Mortal Kombat X Create a Story Game
Mortal Kombat X Create a Story Game
Ok, I thought it would be fun to apply the old "add to the story" game to a Mortal Kombat game.
The rules are simple, each post adds to an overall story. I will start a story, the next user will add to it, and the user after he/she will continue to add to it. The point of it, is to leave the next user a point from which to begin. That is important, so please, don't just have a post that says "Tanya jumps in, breathes fire upon them all, they die, and she rulez foeva!" You can kill off characters if you want, I'll kill off a beloved MK character in my first post, but if we all go George R.R. Martin, we'll have no one left. If you choose to do it, it can be how you like it, but please give it a point to the overall story, not just because you hate character X.
All that fuddy-duddiness aside, the point of the story is to be fun, so write what you enjoy! Write as much or as little as you want, mine will probably be a little longer than the standard. Be mindful of other users. I will begin.
It was a bright, sunny Friday afternoon about a week after the second war with Shinnok was brought to a close. Johnny Cage was sitting at Vogel's ice cream with his daughter Cassie, just as they had many times before. Johnny used to take Cassie there every Friday when she was a little girl. They'd go after jujitsu class to kick off Johnny's weekend visitations, but now they were there to celebrate Cassie's somewhat implausible victory over Shinnok, as well as to keep Johnny's mind off of Sonya. He wasn't sure if she was giving signs after the battle, and all of the stressing was really making him worry he was going to suffer a relapse in his Peptic Thunder addiction. The two of them sat outside, enjoying their ice cream, when a man stepped off a curb and was immediately struck by a bus. "Call 911" Johnny yelled to Cassie, as he ran over to the man. He was hurt badly, but still conscious. "Are you with us buddy? Whats your name?" Johnny said. "Mm..." the man stammered "Mmm...o...kap......" "Mokap? Thats not a name." Johnny replied intensively. The man struggled again, "Mmoe...Kappelli." Johnny could tell the man wasn't going to last long, but tried his best to reassure him. "You're gonna be ok, Moe. Do you have a wife or anyone around here?" The man looked sad and replied " No one...loves me....guhsghgh." With a gasp the poor man died in Johnny's arms. The death of this poor, sad creature stuck with Johnny for the rest of the night. What if he had died unloved in the first tournament? As Johnny sat pondering his own mortality, the room shook, and a thunderous boom echoed all around him. Startled, Johnny sprang from his bed to find--------
The rules are simple, each post adds to an overall story. I will start a story, the next user will add to it, and the user after he/she will continue to add to it. The point of it, is to leave the next user a point from which to begin. That is important, so please, don't just have a post that says "Tanya jumps in, breathes fire upon them all, they die, and she rulez foeva!" You can kill off characters if you want, I'll kill off a beloved MK character in my first post, but if we all go George R.R. Martin, we'll have no one left. If you choose to do it, it can be how you like it, but please give it a point to the overall story, not just because you hate character X.
All that fuddy-duddiness aside, the point of the story is to be fun, so write what you enjoy! Write as much or as little as you want, mine will probably be a little longer than the standard. Be mindful of other users. I will begin.
It was a bright, sunny Friday afternoon about a week after the second war with Shinnok was brought to a close. Johnny Cage was sitting at Vogel's ice cream with his daughter Cassie, just as they had many times before. Johnny used to take Cassie there every Friday when she was a little girl. They'd go after jujitsu class to kick off Johnny's weekend visitations, but now they were there to celebrate Cassie's somewhat implausible victory over Shinnok, as well as to keep Johnny's mind off of Sonya. He wasn't sure if she was giving signs after the battle, and all of the stressing was really making him worry he was going to suffer a relapse in his Peptic Thunder addiction. The two of them sat outside, enjoying their ice cream, when a man stepped off a curb and was immediately struck by a bus. "Call 911" Johnny yelled to Cassie, as he ran over to the man. He was hurt badly, but still conscious. "Are you with us buddy? Whats your name?" Johnny said. "Mm..." the man stammered "Mmm...o...kap......" "Mokap? Thats not a name." Johnny replied intensively. The man struggled again, "Mmoe...Kappelli." Johnny could tell the man wasn't going to last long, but tried his best to reassure him. "You're gonna be ok, Moe. Do you have a wife or anyone around here?" The man looked sad and replied " No one...loves me....guhsghgh." With a gasp the poor man died in Johnny's arms. The death of this poor, sad creature stuck with Johnny for the rest of the night. What if he had died unloved in the first tournament? As Johnny sat pondering his own mortality, the room shook, and a thunderous boom echoed all around him. Startled, Johnny sprang from his bed to find--------
...It was Sonya who then sucked out Johnny's soul, reverting to Shang Tsung...

