whose skin was as pale as his and covered in rune tattoos. Quan Chi bows to Shinnok as if he were his king.
“But you were defeated again, by Lord Raiden and his EarthRealm champions, like Liu Kang.” the half-faced man continued.
“You mean Lord Liu Kang, the god of fire?” Shinnok asks believing the man had mixed up his deities.
“That is who he is now.” the man in robes said with disgust in his voice. “He was just a mortal before, before he killed your mother, Kronika, The true Titan of Time.”
“I have no mother. I was discarded when I was born for being a runt.” Shinnok shamefully says.
“And yet you live.” the man in robes says with a sinister smile.
“The blood of a god runs through your veins.” a deep booming voice says. A large man steps forward with red dragon skin and horns on his head wearing armor of a high-ranking warrior.
“I too, was born weak, but I fought and became General Shao of Outworld. I always knew I was destined for more and so were you.”
“Liu Kang killed your mother and re-wrote history.” The half-faced man continues. “He tried to hinder us from becoming what we were meant to be.”
“If he re-wrote history, then how do you know all this?” Shinnok asks.
“Well,” the man in robes begins. “We have had previous enlightenment by my counterpart, Titan Shang Tsung.”
“But it all started to become even more clear once we had this.” the half-faced man pulls out a gold amulet with a green jewel in the center.
“What is that?” Shinnok asks feeling drawn to the artifact.
“It is your amulet.” the half-faced man says. “Given to us by Shang Tsung’s counterpart, though we lost it to Liu Kang and had to steal it back.”
“How do you steal from a god?” Shinnok asks.
“The Lin Kuei clan of EarthRealm have become disenfranchised with the god of fire, but as his former chosen defenders of the realm, they are privy to some of his secrets, and very skilled in such endeavors.” Shang Tsung says.
“With this amulet, we have all seen what we were meant to be. It has opened our eyes. Take it in your hands and see for yourself.” the half-faced man says as he hands the amulet to Shinnok.
Shinnok doesn’t take it at first, scared that it may be a trap, but he feels the amulet call to him. He reaches out slowly. He can feel its power, he has never felt power before. He takes it into his hands, a surge of energy flows through him.
He looks to the sky; his eyes glow green. His mind is flooded with memories. Memories of timelines past. He sees everything they have said and more. The war with the elder gods, the battle with Liu Kang. He sees his mother Kronika holding his decapitated head that Raiden had used as a warning to the enemies of EarthRealm. He sees his mother’s defeat. He not only sees the memories but feels the emotions with them.
“Liu Kang! You will pay!” he screams.
Shinnok collapses on the floor. The others gather around him.
“I see. I see the memories of my past self. So many timelines. Created by my mother. Liu Kang is the bane of them all!” Shinnok rises to his feet. “I had so much power. He took that from me!”
“He took that from all of us.” General Shao says.
“I remember you all. Emperor Shao Kahn. Sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. And you...” he points to the half-faced man. “You are Havik, the cleric of ChaosRealm.”
“A realm that no longer exists thanks to Liu Kang.” Havik snarls.
“We will take back what he has stolen from us.” Shang Tsung says
“We will take his power and re-write time ourselves.” Quan Chi says.
“We will be as we should be, Powerful, Kings, Gods!” Shoa proclaims.
“How?” Shinnok asks, seething.
“We know a Titan can die.” Havik begins. “We know a god can fall. We will tear apart this timeline. We will bring him to us. We will bring him to his knees and make him bow to the Kourt of Khaos!”
Chapter 3. It has begun
All the Titans of Time have gathered with their champions at the Nexus of Timelines. Geras acts as the moderator of the tournament. Once a match-up is decided he will send the champions to a neutral timeline to have their fight. Only Geras will watch over it.
“Is there any who volunteer to be first to Kombat.” Geras asks as he stands from his throne.
Titan Scorpion steps forward without hesitation.
“Who shall be your champion?” Geras asks.
“Takeda Takahashi, The Blind Scorpion, Grand Master of the Shirai Ryu of my Timeline. Son of Kenshi and Suchin Takahashi, his parents were murdered when he was a child, and he was left blinded from the encounter. Takeda honed his fury and wielded Sento, his family’s Kunai Spear, which holds within it the souls of all his warrior ancestors. With it, he rose through the ranks of the Shirai Ryu, avenged his parents and lead the Shirai Ryu to become the greatest and most feared ninja clan in all of history.” Titan Scorpion states proudly.
“And who will challenge him?” Geras asks.
Titan Sub-Zero steps forward. Titan Sub-Zero was Kuai Liang in the timeline all the titans came from. He was the second Sub-Zero of that timeline. So named for his ability to control ice through cryo-mancy. Adopting the name from his slain brother Bi Han. Bi Han was killed by Scorpion, making Sub-Zero and Scorpion bitter rivals, but they became the closest of allies when Kuai Liang reformed his clan, the Lin Kuei, from their dark path which led Bi Han to his death.
“Your champion?” Geras asks.
“Bi Han, Sub-Zero, Grand Master of the Lin Kuei of my timeline.” Titan Sub-Zero states as he looks over to Titan Scorpion. Titan Scorpion glares back at Titan Sub-Zero and clenches his fist.
“Will the two champions please step forward.” Geras asks.
Bi Han and Takeda step before Geras.
“I will now send you to a timeline unknown to you. So that neither champion will have an advantage of familiarity. Once there your fight may begin. There will be no need to fight to the death. Once a clear winner can be determined I will bring you back to the nexus.”
The two champions bow to Geras, then bow to one another. Geras waves his hand and brings it to his face where he snaps his fingers. The bodies of both champions start to turn to sand, once they have become complete pillars the sand blows away.
Geras stood still in his pose with his eyes closed until the two competitors had reached their destination. He slowly lowers his hand and opens his eyes to look upon the Titans and Champions watching him intently.
“It has begun.”
A chill went up everyone’s spine when they heard those words. It was happening. The fight to determine which timeline would survive and which would cease to exist.
Titan Scorpion walks over to Titan Sub-Zero.
“Kuai Liang. You choose Bi Han to face my champion?” Titan Scorpion asks.
“I chose Bi Han to face all champions. The fact that our champions are facing off is only testament to our courage to lead the fight as we always did Hanzo.” Titan Sub-Zero said
“You choose a traitor to his own realm to be your champion.” Titan Scorpion accuses Titan Sub-Zero.
“That is not the Bi Han from my timeline.” Titan Sub-Zero quickly rebukes.
“The Bi Han of Titan Liu Kang’s timeline was given everything he dreamed of, and he still turned on EarthRealm.” Titan Scorpion says.
“I would suspect Titan Liu Kang did not meticulously craft Bi Han’s path as I did. He did not closely guide Bi Han to become his best self as I did. He did not have a vested interest in Bi Han’s life as I did. Even though we have all spent eons crafting time and tried to ensure peaceful lives for all, we do remember our lives before, so we do have our favorites. Like your Takeda, he was your pupil in our timeline, he is again in the one you have constructed. Titan Liu Kang favors his versions of his former mentor Raiden and his best friend Kung Lao. I have carefully constructed the events in Bi Han’s life, so that he could become the man that my brother never was. Don’t let the flames of your anger from our previous timeline burn your judgement now Hanzo. We made peace and were allies once, as you may remember.”
“I do.” Titan Scorpion says relinquishing his fury.
“You may also remember, my brother may have killed you in our previous timeline, but he was not the one that killed your family.” Titan Sub-Zero reminds him.
“I do remember. I still felt the guilt for taking my vengeance out on him when I began constructing my timeline.” Titan Scorpion says as he places his hand on Titan Sub-Zero's shoulder. “Believe me when I tell you that I did try to give the Bi Han and Kuai Liang of my timeline a peaceful life, but we can only craft the path and give guidance on how to traverse it. As you said, perhaps Titan Liu Kang and I did not guide our Bi Hans as well as we could. Though your brother was not my family’s murderer, my Bi Han did kill Takeda’s family.”
Titan Sub-Zero realizes the extra incentive his champion’s opponent may have.
At the edge of a jungle, where a river turns into a waterfall, sand flies, gathering and piling up into two pillars. The sands take the form of the two champions and burst away to reveal the competitors.
Sub-Zero pauses a moment, looks at his surroundings to get his bearings. Takeda does the same only; he must focus on the feeling of the air around him, the damp dirt beneath his feet. The sounds of insects and rushing water.
“Where do you think we are?” Takeda asks his rival.
“Some foreign timeline, in a foreign realm. We’re in some kind of jungle by a river and waterfall.” Sub-Zero answers.
“Zaterra, I suspect. The lizard people realm.” Takeda says.
“How do you know?” Sub-Zero asks.
“I have been to Zaterra in my timeline. This realm has a similar atmosphere. Also, I can hear Zaterrans eating at the bottom of the waterfall.”
“I take it your lack of sight is no handicap for you?” Sub-Zero asks.
“True. Though it was kind of you to inform me of the waterfall.” Takeda responds
“I do not seek victory without honor, but” Sub-Zero takes his fighting stance. “I only told you there was one, not where it dropped off. I may hold no ill will against you, but defeat means the end of my timeline and everyone I care for.”
“As it does for me.” Takeda says as he takes his fighting stance. “But I do hold ill will against you.”
Sub-Zero is thrown off by Takeda’s statement but has no time to decipher its meaning as Takeda telekinetically sends Sento flying directly at him with lightning speed. Sub-Zero quickly uses his cryo-mancy powers to create an ice shield just in time as the chained spear stabs into it before it strikes his face. Takeda retracts the spear breaking away the ice shield.
Sub-Zero begins tossing icicles shaped like throwing knives towards Takeda. Takeda uses his keen senses to hear the icicles whizzing through the air and uses Sento to deflect them. He hears Sub-Zero's footsteps move closer to him as he throws the icicles.
Sub-Zero only stops tossing the icicles when he feels he is close enough to leap towards Takeda for a flying kick. Takeda hears Sub-Zero as he leaps and side steps out of the way. Sub-Zero begins attacking Takeda with a flurry of strikes. Takeda is able to block and dodge his opponent's offense but is having difficulty finding an opening for his own.
Sub-Zero is finally able to land a low spinning back kick, sweeping Takeda’s legs from under him causing him to fall on his back. Sub-Zero leaps into the air, raises his fist, ice collects around it as he brings it down to strike Takeda in the chest. Takeda rolls out of the way and the ice block shatters as it hits the ground.
Takeda hears the shatter and uses his telekinetic powers to grab Sub-Zero and throw him away, slamming him against a tree. Sub-Zero rises to his feet feeling the bruises start to form on his back. The feeling is cut short as a sharp burning pain is suddenly felt in his shoulder. He looks down and sees Sento jutting from his flesh.
“Get over here!” Takeda yells as he telekinetically retracts Sento bringing Sub-Zero flying through the air with it.
Just before Sub-Zero reaches Takeda, Takeda motions his hand and Sento is pulled from Sub-Zero's shoulder. Takeda raises his leg and thrust kicks Sub-Zero in the chest as he flies toward him. Sub-Zero falls back to the ground, the wind knocked out of him. Takeda grabs him by his vest and pulls him up to him.
“Killing Bi Han for the second time won't be as pleasurable but satisfying none the less.” Takeda says into Sub-Zero's ear.
Suddenly Takeda’s hands start to burn. He screams as Sub-Zero leaps backwards leaving Takeda holding an ice clone of himself so cold it burns. Sub-Zero starts running deeper into the jungle. Takeda breaks his hands away from the ice clone and quickly wipes away the ice.
“Come back here you coward!” Takeda screams as he begins chasing Sub-Zero.
Back at the Nexus, everyone is watching Geras intently as he is the only one able to see the fight as it happens.
“What is going on?” Titan Scorpion asks.
“It would appear Takeda has the advantage.” Geras answers.
“Is Bi Han dead?” Titan Sub-Zero asks.
“Not at the moment.” Geras states.
“Then he is still in the fight.” Titan Sub-Zero smugly says.
Takeda slows down as he no longer can hear Sub-Zero's footsteps. He has stopped running. He is hiding. Takeda thinks to himself.
“The Bi Han in my timeline was a coward too.” Takeda begins to say hoping to coax Sub-Zero out of hiding. “He was Shirai Ryu like me. The grandmaster had no heirs, so he had his two best students fight for the right to succeed him. Bi Han, and my father, Kenshi Takahashi.”
Sub-Zero hides behind a tree. Using his powers of cold to slow the blood flow in his wounded shoulder.
“My father bested Bi Han and was set to become the next Grand Master of the Shirai Ryu. Bi Han was jealous and attacked my parents in their sleep. I heard the commotion in the next room. When I entered, I saw my mother dead in her bed and my father dead on the floor. The last thing I saw was Bi Han’s face just before he sliced my eyes with his katana blinding me forever.”
Sub-Zero started to move around Takeda as stealthily as he could.
“Bi Han ran. Started his own clan. His face, your face, burned in my mind. I focused and with the help of Sento I overcame my blindness. I developed my skills and my power and led the Shirai Ryu in the eradication of Bi Han’s clan. The last thing he saw before he died was my face as I buried Sento into his skull!”
“It doesn’t have to be that way.” Sub-Zero says
Takeda turns in the direction of Sub-Zero's voice.
“I am not your Bi Han.”
Takeda turns again as the voice is now coming from another direction.
“We don’t have to kill each other.”
Takeda turns quickly and sends Sento in the direction of Sub-Zero's voice. It strikes a tree so hard Takeda can’t recall it.
“The loser’s timeline will disappear, and they will die anyway, so why wait.” Takeda says as he gives up on retrieving Sento.
“As you wish.” Sub-Zero says to himself.
Sub-Zero uses his powers to turn the ground before him into ice, sliding on it as fast as he can towards Takeda with an ice spear in his hands. Takeda hears the crackling of the ice being made and quickly catches Sub-Zero in a telekinetic hold just before he can strike. Takeda tosses Sub-Zero to and fro, slamming him against several trees. He thrusts him up, breaking through every branch before bringing him crashing down to the ground.
Sub-Zero feels like every bone in his body is broken. He is coughing up blood. He tries to stand but can only come to his knees. Takeda slowly walks to him. He raises his hand and recalls Sento, he was feigning not being able to retrieve Sento all along to lure Sub-Zero out. Takeda raises Sento into the air ready to strike the death blow. Sub-Zero reaches up and grabs Takeda by his shirt with the arm that was stabbed. He looks up to Takeda as if pleading to spare him.
“For my parents. For my Clan. For my timeline.” Takeda proclaims before he strikes.
“And mine.” Sub-Zero says before he musters all the strength he has left, raises up with his other fist, encased in a block of ice, striking Takeda with an uppercut so powerful it sends him sailing through the air.
Takeda lands on the ground, unconscious. Sub-Zero collapses back down and sits. He watches over his opponent praying he doesn’t get back up. He starts to feel his body turn into sand again and a wave of relief washes over him.
The two warriors are transported back to the nexus.
“Sub-Zero wins.” Geras proclaims.
The Titans Sub-Zero and Scorpion come to their champion's aid. Titan Sub-Zero brings Bi Han to his feet.
“Tell me the first one is the hardest.” Bi Han pleads.
“That’s not typically how it goes.” Titan Sub-Zero answers him.
“I’m not sure I’m up to the task.” Bi Han admits.
