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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

06/14/2003 06:18 AM (UTC)
Why? Why you ask? Because I said so. And starting "fights" really does make me look cool. Just look at veno over there. But, trying to flame me...does make anyone look like a lost fuckcoaster.

Zentile Wrote:
How can BlackSaibot's avatar suck because it's a 'colour swap', and the ''kintaro and goro team up'' fake pic be ''really good''? I'm pretty sure removing Goro's hair and changing his colors takes more effort than pasting a few sprites in a website onto a bg.
And Bbass was being an asshole.
Oh, and starting fights with people doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look like an agressive little bitch.

Moving on...

I should really give you a dollar. Or a library card so you can rent a dictionary. Goodness, you crack me up. You call me a "dumbass" when you have 2+ typo's in nearly EVERY post? It looks like your parents did a lousy job on raising you. I suggest seeing a different therapist.

Is it too much to ask to make a post that I can understand easily?

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
Louis-Typo you think were impress just because you get into fight w/ people? no it just proof your a dumbass, if you really want to impress some1 run around w/ your underwear over your head so that way your mom could pat you in the head and say "good job". Btw come down here and correct are spelling like you always do.

06/14/2003 06:56 PM (UTC)
God Damn your funny I should give YOU a dollar for being so original, next thing you know your going to be cleaning toilets and starting fights w/ people about "Is that any way to take a crap?" Thats the only thing you can bring up "Spelling bull shit" I don't mind seeing people telling other people how to spell, but if your going to be a jackass about it then I suggest you don't. VenoMark wasent provoking you dumbshit, some people have been longer then you have and when you start a feud w/ people that has way more visits than you it makes you look like a ignorant. VenoMark has a reputation when it comes to saying a statemement or his 2 cents, so don't fuck w/ him. Tell me something when you first came here to this boards you said you had another account whats that accounts name? if your man enough to tell me then don't hesitate but if your coward then by all me I understand how you stanky ass works.
LouisTypo Wrote:
Why? Why you ask? Because I said so. And starting "fights" really does make me look cool. Just look at veno over there. But, trying to flame me...does make anyone look like a lost fuckcoaster.

Moving on...

I should really give you a dollar. Or a library card so you can rent a dictionary. Goodness, you crack me up. You call me a "dumbass" when you have 2+ typo's in nearly EVERY post? It looks like your parents did a lousy job on raising you. I suggest seeing a different therapist.

Is it too much to ask to make a post that I can understand easily?


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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

06/14/2003 08:25 PM (UTC)
Then where is my money, bitch? I already have a job.

Besides, you have got to be the most idiosyncratic moron here.

You don't even have a clue what you are saying. I feel sorry for you.

How can someone look like an "ignorant". Damn, you suck.

Please, I beg of you, contact your grammar teacher and ask her to proof-read your posts.

I will "fuck" with whoever I please. Having a "reputation" isn't going to stop me.

And I will let you go look at the gamers.com boards (if they are still up) and find my name. It begins with an "w".


Just walk away, I am ashamed for the both of us. Now look, I will let you pretend to be the bigger man and keep this to pm's.

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
God Damn your funny I should give YOU a dollar for being so original, next thing you know your going to be cleaning toilets and starting fights w/ people about "Is that any way to take a crap?" Thats the only thing you can bring up "Spelling bull shit" I don't mind seeing people telling other people how to spell, but if your going to be a jackass about it then I suggest you don't. VenoMark wasent provoking you dumbshit, some people have been longer then you have and when you start a feud w/ people that has way more visits than you it makes you look like a ignorant. VenoMark has a reputation when it comes to saying a statemement or his 2 cents, so don't fuck w/ him. Tell me something when you first came here to this boards you said you had another account whats that accounts name? if your man enough to tell me then don't hesitate but if your coward then by all me I understand how you stanky ass works.


06/14/2003 10:26 PM (UTC)
You aight better your self either LoisTypo you think you feel like a big boy don't you? I mean starting feuds w/ people that has been longer then you have and you think you know everything tht really makes you a ignorant. Im surprise you have a job and thats being my bitch when it comes to correcting peoples spelling. Are you really like this in real life I bet you when your Star Wars geek boyfriend writes a letter to you, probably corrects his own spelling. You say your name starts w/ a W? im not even going to look for Waldo because Im just do damn lazy I'll look for him later. You have a lot to learn to become a man and thats being smart not a smart ass.
LouisTypo Wrote:
Then where is my money, bitch? I already have a job.