I've got one!
Chapter 13
And then Cassie woke up in her bed, and Johnny was there, and Sonya was there, and Jax was there, and it was all a dream.
Chapter 13
And then Cassie woke up in her bed, and Johnny was there, and Sonya was there, and Jax was there, and it was all a dream.

About Me
Shocked and embarrassed, Cassie then realized somebody had gone through her dresser drawer because her big pink...
ice cream wasent in the drawer where she had left it a day before . on top of that someone had smudged some pink sauce all over her clothes in the drawer . cassie was pissed off as hell when she suddenly saw someone peeking trough the window to her room ... ofc it was that old hater with the name .....
Quan cheesy, Quan chi's cousin who offered her a pile of ...

Pile of $100 bills in cash if she agreed too...

About Me
Give him a pedicure and keep it a secret. She thought about it, but was hesitant. To make sure he wasn't up to something she asked him if he has recently...
...seen Raiden, wondering how Cheesy showed up. It turns out that he knows about Dark Raiden as his head is zapped into bits... Santa Claus who ordered Cassie who take off her clothes and do a pole dance. Ricky the next door neighbor come over to ask the Cages if they had free Sunny-Ds only to get blasted in the head by Santa's shotgun. Cassie had enough of Santa's abuse and...
...punched him in the balls so hard that he exploded into a bunch of prrsents, Reptile found something for his perfect mate...
...Shujinko, who had been struggling with gender identity crisis for 20 years, finally discovering that male or female didn't matter to was all about the species. Just then, Cassie moved toward Reptile as he was in front of her dresser and she needed clothes. This startled Reptile who, from a crouched position turned, and spat a stream of acid directly at Cassie's...

vagina which made her scream in agony, Reptile than grabbed....

About Me
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A small item on Cassie's dresser. It was a rock that her mother had given to her when she was a kid. Although Sonya once told her that it was a piece of stone from Shang Tsung's island, she never specified what the stone was or why she took it.
After a blinding flash, Reptile was gone.
"A portal stone?" Cassie wondered. Her boom boom bits felt a little better after a shower, but she was still sore. She'd just finished toweling off when her phone buzzed to life.
"Wow... I didn't expect to hear from you of all people..." She started, but was cut off by...
After a blinding flash, Reptile was gone.
"A portal stone?" Cassie wondered. Her boom boom bits felt a little better after a shower, but she was still sore. She'd just finished toweling off when her phone buzzed to life.
"Wow... I didn't expect to hear from you of all people..." She started, but was cut off by...

About Me
Skarlet , who was also naked. She bent over erotically, spread her booty cheeks and asked Cassie to powder her bum as it was raw from really bad diarrhea she just had after a recent trip to the local Outworld Chipotle.
Cassie reluctantly agreed, and as she leaned in to powder her chapped bum, Skarlet let out a huge whistling...
Cassie reluctantly agreed, and as she leaned in to powder her chapped bum, Skarlet let out a huge whistling...

