04/23/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

And I'm sure Tremor will have the best story ever!

Oh that's right, bitch wasn't even in story mode.

Sit down.

Skarlet turned out to be a pretty cool character without having any story relevance. I would rather have Tremor go the same route than have Tanya have the same exact story just with an extra step before the betrayal.

I'm sorry that you get all flustered at the sight of a different opinion but that is how the world works. Get over it.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Why do they even have to say something about Tanya?

Why not just talk about Tremor. You don't see us talking about and bashing Tremor

I hope this isn't serious.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/23/2015 09:11 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Why do they even have to say something about Tanya?

Why not just talk about Tremor. You don't see us talking about and bashing Tremor in the Tanya superthread on a regular basis. Tremor fans are doing the exact same shit you're spanking us about.

Even if they are that doesn't mean you have to as well.

I'll respond to whomever and whatever I want. Drop the act. One thing I hate more than anything is a biased peacemaker.

04/23/2015 09:31 PM (UTC)
I am excited for Tremor, never cared for Tanya, but i think she will be interesting.
04/23/2015 09:44 PM (UTC)
Yeah as for this Tremor vs Tanya war, ill side with Tremor. I am really curious to see what they do with him.
Can't I just be looking forward to both? They're MK characters after all.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/23/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Can't I just be looking forward to both? They're MK characters after all.

04/23/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
I read topless Tanya for some reason and clicked your thread
04/23/2015 10:22 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Holding out hope the Tanya devotees will beat out the Tremorons in the poll. Not a Tanya fan, but a legit character over a bullshit character from a crappy knock-off game any day.

I still can't believe NRS caved to the Tremorons. One of the main reasons why I hate this fanbase - the hopeless devotion to anything as long as its a ninja, and do shut up about "Tremor not being a ninja" - up until his crappy design was revealed 60 days ago, he was a big, dumb, brown ninja.

Translation: Tremor's in the game, Boohoo!
04/23/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
Tanya > Tremor

But i'm looking forward to both, i need that Jax/Tremor rivalry
About Me

God of War is Back!

04/23/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Can't I just be looking forward to both? They're MK characters after all.

Nahh I would have taken Predator, Jason, Freddy, and Spawn
over Tanya. Never care about her.

Ps. I miss when people would say "Pure" MK when Kratos was announced
.....AND then came Fred.

Such Chaos....was Delicious.
04/23/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Why do they even have to say something about Tanya?

Why not just talk about Tremor. You don't see us talking about and bashing Tremor in the Tanya superthread on a regular basis. Tremor fans are doing the exact same shit you're spanking us about.

Even if they are that doesn't mean you have to as well.

I'll respond to whomever and whatever I want. Drop the act. One thing I hate more than anything is a biased peacemaker.

Yeah, fuck him for trying to be a peacemaker. That makes a lot of sense.
04/24/2015 12:16 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Juurrgg Wrote:
Aquarius_D Wrote:
Shit, I thought it said ...topless tanya... and I rushed in for no reason sad

me too, and i was all like the fuck?

I'm ashamed to say I thought it said topless too.

Leave it to MKO to get worked up over a fan poll, something so meaningless and so trivial leads to name calling and bashing. I'm honestly not surprised though.

For starters, it doesn't matter who is higher on the poll. It reflects nothing. Dunno why Tanya fans are feeling threatened. Chill out.

And let's be honest, it makes sense for Tremor to be higher. Tanya has an established moveset in MK. Hell we even get to see her fight in the story mode. Tremor doesn't have shit. So of course people are more excited to see a character they have no what idea what to expect.

Finally, can the Tremor hate just stop for a second? Have an open mind for a minute. Give the guy a chance to impress you. Look at Stryker and Shinnok. They went from chubby patrol cop to certified badass. And with Shinnok they went from lesser Shang Tsung to a villain worth remembering.

If after his release he's still garbage, then by all means hate the guy. But at least wait and see before blindly hating something.

He was fishing for a reaction and got one. Boo fucking hoo.

And I actually don't hate Tremor. His fans is a different story....

You are the last person who should be commenting on the behaviour of other character's fans. You threw a literal temper tantrum when Rain got fried by Kotal.
04/24/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Juurrgg Wrote:
Aquarius_D Wrote:
Shit, I thought it said ...topless tanya... and I rushed in for no reason sad

me too, and i was all like the fuck?

I'm ashamed to say I thought it said topless too.

Leave it to MKO to get worked up over a fan poll, something so meaningless and so trivial leads to name calling and bashing. I'm honestly not surprised though.

For starters, it doesn't matter who is higher on the poll. It reflects nothing. Dunno why Tanya fans are feeling threatened. Chill out.

And let's be honest, it makes sense for Tremor to be higher. Tanya has an established moveset in MK. Hell we even get to see her fight in the story mode. Tremor doesn't have shit. So of course people are more excited to see a character they have no what idea what to expect.