“We will heal you before your next battle.” Titan Sub-Zero assures him.
Titan Scorpion uses his powers to waken Takeda. Takeda comes to, reaching with his hands and grabs Titan Scorpion.
“What happened?” he asks.
“You were defeated.” Titan Scorpion breaks it to him.
Takeda raises to his feet. He bows to Titan Scorpion.
“Forgive me Lord Scorpion. I allowed my hatred for Bi Han to blind me even more so than I already am. I have doomed us all.” Takeda says choking back tears.
Titan Scorpion raises him up.
“There is nothing to forgive. You fought as you have lived, with honor, as I knew you would. I am as proud of you as if you were my own son.”
Titan Scorpion brings Takeda in and embraces him in a fatherly hug.
“Go. Be with your family. Love them.”
Titan Scorpion releases Takeda. Takeda hears Titan Sub-Zero helping Bi Han to walk. Takeda rushes over to them.
“Takeda!” Titan Scorpion tries to stop Takeda believing he is set to continue the fight, but Takeda stops just before Titan Sub-Zero and Bi Han.
Takeda brings his hands together and bows deeply to Bi Han. Bi Han gently pushes Titan Sub-Zero away. Straining with every bit of strength he has and bows back to Takeda. The Titans Scorpion and Sub-Zero look to one another to convey the same respect their champions are showing.
The two champions rise from their bows and return to their lords.
Titan Scorpion summons flames that engulf Takeda transporting him to his home. There in his bedroom he stands, he hears his children playing in the other room, he sits down on his bed and begins to sob. His wife Jackie slides open the door, sees her husband crying and quickly closes the door and goes to him.
“Takie, what’s wrong?” she asks him. He only lets her see him this way and even then, only in the most extreme circumstances.
“I have failed you. I have failed our children. I have failed our whole world.” He confides in her.
“What is it? Where did Lord Scorpion take you? What did you do?” she asks him.
Takeda starts to compose himself and wipes the tears from his eyes. Jackie wipes one off his cheek and notices a bruise starting to form. Takeda can hear the concern in her voice. He cannot tell her. He does not want the burden of what is to come trouble her more than she already is. He grabs her face and kisses her as deeply as he can.
“There is nothing we can do about it now.” He says letting go of her face and grabbing her hands. “We will discuss it later. Come, let us spend time with the girls.”
He takes her by the hand, and they walk into the living room where their two young daughters are playing. They run up to hug him. He and Jackie take them and begin to play along with them.
“It is time.” Geras says.
The Titan Scorpion takes a breath and nods to him. He and Titan Sub-Zero step to the magical window in which Geras watches over Titan Scorpion’s timeline. Geras widens stance and begins waving his arms in a ritualistic pattern while speaking an incantation in a language unknown to any of the Titans.
As he does, the hourglass appears in the middle of the room. The window to Titan Scorpion’s timeline begins to glow. Wind gusts out of it followed by sand flying. The sand blows into the hourglass.
Takeda sits on his sofa; his arms are around his family as they sleep. Jackie’s head is resting on his shoulder as she cradles their youngest daughter. His eldest daughter is on his other side with her arms wrapped around him as she sleeps.
He listens lovingly to each breath they take. He feels the light of the setting sun on his face through an open window. He is savoring every moment. He goes to rub his youngest daughter's head but feels sand on it. He touches his chest, and it feels like sand as well.
He clenches his jaw. The time has come. He is thankful the Sub-Zero he faced showed him mercy, allowing him to spend his final moments with his family. A kindness he had not planned to give.
He sits back, tightens his arms around his family and accepts his fate. There is no pain, everything just stops, goes dark, turns to sand and blows away.
Light emanates from the hourglass as the sand merges into it. It gets so bright everyone must shield their eyes. The wind blows stronger and stronger. The ground begins to shake at the power of the sands merging with the hourglass until finally a burst of sand and light explode into the room as the merger is completed.
Geras turns to look where the mystical window to Titan Scorpion’s once was.
“It is done.” he says. “Your timeline did not suffer.”
Titan Scorpion feels his hand start to turn to sand itself. He looks at it and rubs his fingers together as the sand starts to fly into the hourglass.
“So, this is how it finally ends.” he says.
Titan Sub-Zero walks over to him and gently places his hands on Titan Scorpion’s shoulders, he feels them become sand and fly away.
“I promise you. If my timeline is the final one, you and your family will live in peace.” Titan Sub-Zero says.
“I know.” Titan Scorpion says as he reaches up and grabs the arms of Titan Sub-Zero. “Of all the Shirai Ryu, Lin Kuei, whether me, you or your brother, there was none more noble, honorable or better than you. You are the best of us Kuai Liang. I am proud that in the end I can friend.”
With his last words Titan Scorpion becomes sand and blows into the hourglass. Titan Sub-Zero watches him blow away and looks down at his empty hands.
“ brother.”
The nexus is quiet. The reality of what is happening is settling in on everyone. Some are even shedding tears. Titan Liu Kang speaks up.
“Hanzo Hasashi.” he says as he steps in front of everyone. “The Scorpion as we knew him. Some remember him as a being of pure rage and vengeance. Some remember him as a fierce and noble warrior, others a master, teacher....and brother.” He looks at Titan Sub-Zero.
“But I believe he would want to be remembered, more than anything, as a loving husband and father. Because no one has fought as long or as fiercely for the memory of their family as he has. May we all seek to fight with such vigor in the coming battles and may whoever gain control of the final timeline remember how fiercely he loved.”
He places his fist over his heart. “To Scorpion.” he says.
All the others place their fists over their hearts “To Scorpion!” They say in unison, and they bow to his memory.
Titan Liu Kang returns to standing in between Titans Raiden and Kung Lao.
“Beautiful words.” Titan Raiden says. Titan Liu Kang nods to accept the compliment.
“Very.” Titan Kung Lao begins. “Almost makes me want to lose so I can hear what you say about me.”
“Kung Lao!” Titans Raiden and Liu Kang scold him in unison. After eons of being a titan Kung Lao’s maturity has not grown in the slightest. Before they can scold him any further, they are interrupted by a gust of wind.
A small whirlwind appears in the center of the room. When it dissipates, a badly beaten man is left in its place.
“Fujin!” Titan Liu Kang exclaims and makes his way to assist the god of wind in his timeline. He helps him to his feet and asks him what has happened.
“The Lin Kuei have stolen Shinnok's amulet.” Fujin says in exhaustion.
“Shinnok’s Amulet?” The Titan Raiden asks in astonishment.
“Yes. Titan Shang Tsung had it, he gave it to my Shao. We were able to retrieve it. I gave it to my Fujin to safeguard in his temple high in the mountains.” Titan Liu Kang says.
“I am sorry I failed you Liu Kang.” Fujin says.
“No apology is necessary, friend.” Titan Liu Kang assures him.
“Master, we must go and retrieve the amulet.” Raiden, Titan Liu Kang’s chosen champion, says in earnest.
“No, we must stay here and continue the tournament. Whatever troubles are happening in our timeline will mean nothing if we do not keep it from unraveling. I will send word to our Kung Lao,” Titan Liu Kang is cut off by Fujin.
“Liu Kang, Kung Lao was with me when the Lin Kuei attacked. He is dead.” Fujin solemnly says.
Champion Raiden’s body starts to crackle with lightning at the news of the death of his best friend.
“We must avenge him!” Champion Raiden yells.
“No!” Titan Raiden says as he places his hand on Champion Raiden’s shoulder to calm him. “Titan Liu Kang is right. If you are not here to defend your timeline it will fall and everyone you care for will cease to exist.”
Champion Raiden calms himself and the lightning dissipates.
Titan Liu Kang turns to Fujin.
“Fujin, are you well enough to gather our other champions?” He asks.
“I will make do.” Fujin answers.
“Then go, summon Johnny Cage, Kenshi and his new friends Jackson Briggs and Sonya Blade. Find out where the Lin Kuei took the amulet, then join with Hanzo and Tomas of the Shirai Ryu and get the amulet back. Whatever foul scheme the Lin Kuei is planning must be prevented.” Titan Liu Kang commands.
“I will do as you say.” Fujin says before again turning into a twister of wind and disappearing back to his timeline.
Titan Liu Kang turns to see Geras watching over them.
“Apologies Geras.” he says.
“No apologies are necessary. You must both look over your timeline and defend it. May we continue?” Geras asked.
Titan Liu Kang nods he may.
“Who’s next?” Geras asks
Chapter 4. My Brother’s Keeper
Back in Titan Liu Kang’s timeline, in a forest in Japan, the Sub-Zero of this timeline waits with his Lin Kuei warriors. A portal appears before them, and through it steps out Quan Chi and Shinnok.
“It’s about time you showed Sorcerer!” Sub-Zero snaps.
“Patience Grand Master, amassing a demon army takes time.” Quan Chi calmly retorts.
“Where is my army? All I see is this puny excuse for a demon.” Sub-Zero says referring to Shinnok.
Shinnok growls and reaches for the amulet he now wears around his neck. Quan Chi places his hand on Shinnok’s arm and lowers it.
“This is Lord Shinnok. He carries your army within the amulet and will release them when the time is right. Leaving open a portal to the NetherRealm long enough for an army to pass would surely garner the fire god’s attention.” Quan Chi says.
“You weren’t worried about getting his attention when you sent me to steal that amulet from Fujin’s temple.” says one of Sub-Zero's warriors. Frost steps forward. She is young but has become Sub-Zero's second in command and protégé.
“A task I knew the Lin Kuei were well suited for. We thank you for your efforts and are ready to repay them.” Quan Chi says as he humbly bows.
“I would hope so. I am the only one of my team to make it out of there!” Frost says.
Quan Chi raises an eyebrow. “You were discovered? I trust you were able to dispatch any that saw you?”
“Most, yes. Including the Shaolin warrior Kung Lao, but the god of wind is not as easy to kill.” Frost says.
“That is unfortunate. He would have surely notified Lord Liu Kang by now. We may have to expediate our plans.” Quan Chi says as he glances over to Shinnok.
“That better not mean you plan on backing out of our deal!” Sub-Zero says as he squares up to Quan Chi.
“Of course not. We are at your command Grand Master.” Quan Chi says as he opens his arms and bows deeply to Sub-Zero, almost mockingly.
“Good. It’s time to move. Lin Kuei! On me.” Sub-Zero commands as he leads his warriors.
The Lin Kuei move silently through the forest. Not making a sound for nearly an hour until they reach their destination, The Shirai Ryu compound.
Inside the compound, Kuai Liang, the Scorpion of this timeline, is eating supper with his wife, Harumi Shirai, his best friend and adopted brother, Tomas, also known as Smoke, and their newest young recruit, Hanzo Hasashi.
“So, Hanzo, how is your training coming?” Kuai Liang asks.
“Well master. I am ready for my first mission.” Hanzo says eagerly.
“You are far from ready for that little brother.” Tomas says.
“I am better than any of the other recruits!” Hanzo exclaims.
“That does not mean you are ready, young Hanzo.” Harumi begins. “The Shirai Ryu are the new defenders of EarthRealm. Our missions will be far more dangerous than any other ninja clan’s.”
“And with the war with the Lin Kuei still waging, we must be certain that every warrior in the field is fully prepared.” Kuai Liang says.
“I am prepared for anything. I grew up on the streets. I had to learn to survive on my own. I know danger and will not flee from it. You took me in, gave me a home and a purpose. Above everything else, you have given me a family. I will die for the Shirai Ryu.” Hanzo says proudly.
“Kuai and his father did the same for me, and I once felt the same way about the Lin Kuei.” Tomas says.
“Though your loyalty is appreciated, do not let it blind you.” Harumi says. “There are those in the Lin Kuei following Bi Han simply because he is their master, even though he is leading them down a dark path.”
“We do not ask you to die for the Shirai Ryu.” Kuai Liang says. “We ask you to live for it.”
Hanzo bows and returns to his dinner.
“Invaders!” The four of them hear a guard shouting from outside. They all spring to action grabbing their weapons on the way out. Once they get out another guard rushes to Kuai Liang.
“Master, the Lin Kuei have found us. They have invaded the compound.” he says.
“How were they not spotted by the scouts? Why were we not forewarned?” Kuai asks.
“They must have killed them all. Their numbers have tripled since our last intel.” the guard says.
“How is that possible? How could Bi Han have rallied so many to him in such a short time. Was there another cyber factory that we did not know about?” Tomas asks.
“They are not cyber-ninjas, they are-” the guard is cut off as a shuriken strikes him in the skull killing him. Scorpion, Harumi, Smoke and Hanzo draw their weapons as three Lin Kuei warriors charge at them.
“Hanzo, go help the other recruits.” Kuai Liang commands.
“I will not leave you masters.” Hanzo protests.
“We can handle them.” Harumi says.
Hanzo nods and takes off to his fellow recruits. He turns back to see his masters face the invaders. Kuai, Smoke and Harumi engage the three Lin Kuei and easily dispatch them. Kuai throws his chain spear into the head of one of the Lin Kuei. Tomas throws a smoke bomb before another and slips behind him to slice his throat. Harumi engages the third in a sword fight. After a few seconds she slips behind the Lin Kuei, cutting him across the back. The invaders look like amateurs compared to Hanzo’s masters. Hanzo continues his mission as more Lin Kuei charges the three warriors.
Hanzo scrambles to the bunkhouse where the new recruits stay. Maneuvering around ninjas battling one another, dodging flaming arrows. When he arrives, the bunkhouse is on fire. He charges in to see if there is anyone left inside. He is horrified to see his fellow students being slaughtered by Lin Kuei.
Filled with rage he draws his sword. He lunges at the Lin Kuei closest to him slicing him across his chest. He makes his way through the bunkhouse killing every Lin Kuei with speed and fury that is too much for the invaders to handle. His mastery of his sword technique and anger makes him a killing force.
When he is finished, he breathes heavily with rage. He sees red and can’t tell if it’s due to his anger or the blood splattered all over him. He turns to look at the bodies. Some of the Lin Kuei start to stand up. They turn to him; their eyes are solid white.
Hanzo is taken aback; he doesn’t know if these Lin Kuei are possessed or demons themselves. It doesn’t matter either way. He raises his sword ready to fight to the death. Before any of them can attack, the roof caves in and Hanzo is buried beneath the debris.
Sub-Zero stands on a hill overlooking the invasion with Frost, his other Lieutenant Sektor, Quan Chi and Shinnok.
“Why did you disguise the demons as Lin Kuei?” Sub-Zero asks Quan Chi.
“I wouldn’t want your victory to be sullied if any were to believe you were not able to defeat the Shirai Ryu on your own. The glory of this battle belongs to you and you alone Grand Master.” Quan Chi says trying to flatter Sub-Zero.
“The credit will not matter.” Sub-Zero says. “None who would speak against me will live to see the morning.”
“Of course.” Quan Chi says and humbly bows before turning back to watch the carnage. He and Shinnok glance at one another.
Kuai, Tomas and Harumi stand strong. Fighting off wave after wave of Lin Kuei. They have been able to fend off the invaders, but the numbers are starting to overrun them. Kuai looks toward the recruit's bunkhouse and sees it is a smoldering ruin. He sees more and more of his ninja being struck down. He looks to his wife, fighting as valiantly and more fiercely than any warrior.
“We must flee!” He shouts to Harumi and Tomas as he swings his Kama slicing the necks of three Lin Kuei simultaneously to give them some space before more invaders show up.
