Master Bo' Rai Cho
Hello, I am Master Bo' Rai Cho, trainer of the most devastating Outworld fighting technique, the Whirlwind Assault. I taught my strongest pupil Liu Kang his Flying Kick so that he could defeat the Outworld's champions Goro and Shang Tsung in the Mortal Kombat tournament. Had I more time with Liu, I would have made him strong enough to deal with an army of Shao Kahns, but alas, after he fought in the tournament, I never saw him again. We never found a way to extract the power he had when he apparently fought against the evil Emperor himself. He had so much potential, a tremendous amount of untapped strength, but he only rarely channeled it, living the life of a man when he was so much more... I do not believe Raiden ever completely succeeded in bringing out Liu Kang's true might... Bah, that was then, and this is now.
When I first learnt he was killed, I was saddened. Taken in his prime, Liu died too young... But Kung Lao and Kitana were willing to pick up where I stopped training their former ally. Kitana fought beautifully, but could only grasp so much from my training... Perhaps her mind was still clouded with sadness and rage, but Kung Lao had the motivation and discipline to learn and master my techniques completely and in the little time we had. Eventually, he used them to bring Shang Tsung to his knees for all his crimes... And brutally slaughtered him like an animal. I would have expected this from Kitana, having been raised by a brutal tyrant to be his personal assassin and eventual successor, but I struggle to accept that one of my best pupils, a Shaolin Monk, murdered a man. Shang Tsung was subdued, he did not need to die, no matter how many atrocities he committed. He was dangerously powerful and responsible for the deaths of thousands, but stripped of his magic, he would never harm another person again. Even Earth's rice wine cannot ease my troubled mind about it, especially with my new task.
I left Outworld so that I could experience a new culture not constantly under the threat of war, and train Kung Lao and the other Shaolin Monks my Whirlwind Assault so they could better learn my unique martial art. But I find myself pressured to teach increasingly dangerous and lethal techniques to ensure the safety of the realms with the return of Onaga. Onaga was Outworld's most benevolent ruler until his regime was threatened by the Trom Loyalists. He died not long after this, but the memory of Outworld's Golden Age lived on. When I first heard he came back to reclaim Outworld's throne, I was thrilled and even considered returning home, but upon hearing of his drastic physical change into a Dragon-like creature, I feared the worst. Before his unexpected death, I remember as a child how Onaga began referring to himself as the Dragon King and most of his enemies began disappearing... If he has truly achieved his Draconic ascension, I am afraid of what will happen to anyone who opposes him.
His soldiers were said to be indestructible when alive, but in their present mummified forms, they have already shown their true ferocity and power. With the backing of Oni legions from the Netherealm, and Earthrealm Tekunin cyborgs, the Dragon King has a following that spans three realms, the largest army that has ever been amassed in Outworld's history. All of these enemies lay waste to whatever they come across, with the Tekunin taking prisoners to make more cyborgs and the Oni consuming all life they meet. Cities under Onaga's "protection" are just cities that surrendered in exchange for not being annihilated.
It pains me to hear that my realm is slowly turning into a barren wasteland filled with citywide prisons, and pains me further that I have to teach a new generation of Shaolin Monks, and even the other beings fighting with us how to kill. I am a teacher who has always condemned murder, but now every one under my tutelage will be facing enemies who will not hesitate to bury them. The majority of the cyborgs fight against their will as well; innocents will die on both sides of this conflict.
Perhaps the most concerning idea that has cultivated in my mind is that there are truly enemies all around me. Though most question the motives of the Red Dragon, they fail to notice what I have long tried to block with liquor for millennia... I train with the Shaolin Monks without any problems, but as I train some of the other Humans and the occasional Edenian, Shokan or Centaurian soldiers, I sense a darkness they mask from everyone, and try to mask from me.
I have lived for thousands of years, endured the rule of a tyrant, and acquired the ability to feel the ill-will of others. I did so with such tremendous ease, alcohol became my only solution to ignoring all the evil around me. However, under the strict rules of the OIA, alcohol is forbidden while I train my students, and my senses are now returning and showing me that even within our ranks, evil lurks.
I am no fool; I understand that good and evil are subjective, and that few people are as altruistic as Liu Kang or as evil as Shang Tsung, but there are some beings within these barracks that are hiding their true darkness from everyone. The comedic aspect about this is that the only ones not blind to this are Kenshi, whose vision is of a spiritual sense, and Mavado, proving that even the thief has more honour than the others give him credit. Who would have thought that Kenshi and Mavado would ever agree on something?
The Gods, made aware of this concern but somehow unable to sense the darkness, can only determine that everyone involved with our cause is here to genuinely help stop Onaga, Sektor and Drahmin, and sense they are the same people with the same hopes and dreams they always had; however, that does not change the fact that they all carry a shadowy aura. Just because they do not consider their intentions evil does not make them good either. They knowingly disguise who they really are, and that leaves me suspicious. Thankfully, it appears their numbers have stopped growing, but that does little to comfort me at this point considering they are all still here. I cannot believe I am forced to allow these beings to remain, gaining more knowledge and mastering techniques that are devastating in the wrong hands... Even Mavado does not allow his students to interact with any of the other groups, except for the Lin Kuei and the Shaolin Monks. Kenshi is too focused on his own missions and training to be concerned with these potentially dangerous beings.
I cannot let these beings distract me from my goals. It has been my dream to see Outworld restored to its former glory, and with Shao Kahn gone, a new ruler will take his place. If we can stop Onaga, then we can ensure the safety of the realm, and save Earth and Edenia as well. If Raiden and Fujin believe these darkened beings do not pose a threat, then hopefully they will help us and not become a danger to reality. In any case, while I am not training my students, I will find a way to stop these dark figures from poisoning the worlds with their taint. I refuse to see Earthrealm and Edenia also become places of evil when there is so much hope left, and growing hope on my own home of Outworld.Author's Remarks: | |
A short biography for everybody's favourite trainer Bo' Rai Cho! I wanted to show he's one of the more altruistic heroes by making him condemn killing, like Liu Kang. Originally I didn't have a good idea about what to do to make Bo more interesting and less like a joke, so I explained his alcoholism as a way to blot out the evil he sees. What is the new darkness that only he and a handful of other warriors detect?
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FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!

