MK1 Cast
posted05/09/2011 02:05 AM (UTC)by
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05/20/2005 12:10 AM (UTC)
Here's some sketches I did. The pics exceed the submission size limits, but I thought you guys might still enjoy them.
Main Cast, Line Art (I just keep this one up 'cause I like the color spectrum thing I did with it, as a piece of art in general)
Full Cast, Primary Costumes
Full Cast, Alternate Costumes

The guy on the end in the second row is Nimbus Terrafaux, the april fool's joke. If they did an MK1 remake, I'd like to see him (and Ermac too, obviously) added in since the team already has a rep for making rumor characters real. His story could be that he's one of the many ordinary fighters with no superpowers who were in the tournament but were never playable or talked about because they all died.

For the costume designs, I borrowed a few of what I thought were the good ideas in Vincent Proce's work, but I think a remake should update the story with references to the canon, not start over.
And here's a link to the thread where I'm continuing on with costume redesigns for the next game: MK2 Cast (W.I.P.)
10/17/2009 06:46 AM (UTC)
Lol this is awesome! hahaha u drew Nimbus Terrafaux!!!

The sketches are awesome, the idea of the spectrum is very well done and really cool! haha
Ur Ermac looks sick!!!

You do realize this means we fully expect a MK2 Cast soon as well. You get 12 playables now... come on! 12 is an easy number to work w!
10/17/2009 07:27 AM (UTC)
I do plan on doing MK2, but first I thought I might do alternate costumes.
And technically, there'd be 17 characters. I can't forget Smoke, Jade, Noob, and the bosses.
10/17/2009 11:50 PM (UTC)
Wow these are really good..
I'm looking forward to the MK2
Those are nice, good work.
10/18/2009 08:40 PM (UTC)
you got skills dude
About Me

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but some peoples' eyes need some serious medical attention.

10/19/2009 05:01 AM (UTC)
I like these a lot, diggin' the style, and I don't think Sonya has ever looked better, except maybe the actual MK3 chick.

10/19/2009 07:38 AM (UTC)
Awesome-riffic! dude you should try drawing my charcter ideas that i posted...your artwork is sweet.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

10/19/2009 10:22 PM (UTC)
You should cut each character out and release them as separate submissions, If it's possible...

Overall I like them
10/20/2009 12:09 AM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
You should cut each character out and release them as separate submissions, If it's possible...

Overall I like them

I might do that after the alt costumes are done, since I can probably fit them as pairs.
10/20/2009 10:41 AM (UTC)
Pretty sexy looking stuff.
10/20/2009 01:43 PM (UTC)
heh, Kano's smiling
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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10/22/2009 04:59 AM (UTC)
Awesome. Good concepts all the way man.

I'd like to see more.
10/22/2009 05:59 AM (UTC)
Hitting a bit of a wall, thought I'd get a second opinion from the public:

My plan for Raiden's alternate costume is to reference the Japanese folklore version, a demon who beats a drum. Red skin, horns and tusks, that sort of big deal. But I've been drawing a blank on the clothes.
The legend seems to call for a tiger fur loincloth, but that didn't seem like a good idea. He's still gotta be Raiden, y'know? So I tried to just work tiger print into a more traditional Raiden costume, a little MKDA alternate, a little of Proce's design, whatever made him look...I dunno, "godly"? I mean, who else but a god is going to have purple rope? I also went with white tiger, because orange didn't fit the color scheme.
So here's what I've got so far, and something about it still doesn't look right to me. I slapped some color on quick to see if that made a difference, and I dunno.
What do you guys think? Does it work, or should I try something different?
10/22/2009 11:07 AM (UTC)
Dude, the only reason I could distinguish him was the lightning and the hat on his back. Otherwise, that looks like Nightwolf's ancestor...without the horn...
10/22/2009 12:17 PM (UTC)
I can see your point, but keep in mind that one of the points of alternate costumes is that since the primary is already the version of the character everyone is used to, you have room to go crazy.
Maybe I should put the hat back on his head, though? That would make him a lot more Raiden-y.
10/22/2009 09:56 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I can see your point, but keep in mind that one of the points of alternate costumes is that since the primary is already the version of the character everyone is used to, you have room to go crazy.