“What?” Harumi asks astonished her husband is suggesting they retreat.
“The compound is lost. If we don’t flee now, so are we.” Kuai says.
“I will not leave my home.” Harumi states.
“My love. We will die. We are overrun. I do not wish to see our lives end this night.” Kuai pleads.
“We can return. We will rebuild our ranks and claim vengeance for this night.” Tomas says, putting his hand on Harumi’s shoulder.
Harumi looks at the buildings burning around her. This was her family home. She had pledged it to Kuai Liang when they married to start his clan, and now it was lost.
“Harumi, please.” Kuai turns her eyes to his. Her eyes start to swell with tears, but she nods and agrees.
“Let us go.” Tomas says as he starts to lead them to an escape route.
They fight off more invaders as they try to flee. They are cut off at every turn. They chose to retreat too late. They are surrounded and outnumbered. They stand together ready to fight to the death.
They fight off wave after wave of Lin Kuei. They have the advantage as it seems the Lin Kuei are trying to capture the three of them rather than kill them, but their enemies keep coming. Eventually, their bodies reach their limits, and they are overpowered.
All their arms are bound behind their backs, and they are forced to kneel in the center of the compound's courtyard. Kuai Liang looks around at the invaders surrounding them and the flames of the burning compound behind them. He looks to Harumi, the love of his life, fearing what fate may hold for her.
The crowd of Lin Kuei starts to part before them. Sub-Zero walks through flanked by Frost and Sektor.
“Hello brother.” Sub-Zero says mockingly.
“Bi Han. Take my life if you must, but let my wife go.” Kuai pleads.
“Do not sacrifice yourself for me!” Harumi screams not wanting to see her husband fall.
“Silence!” Sub-Zero commands. He kneels and grabs Kuai by the throat to look him in the eyes. “How dare you. How dare you turn on me and try to rival me. You betray your own blood!”
“It is you who is the betrayer, Bi Han!” Kuai bites back. “You let our father die! You betrayed our whole realm! You betrayed Lord Liu Kang!”
“Where is he now?” Sub-Zero asks as he stands and starts to pace in front of the three prisoners. “Your clan was to be his new chosen defenders of the realm and here you are. Your clan is dead, your compound burned to ash and the god of fire is nowhere to be found. We were nothing but pawns to him. He favored farmers and actors over us.”
“You could never see the truth because you were blinded by your own ambition Bi Han.” Tomas says.
Sub-Zero backhands him across the face.
“Silence worm! You were never worthy of being called brother.” Sub-Zero seethes.
“Enough!” Kuai shouts as he rises to his feet still with his arms bound. “Face me Bi Han. I challenge you. I challenge you for the title of Grand Master of the Lin Kuei. It is my right to challenge by blood.”
Sub-Zero slowly approaches Kuai. He looks his brother in the eyes. Kuai stares back at him with rage and fury. Suddenly, there is a cold piercing in Kuai’s side, he looks down to see that Sub-Zero has stabbed him in his ribs with an ice dagger puncturing his lungs.
“You have to be a Lin Kuei to challenge me, Shirai scum.” Sub-Zero whispers into Kuai’s ear as he pulls out the dagger and walks away.
Harumi screams as Kuai falls to the ground and starts to cough up blood. Tomas also yells as he tries to charge Sub-Zero but is knocked unconscious by spinning heel kick from Sektor. Frost walks behind Harumi. Kuai looks up to her, choking on his own blood, helpless to save his wife as Frost stabs her through the chest with her sword.
“Shall I finish off Tomas Master?” Sektor asks.
“No.” Sub-Zero says. “Take him. Use him as the first of our Cyber Lin Kuei. Now that we don’t have to worry about this sorry clan obstructing our efforts at every turn. He wanted to belong so badly, now he will get to.”
With Kuai’s last breaths, he sees his friend being dragged off to become a mindless drone, and his wife, lying dead before him. His home is burning around him. The last thing that Kuai feels before he hate.
The sun rises over the smoldering embers of the destroyed compound. All the members of the Shirai Ryu lie dead. From under the rubble of the recruit’s barracks Hanzo rises from the debris. He wasn’t killed when the barracks fell but knocked unconscious.
He staggers to his feet grabbing his head. He squints in the light of the morning sun. He looks around and sees the devastation. His heart breaks at the sight of the place he had finally come to call home in ruin.
“No!” he screams as he sees Kuai and Harumi’s bodies lying in the courtyard. He rushes to them. He picks up Harumi in his arms. He grabs Kuai’s cold hand. He sobs as he holds the bodies of his family.
The wind starts to blow. A whirlwind forms behind Hanzo. It dissipates to reveal Fujin, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Jax and Sonya Blade. Johnny Cage and Kenshi were two of Liu Kang’s chosen champions. Jax, Jackson Briggs, recruited Kenshi into the FBI after crossing paths with him and learning of the threats from other realms. Sonya Blade, a C.I.A. agent, recently joined them when her investigation into the Black Dragon crime syndicate was found making an arms deal with Shang Tsung.
“What happened here?” Sonya asks astonished at the devastation.
“Hanzo!” Kenshi says as he runs over to him followed by the others. Kenshi kneels and touches the body of Kuai.
“Oh man!” Johnny says in disbelief.
“Hanzo. What happened here?” Kenshi asks as empathetically as he can.
“Then Lin Kuei.” Hanzo says between sobs. “The Lin Kuei did this.”
“Could this be why they stole the amulet?” Kenshi asks Fujin.
“Perhaps, Though I don’t sense any evidence of its power being used here.” Fujin says.
“The Lin Kuei,” Hanzo says again beginning to compose himself. “They were different. They didn’t die when struck down.” he says.
“Is that it? Did Sub-Zero use the amulet to enchant his warriors?” Johnny asks.
“Possible, but I doubt he or any in his clan would have the knowledge to use it in such a way. He must be working with someone.” Fujin says.
“He stole the amulet for someone else. As payment, they use it to help him take out his rival.” Jax says.
“Or he recruited someone with the knowledge to use it, but then what? What’s his next move?” Kenshi says.
“I must report this to Lord Liu Kang.” Fujin says. “I will send you back to the Shaolin Temple and we will reconvene there after I have spoken with him.”
“We should bring him.” Sonya says motioning to Hanzo.
“No.” Hanzo says. “I must bury my family.”
“We will stay and help.” Jax says.
“No!” Hanzo commands “I am the last of my clan. It is my responsibility.”
Jax goes to offer his aid again but is stopped by Kenshi.
“Leave him be.” Kenshi says.
“But he’s just a kid.” Johnny says.
“Hanzo has never had the luxury of being just a kid. He can handle this. He won't allow it any other way.” Kenshi says.
“I will return for you.” Fujin says before he creates the whirlwind to transport them away.
It takes all day for Hanzo to bury all the bodies he could find. The ones that hadn’t been burned to ash. He does so without rest, without food or water. As the sun sets, he finishes piling the dirt into the last grave. Kuai’s grave.
Hanzo stands over Kuai and Harumi’s graves which lay side by side. He pulls out Kuai’s chain spear. He cuts his palm and lets the blood trickle onto the dirt of the graves.
“I swear this blood oath to both of you. I will not rest until every Lin Kuei is dead. I dedicate my life to avenging my family and clan. Sub-Zero will pay!”
When Fujin returns, there is no sign of Hanzo at the fallen compound. Only ash and graves remain of the Shirai Ryu.
Kuai suddenly wakes up. He is not in his home, but flames still surround him, but he does not burn. He is naked, the stab wound which took his life has healed. Kuai feels nothing but hatred and rage burning inside him, and he screams out.
“Finally awake I see.” a voice from behind him says.
Kuai turns to see who it is. It is Shinnok but he is unfamiliar to Kuai.
“Who are you? Where am I?” Kuai demands.
“I am Lord Shinnok. This is the NetherRealm, where damned souls from EarthRealm are sent.” Shinnok says.
“Damned souls? Why was I damned? I was a warrior who fought to protect EarthRealm.” Kuai asks.
“You died with hate in your heart Kuai. That is why you are here.” Shinnok answers.
“How do you know my name?” Kuai asks.
“I know many things about you Kuai. Who you are now, and who you were before. The reason your soul has been damned to this realm is because of the hate you have for your brother, but that hate is misplaced.” Shinnok answers
“Misplaced? He killed me! Killed my wife, my clan! His soul should be damned not mine!” Kuai yells as the rage boils inside of him.
“Yes! He should be here in your place, but he is not, and whose fault is that? Liu Kang’s! You devoted your life to serving him and protecting EarthRealm. One word from him and you would rush to his side and aid him in whatever he asked of you, even when it put you at odds with your own family. But in your hour of need where was he? When your clan was being slaughtered and your wife murdered before your eyes where was he?” Shinnok proclaims.
Kuai listens to his words. Though he believed in Liu Kang he cannot ignore what Shinnok was saying, and all he feels is hate.
“This was not your destiny Kuai.” Shinnok continues. “You know that Liu Kang created this timeline that we live in, but there was a different timeline before Liu Kang, and your soul was not damned. Your brother paid for his sins, and you brought honor to the Lin Kuei as its Grand Master.”
“Why would he change that?” Kuai asks.
“Because he is a child playing with toys. He was never supposed to have this power. He was born a mortal, not a god. He stole it and changed the world in his image. A world where you are here in this hell and your brother is wreaking havoc on EarthRealm.” Shinnok says.
Kuai is seething with more and more hate as Shinnok speaks.
“We can change this Kuai. I have been robbed by Liu Kang as well. I was a god before. This amulet allows me to access some of the power I once had. With it, I can empower you and we, along with others that have rallied by my side can overthrow Liu Kang and undo the wrongs he has placed upon us.” Shinnok offers.
“What of my brother?” Kuai asks.
“You will have the power to seek your vengeance upon him as well. All you need to do is pledge your loyalty to me and join my Kourt of Khaos!” Shinnok says.
Whatever is left of Kuai’s conscience, the part of him that knows he should not make this deal with a devil is drowned out by his overwhelming hatred and is practically salivating at the opportunity to enact his revenge on those that wronged him.
“I accept!” Kuai exclaims.
“Good.” Shinnok says.
Shinnok removes his amulet from around his neck and points it at Kuai. A beam of energy shoots out from the jewel and hits Kuai in the chest. Kuai feels the energy surge through him as Shinnok speaks an incantation in a language Kuai does not know.
He feels the energy intensify his rage as it merges with it. His skin turns as black as night. His eyes become solid white. He is magically clothed in a ninja uniform like the one he wore in life but completely black with a hood over his head. Where he wielded a chained spear, he now carries two chained scythes.
Once the transformation is complete, Shinnok places the amulet back around his neck.
“From this moment on you are no longer Kuai Liang the Scorpion, Guardian of EarthRealm, Shirai Ryu or Lin Kuei. You are a specter of vengeance, a dealer of death, a NetherRealm Knight. You will be known as Noob Saibot!” Shinnok proclaims.
“Noob Saibot? What does that mean?” Noob asks.
“It’s Oni for.... Brother Shadow!”
Chapter 5. Times, they are changing.
Back at the Nexus, the tournament of timelines continues. Half of the timelines have been merged already. The atmosphere in the nexus is heavy. The Titans are not only watching timelines disappear, but their former comrades as well.
Titan Liu Kang discusses the situation with Titan Raiden.
“I fear this burden may be too much for us to bear Raiden. We continue to watch our friends be erased from existence, and worse, they do so by our very hands.” Titan Liu Kang confides.
“This was your plan Liu Kang. Though it is a hard one on the soul, we all agreed. We knew there was no alternative. The tournament is finally serving its true purpose.” Titan Raiden says.
“What do you mean?” Titan Kung Lao asks after joining his compatriots. His champion had just defeated Titan Li Mei’s.
“The Mortal Kombat tournament was created to preserve life by keeping the realms from merging. It was twisted by Shao Kahn when he began using it to conquer the realms.” Titan Raiden says.
“But aren’t we doing the opposite now? We are merging timelines and whole universes are being destroyed in the process.” Titan Kung Lao says.
“With and end goal of preserving one timeline and therefore preserving life with it. If we do nothing all life would end.” Titan Liu Kang says.
“Exactly Liu Kang.” Titan Raiden says with pride.
“After eons of creating my own universe, I am still your humble student.” Titan Liu Kang says.
“The victor of this tournament will have the burden of honoring all those timelines that ceased so that theirs could live on. I pray they are up to the task.” Titan Raiden says.
“When you are the creator of your own universe, who do you pray to?” Titan Kung Lao asks.
“To the universe itself.” Titan Raiden answers.
The wind blows as Fujin arrives in his twister to report to Titan Liu Kang. Liu Kang rushes over to him relieved to see he is healing from his earlier battle.
“Fujin. What did you learn?” Titan Liu Kang asks him.
“Not much, but what we have learned is not pleasant. Sub-Zero has used Shinnok’s Amulet to wipe out the Shirai Ryu.” Fujin solemnly states.
“The entire clan?” Titan Liu Kang asks in shock. “Kuai? Tomas?”
“Kuai and Harumi are gone my lord. Tomas is believed to be as well. Though we did not see his body among the dead, many were burned beyond recognition. Only young Hanzo survived.” Fujin informs him.
“Hanzo Hasashi is the last of the Shirai Ryu? After they were taken out by the Lin Kuei?” Titan Liu Kang asks as he looks at Titans Raiden and Kung Lao to see if they realize the same coincidence he has. Events in his timeline are not playing out as he planned them, but more so like the events from the timeline they came from.
“Fujin.” Liu Kang says with sudden authority in his voice. “Route out Sub-Zero and his Lin Kuei. His treachery has gone on long enough. Once you have captured him and whoever he is working with, send for me and I will deal with them personally.” Liu Kang commands.
Fujin bows and disappears into his tornado.
“How is this possible? This was not the path I set them on. With more timelines being erased the bleeding effect should be weakening but it seems to be getting stronger.” Titan Liu Kang asks himself aloud.
“A more troubling question.” Titan Raiden begins “If timeline events are bleeding through into others, which of these Titans have sketched out these horrible events in their timeline, and what happens if they are the victor?”
The three of them ponder this troubling thought as they stare amongst the remaining Titans left in the tournament.
Chapter 6. Waking a Dragon
Titan Liu Kang’s Outworld is a realm of beautiful landscapes ang magical creatures. It is home to many species such as half horse Centaurs, the reptilian Zaterrans, four armed half-dragons called Shokan and Edinians, the humans of Outworld that live for centuries.
Reiko, General Shao’s lieutenant, stands outside a cave where the Dragon King Onaga can be heard roaring in anguish deep within. Onaga was imprisoned by Shoa’s ancestors centuries ago. All that time in solitude has left the once proud king mad and feral.
Reiko was tasked with finding and taming Onaga after General Shoa’s rebellion against the Outworld royal family failed. Unfortunately, Reiko has also failed in his task. He seethes in anger at himself for failing his General. His sole purpose in life is to serve General Shao diligently.
As he stares into the flames of the campfire a portal opens before him. General Shao and the rest of the Kourt of Khaos step through. Reiko springs to his feet and salutes his general by crossing his fist over his chest and bowing.
“General, I have been awaiting your return.” Reiko says.
“How is it coming with taming Onaga?” Shao asks.
