Trial by Liar
The courtroom was circular, the entire floor emblazoned with the familiar Dragon emblem that could be seen throughout Shao Kahn's grand palace. Black pillars at the edges of the circle supported the upper balconies of the room, from which the crowds - a very select few, invited by Kahn himself (flatterers and favor-seekers, he knew, but better to humor them for the time being) looked on silently. The 6 benches, which decorated the floor in two rows of three, housed the jury. At the dragon's head, behind an immense marble table built into the floor, the judge sat, completely enshrouded in a white robe with a black cloth draped over his face, which flowed from a tiara on the forehead. His hand, encased in a ruby-red glove, rested on a ball made entirely out of diamond on the table in front of him, which swirled and pulsated with energy. Two bailiffs guarded the entrance, chosen soldiers of Kahn's army that were permitted to wear special blue outfits, rather than the casual red. They each wore large, flat, jagged masks, and carried large spears. They remained silent. The shadows cast by the torches that adorned the walls made them seem all the more imposing.
The defendant and plaintiff's tables were situated on opposite sides of the floor, separated by an iron cage which ran down the room's center, its top at level with the surface of the judge's table. At each of these tables, a figure sat. The plaintiff, a representative of the Outworld Supreme Council, one K'lanthe Ziang, and the defendant, the 10,000 year old heir to the throne of Outworld itself, the beautiful princess Kitana.
She did not seem the least bit perturbed by her surroundings. She sat patiently, slender legs crossed, fingers entwined and resting on her lap. Her expression gave away nothing, there was nary a trace of anger or happiness in her full, red lips, or worry in her clear brown eyes, which twinkled when the light hit them after passing through the dragon-shaped window overlooking the whole spectacle. She moved only once, to smooth out the wrinkles in her velvet blue gown, adjust her earrings, push her hair behind her shoulders, and then quickly resumed her pose, attempting to ignore the cold bite of the iron chain around her right ankle, which kept her anchored to the table.
"All rise," the judge spoke, in a voice as brittle and dry as bones left for aeons in a wind-blown field. The entire room got to their feet.
"We are here today," he continued, "to conduct the trial of the Outworld Supreme Council against the princess Kitana of the house of Emperor Kahn. The proceedings of this courtroom, not specific to this trial, have always been and will continue to be conducted for the benefit of the honorable invited guests of the Emperor, the participants in the cases, and this courtroom itself. Disclosure of the events which take place in this courtroom, or the discussion thereof, to any other parties is a criminal offence punishable under law M{} -/+\-, part V, section XVII. Do you all swear to uphold this law? Each and every last one of you, state your name, and swear it.
One by one, each and every single person in the room rose, brought their left hand up, and swore. After this process, which took a full twenty minutes, the trial began in earnest.
"Be seated." The judge turned his hooded gaze in Kitana's direction. "Princess Kitana, you have been charged by the Outworld High Council of Six with the following crimes: Conspiracy to overthrow your father, the Emperor Kahn, Conspiracy to assassinate your father, the Emperor Kahn, treason through allegiance with otherworldly forces, and the assassination of Mileena of the house of Emperor Kahn - your sister. How do you plead to these accusations?
Kitana stood, and faced the judge directly. She had no need for a lawyer - she had studied the law system vigorously, and would defend herself. "Your honor, I plead not guilty on all counts."
"Very well. What do you have to say in your defense?"
"I am, and have always been, loyal to my father. I would never dream of usurping his throne, for any reason, be it monetary, power-based, or otherwise. Let the records show that."
The judge nodded slowly. "Indeed, your history shows no evidence of disloyalty toward the throne whatsoever. But, the prosecution intends to prove otherwise, as I am sure you are well aware. Have you anything else to say on your behalf?"
"No," She said. "I would allow the prosecution to state its case, first."
"Very well. K'lanthe Ziang?"
Ziang, a braided, pale-skinned man of average build and height, stood. "Your honor. I have examined the facts in this case carefully, and I am confident that, with evidence and testimony, I can prove the defendant guilty on all counts."
