The Fading Shadow:
-Chronicles of Smoke-
Chapter I
The sun began to rise above the high cliffs in the mountains of Tibet, only miles from the Chinese border, a safe haven for the Lin Kuei. The morning mist has not had a chance to dissipate when the sound of battle broke the almost serine silence of the mountains. As the sun cast long shadows of the main temple that the Lin Kuei were housed in, it also cast a shadow upon two young warriors. One was dressed in a deep blue cloak with chain mesh on his sides and a sash on his waist. He wore a black hood with a simple, vented face mask, his eyes shimmered with a chilling blue, and ice ran through his veins, his past name was forgotten, he went by the name Sub-Zero, a young assassin in the Lin Kuei, and an elite warrior in his class. His footsteps chilled the earth he stood on, and his strikes left devastation in their wake. His opponent, an almost carbon copy of himself was dressed in a grey scheme and like Sub-Zero also wore a vented face mask, however, his mask had an additional metal frame which highlighted his face. Unlike Sub-Zero whose power was evident, this man seamed to be much more covert in his approach. His eyes were a void, unreadable to his opponent, and intimidating to his targets. As he stepped forward, he made no sound, almost as if he wasn't touching the ground beneath him, and in fact he wasn't, his entire bottom was covered with a thick mist, making his legs impossible to see, since they weren't physically there. This man had the ability to completely dematerialize any part of his being into a cloud of smoke. Like his power, his name calling name was Smoke, another elite assassin, like Sub-Zero, well versed in the spatiality of recon and entry. The two warriors faced each other in the arena which the Lin Kuei had built their fortress around. The gravel beneath them made for an excellent grip for their feet as tread across the loose pebbles. Sub-Zero stepped into the rising sun, creating a silhouette of his being, as he exhaled a cold mist protruded forward, although he didn't know it, he was part of an ancient and powerful race of beings known as the criomancers. He and his brother, who also shared the same name, are the last of their kind.
The two warriors starred each other down as if they were to tear each other's throats out at any second. To somebody who is untrained, that would certainly appear to be the case. The two warriors starred deeply into the other's being, scanning the tiniest muscle fluctuation, the first sign of a tension in a muscle, the first sign of even a thought of attack. To them, time and existence stood still, the space between them was the only thing that mattered. Suddenly the silence and serenity of the mountains is broken once more as Sub-Zero is the first to make a move, leaping into the air above Smoke and over to the other side. As his feet touch the ground and the gravel beneath begins to shift he extends his left leg outward and sweeps with a strong motion at Smoke, however, stands still as his lower half turns once again into mist and Sub-Zero's leg shoots straight through. Smoke turns around with great speed and sends his mist forward, as it morphs into a solid form of his leg, it comes crashing forward into Sub-Zero's chest, sending him tumbling across the gravel.
Smoke: Come on, I know you can do much better, you know me to well to let yourself get hit by that attack. Now focus or the next one will be full force...
Sub-Zero rolls into his tumble and springs off his hand and back onto his feet, starring back at Smoke.
Sub-Zero: You're absolutely right, now take this!
Sub-Zero charges a small amount of energy into his arms and jumps high into the air. He brings his arms together and the two small blasts become one, considerably larger ball of energy. He launches it down at Smoke and as it tumbles, it shatters into smaller fragments, coming down like rain.
Smoke stands his ground and braces for impact. The shards strike the ground around him, causing it to freeze instantly and jut upwards into a cage of solid ice. Smoke lowers his guard and looks around, he's completely imprisoned in a wall of mirrors, as he tries to move, he notices that his feet are frozen solid. As he struggles to get out, he sees the reflection of his attacker come at him, unable to determine where the attack is coming from, he can't put up a defense, and is struck straight from the front by Sub-Zero as he slides in on a sheet of ice and his feet and smashes an elbow into Smoke's abdomen, causing him to fly back with great force, shattering the icicles behind him. His body falls backwards, tumbling on impact, and he lands on his back, facing upwards towards the sky.
