-- A Monster is Never Loved-
I'm a monster... Nobody loves me, not even my father... I was only created as a replacement. You see, my sister is Kitana, the princess of Edenia. My father, Shao Kahn, wants to be in her life, having her to believe that he is her real father, despite the fact that he's the one held responsible for killing her real father, King Jerrod. I was created right after in case the day ever comes to where Kitana knows the real truth. Kahn wants a daughter by his side, and unfortunately he wants only Kitana, not me... He treated her better than me. I'm just a monster, nobody loves me, not even my father...
Years ago, I was created by Shang Tsung, from orders by Kahn. I was created by sorcery magic, unfortunately during the process, Tarkatan DNA was somehow slipped into the concoction and I am left with a hideous face, kept under a veil at all times. My father was disgusted over the fact this birth defect happened. He wanted the perfect daughter. He knows that Kitana will soon betray him, so he thought I could be that daughter... But because of this defect, he doesn't do that much with me. He trains the two of us to become fighters in the real world, but he teaches her more moves than teaching me. He gives her love, compassion, things that I desperately wish for... I want them, so badly, but my father doesn't give me this. Instead, I'm shoved to corners, sent to my room, getting yelled at, having to see that cold shoulder every once and a while. I'm a monster, nobody loves me, not even my father...
Years of proving myself to him never mattered because I was still treated like an abomination towards him. I'm hurt that my father would do this to me. I've tried fighting against Kitana but that only angered him so much. I managed to obtain powers that allowed me to hear her thoughts but father thought I was faking it... What the hell do I need to do to impress this man? He orders her best friend Jade to go after her, not me. He orders this creature named Reptile to go after her, but not me. Am I doing something wrong to where you're not asking your own daughter to do your kidnapping work? What is my purpose in life then if you don't want to do anything with me?
It came to a concluding halt that my father should never love me, only because the dead cannot love. My father was brutally murdered by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. Shang Tsung used to work for my father, in fact, he was more of a slave than anything else towards him. But this murder that they committed caught me off guard. I was in the room when I saw my father's helmet roll off of him. They turned around and looked at me. Shang Tsung smiled.
``Well, well... if it isn't the emperor's little daughter, Mileena.'' Shang Tsung said as he walked closer towards me.
``What did you do to him?''
``That's none of your concern, Mileena... Why should it be? Your father never cared about you, why should you care about this?'' He's right you know. But it's still my father, the man who raised me into the girl that I am.
``But he's my father!''
``I understand that but the way that this man has treated you throughout all these years, you think he ever once loved you? Why should you love a man that doesn't love you? I can show you a much better life than the one you got here. Take my hand.'' I thought I could trust Shang Tsung, after all, he was one of the people responsible for my creation... I took his hand, but then I saw the most evil grin I've ever seen in my life.
He wasn't going to give me a better life, instead I'm chained up in this horrible underground place, treated like a dog! What is this? Why is he doing this to me?
``For some reason, Kahn wanted to raise you like a daughter, give you a chance despite what has happened in the process of creating you. I thought he was nuts for raising a Tarkatan under his roof. You mutants don't deserve to feel loved.''
``Don't call me that!'' Shang Tsung got out of my face and chuckled.
``You damn Tarkatans are running a muck out there, it's about time you fucking creatures get extinct.'' I heard a snap; Shang Tsung closed the lock and left me chained by my neck to a concrete wall. I'm stuck in this prison. I'm not a dog, I need to get out of here.
I'm a monster, nobody loves me... Except my father...
Author : Drew
Creation date: 2010-9-14-12-12
Modification date: 2010-9-14-12-12
Author's Remarks: | |
In order for the next story for Frost to occur, this story needs to take place. We're taking a deeper look into Mileena's personal life between her father. Then also towards the end, we see a side of hers that we didn't expect she'd have.
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