Latest Sprite Edits
posted05/25/2015 07:55 AM (UTC)by
About Me

Member Since
05/04/2003 12:30 AM (UTC)
In celebration of MKX being released, I figured I'd ride the hype and make something to contribute to the forum. Well, after an amount of time, more than I care to admit, I've grown bored with these sprites. They're not 100% finished in terms of what I planned for them, but I'm done working on them. However, considering the amount of time I put into these, I at least wanted someone other than myself to see these. The scenario isn't too exciting and the designs aren't 100% accurate, I realize. Artistic choice, I guess.

Anyway, here you go, enjoy, whatev's:

For those interested in what the base sprites looked like, here you go:

That's all for now.
04/24/2015 12:37 PM (UTC)
Wow look at that Cassie! These sprites look incredible. It's no wonder you kicked my ass in that MK4 fake pic kontest many years ago. It's good to see you back in the business and I really hope you make a full fledged fake out of this.
About Me

04/25/2015 07:19 AM (UTC)
Thanks man. To be honest I'm, personally, glad we can appreciate each other's work, for what it is that we contribute. Our beef, or whatever it was that we may have had in the past has come and gone.

I will say though that the lack of commentary and contribution to this particular subforum makes it incredibly difficult to stick around. Unless there's passion generated around here, I won't be sticking around for very long. I don't mind making something to contribute as long as it is appreciated, or critiqued. Not looking for pity or sympathy responses, but this subforum is all but dead, and frankly not worth my time in it's current state.

Just my $0.02.
04/25/2015 08:14 AM (UTC)
I don't know what happened here. I've been MIA for some odd years here and there (I think I first came to MKO around 2008), but the one forum I always used to come to was the Fan Sub forum. I never really thought this place, of all of them, would actually be fading away.
04/25/2015 01:51 PM (UTC)
Agreed. This forum has become a relic of its former glory. As MKR said it's hard to get excited about posting new stuff if there's no passion on the board. This place used to be the go-to source for MK fan art. I think there are several contributing factors to its current state such as the creation of the MKO Fan Koliseum forum which has divided the user base. NRS has also created a process to submit MK fan art some of which they actually included in MKX. So some fans will go there to post their work. As I said in a previous thread I'm willing to pay for and maintain a new fake portal site but I need some of the old time regulars on board with this. Speaking of them, where are they all?
04/25/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
As I recently found out on my own thread where I was posting some Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition sprites, our old vets are gone. They disappeared some time between the release of MK9 and MKX, and to me, that's 50 shades of fucked up. Fan art contests and Razor's MK Universe and EmperorKahn's stuff — all of it used to be the lifeblood of the forum. TetraVega's the one who told me about all this, but I don't know about anyone seems like they've all either grown up or become big-time artists of their own outside of our fanbase.
Brings a tear to my eye. Looks like an old magazine scan, or rather pic of a tv screen.

Partial explaination from bleed
Korporate MK killed the fan kommunity, somewhat, and encorporated some of our stuff into MKX. I`m not sure what the rules are for us right now. I think they just went after fan games that got too big.

I`m more saddened that my images keep getting shrunk, whether that`s a storage or copyright issue, I don`t know, but I`m pretty much done now anyways.

04/27/2015 10:52 PM (UTC)
@Tetra United states copyright laws do not apply to canada from what i understand,as long as it is NON PROFIT there is little they can do.Maybe im wrong though idk
Internets framework, and coding protocols are an expansion of the DARPA network, technically, the internet while not being a physical place, is American territory.

Their arguments for people`s right to free speech, have kept other countries from shutting it down, to a certain extent.

About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

05/07/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
I'm so jealous, the detail on Cassie is insane!
05/25/2015 07:55 AM (UTC)
Reiko's one of those characters I love seeing in fakes. And this is by far one of his best iterations - so great job MKR!

And of course, Cassie looks simply amazing. Really great details! You got the hair down perfect.
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