Maybe I should put the hat back on his head, though? That would make him a lot more Raiden-y.

nah, i like the hat on his back, u can see the horn that way!!!
I like that alternate!
10/23/2009 11:11 AM (UTC)
EDIT: Ignore this, the content's been moved to the first post for new reader ease.
10/23/2009 02:31 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also of note, just finished this:

Primary Costumes in Color

ooohhh nice coloring. 5/5
10/24/2009 10:16 AM (UTC)
Absolutely awesome. That is really brilliant work there.
10/24/2009 10:19 AM (UTC)
The colored Ermac is sexy as hell.
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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10/25/2009 02:05 PM (UTC)

I'll chime in...

More Japanese Buddhist Monk...less of the folklore. Especially for Dark Raiden. The dragon-man God of lightning is just making him look silly in general, and I think should probably just be an embroidery on his clothes or something. Y'know, as a definite homage or symbol as to who he really is. But I don't think it should take any sort of real presence on his physical design.

one - Lean more into ronin jingasa (right) for the hat, tabi shoes.








I don't think they need to go making him look "just like that" by any means, but to lean harder towards that, instead of the actual mythological god Raiden would be much better. The Japanese Buddhist Monk "looks" alot like Raiden already...even though there are some dramatic ways to change his appeal. I think there is a more organic appeal to serenity, i.e. easy to exaggerate, and emphasis on that "God" theme that Raiden needs to have in order to legitimize his status.
10/26/2009 05:08 AM (UTC)
Eh, honestly? Your "buddhist monk" suggestions look too similar to his Primary costume for me.
Alternates should be radically different from the primaries in my opinion. And I wanted to reference the character's mythological origins for once, because there's no more appropriate time to do so than the very first game, where everybody's costumes are references to their origins and backstories.
So yeah, I'm definitely set on doing the Shinto look. Mainly I'm looking for ideas to make the demon version look better. Maybe a different skin color? Big horn decorations on the hat instead of the unicorn horn? Changes to the robes?
Also, bringing up Dark Raiden seems a little out of place since there is no such thing until Deception.
10/27/2009 02:33 PM (UTC)
I understand that you want to get the mythological feel going on but keep the essence of the original character. I have reviewed your drawing and came up with my own views on it...figured I would see what you think and listed the ideas below.

The tiger striped pads are in the direction but I think the whole vest should be tiger and not just the pads. Also,you liked the white tiger but I think a slight orange transition to white would make it look better. I am not saying all orange just maybe the sides or under arm areas of the vest (which I think should be tacked up a bit higher up his sides a bit) and the shoulders. Another option is to instead use the tiger design for his skin instead of his attire (almost like Kintaro).

the horn...this is what I don't like about it. its a bit too large so maybe if you feel its needed to keep for the mythos than maybe put a horn ornament on the hat or put it on the staff or strap it on his belt as if it where like a blow horn. maybe use more than just one horn too if you must...if not i would use less dragon/demon themes and just go with all out tiger beastly ears sticking out of his hair like an Inuyasha kinda deal.

The arm guards are ok but I think a cloth style wrapping guards may look better...the ones on him now look too ninja like for his style. I like the metal/gold bands though. i don't like the colors you used for the arms either...if you use the wrap idea i would keep it white maybe with some embroidery. and the black should be a linnen tan color or texture. If the sandals were to be kept maybe match the color of them.

The rope ties...they are fine but the color purple seems wrong to me...I would try red or just go natural gold/tan works well too sometimes...purple is in some of the mythos but it doesnt suit Raiden in my eyes. Or just go traditional black...

I don't care for the sandals too much but it isn't too bad...I would rather see him have kung fu style wraps and shoes (something like Liu Kangs shoes)...maybe with tiger fur accent pads on the shins too. I would play around with it with different ideas to see what goes with the final theme chosen.

10/27/2009 03:25 PM (UTC)
I like some of your suggestions, LycaniLLusion. Definitely leaning toward hat with horn ornamentation at this point, and I think you're right about the purple and the sandals. Don't think I'd want him to look similar Kintaro, though. Kintaro's a personal favorite of mine and I wouldn't want to detract from his uniqueness.

I didn't like the way the fangs turned out from the get-go either, probably gonna make them much larger and more curved, like the ones on a kabuki mask.

For the record, the long black and gold gloves are just something I lifted from his MKDA alt, which had a ronin samurai look to it, so that explains the "ninja-ness", I guess.
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