Finally, can the Tremor hate just stop for a second? Have an open mind for a minute. Give the guy a chance to impress you. Look at Stryker and Shinnok. They went from chubby patrol cop to certified badass. And with Shinnok they went from lesser Shang Tsung to a villain worth remembering.

If after his release he's still garbage, then by all means hate the guy. But at least wait and see before blindly hating something.

He was fishing for a reaction and got one. Boo fucking hoo.

And I actually don't hate Tremor. His fans is a different story....

You are the last person who should be commenting on the behaviour of other character's fans. You threw a literal temper tantrum when Rain got fried by Kotal.

Ooooooooooooh SNAP!
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/24/2015 12:53 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Juurrgg Wrote:
Aquarius_D Wrote:
Shit, I thought it said ...topless tanya... and I rushed in for no reason sad

me too, and i was all like the fuck?

I'm ashamed to say I thought it said topless too.

Leave it to MKO to get worked up over a fan poll, something so meaningless and so trivial leads to name calling and bashing. I'm honestly not surprised though.

For starters, it doesn't matter who is higher on the poll. It reflects nothing. Dunno why Tanya fans are feeling threatened. Chill out.

And let's be honest, it makes sense for Tremor to be higher. Tanya has an established moveset in MK. Hell we even get to see her fight in the story mode. Tremor doesn't have shit. So of course people are more excited to see a character they have no what idea what to expect.

Finally, can the Tremor hate just stop for a second? Have an open mind for a minute. Give the guy a chance to impress you. Look at Stryker and Shinnok. They went from chubby patrol cop to certified badass. And with Shinnok they went from lesser Shang Tsung to a villain worth remembering.

If after his release he's still garbage, then by all means hate the guy. But at least wait and see before blindly hating something.

He was fishing for a reaction and got one. Boo fucking hoo.

And I actually don't hate Tremor. His fans is a different story....

You are the last person who should be commenting on the behaviour of other character's fans. You threw a literal temper tantrum when Rain got fried by Kotal.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Big deal, I got mad. Your point?

lordkirac Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Can't I just be looking forward to both? They're MK characters after all.

Nahh I would have taken Predator, Jason, Freddy, and Spawn
over Tanya. Never care about her.

Ps. I miss when people would say "Pure" MK when Kratos was announced
.....AND then came Fred.

Such Chaos....was Delicious.

I'd have taken Jarek and Hsu Hao over Jason and Predator.

Li Mei or Spawn...Now THAT'S a hard decision.
04/24/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Warbro666 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Juurrgg Wrote:
Aquarius_D Wrote:
Shit, I thought it said ...topless tanya... and I rushed in for no reason sad

me too, and i was all like the fuck?

I'm ashamed to say I thought it said topless too.

Leave it to MKO to get worked up over a fan poll, something so meaningless and so trivial leads to name calling and bashing. I'm honestly not surprised though.

For starters, it doesn't matter who is higher on the poll. It reflects nothing. Dunno why Tanya fans are feeling threatened. Chill out.

And let's be honest, it makes sense for Tremor to be higher. Tanya has an established moveset in MK. Hell we even get to see her fight in the story mode. Tremor doesn't have shit. So of course people are more excited to see a character they have no what idea what to expect.

Finally, can the Tremor hate just stop for a second? Have an open mind for a minute. Give the guy a chance to impress you. Look at Stryker and Shinnok. They went from chubby patrol cop to certified badass. And with Shinnok they went from lesser Shang Tsung to a villain worth remembering.

If after his release he's still garbage, then by all means hate the guy. But at least wait and see before blindly hating something.

He was fishing for a reaction and got one. Boo fucking hoo.

And I actually don't hate Tremor. His fans is a different story....

You are the last person who should be commenting on the behaviour of other character's fans. You threw a literal temper tantrum when Rain got fried by Kotal.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Big deal, I got mad. Your point?

The point is that you're a egotistical hypocrite.
04/24/2015 01:36 AM (UTC)
Pretty sure the gum under my shoe topples Tanya at this point. The girl looks like a foot lol... But yea tremor and junk.... Im curious as to how he turns out.
About Me

God of War is Back!

04/24/2015 07:29 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
lordkirac Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Can't I just be looking forward to both? They're MK characters after all.

Nahh I would have taken Predator, Jason, Freddy, and Spawn
over Tanya. Never care about her.

Ps. I miss when people would say "Pure" MK when Kratos was announced
.....AND then came Fred.

Such Chaos....was Delicious.

I'd have taken Jarek and Hsu Hao over Jason and Predator.

Li Mei or Spawn...Now THAT'S a hard decision.

