In Friendship's Name
All eyes turned to look upon her. She shifted back, her seat scraping against the floor as she did so. Arose, and walked to her right, through the crowd, towards the spiral staircase which led down to the floor. She headed down, her silken green dress dragging on the floor as she walked. When she reached the defendant's table, she bowed respectfully towards the judge, and sat in the vacant chair next to Kitana's. Nervously, she adjusted her fingerless aquamarine dress gloves, breathed deeply, and prepared to choose her words carefully, prepared to defend her best friend.
"Lady Jade," said Kitana after a nod, "how long have you known me?"
"Jade smiled. "My friendship with you has endured through 7,349 years, if my count is exact. We are childhood friends, you and I."
Kitana got up, and stood facing Jade. She could not walk about, due to her ankle bond, and it pained Jade inwardly to see this. "Throughout the time we have known each other, have you ever, in any way, seen me voice any displeasure towards the Emperor's rule?"
"I have not." She didn't like lying, but to openly admit that she was a party to Kitana's plans was to not only prove Kitana guilty, but also to sign her own death warrant. She could do without either of those. "Throughout the ages, I have never once beheld you even make the barest whisper of dissatisfaction on the subject of Emperor Kahn, or his wise rule. I have seen you unravel plots to overthrow him. I have seen you pledge your allegiance to him. I have seen you fight in his name. I have seen you even kill for him, yes. Without a shadow of a doubt, you are second to none when it comes to the loyal service of our beloved Emperor."
That was true, to an extent. She had seen all of these things, yes, and had done so alongside her best friend - but that was in the past. Ever since Kitana had recovered her memories, memories of her true father, King Jerrod, any loyalties to Shao Kahn were a falsehood - a well-practiced deception. Jade was the only other one in the castle who knew. When Kitana had told her, she didn't know what to think. For a long time, she considered so much - believing, disbelieving, allying with, betraying her friend, or even keeping neutral. Finally, she had decided to stick with her closest ally through thick and thin, to follow her into the depths of the netherrealm, if needs be.
Only once she had made the decision had she realized how easy the choice was, all along.
"And what of Mileena?"
Jade snapped herself out of her reverie. She folded her arms, and exhaled sharply. "I think I can speak on the behalf of Kahn's elite when I tell you that she will not be missed. She distrusted everyone, save for her precious Baraka. She saw even the simplest opening to a conversation as an invitation to a fight. Should you comment on the snow, she would agree that it would be lovely to flay you under. I am thankful that her holier-than-thou demeanour will from now on be absent from the palace halls, not to mention her constant bloodlust. I, for one...and yes, I do realize that it is looked down upon to speak this way of royalty, as she was, but...I for one, am glad she is dead."
Murmurs and gasps spread throughout the crowd. Jade could very well be punished for this, seemed worth it, to speak the whole truth, at least once. The judge clenched the diamond orb he had, and a red light burst forth in a visible shockwave that stopped a few feet off the table.
"There will be order in this court," he said icily. The rabble quieted.
"I thank you, Jade." Kitana smiled. You may step d-"
"One moment." Ziang got up from his chair, and walked to the fence separating the two sides. I would like to cross-examine, if I may."
Kitana and Jade exchanged a glance. Kitana nodded. She sat back down.
"Lady Jade, during the time of the Emperor's own Mortal Kombat tournament, where were you? You were invited to participate, but declined. Why?"
Jade blinked. What did he have? She came up with something, and hoped against hope it would work.
"I...had my own affairs to look after."
"Such as lurking through the preferred battleground of the late prince Goro, back on Shang Tsung's island?" Ziang raised an eyebrow.
Whispers echoed through the crowd again.
How does he know? How much does he know? "Yes," she said, after a short pause. "I was searching the area for a clue as to the whereabouts of the prince's body - it was never found."
"Were you indeed? That is odd - the Emperor appointed that task specifically, and exclusively to Noob Saibot. Did you not see him there? It was he who informed the Emperor of your whereabouts during that time. Kahn has permitted us to use his records for our own use, as I'm sure you are well aware...?"