Kitana watched Ziang, wondering silently what he could have against her. She knew, of course, that she was guilty of the crimes she'd been accused of, but it would do her appearance well, at the very least, to try to prove otherwise. It might even bring to light a sympathizer or two.
"The prosecution would like to call forth its first witness, the lady Scarlett, of Emperor Kahn's sorcerer's guild."
Scarlett arose from her seat above, and walked down the spiral staircase to the prosecution's table. Her long, velvet black robe flowed behind her, at the moment unfastened so that her red battle garment underneath would show, shin guards, heels, and all. She wore a hood, at the moment pulled back to reveal her lavender eyes, straight blonde hair, and thin, mirthful lips. From her collar, twin cloth straps sloped down to her knees, bearing yin-yang motif. She sat at Ziang's table, and smiled thinly at Kitana.
The latter narrowed her eyes. Scarlett, she knew, would be out to prove her guilty at any cost. One of Shang Tsung's best students - a feature which required a great deal of cunning and guile. To boot, she had held a grudge against Kitana for some time, now, viewing her as the epitome of wasted potential. "So much skill", she had said once, "but such a soft heart..."
That had probably been why she had chosen to assist Tsung in the creation of one particular subject...
"Lady Scarlett, describe your relationship with the late Mileena."
Scarlett sighed - whether that was forced or not, Kitana could not tell. "I was always rather close to her," she said sadly, or convincingly enough. "We were practically best friends."
Carrion of a feather, thought Kitana.
"I see," said Ziang. "And your relationship with Kitana?"
"Well, Mileena always spoke very highly of her. But honestly...I could never see her in the same light. She has, in my opinion, always been too secretive. And, I think, jealous of her sister. Perhaps even...hateful towards her."
"Objection," called Kitana. "I bore no hatred toward Mileena. Only pity. These statements are nothing more than unfounded suspicion."
"Overruled," said the judge. "Continue, Lady Scarlett."
"I have never been too close to Kitana at all - I preferred to keep my distance. It is my belief that Mileena only wished to cover up for her sister by speaking so well of her. If my sorceress' intuition tells me anything, it is that she is indeed plotting against the Emperor...and there is no doubt in my mind that she murdered her sister, as well. I have seen her do battle, and she could kill anyone without a second thought - up to, and including the Emperor."
"Objection", called Kitana a second time. These venomous statements stem from personal bias."
"Sustained. What bias?"
"Many years ago, Lady Scarlett offered to teach me the black arts - I, of course, refer to the practice of magick, permitted only to be used by those deemed of sound mind and spirit by the Emperor's own guild. As I had not taken the examinations, and was not qualified - it should be noted here that her offer was a breach of safety regulations - I refused. She saw my refusal as an insult, and believed that I was under the impression that I was above her tuitive ability. She has held a grudge ever since."
Scarlett's glare spat nothing but poison.
"This court will take your statement into account, Princess. Why did you not bring this up sooner? This is a punishable offence, Lady Scarlett."
Ziang turned. "Objection. Kitana, and not Scarlett, is on trial here."
"Sustained. A hearing will be made upon a later date. For now...Kitana?"
"I was merely...covering for her, your honor. Please, consult with my father, and I am sure that he will grant her a pardon. Before you ask, I have no need to cross-examine. I have said all that is needed."
"Understood. You may step down, Lady Scarlett."
Scarlett rose, and walked back up the stairs to her seat without pause.
"Prosecutor Ziang, your next witness?"
"With your permission, your honor, I will allow lady Kitana the occasion to call a witness, if she so desires."
Kitana nodded politely towards Ziang. She bore him no ill will - he was merely doing his duty to the courts, after all. Aside from being a fair prosecutor, he was also very polite to her. Admirable traits; other prosecutors she knew would be breathing down her neck, figuratively if not literally.
"Very well. Kitana, have you a witness?"
"Yes, your honor. Yes, I do."
She scanned the balcony's crowd, until she found the eyes of her closest friend.
"I would like to call forth the Lady Jade, of Emperor Kahn's elite guard."
Author : Bob J Dole
Creation date: 2005-1-16-17-47
Modification date: 2005-1-16-17-47
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Chapter 5, beginning Kitana's trial. Previously posted on
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