About Me
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"What?!" Cassie blinked away the unconsciousness and put the creepy vision of Skatlett out of her mind. Her miniature chihuahua Maynard had been howling next to her, but for how long?
She rose to her knees and steadied herself against the wall. Shaking the cobwebs loose one last time, she glanced over at her phone.
"Fifteen missed calls? Holy sh..." Just then, her dad burst through the door.
"Sonya?! Oh Cass, thank god. Look, have you seen your mother?" His eyes were wide, yet tired. Cassie bristled.
"Why the hell would she be here, Dad? Pretty much the last place you'll find Generalissimo." But Johnny was already half way out the door before Cassie could finish.
Something's not right. It had taken her a moment, but now she knew, and seeing her dad like this scared her.
"Dad? What the fuck is going on? Why are you tweakin out like this?" She asked as she followed him from her room to the main sitting area of her penthouse suite. Her stereo was still blaring the song "Vicarious" by Tool, which had been on repeat.
The chorus hit at the exact moment she saw it. Through the large bay window, she saw the purple sky swirling in to a massive black vortex.
Johnny slammed the side of his fist in to the stereo as he stopped and gazed at the portal. Dragons, demons and revenants streamed from the gaping chasm. Though they were fourteen stories up, they still heard the screams from the ground echoing off the buildings in a mad chorus as Los Angeles burned in front of them.
"Daddy?" Cassie asked meekly. Her voice barely above a whisper. It wasn't the dragons or the demons. She'd seen all of that before. "Why are they falling from the sky?" Johnny barely heard her for a moment, his brain still refusing to believe what his eyes were processing in front of him. Cassie grabbed his shoulder with one hand and shook it. He turned and looked at her for a moment, his face a mask of shock and bewilderment.
"Fu... Fujin... The Wind... He came to me earlier. He said that there'd been a battle... That Liu Kang and Kitana made... Declared war on the Heavens. Something about Raiden altering things. Altering where they should've gone when they'd been killed. The Elder Gods let them in and..." He stopped. Cassie turned, this time grabbing his shoulders with both hands.
"And what?! Tell me!" She pleaded.
"Liu Kang won. He defeated the Elder Gods, and now he's invading because there's no one to stop him. No one but us." In saying those words, Johnny fell out of his daze and finally looked Cassie in the eye. "Cass, we have to find your mom. We have to get to Outworld."
"Why Outworld?" She asked, but he was already headed toward the door. She didn't need his answer. She knew once she thought about it for a second.
"Holy shit. Outworld's the last safe place left." She dumped Maynard's food in to his feeder and grabbed her phone. "We'll be back, buddy. Try not to poop everywhere while I'm gone."
She followed her dad to the stairway as she hit the butto to dial...
"What?!" Cassie blinked away the unconsciousness and put the creepy vision of Skatlett out of her mind. Her miniature chihuahua Maynard had been howling next to her, but for how long?
She rose to her knees and steadied herself against the wall. Shaking the cobwebs loose one last time, she glanced over at her phone.
"Fifteen missed calls? Holy sh..." Just then, her dad burst through the door.
"Sonya?! Oh Cass, thank god. Look, have you seen your mother?" His eyes were wide, yet tired. Cassie bristled.
"Why the hell would she be here, Dad? Pretty much the last place you'll find Generalissimo." But Johnny was already half way out the door before Cassie could finish.
Something's not right. It had taken her a moment, but now she knew, and seeing her dad like this scared her.
"Dad? What the fuck is going on? Why are you tweakin out like this?" She asked as she followed him from her room to the main sitting area of her penthouse suite. Her stereo was still blaring the song "Vicarious" by Tool, which had been on repeat.
The chorus hit at the exact moment she saw it. Through the large bay window, she saw the purple sky swirling in to a massive black vortex.
Johnny slammed the side of his fist in to the stereo as he stopped and gazed at the portal. Dragons, demons and revenants streamed from the gaping chasm. Though they were fourteen stories up, they still heard the screams from the ground echoing off the buildings in a mad chorus as Los Angeles burned in front of them.
"Daddy?" Cassie asked meekly. Her voice barely above a whisper. It wasn't the dragons or the demons. She'd seen all of that before. "Why are they falling from the sky?" Johnny barely heard her for a moment, his brain still refusing to believe what his eyes were processing in front of him. Cassie grabbed his shoulder with one hand and shook it. He turned and looked at her for a moment, his face a mask of shock and bewilderment.
"Fu... Fujin... The Wind... He came to me earlier. He said that there'd been a battle... That Liu Kang and Kitana made... Declared war on the Heavens. Something about Raiden altering things. Altering where they should've gone when they'd been killed. The Elder Gods let them in and..." He stopped. Cassie turned, this time grabbing his shoulders with both hands.
"And what?! Tell me!" She pleaded.
"Liu Kang won. He defeated the Elder Gods, and now he's invading because there's no one to stop him. No one but us." In saying those words, Johnny fell out of his daze and finally looked Cassie in the eye. "Cass, we have to find your mom. We have to get to Outworld."
"Why Outworld?" She asked, but he was already headed toward the door. She didn't need his answer. She knew once she thought about it for a second.
"Holy shit. Outworld's the last safe place left." She dumped Maynard's food in to his feeder and grabbed her phone. "We'll be back, buddy. Try not to poop everywhere while I'm gone."
She followed her dad to the stairway as she hit the butto to dial...
Nimbus Terrafaux, her kickboxing teacher.
"Who 'dis?"
"Uh, it's Cassie sensei. I was just..."
"Oh shut up girl I knew it was you. What's up?"
"You look outside lately?"
Nimbus hung up the phone, and Cassie didn't know why. Halfway down the staircase, she realized she was still stark naked, and she went back up to her room to get some clothes. She ran quickly to her room, only to find Shujinko trying on all her clothes.
"What the fu--" Cassie was cut off by a blow to the back of the head. Groggy, she looked up, only to see...
"Who 'dis?"
"Uh, it's Cassie sensei. I was just..."
"Oh shut up girl I knew it was you. What's up?"
"You look outside lately?"
Nimbus hung up the phone, and Cassie didn't know why. Halfway down the staircase, she realized she was still stark naked, and she went back up to her room to get some clothes. She ran quickly to her room, only to find Shujinko trying on all her clothes.
"What the fu--" Cassie was cut off by a blow to the back of the head. Groggy, she looked up, only to see...

