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Art submitted and created by Joseph Orozco, joeydabastad@hotmail.com Bang :D
Full Scale | 800x605 | Category | Drawing (Pencil - B/W) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 32 | Score |
submitted 06/29/2007 06:08 PM (UTC)by

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"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Member Since
11/28/2002 08:07 PM (UTC)

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MK5.org Juggalo
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?
Woah! Cool! I like it. Add some color and a background and it would be even cooler! Nice job. 5 Dragons.

Wow I love it :] but w/ some ink here and over there it would make your pic really stand out.

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Holy Crap! Your work has really improved since last I saw it Joey!
5/5 for the nice tight pencilling and foreshortening job, and the embers floating around really add to the pic overall.
Great Stuff!
5/5 for the nice tight pencilling and foreshortening job, and the embers floating around really add to the pic overall.
Great Stuff!

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Thanks a lot Jonin I've been workin my butt off tryin to get away from the joe mad direction I was going in...and axeman..AHAHAHAHAH good stuff dude.. thanks you guys
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ShingoEX Wrote: Me in a thressome, with my left and right hand...
Im speechless...
Do you mind if I take a crack at coloring it and adding a background?
Do you mind if I take a crack at coloring it and adding a background?

Dante_Is_Back Wrote: Im speechless... Do you mind if I take a crack at coloring it and adding a background? |
I was about to say the same thing and I have the drawing saved for the purpose of coloring, but since I've never completely colored anything in Photoshop, or Paint Shop Pro for that matter, I want to see what you can do to it for inspiration, that is if Born2Beexpendable will let you color it.
You should ask if Born2 has requests for the coloring job.
By the way, Dante_Is_Back, I haven't seen you in a while. Nice to have you back.

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wow that is so cool, 5/5

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WyattHarris.com Dig it
Well you don't need my help, you know it's good.

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Well you guys are welcome to try coloring on my stuff anytime as long as credit is givin where its due. I'll try to help out a little by inking it as soon as possible but as this in between jobs status is I dunno if I'll be able to, so in conclusion go ahead take a crack at it. :)

excellent piece of work
excellent piece of work
nice pic!!!

that a cool drawing i give 4 and a half dragons
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