Name: Catalyst
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3
Weight: 199
Alliance- Neutral
Eye Color- Icey blue
Hair- Fire/Ice
Disciplines: Hsing-i, Dim mak, Elemental Rope Dart/ Asssassin blade combo
Quote- Our will to fight is on a genetic level
Fighting Styles-
Hsing-i- "Mind Form." A powerful ancient Chinese martial discipline based on Chinese Cosmology (five element theory) that stresses direct linear techniques combined with the use of internal energy (chi). Hsing-i moves use power and speed to confront power directly and overwhelm it. Hsing-i also employs several weapons including the knife and the sword. Its forms are drawn from observations of animals and their fighting methods. The system mimics concepts of animal fighting, along with postures based on the five elements. The animals in some systems include: the horse, tiger, monkey, swallow, snake, bear, leopard. cockerel, calercaille, dragon, hawk and water skimmer. Other systems substitute the dove, turtle, falcon, eagle and others. While the system visually resembles the hard styles of Chinese kung fu (that emphasize muscle power), its real emphasis is the development and control of internal energy (chi kung). "Hsing" meaning "form" and "i" meaning "idea," or "idea behind the external form" which includes not only physical movements but knowing the intention or ideas of the opponent (intuition). The emphasis on intuitive knowing is shared with Pa-qua (often taught with Hsing-i) whose more circular, non-direct and evasive actions complement hsing-i's the more linear technique
Dim mak-(China) Also dim mok, or dian mai. The Chinese science of attacking the body and/or its acupuncture points or centers in order to disrupt internal energy (ki, chi, or qi), organs, or blood flow and cause injury, or death - immediately, or hours, days or weeks later. Techniques are associated with chin na.
Elemental Rope Dart/ Assassin blade- Through time tested techniques and countless failures, Catalyst discovered that combining a ranged weapon with a concealed one has quite satisfactory results. Mixing the long range attacks and grapples of the Rope Dart and the close range attacks of a wrist mounted assassin blade would throw off the opponent giving Catalyst an unpredictable advantage in fights. His weapons are all elemental based so tracking them and where they might appears is impossible. The Rope Dart has an icicle spear head on its end, and the cord itself is an ethereal jet of flame. His assassin blade is a diamond edged ice blade which comes out of his right hand.
Catalyst is actually two contridicting elementals in one and those features are quite apparent in his appearance. His hair is made of flames and ice. His hair is a raging inferno, but instead of shooting straight into the air, it's quite long and goes past his shoulders. His hair only has a visible style since the other half is ice, making his tips, and the last third of his hair distinguishable from the raging infeno that is his head.Those two forces are always colliding with each other, so the ice and flames would receed from each other as one freezes over and then melts making for dynamic lighting on his chest plate. His body itself has a human look but it's features alternate between fire and ice. His torso has a metal chest plate that keeps both of his opposing forces in tact. Ths chest plate has two steel gauges to keep it on. His arms however, alternate. His rupper right arm is all flames and from his forearm down, its incased in ice. His left arm is just the opposite, his upperleft arm is forzen solid, but from his fore arm down it's all flames. His legs are ice, down to the knees and flames from then on. He wears chain mail pants that cover the ice part of his legs but are frozen over on the outside and metal boots that are engulfed in flames. He wears metal arm bands on his upper arms to keep his opposing forces from mixing. His chest plate is also divided in half from top to bottom. The top part, where the chest would be is all fire, while lower part, the part where the stomach would be is ice. His mid-section is stomach section is opened, showing off his abbs. His head is all flames since it comes directly connected to his upper torso which is made of flames like previously stated.
Special Strikes:
Opposing Blast: Catalyst shoots a ball of energy made of fire and ice at his opponent, freezing them in place but also burning them at the same time.
Icicle Inferno- Catalyst shoots a spray of icicles from his left forearm, since his upper left arm is frozen, instead of the suspected right.
Burning Hail- A counter shot for his Icicle Inferno. It's a jet of fire that shoots out of his right arm.
Inferno Flip Kick- Catalyst charges up his feet and does a powerful flip kick, shooting a flaming edge at the opponent.
Cold Stare- Catalyst shoots a concentrated beam of ice out of his eyes at his opponent's face. The blast blinds the opponent, disabling any control of the opponents actions as they stammer around helplessly. leaving themselves open for any attack.
Assassin Rush: Catalyst uses a secret technique to warp behind his oppoenent, giving him an open shot on his opponent.
Inertia Slice- Catalyst shoots his Elemental Rope Dart through his opponents body, making an exit wound on the chest. He pulls back, and the spear head explodes into a cat claw which lodges into his back. Catalyst then surges the cord with fire, causing the opponent explode into flames. Catalyst then pulls towards himself and the opponent flies towards the elemental. As the opponent comes close, Catalyst forms his assassin blade and sinks in. Then with lighting speed he slices throught the opponent. When this happens, the screen flashes several times, and as the opponent is about to hit Catalyst he explodes into pieces around him. Then with one flip of his wrist, he retracts his Rope Dart.