About Me
Bill O Reilly, who had just gotten back from his local Ku Klux Klan meeting. Still wearing his pointy white hood, he said...
... "SEE YOU LATER FUCKFACE!" as wings burst out of his back and he flew away.
Cassie got up and drop kicked Shujinko. Shujinko vaporized and turned into a box of Cheez-its. Cassie opened the bag, and Quan Chi popped out, because it was the prize that came in the box. Quan Chi then stared at Cassie, who was still nude, and said "By opening this box naked, you have summoned Shinnok," as he left. Nimbus Terrafaux walked in, and saw Cassie naked, and said...
Cassie got up and drop kicked Shujinko. Shujinko vaporized and turned into a box of Cheez-its. Cassie opened the bag, and Quan Chi popped out, because it was the prize that came in the box. Quan Chi then stared at Cassie, who was still nude, and said "By opening this box naked, you have summoned Shinnok," as he left. Nimbus Terrafaux walked in, and saw Cassie naked, and said...
... "KWEEEESHUBAIYAAAA!" (which is his catchphrase/battle cry) and struck a Kombat pose.
Cassie was frustrated beyond all belief. The world was being invaded, she needed to catch up to Johnny, Sonya was missing, and all these idiots kept barging into her room.
"For fuck's sake, LET ME GET DRESSED!" she screamed.
Nimbus back-flipped out of the room, then changed position and back-flipped away down the hallway. Cassie heard a commotion come from the front of the condo and ran out to see that Nimbus had tried to backflip down the stairs, but failed. He lie motionless at the bottom of the stairs.
She started gathering some clothes from her dresser drawer, when the bathroom door suddenly opened. From the humid, steamy bathroom, Sheeva stepped out, fresh out of the shower, covering herself only in a towel. She looked at Cassie, cracked her knuckles and licked her lips.
Quan Chi peeked out from the box of Cheez-Its and said "I like where this is going..." and just as quickly disappeared back into the box.
Cassie and Sheeva stood there staring each other down, when Sheeva...
Cassie was frustrated beyond all belief. The world was being invaded, she needed to catch up to Johnny, Sonya was missing, and all these idiots kept barging into her room.
"For fuck's sake, LET ME GET DRESSED!" she screamed.
Nimbus back-flipped out of the room, then changed position and back-flipped away down the hallway. Cassie heard a commotion come from the front of the condo and ran out to see that Nimbus had tried to backflip down the stairs, but failed. He lie motionless at the bottom of the stairs.
She started gathering some clothes from her dresser drawer, when the bathroom door suddenly opened. From the humid, steamy bathroom, Sheeva stepped out, fresh out of the shower, covering herself only in a towel. She looked at Cassie, cracked her knuckles and licked her lips.
Quan Chi peeked out from the box of Cheez-Its and said "I like where this is going..." and just as quickly disappeared back into the box.
Cassie and Sheeva stood there staring each other down, when Sheeva...

