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Kunglao2k made this Fake. I made the special effects (the bullet and that with the bullet time ;))
Full Scale | 395x253 | Category | Fakes | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 9 | Score |
submitted 06/07/2003 09:39 PM (UTC)by
ScorpionX they call me Sub-Ciro Me @ MySpace

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1000GS @ MKvDC
Member Since
11/23/2002 09:34 PM (UTC)
The agent sprite edit sucks. Whatever the fuck effect you used on Jax sucks. The idea is so fucking old.
I hate this fake pic.
I hate this fake pic.
That's a typical accusation from a common jack ass at this forum.
bbass Wrote: you hate everything blacksiaboot......... |

hey maxdam cogratualations on yor 3000 visit man, as for the fake is not original do someting fresh from the market.

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its ok, it has been done to many times
slack it off Blacksiaboot, i've read almost all your replies in the post i visited, and each time you bash on other people fakes.
take some chilling pills or something like that. I maybe a common Jackass, but you're the one who never show's respect in your replies.
I think everybody is sorry to not have a lot of time to waste on making MK Fakes like some others.......
take some chilling pills or something like that. I maybe a common Jackass, but you're the one who never show's respect in your replies.
I think everybody is sorry to not have a lot of time to waste on making MK Fakes like some others.......
i agree with blacksaibot
the agent sprite is out of focus and fuzzy.
jax....jax is just a blur effect.
the idea is old yes.. but if your gunna do and old
idea thats fine but put more time into the fake then 10min.
thats my opinion.
the fake is fine, but could of been better
the agent sprite is out of focus and fuzzy.
jax....jax is just a blur effect.
the idea is old yes.. but if your gunna do and old
idea thats fine but put more time into the fake then 10min.
thats my opinion.
the fake is fine, but could of been better
bbass Wrote: slack it off Blacksiaboot, i've read almost all your replies in the post i visited, and each time you bash on other people fakes. take some chilling pills or something like that. I maybe a common Jackass, but you're the one who never show's respect in your replies. I think everybody is sorry to not have a lot of time to waste on making MK Fakes like some others....... |
I can see why balkcsiaboot would be getting a little pissed off with the fakes that have been cropping up as of late. They all suck. I've been waiting nearly a month to see something worth looking at. I pretty much stopped coming to this forum because of the horrible fakes that everybody's been pulling out of their asses. I could go bitching everyone out because I indeed am tired of seeing all of this literal shit, but I choose not to waste my time with such pathetic blabbering. All of the newbies and the people who suck, or are just losing skill, are killing the fake picture "industry", for lack of a better term. I stopped making fakes because I've lost all interest, and cannot be inspired. I create a sprite or two every now and then, but nothing I feel like posting here so a bunch of talentless ass lickers can PM me, asking me how I do it and such.
If you want to bitch at people for complaining, look in the mirror and start yelling at yourself, because you're doing it as well. Go back a few pages, and you'll see what this forum used to be made of--people with talent posting things that looked good. And then come back and look at the shit cluttered on this page. Absolutely nothing looks good on this page. Everything is horribly done, everything sucks.
Maybe my standards are too high, but they deserve to be at the peak they are. I worked my ass off to be where I am in the fake picture ladder, and all you people who suck and waste my time with the shit I come here to look at every day should just stop making the shit you make. You suck. It's plain and simple. If you're not getting any better, stock up and fucking quit making fakes, because you're just going to get an even worse reputation with people with actual talent, and then you'll dislike them for your own Goddamn mistakes.
Now that I got that off my chest...

Hey VenoMark welcome back I thought you were banned or left because your a mod at mk rok.
a lot of people always put the excuse of saying "I got paint" hell I got paint and my fakes do not come out that bad.
a lot of people always put the excuse of saying "I got paint" hell I got paint and my fakes do not come out that bad.