Dim mak Massacre:
Catalyst uses his Assassin Rush to warp behind his opponent, grabbing him be his neck. Then he forms an acupuncture needle out of ice and sticks it through his opponent's spine, paralyzing them. He then lets them go and steps back. The opponent falls to his knees, shaking violently, he starts to cough up blood. Catalyst walks over and towers over his oppenent. The opponent starts to bleed out of his eyes, nose, and ears. Then with his right forearm, he forms his blade once again and sticks it through the opponent's head, blood drips down the blade and the pressure causes his head to explode. Then with one quick move, he slices the opponent from top to bottom in half.
Long ago, back when Kahns plans for invasion of Earth realm was only starting, he had two brothers who were master assassins in his employment. The brothers were called Kain and Able. Both of them where orphand as kids in Outworld. their village fell seige to Kahn's dominion. Back then Kahn was looking to enlist soldiers with strong spirits into his army. He found the two boys in a burning building, sensing that they had greate potential, hey sparred them and brought them up as his own children. Kain and Able grew to be strong and healthy young men. They looked to Kahn as their father and worshiped him greatley. it has been close to 10 years since Kahn adopted them, and through constant hypnopedia (hypnosis through sleep) the boys forgot their roots and history. Upon reaching their 19th birhtdays, Kahn told the boys that they would be sent to a realm where they would recieve training, and upon their retrun, they would be his new generals. The realm Kahn spoke of was non other then Earth. Since Kahn sent them during the Mortal Kombat Tournament, he wasn't defying the Elder Gods rules.
The boys landed in Ancient China, once there they were to seek out the sorcerer known as Shang- Tsung, he would instruct them on what to do. They boys eventually found Shang- Tsung, disguised as a monk of the Shaolin Order. At the time, Shang-Tsung wasn't sure if it was them and ordered a band of ninjas from the Meitriarch to attack them. Although lacking in actual combat, the brothers faught as one and defeated the assault using the techniques taught to them in Outworld. Impressed, Shang-Tsung was now sure it was his arrivals. He took them in with open arms, and trained them as if they were his family. Using the knowledge that Tsung has gathered through the souls from the Portal to the Heavens, Shang-Tsung taught the brothers the ultimate martial arts at that time which were Dim mak, and Hsing-i. According to legend at the time, these martail arts were discontinued because they were rendered too powerful.
To add a more killer instinct to the boys nature, they also studied under the Shirai Ryu. I calns of ninjas who were massacerd, but brought back to act as tutors for the boys for the next several hundred years. Kain adopted the assassin blade and Able the Rope Dart. Tsungs plan worked, and the boys became men, and perhaps the ultimate soldiers in Kahn's aresnal. After their training was complete, Kain and Able have become all but pure evil and enjoyed the sight of blood. After their assassin mentors left to the netherealm by their hands, the brothers were now ready to return. They said their good-byes to their sifu and departed back to Outworld. Their Kahn waited for them with a gift. Upon their return, Kahn had captured two ancient warriors, one a Pyromancer, the other a Cryomancer. By using a technique which resembled that of Soul Transmutation, Khan slew the two prisoners and told his "sons" to drink their blood. The instant they swallowed, Kain and Able instanly transformed. Their years of conditioning had preped their bodies to recieve this power, turning them into elementals. Their spirits and will instantly grabbed hold of their new found power. Now, they where truely ready to serve their father in battle. They worked as one, and earned the name Catalyst because of their precsion strikes that would start wars anc chaos through out the realm, leaving it's defenses useless for the invading Outworld army. They brothers lived like gods by their fathers side, and saw the constant slaughter of innocent people as strengthening their race. One night, the brothers where visited by Raiden. What followed was a titanic battle, Raiden managed to barely win by binding both brothers to the floor with his lightning. he also unlocked their part of their memmory from long ago, showing that Kahn, infact was the one who killed their parents. Filled with anger and disgust for their deeds, the brothers lead a small revolt against Kahn's armada. Though they fought feircely, they soon where overwhelmed by Kahn's new Generals. For their transgression, their physical bodies where destroyed, and their spirts bound together into a hybrid elemental, always at war with itself. It's power was greate, and Kahn had his Shadow Priests fashion an armor to keep it stable. The elemental still kept it's conciusness and memmories, it/they became one. He swore vengance on Kahn for using him. Troubled by the power that he possessed, Kahn ordered Catalyst to be suspened for all eternity in a stasis lock which was burried deep in the core of Outworld. There Catalyst suffered for over 500 years, at war with himself. However, the armor he wore, soon became a godsend as he managed to seperate himself, but stay together at the same time, but the technique was only partially effective and he still suffered from conflicting forces. In a place where time seemed to stand still, Catalyst soon felt a new power in Outworld, the power of Onaga, the Dragon King. It was at this time that Onaga has finally risen, and Kahn seemed to be at his weakest. Catalyst also sensed that the ancient Kamidogu were taken from their realms, easing the barriers between them. With his shackles loosened, Catalyst emerged from stasis and escaped the depths of Outworld. He walks the surface once more, looking for vengance and redemption. He will kill anyone, and ally with anybody who will bring him closer to his goals.
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