It figures, thought Jade. Saibot was one of Kahn's top lap dogs. Ever since first presenting himself to the Emperor two months ago, he had risen quickly in the Dark One's esteem, becoming a valued member of Kahn's elite after proving himself on several difficult missions. Nothing went on, of the smallest or greatest importance under Saibot's eyes, without the Emperor knowing about it. And, of course, bearing the skills of a ninja, and being completely camouflaged in black, Saibot was the perfect spy.
"Yes, I am. But what do my whereabouts during the Emperor's tournament have to do with Kitana's trial?"
Ziang smiled slightly. ``Plenty, I'm afraid. Saibot also informed the Emperor Kahn that you appeared to be very tense, looking out for something, or someone. After traversing the eastern portal to the Earthrealm, doesn't one have to pass through Goro's battling grounds in order to reach...say, Shang Tsung's personal palace? And isn't it that very same palace where the decapitated body of Mileena was found?"
Jade's eyes narrowed. "What...are you saying?"
"Although it is true that Kitana was present through most of the tournament, she was absent for a day or so. After that day, no one saw Mileena. Kitana re-appeared to battle further, but Mileena did not. She was thus disqualified. Everyone present at the tournament can vouch for that.
Jade frowned, " not see your point. Even so, what does this have to do with me?"
"It would have taken Kitana far too long to dispose of the body someplace where it wouldn't be found, on her own. There were monks everywhere during the tournament."
Jade made it clear that she was tiring of Ziang's games. She said every word through gritted teeth, and rose slightly from the table.
"I'm saying that when Kitana knew she would have the chance to murder Mileena unnoticed, she called you along. She did the deed - could you have helped in some way? - and you both disguised her body somehow. While she went back to the battlegrounds, you traveled through the eastern portal, through the battlegrounds of the late Shokan prince, into Tsung's palace, and dumped the body where it wouldn't be found until later."
Jade stared at Ziang in shock. He was good, she had to admit. Very, very good.
The crowd was yelling now, on its feet. The judge's ball did little to quiet them.
"Objection!" called Kitana. "As you said, Ziang, I am on trial here!"
"Overruled, said the judge. "This is relevant to the case. Proceed.''
"The both of you were in on this from the start, weren't you? Admit it."
"I will admit nothing, for you can prove nothing. This is all suspicion and theory."
"For now, yes. But we will know for sure in a matter of days - I have sent for a copy of the portal monks' scrolls dating to the days of the tournament. Do you not remember? Those monks who guard the portal take down records of all passengers and their possessions. When we find the inscription that shows your passage and your belongings, we will know for sure. What did you hide it in? A sack, perhaps, the body covered with food supplies? I hear that tomato juice makes a good cover for blood -"
"Objection," called Kitana again. "Your honor, he is badgering the witness."
"Sustained, said the judge. "Ziang, your point is made clear. Have you any further relevant questions to ask the Lady?"
"Not at this time, your honor."
"Then you may step down."
Jade arose, and she and Kitana shared a quick, nervous glance. She walked back up to her seat and closed her eyes. The prosecution had got it all right, down to the letter. She wondered whether the rumors about telepaths in the council might not have been true.
When she opened her eyes, Ziang was speaking again. He faced the jury.
" of the things that has been noticeably lacking in this trial, has been evidence, solid and concrete. At this trial's opening, I stated for the record, that I had evidence as well as testimony that would prove Kitana guilty. That evidence will be presented in a moment.
Evidence? Jade wondered. What could he possibly have that could...
They couldn't have...
"But first, I would like to bring one note to your attention. Upon examination of the body of the deceased, it was discerned that she was decapitated. However, I will also call to your attention that the severing of the head was done by a weapon. The cut is absolutely straight across, done with the precision of a meat cleaver.
"I have upon my person a copy of the widely available list of participants in the tournament. Of the 40 or so, 16 carried bladed weapons of some type. Of those 16, only four were left in the tournament the morning Mileena was last seen: The elite warrior Baraka, Captain Zeij of our majesty's shock troopers, the Earthrealm warrior Kung Lao, and the Princess Kitana."
"Zeij was seen battling the Earthrealm warrior Nimbus Terrafaux that day. That rules him out.
