Tremor topples tanya. most anticipated
posted04/28/2015 11:09 AM (UTC)by

can't wait to to get my hands on tremor.
Makes sense that NRS is saving the best for last.
Makes sense that NRS is saving the best for last.

You misspelled Tanya 

Tanya we've used before and also seen in Story Mode. While I can't wait to see her different variations, fatalities and how great she'll play, she's not new.
Tremor is something else. He's an MK character that finally get his chance to shine. He's bringing new stuff to the franchise. I cannot wait to see him.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Tanya too and how she translates to the new engine. But I really want to see what Tremor brings.
Tremor is something else. He's an MK character that finally get his chance to shine. He's bringing new stuff to the franchise. I cannot wait to see him.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Tanya too and how she translates to the new engine. But I really want to see what Tremor brings.

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I'm pretty excited for him but he looks awfully big which kind of worries me lol

Blade4693 Wrote:
I'm pretty excited for him but he looks awfully big which kind of worries me lol
I'm pretty excited for him but he looks awfully big which kind of worries me lol
Well we need another big character. Jason's size seems to be close to the other guys so aside from Goro and Torr, we need a big one.
And what's better than rock-based power and a name like Tremor to create a huge earth shaking monster?

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Tanyas t should be capital
& yes I find myself really interested in how Tremor is going through to play .
& yes I find myself really interested in how Tremor is going through to play .

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The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Well we need another big character. Jason's size seems to be close to the other guys so aside from Goro and Torr, we need a big one.
And what's better than rock-based power and a name like Tremor to create a huge earth shaking monster?
Blade4693 Wrote:
I'm pretty excited for him but he looks awfully big which kind of worries me lol
I'm pretty excited for him but he looks awfully big which kind of worries me lol
Well we need another big character. Jason's size seems to be close to the other guys so aside from Goro and Torr, we need a big one.
And what's better than rock-based power and a name like Tremor to create a huge earth shaking monster?
Yeah that's true, as long as they don't make Jason too big ill be cool with Tremor being larger lol Jason is usually in the 6 foot range (Like 6.3 or 6.5) so I hope they kind of stay true to that :)

And it only took a couple weeks lol
Dat Jason in last tho
Dat Jason in last tho

Tanya> Diarrhea> Tremor
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Future DLC Characters > Tanya > Predator > Tremor > Jason.
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Tremor is anticipated - but is he better? We shall see...
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Future DLC Characters > Tanya > Predator > Tremor > Jason.
Future DLC Characters > Tanya > Predator > Tremor > Jason.
You're funny. I think what you meant to say was "Predator > Tanya > Future DLC Character( Unless it's Sektor which I doubt it'll be) > Tremor > Chips."
I don't even know who is Jason nor do I care.
P.S. I will be playing Jason a lot but that's besides the point.

sharefrock Wrote:
You're funny. I think what you meant to say was "Predator > Tanya > Future DLC Character( Unless it's Sektor which I doubt it'll be) > Tremor > Chips."
I don't even know who is Jason nor do I care.
P.S. I will be playing Jason a lot but that's besides the point.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Future DLC Characters > Tanya > Predator > Tremor > Jason.
Future DLC Characters > Tanya > Predator > Tremor > Jason.
You're funny. I think what you meant to say was "Predator > Tanya > Future DLC Character( Unless it's Sektor which I doubt it'll be) > Tremor > Chips."
I don't even know who is Jason nor do I care.
P.S. I will be playing Jason a lot but that's besides the point.
No guest character should be placed in front of an MK character who have a place in this series.

I honestly think Tremor will become the Skarlet of MKX while Tanya will be the Kenshi.
Sindel798 Wrote:
I honestly think Tremor will become the Skarlet of MKX while Tanya will be the Kenshi.
I honestly think Tremor will become the Skarlet of MKX while Tanya will be the Kenshi.
Who will be the Rain?

Idk we got to get more MK characters first.

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Shit, I thought it said ...topless tanya... and I rushed in for no reason 

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Future DLC Characters > Kombat Pack
Future DLC Characters > Kombat Pack
This will be true if we get Rain, Fujin, or Bo' Rai Cho.
As of now though it's Tremor > Tanya > Predator > Jason for me.
Calling it now though that Predator will be the best selling.
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Calling it now though that Predator will be the best selling.
Calling it now though that Predator will be the best selling.
Because he is the best. Predator FTW!


Who gives a fuck?
Enjoy Tremor's first and last game.
Enjoy Tremor's first and last game.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Who gives a fuck?
Enjoy Tremor's first and last game.
Who gives a fuck?
Enjoy Tremor's first and last game.

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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"
sharefrock Wrote:
Who will be the Rain?
Sindel798 Wrote:
I honestly think Tremor will become the Skarlet of MKX while Tanya will be the Kenshi.
I honestly think Tremor will become the Skarlet of MKX while Tanya will be the Kenshi.
Who will be the Rain?
Rain of course.
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Whatever. You people who are bashing Tremor for no god damn reason... Yes he came from a shitty game. Who cares!? Get over it! You all sound like whiney btches.
If they do a good job and spend time developing him he has just as much potential as any other character... Unique moves, interesting story, cool look... and BAM if he is popular, this wont be his last game.
But good god You are all annoying who hate him for no other reason than he was an undeveloped character in a shitty game.
If you grew up poor and in a shitty neighborhood, and were a stupid child, is that how I should view you as an adult? People change, things change, characters change. Holding on to your original opinion of a basic undeveloped concept is just closed minded.
Give him a chance... if after he makes his debut.... and its obvious NRS didn't put thought or effort into him and he still sucks.... then by all means bash away! But until then, its like you guys are playing a whiney broken record. Whaaa! Whaaaa!
Rant over...
If they do a good job and spend time developing him he has just as much potential as any other character... Unique moves, interesting story, cool look... and BAM if he is popular, this wont be his last game.
But good god You are all annoying who hate him for no other reason than he was an undeveloped character in a shitty game.
If you grew up poor and in a shitty neighborhood, and were a stupid child, is that how I should view you as an adult? People change, things change, characters change. Holding on to your original opinion of a basic undeveloped concept is just closed minded.
Give him a chance... if after he makes his debut.... and its obvious NRS didn't put thought or effort into him and he still sucks.... then by all means bash away! But until then, its like you guys are playing a whiney broken record. Whaaa! Whaaaa!
Rant over...
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