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Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?
If you think all the fakes here suck, why come back? Go elsewhere then. People make fakes for fun. Not many people here are shallow-self-diluted dolts that try and build up their reputation and selfworth by making fakes. You said you stopped coming to this site because of the horrible fakes. Then why did you return? You say you feel tired of wasting your time with such pathetic blabbering, well, what do you think you are doing? Just because you act so conceitedly negative towards others' you think they will do better? Decent people (like many here) don't need to prove anything. They like MK. That's all that matters. If you think it sucks..who cares? Be honest with yourself, do you think they feed off of your comments? I think not. Go get laid. Making fakes isn't a business. It just isn't. I'm pretty sure you aren't making any money from your fakes. This isn't a damn competition. Get over it. Move on with your damn life. If you don't like the art, don't look at it. It's not their problem if it isn't up to your standards. Seriously...making fakes doesn't help you at all. Are you going to say "I'm good at making MK fakes" on your resume? Nobody gives a shit if your fakes are good.
VenoMark Wrote: I can see why balkcsiaboot would be getting a little pissed off with the fakes that have been cropping up as of late. They all suck. I've been waiting nearly a month to see something worth looking at. I pretty much stopped coming to this forum because of the horrible fakes that everybody's been pulling out of their asses. I could go bitching everyone out because I indeed am tired of seeing all of this literal shit, but I choose not to waste my time with such pathetic blabbering. All of the newbies and the people who suck, or are just losing skill, are killing the fake picture "industry", for lack of a better term. I stopped making fakes because I've lost all interest, and cannot be inspired. I create a sprite or two every now and then, but nothing I feel like posting here so a bunch of talentless ass lickers can PM me, asking me how I do it and such. If you want to bitch at people for complaining, look in the mirror and start yelling at yourself, because you're doing it as well. Go back a few pages, and you'll see what this forum used to be made of--people with talent posting things that looked good. And then come back and look at the shit cluttered on this page. Absolutely nothing looks good on this page. Everything is horribly done, everything sucks. Maybe my standards are too high, but they deserve to be at the peak they are. I worked my ass off to be where I am in the fake picture ladder, and all you people who suck and waste my time with the shit I come here to look at every day should just stop making the shit you make. You suck. It's plain and simple. If you're not getting any better, stock up and fucking quit making fakes, because you're just going to get an even worse reputation with people with actual talent, and then you'll dislike them for your own Goddamn mistakes. Now that I got that off my chest... |

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louis why do u always make fights with people?

I know and god damn who could of thought louis typo is latino? and it looks like daves mk is rambling your brain w/ negative bs neo- reptile?
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Puto, ergo non est deus
Non opus est, si pretium non habetis.
I figured someone would have used Johnny Cage since he is known to be fast enough to have shadow trails.

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1000GS @ MKvDC
LouisTypo Wrote: If you think all the fakes here suck, why come back? Go elsewhere then. People make fakes for fun. Not many people here are shallow-self-diluted dolts that try and build up their reputation and selfworth by making fakes. You said you stopped coming to this site because of the horrible fakes. Then why did you return? You say you feel tired of wasting your time with such pathetic blabbering, well, what do you think you are doing? Just because you act so conceitedly negative towards others' you think they will do better? Decent people (like many here) don't need to prove anything. They like MK. That's all that matters. If you think it sucks..who cares? Be honest with yourself, do you think they feed off of your comments? I think not. Go get laid. Making fakes isn't a business. It just isn't. I'm pretty sure you aren't making any money from your fakes. This isn't a damn competition. Get over it. Move on with your damn life. If you don't like the art, don't look at it. It's not their problem if it isn't up to your standards. Seriously...making fakes doesn't help you at all. Are you going to say "I'm good at making MK fakes" on your resume? Nobody gives a shit if your fakes are good. |
Louis is totally right, master *iputevrydayahughesaistyleddildoinmyassandthinkimthegreatestcauseihavesuchahugheasshole*-saiblöd!

wow your on his side becuse everybody says your fakes sucks ass! you and other people take critizm as a fucking flame!

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1000GS @ MKvDC
Mope. Critism ist something else. Balkcsaiboot or how he calls himself, says only "ZERO, ANOTHER ZERO, SUCKS"...that's critism!? No, critism is not to attack others. Critism is only to say, what's bad, and what I could do better. And not only "ZERO...". I'm a MK fan, or better, a freak. I love this game. I'm not a Master of fakes, I have only good ideas. But I'm Balkc would shut his mouth, if he played one round MK...against matter wich one!

god damn everybody knows fakes except you, thats your problem. If you make a fake and you edit things and modified things and you show you work hard on it, nobody will have a problem. but if you do the opposite that will show your lazy and thats what makes everybody mad.

About Me

1000GS @ MKvDC
Maybe you're right...but I think, that the Idea is more important, than the effects, right!? 
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