About Me
Twirled the towel up and popped Cassie with it, they both started giggling and Sheeva chased Cassie into the bedroom where a brutal pillow fight ensued.
Qaun Chi, now frustrated that his fap session is ruined decided to take action, he muttered the words "You will obey" and then...
Qaun Chi, now frustrated that his fap session is ruined decided to take action, he muttered the words "You will obey" and then...
...Cassie and Sheeva both break from their nude pillow fight and look at Quan Chi, who is still poking his head out of the Cheez-It box. He had forgotten that since being decapitated by Scorpion, he has lost his ability to mentally control his enemies.
Sheeva grabs the box of CheezIts in one hand, and uses her other 3 hands to crush the box. Quan Chi squeals out in pain and is silenced.
Cassie had completely forgotten about the commotion outside due to the nude pillow fight with Sheeva. She makes as though as she is going to get dressed, but Sheeva grabs Cassie's arms and legs with her four arms, then....
Sheeva grabs the box of CheezIts in one hand, and uses her other 3 hands to crush the box. Quan Chi squeals out in pain and is silenced.
Cassie had completely forgotten about the commotion outside due to the nude pillow fight with Sheeva. She makes as though as she is going to get dressed, but Sheeva grabs Cassie's arms and legs with her four arms, then....

About Me
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Disappeared in a puff of green smoke. Quan Chi paused, smiled, and turned his head 360 degrees around before his head popped off. His severed head smiled. "Oh right, how foolish of you, young child. Scorpion killed me." Before she could respond, Quan Chi also disappeared in a puff of green smoke that knocked the cheez-it box off the table. Cassie heard the box crashing to the floor and she turned.
"What the hell?" When she looked back toward the bedroom, Sheeva was gone. So too was Quan Chi. She was alone. Her ears began ringing and a terrible headache took hold.
"Cass? Cassie?!" She could hear her dad's voice, but he sounded as though he were under water. Her hands were glowing green. She screamed and at once the ringing stopped. She looked around. Her hands were normal again, and Johnny took them in his own.
"What's going on Cass, tell me."
"I... I don't know, dad. I had this creepy dream earlier about Skarlett and now I had this skeevy vision about Sheeva. It's like I'm being controlled by some perverted part of my subconscious." She pulled her hands away and looked out the window just as a winged demon the size of an air craft carrier whooshed by the window. The vibration from its hundreds of wings reverberated off of the thick glass and threatened to shatter it to bits.
She had her wits about her once more. She looked down and saw that she was fully clothed. Instead of a pillow, she realized that she still had her phone in her hand.
"You good, sweetie?" Johnny asked.
"Better than good. Let's go." She replied. Her last call to Jacqui didn't go through, but her next one to Takeda did.
"Where are you?" He yelled.
"Leaving my condo in LA now. Where are you?"
"Just outside of Chicago city limits. Cage, I just saw..." He stopped.
"Saw what, Takeda?" She implored. She flipped the keys to her BMW Convertable over to her dad, who slid across its hood while catching them in midair. She smirked for a moment. "Always the action..."
"Oh god. Kenshi!" Takeda yelled. "Kabal, you son of a bitch. I'll kill you!" Johnny could hear Takeda yelling and grabbed the phone from Cassie as he turned the car on and slammed the gear shift in to drive.
"Takeda! Don't do anything stupid. I'll call Special Forces and have them send you an Evac Helo." He hung up the phone before Takeda could respond.
"Where are we going? Dad, we need him. We need Kung Jin and Jaqui too. Don't we?" She was confused for a moment. What were they actually going to do?
Takeda hung up the phone. He didn't know how the helicopter would find him and right now, he didn't care. He just watched the Sears Tower get taken down by Red Dragon bazookas, a Black Dragon tank, two dragons and the man that stood in front of him.
The man pushed Kenshi's severed head from the end of his hooksword with the heel of his boot. The flayed skin of Kenshi's cheek slapped a small puddle and rolled end over end for a moment before stopping a foot from his body.
"Strange that a telepath wouldn't have seen that coming." Kabal said as he wiped the blood and brain bits off of the hooksword with a black leather gloves hand.
"I'm going to kill you so hard, Kabal."
"Let's hope I break a sweat this time." He responded.
Takeda pulled out his whips and rushed toward Kabal with wrecked abandon. Kabal responded in kind. Rushing at full speed, he spun Takeda around and planted a boot squarely on the right side of the young warrior's jaw. Takeda's eyes rolled back for a moment as he spun through the air and landed on the cold concrete. He groaned and popped back to his feet.