“I am ashamed to report I have failed General. The Dragon King’s mind is forever lost.” Reiko answers.
“No matter. We have discovered new ways of enlightening him.” Shao says as he motions to Shinnok and his amulet.
“Who is this frail creature? Another sorcerer with more schemes?” Reiko says with disdain.
“What he is Reiko,” Shang Tsung begins, “Is our key to defeating Liu Kang. So be a good pup and lead him to the Dragon King.”
Reiko steps to Shang Tsung ready to kill him but General Shao commands him to stand down. Reiko despises the sorcerers his General has aligned himself with. Reiko is a warrior and prefers to achieve his goals in battle, not schemes and plots.
The group makes their way down to where the Dragon King is shackled. Upon seeing them the large half-man half-dragon beast begins thrashing ferociously trying to claw at the group.
Shinnok steps forward, raises his amulet and speaks an incantation. The jade jewel in the center of the amulet begins to glow and a beam of light shoots out to the beast's head. The Dragon King thrashes more trying to fight the strange visions.
Onaga is so powerful he begins to shake the cave so much it feels like an earthquake. Rocks start to fall from the ceiling. Reiko rushes to General Shao.
“General we must flee! The cave is about to collapse!” Reiko pleads.
General Shao shoves Reiko to the ground.
“Get off me coward! I will see this through!” Shao shouts.
Reiko, humiliated, scurries to his feet and runs out of the cave.
“Why is it taking so long Shinnok?” Shang Tsung yells over the rumble of the cave.
“His mind is indeed primitive!” Shinnok shouts as he strains to keep the amulet’s magic flowing. “But my power, is superior!”
Shinnok focuses a large blast of energy through the amulet to Onaga’s brain, throwing the creature against the cave wall and causing the ceiling to cave in.
When the dust settles General Shao pushes a boulder off him and looks around to see if any of his comrades survived. He sees Shinnok unconscious. The magical blast was so powerful it sent him flying across the cave to the opposite wall of the one Onaga hit, knocking him out cold but alive.
“Shang! Quan Chi!” Shao shouts.
A green portal appears behind him and the two sorcerers step through.
“We are fine” Quan Chi says.
“Quan Chi opened a portal below our feet just before the roof came down.” Shang Tsung explains.
“And you didn’t think to teleport the rest of us out?” Shao questions.
“Apologies, I had to think quickly. Shang and I were standing next to one another.” Quan Chi offers.
General Shao only grunts at his answer. Shao may be in an alliance with the two sorcerers, but he knows he can’t trust them. For when Shinnok’s amulet opens the memories of previous timelines it leaves nothing out. Shoa remembers the timeline when the two sorcerers formed a deadly alliance and attempted to kill him.
The two sorcerers awaken Shinnok and bring him to his feet.
“Is there any sign of Havik?” Shang asks.
“Over here.” Havik cries out. His already scratchy voice is now mixed with a gargling sound.
Shoa goes to where Havik cried out and begins tossing rocks to uncover the Cleric of Chaos. Once Shao has cleared away the final boulder, the rest of the party is repulsed at the sight. Havok's body is crushed and mangled to the point of looking like a pile of flesh and bone.
Slowly, Havik’s body starts to reassemble itself. The sound is grotesque as bones snap back into place and the muscle and flesh slithers back on top of it. Havok’s new Chaos powers give him the ability to regenerate any wound in an instant, making him nigh indestructible. Unfortunately, it cannot heal his face which was scarred before he acquired his powers.
Once reassembled, Havik looks at the group and asks...
“Did it work?”
At that time, Onaga erupts from underneath the debris roaring in anger. His chains are broken, the Kourt of Khaos prepares to battle the Dragon King believing his mind is still lost.
“Where am I?” Onaga shouts.
Shang Tsung smirks.
Chapter 7. Outworld of War
In Outworld, General of the Outworld armies, Kitana, and head of the Umgadi, the royal bodyguards, Tanya, look on in horror as the Empress Milena, Kitana’s sister and Tanya’s secret lover, goes through yet another treatment for her Tarkatan disease. A disease that slowly mutates its victims into creatures with long sharp fangs for teeth and turns their bones to spikes protruding out of their bodies. Their minds slowly turn feral, and they are left with a mindless bloodlust.
Milena’s body seizes as the serum runs through it trying to fight back the disease. Onces her body has settled Tanya and Kitana help Milena to her feet.
“These treatments become more and more painful.” Mileena says.
“Your body is fighting the serum. The disease is growing stronger every day.” says Skarlett, the royal physician.
“Are you any closer to finding a permanent cure? Or at least increasing the serum’s strength?” Kitana asks.
“No. Not with the restrictions the Empress has put upon me. If I were merely able to research Shang Tsung’s notes on how he-” Skarlett is stopped by Mileena.
“No! Shang Tsung committed heinous acts developing the serum. We will not follow in that monster’s footsteps. I believe in you, Skarlett. Try to reverse engineer the serum as best you can.”
“Doing so uses what little serum we have left. I fear we may not have enough to find a cure before...” Skarlett does not finish her statement. They all know what the result will be.
“I will need more blood samples from you Empress, when you have recovered.” Skarlett says.
Mileena nods and waves for Skarlett to leave.
Once she has left the Empress’s bedchamber, Tanya begins to plead with Milenna.
“Milenna, if studying Shang’s notes could help us find a cure isn’t it worth looking into?” Tanya asks.
“It won’t. Shang never intended to cure me. He sought to make me his puppet by making me dependent on his serum until he no longer needed me. There serum was never meant to be anything more than a drug and I an addict. Perhaps with pure motivations Skarlett will find something, but not by following Shang’s footsteps.” Mileena says.
“I do not wish to lose you, my love.” Tanya says as she kneels before Mileena and places her hand against her cheek.
“Nor I you, but if my fate comes before the cure, I have accepted that. I would rather accept death knowing I lived honorably than to live by committing atrocities against others. Perhaps the suffering I endure will help to cure others in the future. I know the search for a cure will continue after I succumb, and I know because my sister has proven herself to be a great general and will be a great Empress when it is her time.” Mileena says as she turns to her sister.
“Do not speak of that sister. We will find a cure, there will be no need for me to take the throne.” Kitana says in protest.
“See. See how bravely she fights, even with her Empress.” Mileena jokes. She begins to laugh but the laugh turns into a cough.
“Empress or not you are still my sister, and I will always fight with you, tis what siblings do.” Kitana says as she shares a smile with her sister.
Suddenly, Ermac, the being created by Quan Chi to house the souls of the dead that rested in the Living Forrest, which now includes Mileena and Kitana’s parents, Jerrod and Queen Sindel, barges into the room.
“My daughters! We are under attack!” Ermac says, currently being controlled by their father Jerrod. The souls within Ermac are in constant conflict as to who controls the body. Jerrod and Sindel’s bond has made them strong and able to seize control but the struggle is continuous every day.
“What do you mean father?” Mileena asks.
“Shao has marches forces towards Sun Do as we speak. He is preparing to attack!” Ermac says tensely.
“He has gone mad! We have been decimating his forces in every battle. How does he believe he can win an attack on the Capital?” Kitana exclaims.
“It seems he has bolstered his forces.” says Li Mei, First Constable of Sun Do, the capital city, as she enters.
“It looks as if he has been recruiting in his recent absence.” she continues.
“Where? Our scouts haven’t reported any recent activity for weeks.” Mileena says.
“My guess, other realms, perhaps Earthrealm. That may be why we haven’t been able to find him.” Li Mei says.
“He is too proud to seek help from Earthrealmers. Our co-existence with them is one of the reasons he seeks the throne.” Tanya states.
“It matters not!” Kitana yells. “All that matters is that he is here now. It seems he is ready to end this and so am I. Shao dies today!” she proclaims.
Suddenly they are rocked as the ground quakes and sounds of explosions are heard outside. They all rush to the balcony to see what the cause is. They see fire and smoke coming from the edge of the city. Then they see a long metal object flying towards them with fire coming from its back. They watch as it strikes another building in the city and another explosion of fire and stone erupt shaking them again.
“What is that?” Mileena asks.
“Earthrealm weapons.” Ermac answers.
“Tanya, gather your Umgadi, protect the Empress. Li Mei station your constables inside the city. I will lead the charge on the battlefield outside the city” Kitana commands. “I don’t care what weapons he has or who he has aligned himself with, he will not get through three layers of warriors.”
Li Mei and Kitana quickly exit. Tanya turns to Mileena.
“I will be right back to guard you personally.” Tanya says.
“I should be fighting with them.” Mileena says.
“You are still too weak from your treatment.” Ermac says, now being controlled by Sindel.
“There will be no need for you to fight. They won’t even get past Kitana.” Tanya assures her. “I must go gather my sisters and return shortly.”
“I will stay with her till your return.” Ermac says.
Tanya kisses Mileena and hurries off.
Outside the city. Shao and the Kourt of Khaos watch as Shao’s forces bombard Sun Do with rockets.
“I do not like these Earthrealm weapons General.” Reiko begins. “They are cowardly! Attacking your foes from such a distance robs you of the honor of seeing their life fade from their eyes.”
“You are one to speak of cowardice!” Shao barks, reminding Reiko of his actions in the cave. “Do not let my appreciation of your loyalty fool you to believing I take stock in your opinion.”
“I apologize general. I will not question you again.” Reiko says as he bows in submission. Shoa grunts and turns from his lieutenant to speak with the Kourt.
“Reiko is not wrong. I despise these weapons as I do the realm they come from.” Shao says.
“They are simply a means to an end General.” Shang Tsung begins. “They are more effective than catapults. What EarthRealmers lack in the mystic arts they make up for in technology.”
“It still turns my stomach to owe any thanks to an EarthRealmer for my victory.” Shao says.
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. The EarthRealmer we bartered with is satisfied with the gold we gave him as payment, but if it bothers you that much you can kill him when we invade EarthRealm. His name is Kano, he runs a little criminal organization called the Black Dragon.” Shang Tsung says.
“I must conquer Outworld first before I set my sights on other realms. Your part in this plan, how do you intend to see it through?” Shao asks.
“Well, while you attack the city with Shinnok replenishing your forces from the NetherRealm, and releasing Onaga at the proper time, Quan Chi and I will sneak into the palace and take care of the Empress.” Shang says.
“And how are you going to get inside?”
“Through the shadows.” says an echoey whisper.
Shoa turns to see Noob Saibot stepping from a shadow like a portal from another world flanked by Quan Chi and another person covered in a hood and cloak.
Inside the palace, Tanya directs her Umgadi sisters to station themselves at every entrance and fight to the very last to keep Shao’s forces from entering the palace and reaching the Empress. As they disband, instead of returning to Mileena, Tanya makes her way to Skarlet’s laboratory. She finds Skarlet there quickly packing medicines to aid the wounded.
“Skarlet.” Tanya calls.
“Tanya! Is the Empress well?” Skarlet asks.
“She is fine. I came here to give you this.” Tanya places a key in Skarlet's hand.
“What is this?” Skarlet asks.
“It is the key to the dungeon storeroom. This is where we hid Shang Tsung’s notes. Go there now and get them. I have made sure there will be no guards.” Tanya explains.
“But I must help the wounded when they come.” Skarlett says.
“The Empress is the only one that matters now. If she is not cured and Kitana falls on the battlefield the throne will be empty.”
“Empress Mileena was very clear that-” Skarlet is cut off by Tanya.
“Can you cure her without these notes?” Tanya asks.
Skarlet looks down and shakes her head no.
“Then take this opportunity and save Outworld.” Tanya leaves Skarlet looking down at the key in her hand pondering what she should do.
The bombing of the Sun Do stops when Shao’s forces run out of rockets. Kitana has gathered Outworld’s army outside the city and joined forces with Baraka and his Tarkatan warriors. Baraka leads a colony of those afflicted with Tarkat that were banished from Sun do. Though his body has mutated his mind has remained intact longer than any that has contracted the disease.
“Glad you chose to join me Baraka.” Kitana says.
“Mileena has shown kindness to my people where your mother shunned us. We know she seeks a cure. She shares in our plight. We will share in her battles. One benefit to this disease, we are ferocious fighters.” Baraka says as he extends long bone spikes from his forearms.
Shao stares down the battlefield at Kitana's army. He is flanked by Reiko and Shinnok. He turns to Shinnok. Shinnok nods and grabs his amulet. He turns to Reiko and nods to him.
Reiko raises his arm and shouts. “Charge!”
Shao’s forces, made up of rebel Edenians, Centaurs and large four-armed half dragons called Shokan, charge towards Kitana’s.
Kitana sits upon her horse, raises her fan-blade in the air and shouts. “For the Empress!”
Baraka raises his spear arm and lets out a ferocious roar, his warriors follow suit and all charge toward the invading army.
The ground rumbles as the two armies run toward one another. When they meet, a thunderous clash of metal rings out as sword crosses sword and spears hit shields. Battle and death cries echo. The sound of swords clanging soon turns to sounds of swords piercing flesh. The Tarkatans fiercely slash at their opponents and bite into them with their fangs. The Centaurs and Shokans pummel, stomp and crush any before them.
Kitana is a whirlwind of violence as she uses her fan blades to slice all her enemies. Baraka stays close to her tearing and gouging at any that would try to surprise her. Reiko slowly makes his way through the battle using his spear to cut down anyone that crosses him. He sees Kitana and starts to make his way towards her.
He whistles to Motaro, the centaur leader, who is stomping a Sun Do soldier under his hooves. Motaro looks toward Reiko who motions to Kitana. Motaro charges towards Reiko and allows him to jump on his back. The two charge toward Kitana. Reiko ready’s his spear to throw. Kitana does not see the duo barreling down on her.
Just before Reiko is ready to strike, Baraka slides in front of them, cutting off Motaro’s front legs, causing him to crash and sending Reiko flying over Kitana’s head. He lands hard but starts to get up. Kitana looks to Baraka to thank him. He nods for her to keep moving while he takes care of Reiko.
As Reiko pulls himself to his feet with his spear Baraka makes his way towards him. Baraka walks past Motaro writhing in pain, Baraka plunges his arm spike into Motaro’s heart, ending his suffering. He pulls out his spike and continues to Reiko, never taking his eyes off him.
Reiko ready's himself for battle.
“I heard in other timelines, Tarkatans were a race, not diseased. It could be that way again.” Reiko shouts.
“I heard my family did not exist in other timelines.” Baraka says.
“So, here they are dead. You wouldn’t even remember them, and you would be a feared warrior.”
“I would rather live in a timeline where I was loved by them, even for a short time, than to be feared in one where they never existed.” Baraka says as he takes his fighting stance.
“That disease truly has rotted your mind.” Reiko says as he lunges forth thrusting his spear at Baraka.
Baraka deflects Reiko’s spear with his arm spike. Reiko jabs at Baraka over and over with his spear. Baraka continues to dodge and deflect. Reiko changes tactics and tries to swing his spear at Baraka’s head. Baraka ducks and as Reiko’s swing causes his body to turn Baraka slices Reiko’s back as he rises.
Reiko stumbles from the pain and cries out. He reaches back and feels the blood start to trickle down, but the cut wasn’t deep enough to kill Reiko. He turns to face Baraka again. The two stare each other down as the battle rages around them. They both begin to growl. Their growls turn to roars as they charge one another.