Besides, you have got to be the most idiosyncratic moron here.

You don't even have a clue what you are saying. I feel sorry for you.

How can someone look like an "ignorant". Damn, you suck.

Please, I beg of you, contact your grammar teacher and ask her to proof-read your posts.

I will "fuck" with whoever I please. Having a "reputation" isn't going to stop me.

And I will let you go look at the gamers.com boards (if they are still up) and find my name. It begins with an "w".


Just walk away, I am ashamed for the both of us. Now look, I will let you pretend to be the bigger man and keep this to pm's.


06/15/2003 05:53 AM (UTC)
Marcel, you are great. wink
About Me

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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

06/15/2003 06:32 AM (UTC)
I "aight" better myself?

I am a big boy. I'm 6 ft 6.

"a ignorant" doesn't make sense.

You are surprised I work for you? No.

"I bet you when your Star Wars geek boyfriend writes a letter to you"

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I have a very high IQ. Only one in 60 people have the same IQ as me. And I suppose you are too lazy to even get off your fat lazy ass to get a job. Or maybe you fucked up in school so you couldn't graduate so noone wants to hire you.

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
You aight better your self either LoisTypo you think you feel like a big boy don't you? I mean starting feuds w/ people that has been longer then you have and you think you know everything tht really makes you a ignorant. Im surprise you have a job and thats being my bitch when it comes to correcting peoples spelling. Are you really like this in real life I bet you when your Star Wars geek boyfriend writes a letter to you, probably corrects his own spelling. You say your name starts w/ a W? im not even going to look for Waldo because Im just do damn lazy I'll look for him later. You have a lot to learn to become a man and thats being smart not a smart ass.

About Me

http://www.mefi.org/ Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.

06/15/2003 10:31 AM (UTC)
whatever dude

people, this guy is just a flamer, dont fuel him, avoid him and hopefully he will be so mad that no one yelled at him, he will get hit by a truck
EDIT:good pic man, nice work, that liu kang death effect is cool the fUjin needs more work though, at least u are getting better
06/15/2003 02:56 PM (UTC)
He just needs some friends...
06/15/2003 04:08 PM (UTC)
Thread Closed
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06/15/2003 05:03 PM (UTC)

Thread Closed

Not yet, but I had considered it.

LouisTypo, do you like being able to post to these forums?
If so, I suggest you take your flamewar attitude off of the forums and to email or another venue.
Too often when I come in here to rate posts and check out the Fanart (which I haven't as of late due to late working hours) you are found making comments that shouldn't even be made here at all.

And as to everyone else who kept the flames going with him and feeding it, you have the same warning.
Saying that he 'flamed you first' isn't a valid excuse to flame back, ignore the flames and report them to a moderator instead.

I think I'll make a thread about critiquing people's work later on and sticky it...good and explanatory crits with tips on improvement get rewarded, saying "it sucks" without explaining why it does, do not.
06/15/2003 05:12 PM (UTC)
Some people take critism as a flame! thats peopl's problem. I hate star wars I think is for geeks grin. Louis-Typo are you trying to make friends? you think you know every thing w/ out knowing real facts thats what makes you ignorant.
06/15/2003 08:51 PM (UTC)
thanks that really helps as soon as I get a better computer and a program its going to kick ass I guarantee it w/ no money back tongue
mister_satan666 Wrote:
whatever dude
people, this guy is just a flamer, dont fuel him, avoid him and hopefully he will be so mad that no one yelled at him, he will get hit by a truck
EDIT:good pic man, nice work, that liu kang death effect is cool the fUjin needs more work though, at least u are getting better
About Me

You have 0 new messages contained in your inbox.
MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?

06/16/2003 06:57 AM (UTC)
I am the flamer? Maybe. I only flame because many peeps go way too extreme on critisizing.

mister_satan666 Wrote:
whatever dude

people, this guy is just a flamer, dont fuel him, avoid him and hopefully he will be so mad that no one yelled at him, he will get hit by a truck

EDIT:good pic man, nice work, that liu kang death effect is cool

the fUjin needs more work though, at least u are getting better


balkcsiaboot Wrote:
He just needs some friends...