Short bio?! This is an excellent piece, interesting to read.
lol, I say short mostly because my more recent submissions have been roughly 2000+ words, so in comparison, this is a piece of cake.
Imagining Bo' saying something like this post MKA would be really cool, didn't think about it like that, maybe I should make some bios taking the actual canon into account for a change... But not before I finish these ones! So many more to write out...
But yes, thank you for reading my work and glad you liked it!

no one will ever be immortal

I liked it the underlining not so much. I liked how you expressed Bo as an more as a guy who gets drunk because he doesn't want to see the evil in people and to make him forget the things he has seen. 4/5
Thank you very much! I was hoping people would like the reasoning behind him being a drunk, I just didn't want him to just be some boozing idiot.
As for the underlining, I have no idea what happened there, as the only thing I underlined when it was submitted was the title. I've seen this happen to a handful of other submissions, but this is the first it happens to mine... I used a different writing program than the usual Microsoft Word, so I'm guessing that Pages and MKO Fan Submissions don't mix well when using italics, bold, and underline.

Thanks for reading my work, I'm glad you're a fan of what I've been doing. Bo' Rai Cho's was easily one of the toughest to write, but it seems he was well-received.
Let's hope I have the same luck with

Hey man, been a while since I've seen you around here, how are you doing?
Thanks for reading my work, I'm glad you're a fan of what I've been doing. Bo' Rai Cho's was easily one of the toughest to write, but it seems he was well-received.
Let's hope I have the same luck with
I'm doing great thank you. I especially think that this piece of work and other pieces of work you have done, are so clever the way the explore the most bland and mediocre characters and actually make them interesting and give them life and real character (Meats Purpose) And I am looking very forward to your next piece of work, a very interesting character to explore.

no one will ever be immortal
Hey man, been a while since I've seen you around here, how are you doing?
Thanks for reading my work, I'm glad you're a fan of what I've been doing. Bo' Rai Cho's was easily one of the toughest to write, but it seems he was well-received.
Let's hope I have the same luck with

no one will ever be immortal
No blowing the spoilers, please.
Hahaha ok but still sweet!