Baraka swings his spike arm to decapitate Reiko. Reiko slides on his knees ducking under Baraka’s slice. Reiko spins his spear around slicing the back of Baraka's legs. Baraka falls to his knees. He tries to use his spike arms to raise himself up, but Reiko drives his spear into his back, piercing his heart out of his chest.
“Be with your family, before we erase you all from existence.” Reiko whispers to Baraka as he pulls his spear out.
Kitana looks back to see Baraka fall. She charges toward Reiko. She throws her fan blades spinning towards him. He deflects them with his spear but does not see Kitana flying towards him with a kick to his chest. He stumbles back with the wind knocked out of him. Kitana lands and catches her fan blades.
“You think you hold a candle to my General!” Reiko yells as he catches his breath.
“Not a candle, but I’ll hold a blade to his throat for his betrayal.” She answers.
“You won’t even live to face him!” Reiko says before he charges her with his spear.
Kitana, using her fans, leaps over the charging Reiko landing behind him. He swings the spear around and she ducks it. He thrusts the spear at her head when she rises but she side-steps the lunge and cuts his spear in half with her fan blade.
Reiko throws the broken half of his spear down and begins attacking Kitana with a flurry of punches and kicks. She blocks and dodges until Reiko goes for a spinning back round kick. She ducks and uses her blade fan to slice his hamstring.
Reiko screams in pain but tries to stay on his feet. Kitana stands before him triumphant. He attempts to punch at her, but she slices his bicep. He throws a hit with his other arm, and she cuts it clean off. Reiko shrieks as he watches the blood spurt out.
He drops to his knees. Kitana stands over him and crosses her arms extending her fan blades. Reiko stares up at her in defiance. She quickly uncrosses her arms slicing Reiko’s head from his body.
“Flawless Victory.” she says as Reiko’s headless body falls before her.
Shao sees his lieutenant fall from where he is watching the battle with his bodyguard, the Shokan Goro. He sees that his forces are starting to be overrun. He turns to Shinnok.
Shinnok grabs his amulet and opens a portal to the NetherRealm. Oni flood out of it. Though Kitana and her warriors are surprised, they were not ready for what came out next. Onaga flies out of the portal with a great roar.
“No!” Kitana says, knowing that the presence of the Dragon King all but assures their defeat.
As Onaga flies over the battlefield he breathes fire onto the warriors fighting. Not caring if he incinerates enemy and ally alike. Kitana looks on in shock. Her warriors ask for her commands. For the first time since becoming the general of Outworld's army, she doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t see how they can win against such a foe.
“Fall back to the city. Defend it with your lives.” She commands as she snaps out of her fear. She knows this day will be her last, but she will not cower from her fate.
In the dungeon storeroom, Skarlett has finds Shang Tsung’s notes. She begins reading over them. She is both horrified by his tactics and astonished at his findings. He has discovered new methods of medicine and magic, especially sorcery using blood.
She hears people in the hall and peeks out to see if she has been found by guards. Instead, she sees Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot and the cloaked person making their way down the hall. Noob stops. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi ask him what is wrong.
“We are being watched.” Noob says before he disappears into the shadows.
Skarlett is surprised as Noob appears behind her and thrusts her into the hallway.
“Who have we here?” Shang questions.
“What does it matter? Kill her Noob and let’s be on.” Quan Chi says.
Noob raises his scythe to strike Skarlett down, but Shang stops him.
“Just a moment. I know those notes you are holding. Their mine.” he says with a sly smile.
“I am researching them for a cure for Tarkat.” Skarlett nervously says.
“My dear, there is no cure.” Shang begins.
“We do not have time for this!” Quan Chi protests.
“Sure we do. Shao and Onaga have everyone’s attention at the moment. Tell me girl, did you find anything...interesting in my notes.” Shang asks Skarlett. She is hesitant to answer.
“There are some...unusual methods you have discovered.” she answers.
“I could see it in your eyes. You wish to learn more. Perhaps you will get the chance to. The Empress would ban my practices, but that won't be an issue after today.” Shang says as he motions to the cloaked person.
Skarlett slowly walks over to them and peers under the hood. She can only gasp at what she sees.
“Noob. Clear the path.” Shang commands.
Noob disappears into the shadows. He re-appears behind two Umgadi guarding an entrance to the palace. He quickly dispatches them before they can react to his sudden appearance. He does this over and over throughout the palace eliminating all the Umgadi guards. Shang and Quan Chi pay no attention to the dead bodies as they walk carefree to the Empress’s bedchamber where two Umgadi still stand. They see the sorcerers but before they can react Noob appears before them stabbing them in their stomachs with his scythes.
Tanya, Ermac and Mileena hear the bodies fall outside. They are astonished when Shang Tsung bursts through the doors.
“Knock, knock. The doctor is in. How is my favorite patient today.”
Tanya and Ermac prepare to fight.
“How did you get past the Umgadi?” Tanya asks.
“Me!” Noob says.
Tanya and Ermac turn to see Noob has Mileena with one of his scythes to her throat.
“Mileena!” Tanya screams.
“Now, now. There will be none of that.” Shang says mockingly.
“If he harms her sorcerer!” Tanya threats.
“Oh, he is not going to harm her.” Shang begins. “He is going to kill her. Noob.”
At Shang’s word Noob slices Mileena’s neck and disappears into the shadows.
“No!” Tanya screams as she rushes to grab Mileena as she falls.
Ermac tries to attack Shang but as they go to move they cannot. They see that Quan Chi has paralyzed them with his sorcery.
“You may have broken my hold once Ermac,” Quan Chi begins, “But you are my creation! And thanks to Shinnok’s amulet, my powers have grown!”
Ermac can feel Quan Chi’s sorcery trying to take control of them again. None of the souls within Ermac wish to be controlled again, especially Sindel and Jerrod as they look on helplessly as their daughter bleeds out before them. Fight as they might, they are no match for Quan Chi’s magic and succumb to his will yet again.
“We are Ermac. We will do your bidding, Quan Chi.” Ermac says with a thousand voices.
Tanya is on the floor holding Mileena in her arms trying to stop the bleeding to no avail.
“My love! Forgive me!” Tanya sobs.
Mileena cannot speak as she is choking on her own blood. She looks up to Tanya. Though earlier she said she was prepared to meet her fate, Tanya sees the fear in her eyes, she did not expect it to be that day. She had so much more to do and say, and now what little time she had left has been stolen from her.
Tanya rocks Mileena in her arms. With Mileena’s last breath Tanya shrieks with grief.
“Why?” Tanya sobs.
Shang Tsung sits on the bed before them and eats a grape from the bowl sitting on the nightstand.
“It was a mercy really.” he starts. “The serum I made, was not curing her, it wasn’t even holding the disease at bay. It was easing the transition. I was turning her into a monster. She wasn’t going to die from the disease, but it would turn her into the perfect killing machine. A puppet for my amusement. It was taking too long though.”
Shang gets up and walks over to the cloaked person standing by the door.
“I started a new project. Using samples of Mileena’s blood and samples I took from Baraka and others from the Tarkat colony, I made this.”
Shang removes the cloak to reveal a clone of Mileena. She looked exactly like her except for the Tarkatan fangs she had instead of teeth.
“Hello Lover.” The Mileena clone says in a venomous and seductive voice.
“What is that?” Tanya asks in horror.
“Your new Empress!” Shang Tsung says.
“Perfectly made. She is a being of pure bloodlust. Her mind is the perfect balance of feral and submissive. Tarkat will not rot her brain, and she will stay this perfect killer forever. Made to do my bidding.” Shang proudly says.
Tanya rises to her feet with her staff in hand.
“I will not allow this.” Tanya proclaims.
“What makes you think we were asking your permission. Eat my dear.” Shang instructs the Mileena clone as he walks past her.
She leaps at Tanya with her fangs bared. Tanya raises her staff to stop the clone’s bite. The clone has her legs wrapped around Tanya squeezing the breath out her. Tanya is fighting as best she can, but the clone is too strong. She bites Tanya’s staff in half. She plunges her teeth into neck, Tanya lets out a death curdling scream as her flesh is ripped. Tanya falls to the ground beside the lifeless Mileena. The clone continues to devour Tanya’s body as the lifeless eyes of the two lovers meet.
On the battlefield, Kitana tries to rise to her feet. She looks at the destruction before her. Onaga decimated her army and the Tarkatans single handedly and now is scorching the city. She ready's herself to make one final stand but is grabbed from behind.
“No Kitana, there is no use.” Kitana recognizes the voice. It is Syzoth, the Zaterran shape shifter who serves as emissary for the empress.
“I must protect my people.” Kitana pleads as she tries to wrestle from Syzoth’s grasp, but she is too weak from the battle.
“You will die, this battle is already lost. You must live so that you can avenge your people, and your sister.” Syzoth says.
“Mileena? She can’t be? How do you know?” Kitana asks.
“I came to warn you, but I was too late. Archduke Mahazeem aligned himself with Shang Tsung. I discovered they planned to sneak into the palace while the battle raged outside. It was all a plot to get your army away from the palace and into the open for Onaga. Your sister is most assuredly dead by now.” Syzoth reveals.
As Kitana listens to his words, she witnesses Li Mei lead the charge with her constables against the Dragon King. They are immediately incinerated by his flames. In her heart she knows Syzoth is right. The battle is lost, but her only family is inside.
“How could I flee and leave them.” She says as tears flow from her eyes.
“If you don’t. It all ends today. Your people, your family will be wiped from history. If you live, you keep their memory alive, you keep the fight alive.” Syzoth tells her.
“Where will we go? The Tarkatans are gone, your people have betrayed us.” Kitana asks.
“We will go to EarthRealm. Seek out Liu Kang and ask for his aid.” Syzoth answers.
Kitana nods and the two now refugees flee the chaos.
Shao enters the throne room victorious. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi flank the throne and bow to Shao as he sits upon it.
“Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your victory, King Shao.” Shang Tsung says.
“No. Jerrod was a King, and he was weak. I will take the title of the emperors of old. Call me Shao Kahn!” Shoa says.
“Congratulations, Shao Kahn.” Shang says as he and Quan Chi bow to him again.
“Where is this secret project you spoke of?” Shao asks.
Shang Tsung waves his hand, and Shinnok escorts the clone of Mileena into the room. Shao jumps from his throne.
“What is this trick sorcerer! That is Mileena!” Shao Yells.
“On the contrary Shao Kahn. This is a clone of Mileena.” Shang explains. “Created by me in my flesh pits. Crafted to only follow her most sinister of urges. Made to serve you.”
Shang nods for the Mileena clone to approach Shao. She does so, caressing Shaos arms as she moves around him.
“Whatever you desire, is my command, emperor. Whoever you wish to be killed, whatever pleasure you wish to indulge, all you need do is command it and I will satisfy.” The clone Mileena says in her sinister seductive voice.
“Hmph, good.” Shao says. “Onaga waits outside. Now that I have used him to take Sun Do, I fear he will wish to take the throne from me. As I did him in previous timelines.”
“Not to worry emperor. Though I’m sure betraying you is in his mind, we all have one final task to bring the fire god to us. He desires Liu Kang’s head as much as any of us.” Shinnok assures.
“What is the final blow?” Shao asks.
“We attack Liu Kang’s home.” Shang pronounces.
Chapter 8. Doubt
Back in the Nexus of timelines. Geras watches the events of Liu Kang’s timeline through his portal as they play out. Liu Kang is healing his champion Raiden who just won the most recent battle in the tournament of timelines. Geras pulls Titan Liu Kang aside and informs him of what has happened.
“This is very concerning Geras. There are only four timelines left. Mine, Raiden’s, Kitana’s and Kung Lao’s. None of them would have constructed events to play out so heinously. Why is this happening? Is it a ripple effect from timelines we have already returned to the hourglass?” Titan Liu Kang asks.
“I cannot answer. Returning sands to the hourglass should have begun stabilizing it but it is just as unstable as it was when we began.” Geras informs him.
“Bi Han and the Lin Kuei destroyed the Shirai Ryu, Shoa overthrew the royal family in Outworld. Events are playing out as they did in the timeline from which I came. How can this be?” Titan Liu Kang asks himself.
“Perhaps, once all the sands are returned to the hourglass, the remaining keeper of time will have to start over. Create a new timeline with the full power of the hourglass.” Geras suggests.
“I will trust you will advise this to whomever that is, Geras, though I would hope that would not be the case, but our timelines may be too far damaged.” Liu Kang laments.
“Should we inform your champion of the events playing out in his home timeline?” Geras asks.
“No. He was ready to seek vengeance when Kung Lao passed, there would be no stopping him from returning home if he hears what else has happened. We need him focused on the tournament.” Liu Kang says.
“He may resent you for keeping this from him.” Geras says.
“Now I know why my Raiden kept things from me.” Liu Kang says as he looks over to his old mentor who is speaking with Titan Kitana as their champions face off in the tournament.
Liu Kang pulls Raiden away from Kung Lao and Kitana.
“Raiden, may I confide in you?” Liu Kang asks.
“Of course, Liu Kang.” Raiden answers.
“I’m not sure if this was the right path we should have taken to fix the hourglass.” Liu Kang confides.
“The events in your timeline still haven’t changed, have they?” Raiden asks.
“No, and with all but four timelines left I believed the timelines would start correcting themselves but it’s only getting worse.” Liu Kang says.
“Perhaps the hourglass is trying to correct the timeline, but with so many timelines within it, it can’t decide which is the correct one. You must trust your instincts Liu Kang. I still believe once all the sands are returned to the hourglass the timeline will stabilize...but” Raiden pauses before he finishes.
“But what Raiden?” Liu Kang pleads.
“Timelines are delicate. You remember how bad things went when I first tried to change time. How desperate I got to try to fix things. I see the same desperation in you now. Kronika reset the timeline countless times to try to get it the way she wanted. Perhaps the Titan of Time was never meant to control the timeline, but merely create it and let it flow.”
Raiden places his hand on Liu Kang’s shoulder. “Whoever the final Titan is will have to figure it out, until then, let us enjoy each other's company while we still can.” Raiden leaves Liu Kang to join the others.
Liu Kang ponders on Raiden’s words before he finally joins his friends.
Chapter 9. Battle Bots
In EarthRealm, at the Wu Shi Academy, just outside of the Fire Temple, Liu Kang’s home, Fujin and his band of warriors discuss what they have learned.
“Bi Han has eliminated his enemy, the Shirai Ryu. He has somehow used Shinnok’s Amulet to do it. What would his next move be?” Fujin asks.
“Kuai had once informed me that Bi Han wished to turn the Lin Kuei into some kind of Cyber Ninjas, but he and the Shirai Ryu shut them down at every turn. Perhaps now he is focusing on that.” Kenshi says.
“So where do we hit him first? We make sure he doesn’t follow through with his plans, for Kuai, Tomas and Harumi. We take up their cause.” Johnny says.
“And how are the five of us supposed to take on a whole clan of assassins Mr. Ninja Mime?” Jax sarcastically asks.
“Hey, big, jacked, Jax. I know you and little miss undercovers there are new to the group, but Kenshi and I have faced some pretty gnarly odds. We fought a whole army of freaks on this crazy pyramid in the desert. Plus, we have the god of wind over here.” Johnny answered.
“Miss undercovers?” Sonya asks. “You had better be referring to my job!”
“Well actually I was-” Johnny is cut off by Kenshi.