Sub-Zero moves forward to the fallen Lin Kuei warrior and observes him.
Sub-Zero: So, do you wish to give up, or do you want another beating?
Smoke: You think this is over???
Smoke's full body takes on an ethereal form and dissipates from sight. As Sub-Zero takes a step forward in confusion, he is jumped from behind be Smoke, who delivers an elbow to Sub-Zero's neck, causing him to stumble forward and drop to his knees. Smoke grabs Sub-Zero as he falls and locks him into a Full Nelson, suspending him off the ground, he leans back wards, and releases Sub-Zero, flinging him into the air. As the criomancer's body shoots upward Smoke shoots his leg up, kicking Sub-Zero in his back, and hanging him in mid-air. Smoke lowers his foot as Sub-Zero's body falls to the ground once again, it looks as if Smoke has taken the victory. Sub-Zero is inches from crashing onto the gravel beneath him but then his eyes ignites with life and his reaches down, landing in a hand plant and then spinning with grate speed as he goes into a helicopter kick, smashing Smoke in his ribs before pulling his legs underneath and landing in an upright position. Smoke stumbles back, grabbing at his side.
Both warriors stare at each other before dashing forward and launching two identical kicks to the others head, but both meet in the center and lock up. Sub-Zero pushes one way, and Smoke pushes the other, both locked in a contest of strength before both push and give in the same direction and fling themselves into a barrel roll, in mid-air. As the come around the launch another kick, this time with their other foot, and both kicks plant themselves underneath the other one's jaw. They shoot backwards towards the ground, but regain their balance and land, squatting on their back foot with their front foot extended outwards. Their stances are identical and once again they charge each other. As they come close they raise their front legs in an attempt to land a crushing axe kick to the other, once again, they get locked for a split second before pushing forward and landing on their opposite side. Smoke is the first to make a move from this position as he flips backwards, and onto his hands and launches twin thrust kicks at Sub-Zero, who intern does an aerial over them and launches a sweep towards Smoke's head.
Smoke turns into mist once again and again, Sub-Zero's sweep fails as Smoke sinks into the spaces between the gravel and vanishing underneath the arena.
Sub-Zero: That's a very impressive technique, I see you've been practicing and delving deeper into your power. Admirable, but I am not without my own techniques...
Sub-Zero gets into a horse stance and brings his palms together, then slowly separates them, creating a sphere of ice. As his kori energy begins to feed into it, it begins to expand.
Sub-Zero: This is a technique that my brother taught me, before he left for the tournament, this is his personal favorite.
Sub-Zero begins to draw more and more energy into the kori ball at a faster rate, and it expands into a small bubble around him, flash freezing the gravel beneath him. The kori ball then incases itself in several more shells as it starts to reach critical mass.
Sub-Zero: Ready? Three....Two...One.....Fire!!!!
Smoke reforms above ground right behind Sub-Zero ready to grab him as the technique fires off from within the bubble, expanding it with great speed, instantly freezing everything into solid ice, including Smoke, who has now become a solid statue. Sub-Zero quickly ducks down and away from the frozen Smoke. He then walks up to the frozen statue and folds his arms.
Sub-Zero: It's called Frost Nova, a devastating attack, but it takes time to charge up. However, if you get to use it, it's full proof. Sorry Smoke, looks like you loose.
Sub-Zero pulls back and smashes the ice statue of Smoke, and it falls to the floor into pieces. However, Smoke's body is nowhere to be found.
Sub-Zero: What?!
He hears a low fizzling sound from behind him as he turns around he sees Smoke reformed and charging up his own blast. Before Sub-Zero can say anything, Smoke unleashes a gigantic ball of vapor at his opponent. Sub-Zero can't do anything but put up his defenses and brace himself for the impact. The blast comes forward with extreme force, and it surrounds Sub-Zero in a thick black cloud, suddenly lifting him into the air. He feels his body get racked with blows to the ribs, legs, arms knees, every square inch is assaulted with extreme force. As he manages to open his eyes, he sees two red sparks in the midst of the cloud and Smoke quickly comes forth smashing Sub-Zero with a fierce uppercut, as the swirling cloud disappears, and reforms back into Smoke's full body. Sub-Zero's battered body shoots from the arena and into one of the walls of the Lin Kuei temple. Sub-Zero hits hard and leaves an imprint of his impact. He manages to look up as Smoke towers over him with his mist at his feet.