"Kung Lao fought against General Kintaro that morning. He barely escaped with his life."
"And while the very notion of Baraka being the murderer is absurd - he was Mileena's beloved, after all - he had a bout against the Earthrealm fighter Johnny Cage that began at noon, and lasted for a full two hours. After his loss, he was brought to the infirmary, where he spent the next week recovering."
Jade closed her eyes. She knew where this was going.
"That leaves Princess Kitana - who disappeared for most of that day. The last time she was seen was around 2:00 P.M, heading towards the Living Forest, where Mileena had been fighting. The monks dare not to venture into the forest, being the superstitious lot that they are - that is why battles there are usually to the death. The winner emerges from the forest alone, and the monk on duty takes down the name.
"But the monk on duty there reported that Mileena did not come back out, nor did her opponent."
The doors opened, and a bare-chested Tarkatan came in holding a small leather sack.
Oh, gods, NO.
Jade knew what was inside.
Ziang walked over to the nomad, and took the sack from him. He untied the fastenings.
"This was found on the outskirts of the forest three days ago."
He reached in, and pulled out the contents.
There was an audible gasp throughout the room, and Jade experienced a rush of horror, guilt, and regret such as she had never known as the hollowing, decaying eyes stared in her direction, eyes that had registered so much surprise when-
-she appeared from behind a tree, seconds after Mileena had sunk her sai through her opponent's throat, a minor Earth fighter of little skill or importance.
"What are YOU doing here?" Mileena had sneered.
"Waiting,'' Jade replied.
"For what?"
"Something I've wanted to see for a long time."
"And that is?"
"Your death."
Mileena was about to attack her, when Kitana had leaped out of the dense foliage, her fan intent on cleaving her sister's skull neatly in two. Mileena blocked it, smacking it away with one of her sais' tips. She pressed her attacker back, aiming several slashes to Kitana's unmasked face, which were all dodged at the last possible moment. She was doing well, but she wasn't paying nearly enough attention as she should have been. For Jade kept on pacing around, watching the fight, seeking the best possible angle. And so it was, that after no more than five minutes of battle, just after Kitana had received a kick to the face which pushed her back a foot or two, Mileena had attempted to throw one of her sais at Jade's face. That was her fatal mistake, as Jade caught it...and tossed it into the wood. That moment of distraction was all it took, as Kitana closed one of her fans, and purposefully swung it downward, knowing that Mileena would instinctively parry, which she did - and with one weapon, that was all she could do, as Kitana's other, open fan came around...
...and severed Mileena's head clean from her shoulders, her eyes still open in shock. The head had rolled over upon hitting the ground, and the blank eyes stared at Jade-
...just as they were now. As if to say, "You too, killed me."
Jade thought back, about how Kitana had trusted her with disposing of the body, about how somehow, somewhere, the head had disappeared (dropped, most likely, out of the back of the carriage that Jade had conveniently found on a path nearby, that was indeed filled with fresh fruits and vegetables - Kitana had thought of everything), about how she had kept that a secret from her friend, not wanting -foolishly, oh so foolishly- to tell her that there could still be evidence remaining that could do them both great harm. Not wanting to tell her that she had failed even the simplest of tasks, had failed her friend.
Jade knew that If Kitana could have, she would have shot her a very quizzical look. But she couldn't, not just now. Ziang was speaking again, and Jade caught the last of what he said.
"...and when the fan slices, it leaves different levels of incision inside the wound, due to the difference in height of the blades. These cannot appear on the body, as the lowest blade strikes first, cutting a straight swath. But here on the head, as you can see, these, despite the degree of decay present, are quite visible. Your honor, I rest my case."
He placed the head on the evidence table, and sat back down.
Cries of "Guilty" echoed throughout the crowd. They died down at a clench of the judge's orb.
"Lady Kitana, what do you have to say for yourself?" asked the judge.
Kitana closed her eyes.
"I am here, before you, convicted of the crime of murdering my sister. I pleaded innocent, and of that, I am."
"But the evidence is-"
"The woman I killed was not my sister, for I have none."
"What do you mean?"
"Remove the mask upon her face, and you will see what I mean. She was born from a sample of my blood, the blood of the Tarkatans, and of Shang Tsung's sorcery."