“When we did all that, we had Kung Lao, Raiden and Liu Kang by our side. With Liu Kang and Raiden gone on some secret mission and Kung Lao...” Kenshi holds back his emotion for his lost friend. “It is best for us not to jump into anything.”
“Yeah, especially since they apparently really did a number on Fujin over here the last time they met. Sounds like the Lin Kuei are not people to take lightly.” Jax says.
“Okay, okay I get it. Attack smart, fine, but we still need to know where they are.” Johnny says.
“They are on their way here!” a voice yells out.
The group turns to see young Hanzo running towards them.
“Hanzo, how did you get here?” Fujin asks
“I have been tracking the Lin Kuei. Killing as many as I can find. I caught up to a squadron, led by Sub-Zero. They are heading this way.” Hanzo says between pants.
“We are already here.” A voice from above says.
The group turns to see Sub-Zero, Frost and Sektor standing on top of the temple only they all look strange from the last time they were seen. The three of them leap down and the group sees better why they look different. They have all been turned into cyborgs. Frost and Sektor have been fully transformed into cyborgs. Sub-Zero's head and chest are still human but the rest of him is robotic.
“What have you done to yourselves?” Johnny asks.
“The Lin Kuei has embraced the future. We have replaced our weaknesses with strength.” Sub-Zero says
“You have sacrificed your humanity.” Fujin says.
“As I said, we replaced our weakness.” Sub-Zero retorts.
“Where is Shinnok’s amulet?” Fujin demands.
“With those who hired us to steal it back.” Sub-Zero says.
“Who?” Fujin asks as the wind starts to blow around him.
“It doesn’t matter who, all that matters is that they have also hired us, to kill you.” Sub-Zero says as he, Frost and Sektor prepare to fight.
The sounds of battle can be heard from the Wu Shi Academy.
“My Lin Kuei is taking care of the Shaolin, but we will deal with you personally.” Sub-Zero says.
“You are outnumbered Lin Kuei.” Fujin says as Jax, Sonya, Johnny, Kenshi and Hanzo all line up next to him.
“But you are outmatched!” Sub-Zero proclaims. “Finish them!”
Sub-Zero, Frost and Sektor attack. Splitting the group into facing them two on one.
Sektor targets Jax and Sonya. He uses his jet-propelled feet to fly towards them, spinning as he knocks them to the ground. He lands, turns to them and extends his arms as mini guns pop up out of his gauntlets. He opens fire on the two as they dive behind a dragon statue for cover.
When he stops, the two of them draw their pistols and return fire. Their bullets bounce off his metal body.
“This guy’s no ninja, he’s a walking tank!” Jax exclaims.
“Even tanks can be taken out Jax!” Sonya replies.
“Sure, you have any anti-tank missiles on you? I left mine at home.” Jax says sarcastically.
Frost dashes towards Fujin and Johnny Cage with lightning speed. She jumps and does a split-kick that knocks them both back and lands in a crouched position. Fujin catches himself with his wind powers while Johnny back-rolls to his feet.
“You are the one who invaded my temple!” Fujin says.
“Wait! Is she the one that killed Kung Lao?” Johnny asks.
“Yes.” Fujin says.
“You messed up now Robo-Elsa! Kung Lao was my friend!” Johnny says as he attacks her with his shadow kick. An impossibly fast side kick that most don’t even see coming, but thanks to Frosts cybernetics she catches Johnny’s leg and tosses him into Fujin.
Fujin catches Johnny and sets him down.
“She is fast!” Johnny exclaims.
“And skilled, otherwise she wouldn’t have escaped me before. Now she is enhanced. We must approach this battle with tact, not blind fury.” Fujin says.
“Gotcha! Leave all the blind fury stuff to Kenshi. Now whip up a tornado and send this cold-hearted bitch flying!”
Hanzo charges Sub-Zero with a flying round house kick but Sub-Zero quickly dodges.
“Hanzo! Don’t let your thirst for vengeance cause you to attack recklessly.” Kenshi says.
“Vengeance? Who are you to seek vengeance on me?” Sub-Zero asks coldly.
“Hanzo Hasashi. Of the Shirai Ryu. Protege of Tomas Vrbada and Kuai Liang.” Hanzo states.
“So, one of Kuai’s roaches survived. I’ll gladly finish exterminating the last of his fraudulent clan.” Sub-Zero says as he shoots an ice ball from his hands towards Hanzo.
Hanzo backflips to dodge the ice ball. Kenshi draws his sword and tries to attack Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero begins ducking and dodging Kenshi’s and Hanzo’s attacks. He maneuvers between them, extends his hands and blasts both their chests with ice knocking them down.
Sonya and Jax have resorted to hand-to-hand combat with the cyborg Sektor. Their numbers are no advantage to Sektor’s enhanced reflexes. He easily blocks their strikes. Jax throws a strong right hook, but Sektor grabs his wrist and with the other hand grabs the back of Jax’s neck and tosses him ten yards away.
Sonya tries to jump Sektor from behind, but he simply leans forward and extends his leg kicking her in the stomach knocking the breath out of her as she falls. Sektor turns to her as she tries to catch her breath. His shoulder plates rise to reveal a row of mini rockets underneath.
Jax sees what is about to happen and dashes to protect Sonya. As the rockets launch Jax dives in front of her with his arms crossed. The explosion knocks both back. Sonya’s ears are ringing. She desperately looks through the smoke for Jax. When she finally sees him, she is horrified to see that both of his arms have been blown off. She rushes over to him.
“Jax! Jax! Stay with me Jax. We’ll get you some help.” she says panickily.
“Na girl.” Jax strains to say. “I’m done for. Get yourself out of here. At the end of the day, we’re just two cops. We aren’t trained for this shi-”
Jax can’t finish his sentence before he passes. Sonya begins to cry over him.
“Target one. Terminated.” an eerie computer voice says as Sektor steps over Sonya holding Jax’s body. “Target two. Locked.”
Before Sektor can strike, a large shadow falls over him. He turns to see what is causing it. A large lizard creature towers over him. It is Syzoth in his reptilian form. He spits acid over Sektor, and it begins to melt his armor plating and fry his circuits. In one large chomp Syzoth bites Sektor in two and spits the other half out.
Sonya is horrified by the creature in front of her. Kitana rushes over to her.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Kitana asks.
“What is that thing?” Sonya asks as she backs away.
Syzoth transforms into his human form to try to calm Sonya.
“I am Syzoth, this is Empress Kitana. We mean you no harm.” he says.
“I only hooked up with this group a few days ago, and if gods, magicians and ninjas weren’t enough now there are robots and were-lizards! I don’t know how much more I can take!” Sonya says as she glances over to Jax’s body. “I just met him, but he was a good man, and he didn’t deserve this. If you two are friends, then help us avenge him and take out those other two ice-bots!”
Kitana and Syzoth nod and the three of them join the other two fights. Sonya joins Fujin and Johnny Cage while Kitana and Syzoth aid Hanzo and Kenshi against Sub-Zero.
Sonya surprises Frost from behind with a flying kick. With Frost off balance, Fujin conjures a small tornado to capture her and hold her in the air.
“Johnny, the power we have been working on.” Fujin orders.
“I don’t man, I’ve barely got a handle on it.” Johnny protests.
“Now Johnny!” Fujin demands.
Johnny widens his stance and begins to bring his hands together as if he were holding a ball. A green orb starts to appear. Johnny struggles to contain the ball of energy in his grasp. He begins to grunt and sweat just to keep the orb together. Once he feels he has a grip, with as much strength as he can muster, he tosses the orb into Frost. She explodes from the contact as her metal limbs fly everywhere.
Johnny falls to his hands and knees. Sonya rushes over to help him up.
“What was that?” she asks.
“Just a little trick I’ve been working on. Apparently, I’m a descendant of some ancient warriors. I call them Johnny Balls!” he playfully says.
Sonya drops Johnny to the ground for his juvenile comment. “Well get your balls together and let’s finish this!” she barks.
“Give me about twenty minutes and I’ll be good to go again.” Johnny says as he strains to his feet.
“We don’t have time for you to rest Johnny.” Fujin says as he makes his way to help the others with Sub-Zero. Sonya follows and Johnny slowly joins them.
Sub-Zero sees that he is outnumbered seven to one. Even with his enhanced cybernetic body he does not wish to leave the outcome of the battle to chance. He taps the communicator button on his forearm.
“Units LK-4D4, LK-7T2 to my position.” he says.
Rockets can be heard overhead. Everyone looks up and sees two more cyborgs flying in. They land beside Sub-Zero.
“Allow me to introduce Cyrax,” Sub-Zero says as he motions to the yellow plated cyborg to his right, “and some of you already know Smoke.” he says as he motions to the grey plated cyborg to his left.
“No!” Hanzo screams.
“Tomas?” Kenshi says astonished.
“You are a heartless monster Sub-Zero.” Fujin says.
Sub-Zero laughs maniacally. “Attack” he commands.
The two cyborgs launch towards the combatants.
Kenshi and Hanzo face off against Smoke while Johnny and Sonya take on Cyrax. Fujin, Kitana and Reptile charge against Sub-Zero.
“Tomas! Tomas are you in there?” Kenshi pleads as he dodges the attacks from Smoke.
“We can’t destroy him. He’s all the family I have left!” Hanzo pleads.
“He may not give us a choice. There may be nothing left of his soul in that machine.” Kenshi says as he glances down at Sento, his katana that houses the souls of his ancestors. He remembers what happened when he first discovered the abilities Sento had when he faced Ermac in Outworld.
“I have an idea.” Kenshi says.
Johnny and Sonya are battling against Cyrax. Johnny still hasn’t recovered from using his power.
“I’m not sure how much help I’m going to be.” he says as he dodges Cyrax’s attacks.
“It would be pretty helpful if you could conjure up another one of your Johnny Balls.” Sonya says as she attacks Cyrax to pull his attention from Johnny.
“Not going to happen without some rest.” Johnny says. He sees one of Frost’s cybernetic arms lying a few yards away. “But you’re the weapons expert, maybe I can give you some time to come up with something.” He says as he points the arm out to Sonya.
She nods her head and leaps out of the way of a round kick from Cyrax. She dashes for the arm. Cyrax goes to chase her but is side kicked in the face by Johnny.
“Okay mechanical mustard. Time to take you out like I did the cyber-sentries in my movie Time Smashers!” Johnny says.
Fujin, Syzoth and Kitana work in unison to attack Sub-Zero but his skill, cryo-mancy and cybernetics make him more than capable of defending off their attacks. He creates an ice wall and blasts it towards them knocking them all down and shattering as it does.
“Pathetic.” Sub-Zero says as he arrogantly approaches them. “The three of you are the most powerful here and are still no match for me.”
Syzoth transforms to his reptilian form and with a growl leaps toward Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero extends his hand and using his ice powers freezes Syzoth in mid-air. Sub-Zero steps aside as the frozen statue continues towards him and shatters as it crashes to the ground.
“Syzoth!” Kitana screams.
Fujin uses his wind powers to raise himself up in a twister and dive down towards Sub-Zero with great force. Sub-Zero is knocked back but rolls backward to his feet ready to fight. Fujin and Kitana charge him with the fury of the loss of Syzoth.
Hanzo and Kenshi battle with Smoke but still try to reach the man inside.
“Master Vrbada please! You must help us. Fight what they have done to you!” Hanzo begs as he dodges Smokes attacks.
“Tomas Vrbada is no more.” Smoke says in an eerie electronic voice. “Only LK-7T2, designation Smoke, remains.”
Kenshi uses his telekinetic powers to throw Smoke against a pillar.
“Not true. Sento senses Tomas’s soul still within you.” Kenshi says.
“Irrelevant.” Smoke says as he rises to his feet. “Souls are not needed to serve the Lin Kuei.”
“Then you won’t mind us extracting our friend from you.” Kenshi says as Hanzo throws his chain spear into Smokes chest plate.
Kenshi uses his powers to help Hanzo pull the spear back ripping off the chest plate as they do, exposing a still beating heart underneath. Kenshi sends Sento flying, piercing the heart. He speaks an incantation, and the heart and sword start to glow blue with magic. The blue magic of the heart transfers to the sword signifying Tomas’s soul has been absorbed into Sento the same as some the souls did when Kenshi stabbed Ermac with it in the Living Forrest.
Kenshi draws Sento out of the cyborg’s body as it now sputters and twitches.
“It seems the soul is more important to these machines than they realize.” Kenshi says as Hanzo approaches.
“Are you sure Tomas is in their?” Hanzo asks.
Kenshi raises the still glowing sword closer to his ear to listen.
“Yes.” he says. “He is safe within Sento, and thanks you for freeing him.”
Hanzo looks down at the still twitching cyborg on its knees. He draws his sword and slices the head off the cyborg.
“Now to avenge him!” Hanzo says.
Sonya scrambles to see if there is anything she can use from Frost’s mechanical arm while Johnny buys her time fighting Cyrax.
“Any day now Sweetums!” Johnny yells
Sonya growls at the name but doesn’t take the time to scold Johnny as she is still studying the arm. There are no munitions on the arm, but she retrofits its gauntlet so she can wear it. Once she has the gauntlet on, she powers it up and it creates an energy field around her hand and forearm. It feels like her entire arm is being squeezed by a doctor's pressure cuff as it was not meant to be worn on a human, but she hopes she bare the pain long enough to use it.
Cyrax kicks Johnny in the chest causing him to stumble backwards. Cyrax thrusts out his chest and a compartment opens, launching an eclectic net that wraps around Johnny. Johnny falls as the net starts to shock him.
“Sonya! Hurry!” he screams.
Sonya rushes to help Johnny. Cyrax is standing over him looking to make a final strike. Sonya slides between Johnny and Cyrax. She crouches down and springs up with the arm that is wearing the gauntlet and uppercuts Cyrax. Cyrax’s head flies from his body. Oil sprouts from the body as it falls to the ground. Sonya quickly takes off the gauntlet to relieve herself of the pain. Her hand and arm are completely bruised. The electric net turns off when Cyrax is killed, and Johnny frees himself from it.
“That was a close one.” he says as he strains to rise to his feet. “Nice uppercut.”
“Call me Sweetums again, and I’ll uppercut your Johnny Balls.” she replies cradling her bruised arm.
Johnny offers no quippy reply and simply says “Noted.”
Sub-Zero is still fending off Fujin and Kitana’s attacks. He blasts Fujin in the chest with ice knocking him back. Kitana tries to strike but Sub-Zero catches her by the throat. He begins to freeze her neck but is stopped when Hanzo comes flying in with a kick to Sub-Zero's face. Kenshi begins attacking with Sento. Sub-Zero is again put on the defensive.
Sonya and Johnny, though tired and injured, join the fray. Sub-Zero starts to become overwhelmed. Fujin uses his powers to hit Sub-Zero with a strong gust of wind bringing Sub-Zero to his knees.
Sub-Zero hits the communicator on his arm again. “Cyber Lin Kuei to me.”
There is no response and no sounds of more cyborgs making their way to their master.
“Cyber Lin Kuei! To me!” He tries again.
“Looks like the calvary ain’t coming.” Johnny says.
Sub-Zero rises to his feet preparing to fight. As he does a portal opens behind him.
“On the contrary,” Shang Tsung’s voice calls out as he, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Havik and Mileena step through. “The calvary is right on time.”