Sub-Zero: Wha.......?
Smoke moves forward without saying a word and shoots his arm forward, as if to finish the downed warrior, but instead, extends his hand as a sign of friendship and support, helping Sub-Zero back to his feet. A loud gong sounds and a cloaked figure moves forward, dressed in black with a long sash across his shoulders. It is the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.
Grandmaster: That will be enough for today. You two deserve a rest, well done.
A resounding cheer is heard from the other members of the Lin Kuei which were the spectators. Sub-Zero and Smoke shake hands and remove their hoods. Sub-Zero has short black hair and is a mix of Chinese and Caucasian in appearance, since his true origins are unknown, he was adopted by the Lin Kuei. Smoke on the other hand has a darker hue of skin, like a rich tan, and has blazing white hair.
Sub-Zero: Well done my friend, well done. I believe that means we're tied now, 47 to 47.
Smoke: I guess so. You're Frost Nova technique is a true force to be reckoned with.
Sub-Zero: Speaking of techniques, that last one that you performed, I've never seen anything like that. What do you call it?
Smoke: Actually, I haven't thought of a name for it yet since it's a brand new attack, but I guess I'll call it Assault Tempest.
Two more of the Lin Kuei stepped forward, both wearing the same style of clothing as Sub-Zero and Smoke, yet with two different colors. One was known as Sektor, his color was a crimson red, considered as one of the most loyal to the Lin Kuei he is a master in long range attacks and posses massive strength. He had dark skin and black hair, which was shoulder length coupled with a small ponytail in the back. The other Lin Kuei wore a gold scheme, he was pale and had black hair which was slicked backwards. His name was Cyrax, also a loyal member of the Lin Kuei, Cyrax specialized in using poisons in his attacks. He was recently scarred across his left eye in a past mission, thought to be suicidal, yet he returned. He is also an expert in mixing powders for the explosives the Lin Kuei use, he himself is an explosive expert, making sure that nothing survives of his targets.
Sektor: Well, well. So the two of you have been holding back this whole time? What do you say to another match this time, the two of you versus the two of us?
The grandmaster intervenes at the request.
Grandmaster: Sektor, that's enough, leave your quarrels for another day. You have a battle awaiting you anyway, you will be facing against my right hand man, Lin Ku within the hour, I suggest you get ready.
Sektor: Yes master, forgive me, I will go and get ready.
As Sektor leaves he throws a glance at Smoke and Sub-Zero as if to say «Maybe next time.»
Cyrax also departs after bowing before the two warriors, and follows Sektor.
Smoke lets out a deep sigh and looks at Sub-Zero:
Smoke: I guess I will retire to my chamber.
Sub-Zero: Very well, I guess I will see you later tonight for our evening session, so rest up, I won't hold back in our rematch.
Smoke: Hah, you weren't holding back earlier.
Sub-Zero lets out a small laugh and they shake hands.
Sub-Zero: Remember our promise: We shall never fight in actual combat.
Smoke: Of course, until tonight my friend.
Smoke turns around and bows to the grandmaster then turns into his ethereal form and vanishes. He reappears in his chambers and leans against a wall, and sits in a squatting position.
Author's Remarks: | |
Just a little fan fic I'm working on.
Content | 2341 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
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I didn't get to finish reading the whole thing, but what i read was nicely done, just a few spelling mistakes haha. I really liked the introduction you got going there :) Also i liked the part when you went into smoke's perspective stating when he was trapped in ice and could see his opponent's reflection but didn't know where it was coming from, interesting take there. Cool stuff bro, keep it up.
I really liked reading through whatever i got to, 5/5 Peace