-- Corruption -
I felt as if my life was taken from me, I was just cold suddenly. Never have I felt this feeling before. My arms feel numb, my back hurts from whatever impaled me, and I just don't like this feeling at all. I was taken away from Sub-Zero by Quan Chi and his partner Mavado. The Red Dragon was already doing their work by slaughtering many innocent people and setting fire to the place.
``I sensed that you had much evil in you, Frost, but this change of heart certainly hit me by surprise.'' Quan Chi said as he was dragging me through the halls. Suddenly, that man who helped me back in the tombs was standing in front of me.
``Who's he?'' Mavado asked.
``When I finally discovered the truth on what happened to my family, not only was I relieved, but devastated at what I did to an innocent life... All because of you! You're not going to slip your way out of this fight anymore.'' Quan Chi rolled his eyes and he gave me to Mavado. The man was taking out a large weapon and pointing it straight at Quan Chi.
``Bring her back to the headquarters, I'll deal with him.'' Mavado nodded and took me out of sight. All I heard was arguing and the clashing of metal as the two fought. I hope that man wins.
We left the academy on his horse, heading back to the Red Dragon headquarters. He dragged me through the halls of the place, having several members stare at me as I tried to struggle free. Mavado had a tight grip on me and wasn't going to let go. He brought me to this giant room. There were three women inside, one of them was staring at me with a cold look.
``Who's this? And where is Quan Chi?''
``He's busy dealing with a small problem but he'll be back soon.'' Mavado placed me on the ground. I couldn't move. I closed my eyes, trying to pretend I'm in a better place rather than where I'm at. Trying to pray that someone or something will help me get out of this place.
``When do you think he'll be back?''
``Now that I don't know. Leave her here.''
``Why? How come we can't place her in a cell?''
``All of the cells are booked. She'll be fine here, there's nothing that's around that can help her escape. Come on, we have work to do.'' Mavado and two of the three girls left the room, discussing more about their vicious scheme to take over more academies rather than just the Lin Kuei. The woman that glared at me was left in the room.
``Wake up, there's nothing to be afraid about.''
``I'm not afraid of anything.'' I said with a disgruntled tone.
``Then why have your eyes close?'' I didn't answer. She smirked. The woman walked over towards me and untied my hands. She helped me up to my feet. Her eyes were a bloodlust red color. Her skin was as pale as mine.
``Who are you?'' I asked.
``My name is unimportant right now. I want to help free you from this place. Quan Chi is expecting to do a lot of horrible things with your help. I don't want you to succumb to a life like mine. I know how I can help you. Take this; it's a map of the sewers underneath this place. You can escape freely by heading through this.''
``You sure? How can I trust you?''
``Believe me, I'm not what you think I am. What you're looking at on me is only a disguise of my true form; you don't want to experience what I went through. Take this map and head down into the sewers. I'll guide you there, but then everything else is up to you.'' The woman took me to a trap door within the floor of the basement. As I entered the woman gave me one last glare. ``Tell Sub-Zero the next time you see him, Sareena says ``Get ready.'' She closed the door on me. I feel somewhat cold, but not as much as I did before.
Left alone in the sewers, I stared at the map that was given to me and saw that I will be here for quite some time. This place is huge, but it's not going to stop me from escaping from this place. If Quan Chi wants to turn me into a demon himself, then I need to leave. I knew this man was no good. I would like to know how he sense evil inside of me. I don't remember anything about myself, and if what Sub-Zero said was true, about me slaying his students... I don't want to think about that right now, I'd rather worry about trying not to smell this horrible stench. I wondered further and further, staring at rats and dead bodies lying on the ground. Worms and maggots mostly infested those bodies and I merely turned my head. I heard growling suddenly, but I figured it was just some rodent wondering around the area... I shouldn't have thought that. As I turned the corner down this hall, I saw someone, badly injured lying on the ground. It was a man.
``Sir, are you okay?'' I asked, even though I know that was such a stupid thing to ask.
``No, no I'm not... W-Why are you down here?''
``Escaping, the only thing I can do basically down here. Why are you down here?''
``Doing the same thing.''
``Who are you?''
``M-My name is Chow, I was a prisoner back there as well, I escaped, finding this place. I thought I could escape but unfortunately there's a big problem. Goro.''