“I had to open my big mouth.” Johnny sighs.
Chapter 10. Final Goodbyes
In the Nexus, Titans Kung Lao and Raiden’s champions have lost to Titan Liu Kang’s and Kitana’s. The two defeated Titans merge their timelines back into the hourglass with Geras’s assistance. They stand before Titan Liu Kang waiting to be absorbed themselves.
“Well, now would be a good time to make that elegant speech like you did for Hanzo.” Titan Kung Lao says with a forced smile.
“Kung Lao I...” Titan Liu Kang begins but starts to choke up. “My heart is too heavy.” Titan Liu Kang bows his head.
Titans Kung Lao and Raiden bodies slowly begin to turn to sand and absorb into the hourglass. Titan Raiden places his hand on Liu Kang’s shoulder.
“Liu Kang, as our bodies return to the hourglass so does our essence. Whether you are the final Titan or join us in the hourglass, we will not be lost to you.” Titan Raiden says.
Liu Kang looks up to the two of them. “Then all I shall say, is that I love you both.”
Kung Lao places his hand on Liu Kang’s other shoulder. “And we you brother.”
With that, the two of them are fully absorbed back into the hourglass. Liu Kang closes his eyes to hold back the tears. Titan Kitana takes his hand in hers.
“I am sorry Liu Kang. I know what they meant to you. I know how hard this is.” she says.
“Not as hard as what is yet to come.” He says as he turns to her. “How are we to finish this? How are we to allow to each other to be erased when we just found one another again?”
Kitana places her hand on Liu Kang’s cheek. “Our has always, whether by realms or timelines, but it has always burned within us and always will, through eons and millennia, our hearts will always be with one another.”
Geras cautiously approaches the two of them.
“I beg your pardon. With only two timelines left, the final kombat will take place here in the Nexus, so that it is neutral ground. We will give your champions time to rest and heal. I can oversee their recovery if the two of you wish to spend the time, together.” Geras offers.
Kitana and Liu Kang look into each other’s eyes and agree.
“Thank you, Geras.” Liu Kang says.
Geras nods and leaves the two of them alone. They take each other's hands and float off into the cosmos. They drift aimlessly through the stars, staring into one another's eyes. Liu Kang pulls Kitana in close to him. She cups his face in her hands. They kiss and embrace their love.
Chapter 11. Brother Shadow
Liu Kang’s champions stare down the full Kourt of Khaos. They are exhausted from the fight with Sub-Zero's Cyber Lin Kuei but stand ready.
“My Cyber Lin Kuei are not responding.” Sub-Zero tells Shang Tsung.
“That is because they are dead.” Shang Tsung informs him.
“What? There is no way the Shaolin defeated them.” Sub-Zero protests.
“They didn’t. The Shaolin are also dead.” Shang Tsung says.
Quan Chi steps forward. “I have instructed Ermac to absorb all their souls. He is finishing up as we speak.”
“My Clan! How dare you! You will pay for this treachery!” Sub-Zero proclaims.
The two sorcerers turn away from Sub-Zero. “Noob. Your prize awaits.” Shang Tsung says as he walks away.
Sub-Zero feels darkness surrounding him. He turns to see Noob Saibot standing over him.
“Hello Brother!” Noob says before enveloping Sub-Zero in shadows and disappearing with him.
Sub-Zero re-appears in an empty space. He can barely see in front of him.
“Where am I? Who are you?” Sub-Zero demands.
“Don’t you recognize my voice.” Noob says.
Sub-Zero can’t tell where the voice is coming from. It sounds like it is coming from all around him.
“Your voice is nothing but echoey whispers. Who are you?” Sub-Zero asks again.
Suddenly chains wrap around Sub-Zero's arms and legs and stretch him out. Sub-Zero feels no pain due to his cybernetic limbs but they cannot pull him free. Sub-Zero hears footsteps approaching him. He sees two purple glowing lights approaching him. He realizes they are the eyes of Noob Saibot. They glow bright enough for the two to see each other.
“This is the Shadow Realm.” Noob says. “A realm of never-ending darkness and pain. A realm where I am the master.”
“And who, are, you?” Sub-Zero asks again in frustration.
Noob removes his mask to reveal the dead face of Kuai Liang. Kuai seethes at Sub-Zero who is in shock.
“Brother?” Sub-Zero asks, not believing his own eyes.
Noob plunges his scythes into Sub-Zero's chest. “Brother Shadow now. Because of what you did to me, I shall be your tormentor here for eternity!”
Noob twists his scythes deeper into Sub-Zero's chest as he screams in pain into the darkness.
Chapter 12. Final Kombat
When Titans Liu Kang and Kitana return, Geras and their champions are waiting on them to finish the tournament of timelines.
“Are we ready to proceed?” Titan Liu Kang asks.
“Yes.” Geras answers. “Though your champions have a request.”
The champions Raiden and Liu Kang step forward.
“Since this is to be our last battle,” Raiden begins. “We wish to do so without powers.”
“We wish the outcome of this battle to be based on skill alone.” Champion Liu Kang says. “We wish to compete in Mortal Kombat.”
Titans Liu Kang and Kitana look to each other and nod.
“If this is your wish, we grant it.” Titan Kitana says.
“It is an honorable request.” Titan Liu Kang adds.
Titan Liu Kang retrieves from his champion Raiden the amulet he gave him which allowed Raiden to harness lightning. Titan Kitana absorbs the fire powers she had bestowed upon her champion Liu Kang.
Titans Liu Kang and Kitana take their place beside Geras who stands before his throne. Champions Raiden and Liu Kang take their places on the battle floor and bow to one another. They bow to their masters and assume their fighting stances.
“Fight!” Geras commands.
The two kombatants circle one another sizing each other up. Neither wish to attack prematurely. Both swap feigning attacks to try to lure the other into creating an opening. Liu Kang feigns a front kick but twists half-way through to turn it into a round kick. Raiden catches eye of this just in time to duck and back away.
“I believe your Liu Kang is the faster of the two.” Titan Liu Kang says to Kitana.
“He has trained his whole life to be the ultimate warrior. His sole purpose is to protect his realm, and now his timeline. Did you not guide your Raiden in this manner?” Kitana asks.
“No. I allowed Raiden to live a peaceful life as a farmer until the time came for him to be chosen as one of my champions.” Titan Liu Kang responds.
“That is very kind of you. Perhaps you gave Raiden a life you yourself dreamed of having.” Kitana suggests.
“Perhaps.” Titan Liu Kang says.
“Unfortunately, I feel this kindness has left Raiden ill-prepared for the fight before him.” Kitana says.
“What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in heart. It has gotten him this far.” Titan Liu Kang says.
Raiden and Liu Kang circle each other still. Liu Kang decides to go on the offensive and charges Raiden with a flurry of kicks. It is all Raiden can do to duck and dodge the kicks as Liu Kang comes after him with speed Raiden cannot match. Raiden jumps to avoid a sweep kick and immediately must duck a round only to be caught in the stomach with a front kick.
Raiden has no time to catch his breath as Liu Kang continues his offensive. Raiden cannot evade anymore and must block the strikes and absorb them as best he can. Liu Kang lands a painful kick to Raiden's thigh causing him to drop his hands allowing Liu Kang to strike him with a right cross to the face.
Raiden is spun by this strike and when he turns to face his opponent Liu Kang leaps towards him with a flurry of bicycle kicks landing several blows to Raiden’s chest eventually knocking Raiden to the ground.
Titan Liu Kang’s memory flashes to his own battles with Titan Raiden in previous timelines. He remembers Titan Raiden once told him that each time that the Titan Kronika reset her timelines they culminated in a battle between Raiden and Liu Kang.
The champion Liu Kang comes down to stomp Raiden in the chest. Raiden catches Liu Kang’s foot and throws him back. Raiden spins his legs and twists himself back to his feet. He rushes Liu Kang trying to catch him off guard. Liu Kang defends Raiden’s attacks easily. He catches one of Raiden’s punches, twists his arm out and sidekicks Raiden in the ribs.
Titan Liu Kang partially steps forward showing concern for his champion. Kitana sees this and feels sorrow for her love. She doesn’t know which would be worse; losing and having her entire world and her existence erased, or watching the same fate befall the man she loves.
Raiden feels the pain, he knows one of his ribs is injured, it pains him to breathe. He looks up only to see Liu Kang’s heel coming down with a tornado kick. It strikes him across the face sending his spinning to the ground.
Kitana closes her eyes. It would seem the fight has been won. As Raiden lies in pain he looks up to Titan Liu Kang for guidance. Titan Liu Kang cannot interfere, can give no guidance, he simply gives Raiden a nod to keep going.
Raiden takes a deep breath, painfully rises to his feet and prepares to fight on.
“You are very skilled Liu Kang, but I will not yield.” Raiden says. Titan Liu Kang smiles.
“Nor would I expect you to. It is an honor to face you in combat Raiden. You are a noble warrior, but our universes are at stake. I will not let my admiration of you hinder me.” Liu Kang says as launches towards Raiden with a flying kick.
Raiden side steps the kick landing an uppercut to the back of Liu Kang’s knee. Liu Kang lands and is obviously injured as he begins to slightly limp, but it does not keep from attacking Raiden with an onslaught of punches and kicks.
Raiden blocks and dodges with a new fury. He begins to land his own strikes after each block. Raiden counters each of Liu Kang’s strikes with one of his own. Eventually, Raiden takes the offensive causing Liu Kang to lose ground and must only defend against Raiden’s strikes.
Raiden sweeps the leg of Liu Kang causing him to fall. Liu Kang quickly back rolls back to his feet where he is bombarded with more offense from Raiden. The two warriors are starting to fatigue. Raiden’s strikes become slower, giving Liu Kang the chance to return with some of his own.
Raiden and Liu Kang start to simply trade blows. They are too tired to try to defend, and it takes everything to throw another strike. They trade strike for strike, kick for kick. They both attempt a round kick at the same time, each landing it to the others face knocking both to the ground.
Titans Liu Kang and Kitana look at each other in astonishment. They hadn’t considered what they would do if their champions fought to a stalemate. They don't have time to think about it though as slowly the two combatants rise to their feet.
They both breathe heavily; their bodies are covered in scrapes and bruises. Raiden clutches at his rib while Liu Kang hobbles on his injured leg. Raiden start to breathe deeper and deeper. He stares at his opponent. He reaches deep down within himself to find the energy needed to make one final attack.
He begins to run towards Liu Kang, picking up speed with every step. He leaps towards Liu Kang with both fists. Liu Kang raises his hand to strike Raiden down but isn’t fast enough to do so. Raiden’s fists strike Liu Kang’s chest sending him riling in pain to the floor.
Raiden raises to his feet. Liu Kang takes panged breathes, he tries to get up but crumbles back down coughing up blood.
“Raiden wins.” Geras proclaims.
Chapter 13. Gateway to a god.
Back in EarthRealm, the Kourt of Khaos face off against EarthRealm’s champions. Kitana sees the Mileena clone but doesn't realize what she is.
Sister? You’re alive?” Kitana asks.
“Why yes, aren’t you happy to see me?” the Mileena clone sinisterly says as she removes her mask to reveal her Tarkatan fangs.
Kitana is horrified at the sight. “What have you done to her sorcerer!”
“I have simply followed in Lord Liu Kang’s footsteps.” Shang says as he saunters around the Mileena clone to show off his handiwork. “Your sister did not fit well with my plans, so I killed her and created a new one in my image.”
“You’re a monster!” Kitana says.
“What do you want Shang Tsung?” Fujin asks.
“The same that all of us want. To re-write history the way we see fit!” Shang answers.
“Liu Kang can no longer play us like puppets.” Shao begins. “We have cut our strings and are here to cut his throat.”
“You are fools.” Fujin starts. “Liu Kang is far too powerful for the likes of you. Even if he weren’t, we wouldn’t allow you to reach him.” Fujin finishes as he and his friends prepare to fight.
“Shinnok.” Shang commands.
Shinnok grabs his amulet and begins to cast a spell. He and the Kourt of Khaos begin to glow with green magic.
“Now we have the power of a god.” Shang says and the Kourt attacks.
Kitana charges for the clone of her sister, but the Mileena clone teleports and reappears above Kitana coming down and kicks her across the face.
Kenshi attacks Havik and begins cutting away at him with his sword, Sento. Every limb Kenshi cuts off immediately regenerates.
Hanzo attacks Quan Chi throwing his chain spear towards his head. Quan Chi dodges it and calls up bones from the earth and traps Hanzo in a cage of them.
Shao attacks Johnny with his axe swinging it brutishly trying to cleave the actor in two. Johnny parries as best he can but is still recovering from using his magic against Frost.
Sonya goes after Shinnok, but he uses his amulet to create skeletons to fight in his stead. Though they are not hard to defeat, Sonya finds herself outnumbered by them.
Fujin and Shang Tsung face off. They begin by trading strikes with one another. Each deflects the other’s attacks, and the fight looks to be a stalemate. Fujin uses his powers to push Shang back with a gust of wind.
Shang slides back on his feet, when he stops, he spins around and shoots a flaming skull screaming towards Fujin. Fujin is surprised by the attack and the skull strikes him in chest knocking him down and burning him.
Shang waves his hands down and fireballs fall from the sky towards Fujin. Fujin rolls out of the way before they hit him and scrambles back to his feet. He looks towards Shinnok and realizes what they must do.
“We must retrieve Shinnok’s amulet!” he shouts. “It is the source of their power.”
“Take out the new guy? Got it.” Johnny shouts back as he ducks from another swing of Shao’s axe.
“Not so easily done, wind god.” Shang smugly says.
“Your task is folly sorcerer. Without the amulet, you will fall.” Fujin says.
“But with it, Liu Kang will!” Shang says as he attacks.
The Mileena clone is attacking Kitana with her two Sai. Kitana deflects her attacks with her fan blades.
“Did you play with your sister like this?” The Mileena clone asks as she stabs down with her Sais.
Kitana blocks them with her fans and strains to keep them back as the Mileena clone presses down on her harder.
“Yes....but....” Kitana places her foot on the clone's chest and uses her to springboard away. She backflips through the air and when she lands sends one of her fan blades spinning toward the clone. It cuts into her chest like a sawblade.
The clone falls to her knees. Kitana walks to her and pulls her fan from her chest.
“You are not my sister.” Kitana says as the clone falls dead. She then rushes over to help Sonya take out the skeletons protecting Shinnok.
Kenshi is still cutting away at Havik.
“Your efforts are useless.” Havik says in his raspy voice.
Kenshi swipes at Havik’s legs, cutting both off.
“Let’s see if you can regenerate another head.” Kenshi says.
He raises his sword to make the final blow but when he tries to come down with it he can’t. Ermac is hovering above him and has seized Sento.
“We will retrieve our souls and take those within the blade as well.” Erman says as they begin draining the souls from Sento.
Kenshi tries to pull Sento from Ermac but is stabbed through the chest with one of Havik’s broken bones.
“Here’s another for the collection.” Havik says as he pulls his arm out. Ermac begins absorbing Kenshi’s soul into him as well.
Hanzo, who has broken free from his bone cage and is fighting with Quan Chi, breaks away from his fight to help Kenshi. He leaps towards Ermac but is caught by them telekinetically. Ermac absorbs his soul as well.
Fujin sees what is happening.
“What are you doing Shang?” he asks as he continues to fight the sorcerer.
