submitted 11/06/2008 05:36 AM (UTC)by
JAX007 Member Since
09/07/2002 08:09 PM (UTC)
Submitting these before, or after they actually make the character and release them to the public?
These look like they could be prerequisites to the final product.
Vomit •10/28/2008 10:07 PM (UTC) •0
I think this is your best one yet.
MINION •10/30/2008 07:40 AM (UTC) •0
Start making these prints for shirts man. You know how much u would get paid for these?
Gho$t •10/31/2008 04:33 AM (UTC) •0
Sindra •11/06/2008 05:36 AM (UTC) •0
You're such a wonderfully awesome sonavabitch.
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