If hsu bore was replaced by Kobra I would understand a bit
04/24/2015 08:55 AM (UTC)
It's funny how some people here create threads to fish for reactions, and when they do people gang up on those who react lol.
Honestly who cares about MKO's polls? I am a huge Tanya fan and Igaf if Tremor "topples" Tanya in this :''D I don't care about Tremor and I honestly think I voted for him coz he was the first option and I just wanted to get rid of the unclicked poll becoz OCD haha
04/24/2015 09:02 AM (UTC)
Aside from Ahnka's shit show....

MKfan99 Wrote:
Whatever. You people who are bashing Tremor for no god damn reason... Yes he came from a shitty game. Who cares!? Get over it! You all sound like whiney btches.

If they do a good job and spend time developing him he has just as much potential as any other character... Unique moves, interesting story, cool look... and BAM if he is popular, this wont be his last game.

But good god You are all annoying who hate him for no other reason than he was an undeveloped character in a shitty game.

If you grew up poor and in a shitty neighborhood, and were a stupid child, is that how I should view you as an adult? People change, things change, characters change. Holding on to your original opinion of a basic undeveloped concept is just closed minded.

Give him a chance... if after he makes his debut.... and its obvious NRS didn't put thought or effort into him and he still sucks.... then by all means bash away! But until then, its like you guys are playing a whiney broken record. Whaaa! Whaaaa!

Rant over...

This post. Christ
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/24/2015 09:45 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
It's funny how some people here create threads to fish for reactions, and when they do people gang up on those who react lol.
Honestly who cares about MKO's polls? I am a huge Tanya fan and Igaf if Tremor "topples" Tanya in this :''D I don't care about Tremor and I honestly think I voted for him coz he was the first option and I just wanted to get rid of the unclicked poll becoz OCD haha

I bet if we were the ones that had made a "Tanya topples Tremor thread" those same people talking about "not reacting" would be doing the exact opposite and calling us out for trying to get a reaction.

I just don't understand why people who like Tremor keep bringing Tanya up to begin with. Both are DLC, shouldn't we be happy for one another? Why talk shit about Tanya in order to sing the praises of Tremor? Is it insecurity in knowing that Tremor is merely a fan character culled from a 14 year old flop side adventure game and that his future in the franchise is bleak after MKX? So try and compare him to the other legit DLC MK fighter in a last ditch effort to make him seem worthy?

Or is this a male/female thing?

I love how most peoples bashing of Tanya includes the fact that she's "ugly". Really? That's the best you can do? That's all that fucking matters with this character, her looks? Tremor ain't exactly winning any beauty pageants either since we all want to be mean girls and talk looks. And about Tanya having the same story- um welcome to the fucking club. Scorpion, Quan Chi, Jax, and just about every other mainstay has had the same fucking story and gimmick for over 20 years now but let's single out Tanya, someone we haven't seen in 11 fucking years.

All fucking silly.
04/24/2015 09:54 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
It's funny how some people here create threads to fish for reactions, and when they do people gang up on those who react lol.
Honestly who cares about MKO's polls? I am a huge Tanya fan and Igaf if Tremor "topples" Tanya in this :''D I don't care about Tremor and I honestly think I voted for him coz he was the first option and I just wanted to get rid of the unclicked poll becoz OCD haha

I bet if we were the ones that had made a "Tanya topples Tremor thread" those same people talking about "not reacting" would be doing the exact opposite and calling us out for trying to get a reaction.

I just don't understand why people who like Tremor keep bringing Tanya up to begin with. Both are DLC, should we be happy for one another? Why talk shit about Tanya in order to sing the praises of Tremor? Is it insecurity in knowing that Tremor is merely a fan character culled from a 14 year old flop side adventure game and that his future in the franchise is bleak after MKX? So try and compare him to the other legit DLC MK fighter in a last ditch effort to make him seem worthy?

Or is this a male/female thing?

I love how most peoples bashing of Tanya includes the fact that she's "ugly". Really? That's the best you can do? That's all that fucking matters with this character, her looks? Tremor ain't exactly winning any beauty pageants either since we all want to be mean girls and talk looks.

All fucking silly.

Actually I do agree on some points made here. Why not just enjoy both?
04/24/2015 10:06 AM (UTC)
I really, really, actively hate Tanya, but I'm still buying her because Jennifer Hale.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/24/2015 02:18 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
I really, really, actively hate Tanya, but I'm still buying her because Jennifer Hale.

Miss Keane?

All I can hear when she speaks is my childhood.
04/24/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
It's funny how some people here create threads to fish for reactions, and when they do people gang up on those who react lol.
Honestly who cares about MKO's polls? I am a huge Tanya fan and Igaf if Tremor "topples" Tanya in this :''D I don't care about Tremor and I honestly think I voted for him coz he was the first option and I just wanted to get rid of the unclicked poll becoz OCD haha

I've been waiting a WHILE to make this thread lol.

But I just made it because I see a lot of Tremor hate and he's who I am most excited for.

Nothing against tanya, I think she's great and going to be great. She just happened to be at the top when tremor overtook her... hence the name of the thread.
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