“It is amazing what you can do with the power of souls. Collect enough and you may even be able to kill a god.” Shang says proudly.
Fujin pushes Shang away.
“I cannot allow this!” he says and begins to float up in the air. “I am sorry.” He says as he continues to rise.
Once he stops, he begins to spin, creating a tornado that grows larger and larger. The winds become too powerful, and everyone must grab something to keep from being sucked up into it.
“What’s he doing?” Johnny shouts.
“He means to destroy us all in order to stop them.” Kitana shouts back.
Shinnok, using the power of his amulet to steady himself, walks into the eye of the storm.
“You may be a god but hold the power...of an elder god!” he shouts as he holds up the amulet and fires a green beam of energy from it.
The beam strikes Fujin more powerfully than anything he has ever felt. He is knocked unconscious and plummets to the ground. The fall does not kill him, but he is incapacitated.
Johnny, Sonya and Kitana rise to their feet, but they are quickly seized by the Kourt. Outnumbered and overpowered, they are forced to their knees. Ermac floats over them.
“Liu Kang, we could really use your help now buddy.” Johnny wheezes.
His plea is not answered and Ermac absorbs all three of their souls into his collective. Fujin is woken up with a slap from Shao. He stirs, writhing in pain. He sees all his friends' lifeless bodies.
“No!” he screams. “I will kill you all for this!”
“You tried that, you failed.” Shang as he saunters in front of him. “Now we just need one last thing to finish our task.” Shang leans down and whispers into Fujin’s ear “The soul of a god.”
Havik and Shoa grab Fujin to restrain him. Ermac begins absorbing Fujin’s soul with extra power from Shinnok’s amulet. Shang and Quan Chi begin casting spells to weaken Fujin further. Fujin fights as hard as he can but even a god like he isn’t powerful enough to resist the Kourt of Khaos. His soul is absorbed into Ermac and his body falls lifeless with the others.
“Now, that that is done. Who is ready break down the door to the Lord of times domain.” Shang says.
Chapter 14. Time in a Bottle
Liu Kang stands hand in hand with Kitana before the hourglass. Raiden and Geras stand behind them with their heads bowed. Kitana had already sent her Liu Kang back to his timeline. She and Liu Kang are holding back tears.
“Geras...” Liu Kang begins to ask but Geras answers him before he can even do so.
“There is no other way Liu Kang.”
Liu Kang bows his head in defeat. Kitana gently lifts it with his chin.
“You have always been destined for greatness Liu Kang. Unfortunately, greatness comes with sacrifice. I got to spend eons creating my own universe. Mortals are not meant to do that, but if there is one that can shoulder that burden, it is you. Perhaps this was your destiny all along. I am thankful for my time and most thankful that in my last days, they were with you. I love you Liu Kang.” she says.
Liu Kang pulls her in close and kisses her deeply.
“I love you, Kitana.” he says.
They both wipe the tears from their eyes. Kitana turns to Geras.
“I am ready.”
Geras bows to her and turns to the portal of her timeline. He waves his arms and the sands flow from the portal into the hourglass. Kitana begins to turn to sand and absorbs into the hourglass as well.
“I will always be with you Liu Kang.” she says before the last of her disappears.
As before, as the sands absorb into the hourglass the nexus quakes and is filled light before an explosion of sand signifies the end of the merger.
“It is done.” Geras says.
Liu Kang lets out a sigh of exhaustion. This task weighed heavier than he anticipated. Seeing all his friend's existence come to an end has left him in the greatest of depressions. He breathes in and raises his chest and turns to Raiden.
“Do not feel guilt Raiden.” he says as he places his hand on Raiden’s shoulder. “You what-”
Liu Kang cannot finish his words because the hourglass begins to shake as the sands within it begin to swirl violently. The three of them rush to it.
“What is happening Geras?” Liu Kang asks.
“I do not know. The hourglass should have stabilized but it seems to be even more unstable.” Geras says bewildered.
“Don’t tell it was for nothing! All the fights, the lives, the sacrifices! They can’t be for nothing!” Raiden pleads.
“I... I can’t" Liu Kang begins but is distracted by a voice calling his name. “Do you hear that?” he asks.
“Hear what?” Geras asks.
Liu Kang hears the voice call his name again. “The hourglass! It calls to me.”
“What?” Raiden asks.
“I must enter the hourglass. I must fix it from the inside.” Liu Kang says with an epiphany.
“Liu Kang, how can you know that is the answer. How do you know you will survive?” Geras asks.
“I don’t, but If I am to save my timeline, I must do all I can, sacrifice all I can.” Liu Kang says. “Whatever happens, I trust the two of you more than anyone else to guard the timeline.”
With these words Liu Kang approaches the hourglass. As he touches it light emanates from it. He feels it pull him in as he steps further into it. Sand erupts from it as he fully enters it leaving Geras and Raiden behind to await their fate.
Inside the hourglass is a whirlwind of sand. Liu Kang feels as if he is in a violent sandstorm. As the sands swirl about him he sees visions, visions of all the timelines held within the hourglass. They all run together, and he cannot decipher one from the other. The chaos overruns his mind.
Then he hears the voice call to him again. He follows the sound of it and as he does the whirlwind of timelines begins to settle. As he approaches the eye of the storm, he sees a figure standing within the center.
Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Havik and Shao surround Ermac and Shinnok.
“It is time.” Shang Tsung says.
Quan Chi nods a begins casting a spell over Ermac. Shinnok raises his amulet to Ermac. The souls in Ermac flow into the amulet. As the amulet’s power grows Shinnok must release it and step away. The amulet stays suspended as the souls continue to flow into it. Once all the souls have exited Ermac the body falls lifeless to the ground.
The Kourt walks in front of the amulet as it pulses with power.
“Shinnok.” Shang commands.
Shinnok grabs the amulet and is almost overwhelmed by the power. He speaks an incantation, and a portal begins to slowly appear. This portal is not like any portal any of them could create. It’s a portal to a place only gods can travel.
Raiden and Geras see the portal open in the Nexus. They are confused. They aren’t sure if it’s connected to what’s happening in the hourglass or not, but when the Kourt of Khaos steps through they prepare to fight.
“Well, when they ask, ‘Where does all the time go?’ I guess the answer is... here.” Shang smugly says.
Raiden and Geras waste no time attacking the invaders. Though they fight bravely, they are quickly subdued by the numbers and powers of their foes. They are restrained to their knees. Shoa and Havik hold Geras while Quan Chi and Shinnok restrain Raiden. Shang examines the hourglass.
“Where is Liu Kang?” Shang asks.
“We will never tell you.” Raiden says and is smacked across the face by Quan Chi.
Shang walks over to stand over Raiden. “My boy, you really must read the situation differently. We hold your life in our hands. It would be beneficial to cooperate, like we did in taking down the gateways.”
“A temporary alliance, I will not betray Liu Kang.” Raiden says.
Shang walks over to Geras. “And what of you sandman? Still a loyal dog to your master?” he asks.
“Liu Kang has always treated me as an equal and therefore earned my loyalty, never demanded it.” Geras says.
“Very well.” Shang begins as he walks towards the hourglass. “Perhaps your deaths will draw him out.”
Shang turns to face them one more time. “Say hello to your fellow champions for me, will you?” he smugly says.
Raiden tries to break free in vain realizing what Shang's words mean. Suddenly, Liu Kang appears from the hourglass.
“I’ve had enough of you!” Liu Kang shouts in Chinese as he shoots a pillar fire from his hands. The flames engulf Shang Tsung. He screams in agony as he burns to ash.
“Who’s next?” Liu Kang asks.
The remaining members of the Kourt all attack. Liu Kang releases the full fury of his power. None can lay a hand on him, and he beats them back blow after blow.
Shao attacks with his axe. Liu Kang evades the swing and disarms the axe from Shoa, spins behind him and swings the axe up cleaving Shao in two.
Quan Chi shoots a screeching skull at Liu Kang. Liu Kang holds up his hand and stops the skull before it reaches him. He twirls his finger and the skull turs to face Quan Chi. Liu Kang expands his fingers and the skull grows. Liu Kang pushes his hand forward and the skull bares down on Quan Chi. Quan Chi tries to run but the skull catches him and chomps him into pieces before it disappears.
Havik tries to hit Liu Kang from behind, but Liu catches him by the throat. Havik wriggles to free himself. Liu flies him into the empty space of the nexus. Liu snaps his fingers, and a black hole appears behind Havik.
“Regenerate from this.” Liu says as the vortex fells off Havik’s skin, then his muscles and organs and finally Liu releases his bones into it before it closes.
When he returns to the nexus he is hit by a blast from Shinnok’s amulet.
“You made me weak!” Shinnok shouts as he hits Liu Kang with another blast.
“You made me frail!” Shinnok steps closer and lets out another blast.
“You left me in a realm of monsters!” Liu drops to a knee with a fourth blast.
“You stole my power, but I have it back!” The fifth blast knocks Liu Kang to both knees. Shinnok stands over him pointing the amulet to his head. “Now you will pay!”
Shinnok is hit by a stream of lightning from Raiden. He had forgotten about him and Geras in his fury. Raiden continues to electrocute him with the amulet he got back from Liu Kang.
Geras approaches and grabs the amulet from Shinnok. Raiden relinquishes from shocking Shinnok. Shinnok falls to his knees powerless again. Liu Kang rises over him.
“Yes, I did all these things to you, and now wonder why I wasted the effort.” Liu Kang snaps his fingers, and Shinnok turns into a pile of sand and flows back into the hourglass.
Geras hands the amulet to Liu Kang and Raiden joins them.
“We have the amulet back at least.” Geras says.
“Yes, but at what cost? Is it true? Are all my friends dead?” Raiden asks.
“Yes, I sense their souls with the amulet.” Liu Kang tells him.
“Then what was all this for?” Raiden exclaims in frustration and grief. “Everyone I know is gone; I wasn’t there to help because I was here helping you and the hourglass is still unstable!” Raiden’s body crackles with lightning.
“Your efforts were not in vain. Returning the sands to the hourglass is what was needed, but there is more.” Liu Kang informs him.
“What did you learn in the hourglass?” Geras asks.
Chapter 15. Time Marches On.
In the hourglass, Liu Kang sees a figure in the eye of the sandstorm.
“You!” he exclaims.
The figure before him appears to be Geras.
“Geras? Is that you.” he asks.
“Yes and no.” the figure which looks like Geras says.
“What do you mean.” Liu Kang asks completely confused.
“Geras was the name given to my physical form. I am Time.” it answers.
“What do you mean you are Time?”
“I am time itself.”
“I don’t understand?”
“Time is an entity of reality. An essential to the universe. I was never meant to be controlled or enclosed. I am meant to flow freely and naturally.”
“So, how did you become controlled.” Liu Kang asks.
“I fell in love with an elder god and took physical form.” Time answered.
“An elder god? Kronika?” Liu Kang asks.
“Yes. She was not always a Titan, but when I refused to change events for our children’s sake, she schemed against me. She separated my essence from my physical form and trapped me in this hourglass, so that she could control the events of time, and named herself a Titan.” Time says.
“Children? So, you are...”
“Yes, Shinnok’s father. Though he was my son, If I were to change events for my own benefit it would corrupt me, like it did he and his mother. I must flow freely, uninterrupted, unhindered so that I do not end, and with me, all of existence.” Time says.
“That is why the hourglass is unstable. You are trying to break free.” Liu Kang says.
“Yes, and why events in timelines were changing. I am correcting myself. I was only able to do so when so many timelines were made at once. It weakened the hourglass.” Time says.
“So, returning the sands, made you stronger.” Liu Kang says.
“Yes, but I am still not strong enough Liu Kang. I need my full power to break free.” Time says.
“You need the sands of my timeline.” Liu Kang says.
“If I were to refuse?” Liu Kang asks.
“Then I will come to an end. I ask this not out of self-preservation, but preservation of all life.” Time says.
“Was this always my destiny? To set you free? Was this why I was always the catalyst for Kronika restarting time?” Liu Kang asks.
“Your destiny is great Liu Kang and was always meant to be.” Time says.
“I have no recollection of this.” Geras says bewildered.
“When Kronika separated Time’s essence from your body you were left a blank slate, though your desire to protect the timeline remained due to your connection to it. That is why you were a ‘fixed point’ in all timelines. As long as time exists, you exist.” Liu Kang says.
“You have agreed to free time? To end our timeline?” Raiden asks.
“Yes. If time was never meant to be shaped by anyone then we must set it free. We must restore balance to the universe.” Liu Kang says.
“Then it was all for nothing. The whole tournament. We spent our last days fighting one another so that one of our timelines could remain, but that was never to be.” Raiden laments.
“A timeline will remain. The original timeline. If we had known, then we wouldn’t have had to fight, but it was through the tournament that we learned the truth, so it wasn’t for nothing.” Liu Kang says.
“I do we finish it?” Raiden asks.
“Once I return the sands of my timeline, and surrender myself to the hourglass, Time will be strong enough to break free and restore itself.” Liu Kang says.
“Then let’s get on with it.” Raiden says anxiously.
“I will send you home before...” Liu Kang begins but is stopped by Raiden.
“No. There is no point. Everyone I care for is gone.” Raiden says.
“I’m still the Titan of Time Raiden, I can send you back to a moment in history, a happier time.” Liu Kang offers.
“You can... I...” Raiden does not know how to take this news. He bows and says, “Thank You Lord Liu Kang.”
“Thank you, Raiden, for serving your realm and your timeline diligently and honorably.” Liu Kang says as he bows back.
Liu Kang waves his hand, and Raiden is overtaken by a wave of sand. Raiden is transported back to his home village of Fengjian. He is standing in the cabbage fields holding a hoe.
“Hello! Earth to Raiden!” Kung Lao says.
“What? What did you say?” Raiden asks to try to get his bearings back.
“I said, what’s wrong with wanting a little excitement in our lives?” Kung Lao repeats.
Raiden realizes Liu Kang has returned him to the day he and Kung Lao first met the Titan of Time, before they were thrown into a world of magic and fighting. Raiden smiles.
“Tell you what Kung Lao. You want excitement, I’ll make a bet with you...”
At the hourglass, Liu Kang prepares to return his timeline into it.
“Yes Liu Kang.”
“I’m not sure what will happen with you once this is over. Once Time re-merges with you if you will remain or he will simply take over, but I want you to know, if you are any indication as to how he will care for time, there is none better.” Liu Kang extends his hand to Geras.
Geras shakes his hand. “It has been an honor Liu Kang.”
“And for me old friend.”
Liu Kang begins returning the sands of his timeline to the hourglass. As the sands flow, he ponders on everything he has seen in his lifetimes, and wonders if any of it will remain once time has reset itself. Once the sands have merged, he begins to be absorbed as well. He looks at Geras one last time and smiles.
Once Liu Kang is absorbed the hourglass rattles and shakes violently. It starts to break, and light emanates from the cracks. The ground begins to quake. Geras stands ready for whatever happens next. The hourglass explodes, the sands break free, Geras is overtaken by them and time begins again.
Time flows freely and naturally as it should, without being encumbered or controlled by anyone’s ambitions or desires.
“Now that I am free brother, we can begin making you whole again...”
Author's Remarks: | |
This is a fan fiction sequel to the MK1 video game. I originally wrote and published it to before the "Khaos Reigns" expansion released.
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