``The Shokan Prince... He was once enslaved by Shang Tsung and kept here for the duration until the next Mortal Kombat tournament took place. He doesn't enjoy intruders.'' I looked up, hearing footsteps in the next area. I swallowed my fear and headed into the area. ``You're nuts if you think you can defeat that thing!''
``No I'm not.'' Really, I'm not... If it's to get the hell out of here, then by all means, I'll do whatever it takes to leave.
Chow is an idiot...
He didn't tell me this Goro creature had four arms! Great, now I have to think of some new strategy to keep myself alive instead of wasting my time getting my butt kicked by some Shokan thing.
``More intruders dare to enter my home? I don't think so.'' Goro sprung after me with one of his arms but I quickly ducked. Trying to separate myself from this thing as far as I can. He knows my plan too well and charges after me. Ramming myself into the wall. I slid down and collapsed to the ground. The monster grabbed me by the head by his top two arms and punched me like crazy with other two in my torso. He threw me across the room like if I was a rag doll. Horrible pain I suffered from that throw, but I still continued to fight. For some reason, my arms were surging like crazy, as if they were about to blast off something. I raised my arms into the air and felt something coming, but Goro rammed right into me against a wall. Now I'm getting pissed. I managed to dodge another one of his reaching attacks and rolled out of the way. I stood up quickly and managed to raise my hands into the air. Interesting enough, my hands shot out giant icicles that impaled Goro right into his chest. Bleeding like crazy from these icicles, Goro's speed started to slow down. I was getting somewhere. I dodged another attack and raised my arms again to shoot out more icicles, this time impaling him through the back. Interesting enough, Goro fell to his knees then dropping to his hands. I approached him and created a giant icicle that impaled him through his head, killing him instantly.
Chow came as soon as he heard me cheering that I won. Impressed, Chao patted me on the back.
``Nice work, come on, we have to get out of here.'' We ran all the way through the sewers, hoping that nothing will get to us. There were several traps that laid before us but were mostly avoided. As we reached the end, Chow headed out first. I heard someone talking outside. Was I supposed to expect someone at the end? As I got out, I see Chow... and Quan Chi!!! This was a trap! That bitch!
``Thanks for the heads up, Shang Tsung.'' I looked at Chow, he was laughing at me. He morphed into a different man, one with long brown hair, a long goatee and with ragged skin. A complete different person stood by me as I just crawled out of the sewers.
``I told you that Sareena couldn't be trusted anymore. Did I not tell you that she has been trying to help our prisoners escape? Luckily enough, Frost was able to fall right into this trap.''
``So what are we going to do with her?'' Shang Tsung asked. Quan Chi took several steps closer to me and grabbed me by the back of the neck.
``Oh, I know what to do with her. I know exactly what do to with her.''
I'm feeling cold again...
Author : Drew
Creation date: 2010-9-14-12-3
Modification date: 2010-9-14-12-10
Author's Remarks: | |
As Frost is captured by the Black Dragon and Quan Chi, a familiar face is giving Frost a chance to escape. But, as soon as she begins to make her escape, a trap has already been set for her to walk into. What could this trap be?
Content | 1629 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 1 | Score |
I don't know how wild I am about the Goro fight scene, I mean... this is Goro after all, and I'm also not sure if you plan to elaborate why these villains are all working together. I would assume this takes place after Deception, so even if alive the two sorcerers would probably not be good friends, and Goro would even be less of an ally for them. And if he was, why Shang Tsung would allow Frost to kill him. I suppose I should wait and read on a bit more before deciding all that, but to be hit by it suddenly is a bit much.
I had trouble thinking about that part, I know it makes no sense whatsoever, but I felt like it was this giant obstacle that she had to go through thinking that "ohmigosh there's the end of the sewers, I'm almost free!" And then right at the end she gets back into trouble.
There are certain parts of this story I struggled, you can so see it right there. Goro seemed like the perfect fit. What happened is that because of the lost he suffered from Liu Kang in the first tournament, he was devastated, so Shang Tsung kept him hidden in the sewers thought he could like re-train Goro back to his normal state, but he doesn't.
I still have plenty of other characters to create, Goro will be a main character in Shang Tsung's story. Remember, it's bit by bit, certain things will be like confusing but it's more down the line like "Okay, I gotta wait and see." Hope that explains a lot.