"Is that all you've got, Darth Dickhead?" He asked, but Kabal was already heading in for another spin attack. This time, Takeda was ready. He blocked Kabal's advance and...
"What the hell?" When she looked back toward the bedroom, Sheeva was gone. So too was Quan Chi. She was alone. Her ears began ringing and a terrible headache took hold.
"Cass? Cassie?!" She could hear her dad's voice, but he sounded as though he were under water. Her hands were glowing green. She screamed and at once the ringing stopped. She looked around. Her hands were normal again, and Johnny took them in his own.
"What's going on Cass, tell me."
"I... I don't know, dad. I had this creepy dream earlier about Skarlett and now I had this skeevy vision about Sheeva. It's like I'm being controlled by some perverted part of my subconscious." She pulled her hands away and looked out the window just as a winged demon the size of an air craft carrier whooshed by the window. The vibration from its hundreds of wings reverberated off of the thick glass and threatened to shatter it to bits.
She had her wits about her once more. She looked down and saw that she was fully clothed. Instead of a pillow, she realized that she still had her phone in her hand.
"You good, sweetie?" Johnny asked.
"Better than good. Let's go." She replied. Her last call to Jacqui didn't go through, but her next one to Takeda did.
"Where are you?" He yelled.
"Leaving my condo in LA now. Where are you?"
"Just outside of Chicago city limits. Cage, I just saw..." He stopped.
"Saw what, Takeda?" She implored. She flipped the keys to her BMW Convertable over to her dad, who slid across its hood while catching them in midair. She smirked for a moment. "Always the action..."
"Oh god. Kenshi!" Takeda yelled. "Kabal, you son of a bitch. I'll kill you!" Johnny could hear Takeda yelling and grabbed the phone from Cassie as he turned the car on and slammed the gear shift in to drive.
"Takeda! Don't do anything stupid. I'll call Special Forces and have them send you an Evac Helo." He hung up the phone before Takeda could respond.
"Where are we going? Dad, we need him. We need Kung Jin and Jaqui too. Don't we?" She was confused for a moment. What were they actually going to do?
Takeda hung up the phone. He didn't know how the helicopter would find him and right now, he didn't care. He just watched the Sears Tower get taken down by Red Dragon bazookas, a Black Dragon tank, two dragons and the man that stood in front of him.
The man pushed Kenshi's severed head from the end of his hooksword with the heel of his boot. The flayed skin of Kenshi's cheek slapped a small puddle and rolled end over end for a moment before stopping a foot from his body.
"Strange that a telepath wouldn't have seen that coming." Kabal said as he wiped the blood and brain bits off of the hooksword with a black leather gloves hand.
"I'm going to kill you so hard, Kabal."
"Let's hope I break a sweat this time." He responded.
Takeda pulled out his whips and rushed toward Kabal with wrecked abandon. Kabal responded in kind. Rushing at full speed, he spun Takeda around and planted a boot squarely on the right side of the young warrior's jaw. Takeda's eyes rolled back for a moment as he spun through the air and landed on the cold concrete. He groaned and popped back to his feet.
"Is that all you've got, Darth Dickhead?" He asked, but Kabal was already heading in for another spin attack. This time, Takeda was ready. He blocked Kabal's advance and...

About Me
Fell on his ass because the force from Kabal's attack was just too much for little Takeda to handle. Realizing Kabal is ten times cooler than he is, Takeda asks Kabal to show him the ways of the awesome.
Kabal laughs "Haha child, one does not simple become awesome, you must be born awesome" he then circles Takeda with his super speed. He is going so fast that Takeda almost appears he is in a invisible tornado. Kabal then uppercuts him, sending Takeda flying into the distance.
Kabal laughs again, before taking off. He then sees Stryker leaving the local Krispy Cream and snatches his box of donuts with his flash like speed. Stryker gets very angry, and out of frustration pulls out his gun and shoots an...
Kabal laughs "Haha child, one does not simple become awesome, you must be born awesome" he then circles Takeda with his super speed. He is going so fast that Takeda almost appears he is in a invisible tornado. Kabal then uppercuts him, sending Takeda flying into the distance.
Kabal laughs again, before taking off. He then sees Stryker leaving the local Krispy Cream and snatches his box of donuts with his flash like speed. Stryker gets very angry, and out of frustration pulls out his gun and shoots an...
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