Do I enjoy posting here? Not as much as I used to.
Besides, I asked him several times to keep this to PM. I have only been flaming for the others.

Jonin01 Wrote:

Not yet, but I had considered it.

LouisTypo, do you like being able to post to these forums?
If so, I suggest you take your flamewar attitude off of the forums and to email or another venue.
Too often when I come in here to rate posts and check out the Fanart (which I haven't as of late due to late working hours) you are found making comments that shouldn't even be made here at all.

And as to everyone else who kept the flames going with him and feeding it, you have the same warning.
Saying that he 'flamed you first' isn't a valid excuse to flame back, ignore the flames and report them to a moderator instead.

I think I'll make a thread about critiquing people's work later on and sticky it...good and explanatory crits with tips on improvement get rewarded, saying "it sucks" without explaining why it does, do not.

K. That guy in my avatar isn't me. Who would I want to make friends with? And when have I ever acted like I knew "everything" without knowing the real facts?

MaRcElunbeatable Wrote:
Some people take critism as a flame! thats peopl's problem. I hate star wars I think is for geeks . Louis-Typo are you trying to make friends? you think you know every thing w/ out knowing real facts thats what makes you ignorant.

About Me

http://www.mefi.org/ Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.

06/16/2003 11:13 AM (UTC)

well marcel, i look foward to seeing the advancements that new program and computer make

do u make vids?
06/16/2003 05:25 PM (UTC)
Your an angel when it comes to putting your account in the balace I notice that so many times in other threads that got close by Acj. You start a fight and provoke people, I still remember in that thread that VenoMark started about his fake pic I berly said something and you open your big mouth trying to make a impact w/ 70 visits. Are you trying to make friends like that in real life? I bet if I look up to you and no wonder you have a black eye. Btw since you keep braging about your spelling how about a shiny star or a medal?

so... Mr.666 what do you mean?
mister_satan666 Wrote:
do u make vids?

About Me

http://www.mefi.org/ Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.

06/16/2003 07:11 PM (UTC)
like fake videos?
u show potential with your pics, and u are getting better, i was wondering if u also make fake videos
06/16/2003 07:22 PM (UTC)

LouisTypo Wrote:
I am the flamer? Maybe. I only flame because many peeps go way too extreme on critisizing.



Anyway, like the majority of the users said, Marcel, the Fujin sprite looks like ass. His hair is horribly done, along with his pants. They look more like he's wearing cardboard cutouts than actual pants. The same could be said about his hair. At least you're trying to get better, though. Most other users would be throwing together piles of shit, which they claim as "fake pics", just to irk a few people.

I love the fatality, though. Nice blood effects, but they could use a little work. You are improving, though; good job.
06/16/2003 08:43 PM (UTC)
im not really in the level of making fake animations yet maybe in the future but not now. Thanks VenoMark for your HONEST opinion.
VenoMark Wrote:
Anyway, like the majority of the users said, Marcel, the Fujin sprite looks like ass. His hair is horribly done, along with his pants. They look more like he's wearing cardboard cutouts than actual pants. The same could be said about his hair. At least you're trying to get better, though. Most other users would be throwing together piles of shit, which they claim as "fake pics", just to irk a few people.

I love the fatality, though. Nice blood effects, but they could use a little work. You are improving, though; good job.

About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

06/18/2003 06:25 PM (UTC)
I like what you tried to do but I think it was a bit to much for you at this point in your skill level. I would have liked to see you do a bit more with Fujin's face and be a bit more careful with your sprite editing *his torso is a bit off* also, I think it would have been cool if there were more wind effects and if you had have done something with the head instead of telling us to ignore it.

Overall, it was a very nice attempt, and I compliment you on it. Better luck next time.
06/18/2003 09:23 PM (UTC)
Im also done w/ a fake pic I call "Battle for the amulet" I have to say I getting better when it comes to sprite editing. Thanks and theres always redo's so don't worry grin
NovaStarr Wrote:
I like what you tried to do but I think it was a bit to much for you at this point in your skill level. I would have liked to see you do a bit more with Fujin's face and be a bit more careful with your sprite editing *his torso is a bit off* also, I think it would have been cool if there were more wind effects and if you had have done something with the head instead of telling us to ignore it.

Overall, it was a very nice attempt, and I compliment you on it. Better luck next time.

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