"What are you saying?!"
Kitana stood up, and dug her hole as deep as it could go.
"When Shao Kahn invaded my home world of Edenia, and brought it into his own...this...Outworld...he took me as his own daughter. Even though he erased my memories, and I myself thought that he was my father, he knew, deep inside, that I could never truly love him as such. Somewhere deep down in that black pit he calls his heart, he did want a child of his own. So, he had Shang Tsung create her. I learned of these things after discovering records of my own past. Mileena was in no way royalty, but a pretender to the throne, brought into existence by the Emperor's foolish whims, and forbidden magick."
Silence reigned supreme.
"If I am to be tried on this day, and sentenced to die..."
She finally spoke the words she had been waiting to say for centuries.
"I will bring down the entire house of Shao Kahn with me. I may be guilty of murder, but the Emperor is guilty of that, and much, much, more. He won the keys to Edenia through treachery, and I know he will do the same to Earth."
Cries of outrage abounded throughout the room. The rabble was on its feet, now, pointing, screaming, booing, and hissing.
"...You speak treason, and heresy!"
"See for herself. Remove her mask."
The judge, after a short pause, nodded towards one of the bailiffs, who moved towards the head.
"Wait." Ziang spoke. "I have here a decree from the Emperor regarding just this matter."
The judge held his hand up. "Bailiff, stop. Let him speak."
Jade was in shock. The Emperor had thought of everything. This was a blasted show trial...
"It is my decree that while the head of my beloved daughter may be, though it pains me to allow, used as evidence in this case, it may only be done if my one condition is met; and that is that the shroud covering her face must never be moved from its spot there. She adored it so, and wore it proudly, as the warrior who carries his sword into battle does so with the highest regards to it. When she wears her mask, she hides the lip she bites when she is forced to take a life before others. She hides the smile she makes when she is happy. She lived as an assassin, and would die as one - in full garment. These were her spoken words to me, and I vowed to carry them out."
Ziang put down the scroll. "I am afraid, dear princess, that we cannot grant your request."
Kitana could say nothing. She simply sat back down. Nor could Jade, whose mouth was wide open in shock.
The Emperor himself is trying Kitana for murdering Mileena...he senses Kitana's treachery...and....most probably mine, too...
"Jury of six...need you time to deliberate?"
The jury, six figures in identical brown robes, conversed quietly for a bare moment.
"Your honor, there is no need for deliberation. We have seen and heard enough for one day, and can discuss further those facts at the next gathering.
We find Princess Kitana guilty of murder, treason, insurrection, and heresy."
The judge clenched down upon his orb again, and it glowed yellow.
"Princess Kitana, your crimes are great. However, I have not the authority to sentence royalty. Hence, your sentence will be decreed by the Emperor himself - as I was informed before this trial that it would be, were you found guilty. Take her away."
Jade held her hands over her nose and mouth, trying and failing to bite back the tears, as the two bailiffs led the unresisting Princess out of the room.
She knew what would happen next.
"Lady Jade?"
She spoke, but did not open her eyes, or look up. She dared not look at the judge, the jury, Ziang, or the faces about her who stared at her with barely disguised contempt.
"By the authority vested in me by the emperor Shao Kahn, you too are under arrest. You are accused of treason, serving as an accessory to murder, and aiding and abetting a felon. As a respected member of Kahn's elite guard, you are ineligible for imprisonment, even if temporary. So for the moment, you will be placed under strict surveillance in your own domicile. Even now, Tarkatan guardsmen await you there. You are not to leave your dwellings for the time being. When the monk's scrolls come into Prosecutor Ziang's possession, you will be called back here, for a trial of your own. Are these things understood?"
She bolted from her seat, and fled the room, crying.
Author : Bob J Dole
Creation date: 2005-1-31-41
Modification date: 2005-1-31-41
Author's Remarks: | |
Chapter 6 of vendetta, concluding Kitana's Ttial. Previously posted on
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but what tournament are they talking about? MK1 or MK2? they mention Nimbus Terrafaux and Shang's island... and Kintaro and Kung Lao

PS-make Stryker cool enough for all these haters!