Whos your favourite MK fighter
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Whos your favourite MK fighter
posted06/13/2015 02:14 AM (UTC)by

Member Since
12/29/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
Can be man or female ...my personal fav Is Smoke and urs?
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.
Quan Chi, and not because of his weird looks or Netherrealm background. Quan is way stronger then most, and his ability to survive is crazy. Quan can control the dead, capture souls, enhance himself, travel through portals, use fire skulls, and if he has that amulet; things only get worse for the enemy.

About Me
Scorpion has been my favorite since I was like 3 or 4 lol
OhYesMar$h Wrote:
Quan Chi, and not because of his weird looks or Netherrealm background. Quan is way stronger then most, and his ability to survive is crazy. Quan can control the dead, capture souls, enhance himself, travel through portals, use fire skulls, and if he has that amulet; things only get worse for the enemy.
Quan Chi, and not because of his weird looks or Netherrealm background. Quan is way stronger then most, and his ability to survive is crazy. Quan can control the dead, capture souls, enhance himself, travel through portals, use fire skulls, and if he has that amulet; things only get worse for the enemy.

Kuai Liang Sub-Zero
I have went into depth as to why before, so i wont retype the same thing, but the bullet points are.
- Childhood
- Memories
- Friends
- Summer camp hovering over the mk3 booklet with friends reading every tid-bit of info on our fav characters, and pondering what would come next.
- Was one of the few people who adored the "suspenders" outfit in 3, and i loved that Kuai was a man seeking redemption, and trying to do good.
I have went into depth as to why before, so i wont retype the same thing, but the bullet points are.
- Childhood
- Memories
- Friends
- Summer camp hovering over the mk3 booklet with friends reading every tid-bit of info on our fav characters, and pondering what would come next.
- Was one of the few people who adored the "suspenders" outfit in 3, and i loved that Kuai was a man seeking redemption, and trying to do good.
From Arcade era: Cyrax
From 3D era: Havik
From 2.5D era: Erron Black
Overall, though a challenging pick:
1. Cyrax
2. Erron Black
3. Havik
Honorable metion: Frost
From 3D era: Havik
From 2.5D era: Erron Black
Overall, though a challenging pick:
1. Cyrax
2. Erron Black
3. Havik
Honorable metion: Frost
About Me
... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

I've always like ninjas, glaives, staff users and the colour green so I was drawn to her pretty quickly when I picked up my first MK game (Deception). She is followed by Smoke who overtook Sub Zero when I got MK9 due to his speed and awesome moveset in general.
Then after that Kenshi, Sub Zero and Li Mei round out my top 5.
I've always like ninjas, glaives, staff users and the colour green so I was drawn to her pretty quickly when I picked up my first MK game (Deception). She is followed by Smoke who overtook Sub Zero when I got MK9 due to his speed and awesome moveset in general.
Then after that Kenshi, Sub Zero and Li Mei round out my top 5.

About Me

About Me
Since the SNES days when I got my first MK, Rain!
Top 5 would probably be:
Top 5 would probably be:

Omg this is hard. Li Mei and Sindel are my two favorite characters. I honestly can not choose.
My first MK was Deadly Alliance and I immediately went to Li Mei. I thought she was really pretty and I loved her fighting style. I started to learn her story and damn. Li Mei tried to keep her village safe and she was one of the normal people in Outworld. She won the tournament and got screwed over. Master Bo Rai Cho saved her and she became super badass. I loved her even more in Deception. Her new outfit and her alternate were so awesome and displayed all of the trouble she went though. Seeing her in MKX, made me fall in love with her all over again. She looks so great and detailed in MKX. They redesigned her perfectly and she is voiced by Tara Strong!! There are so many possibilities with her. She could meet Bo Rai Cho, she could be a major character is the Outworld MK tournament happens or she could even join SF. She is one of the most underrated characters and I will always back her up.
Sindel is my other favorite. When I get Deception for Christmas, I noticed an old lady was a locked character and I was like whattt???? I unlocked her before Li Mei and I instantly loved her. Her story is so moving. She is a queen that was forced into marriage and killed herself because she was so unhappy. Then she came back trying to save her daughter. I hope she is freed in MKX and tries to save Kitana again. Anyways, I loved her fighting stlye and in MK9 was my most used.
I love both of them and I cant pick. My top 10 are
10. Sonya Blade
9. Kitana
8. Nightwolf
7. Kabal
6. Fujin
4. Hotaru
3. Cassie Cage
1/2: Sindel
1./2: Li Mei
My first MK was Deadly Alliance and I immediately went to Li Mei. I thought she was really pretty and I loved her fighting style. I started to learn her story and damn. Li Mei tried to keep her village safe and she was one of the normal people in Outworld. She won the tournament and got screwed over. Master Bo Rai Cho saved her and she became super badass. I loved her even more in Deception. Her new outfit and her alternate were so awesome and displayed all of the trouble she went though. Seeing her in MKX, made me fall in love with her all over again. She looks so great and detailed in MKX. They redesigned her perfectly and she is voiced by Tara Strong!! There are so many possibilities with her. She could meet Bo Rai Cho, she could be a major character is the Outworld MK tournament happens or she could even join SF. She is one of the most underrated characters and I will always back her up.
Sindel is my other favorite. When I get Deception for Christmas, I noticed an old lady was a locked character and I was like whattt???? I unlocked her before Li Mei and I instantly loved her. Her story is so moving. She is a queen that was forced into marriage and killed herself because she was so unhappy. Then she came back trying to save her daughter. I hope she is freed in MKX and tries to save Kitana again. Anyways, I loved her fighting stlye and in MK9 was my most used.
I love both of them and I cant pick. My top 10 are
10. Sonya Blade
9. Kitana
8. Nightwolf
7. Kabal
6. Fujin
4. Hotaru
3. Cassie Cage
1/2: Sindel
1./2: Li Mei

In that order. Shang Tsung, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Shinnok, Bo' Rai Cho, and Sektor are close behind them. Really though, there's only a small handful of the 70+ characters that I don't care for.
In that order. Shang Tsung, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Shinnok, Bo' Rai Cho, and Sektor are close behind them. Really though, there's only a small handful of the 70+ characters that I don't care for.

Kitana, ever since MKII. She will always be my main, she always has been.

Trilogy/MK9 : Kano, Cyraxy, Noob Saibot, Rain
3D Era : Reiko, Havik, Dairou, Mavado
As you can tell, it was really easy to jump right into MKX and use my favorites.
3D Era : Reiko, Havik, Dairou, Mavado
As you can tell, it was really easy to jump right into MKX and use my favorites.

About Me

Top 5 are Kenshi, Cyrax, Quan Chi, Bo' Rai Cho, and Johnny Cage.
I think.
I think.

When playable, it's Shang Tsung all day!
About Me
Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.
I kill people for a living. Get over it.
Shao Kahn. Revenant Shao Kahn would have been amazing in this game :(

Quan Chi
Shao Kahn
Noob Saibot
Very hard to limit it to one character. These are all great characters to me and for the most part are underrated, with the exception of Scorpion of course. He's the original OG though and his appearance in Deadly Alliance is still my favourite to this day.
Quan Chi
Shao Kahn
Noob Saibot
Very hard to limit it to one character. These are all great characters to me and for the most part are underrated, with the exception of Scorpion of course. He's the original OG though and his appearance in Deadly Alliance is still my favourite to this day.

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