MKX vs. Tekken 7/ Street Fighter 5
diirecthit Wrote:
And this is the reason why SF fans are so condescending towards the MK fans. They say the most ignorant shit and are impressed by shallow and cosmetical shit but rarely ever care about gameplay. But MK has several modes like Chess Kombat and Motor Kombat OMFGz!!!!111
And SF1 plays nothing, and looks nothing like SF4, nor does it have an even remotely similar roster, unlike MKX which has 9 out of 10 MK1 characters playable, you may have mistaken SF1 for SF2, the one that revolutioned the genre and got everything rippedoff by MK, and several other games.
the only ignorant shit said was your interpretation of mk fans. how the fuck is it shallow to like the graphics of one game that looks great, and not like the cartoony garbage that is SF graphics, that's retarded as fuck. 2nd you talk about gameplay, have you played mkx friend? It takes a hot steamy shit on anything SF has, or will put out. SF gameplay is horribly slow, being played out by horribly bland characters.In the days of Mk DA and MKD street fighter might be able to claim better gameplay, but not in a million years anymore. Still can't believe what you think is "shallow" lol@ fanboys like you trying to defend a clearly inferior product.b-rad007 Wrote:
compare MK1 to MKX and it's a mindfuck how much the series has evolved. Hell, from mk9 to now is 100x more change than SF will ever have.. have fun buying the same shitty game 5 different times 

diirecthit Wrote:
Because everything SF2 did, MK copied.
it's hard to say that they copied SF because everything mk did is better looking, and performing than the trash SF puts out. Compare SF1 to SF4, it's got a few new characters and that's about it. Gee, they've come a long way in 30 yrs b-rad007 Wrote:
I know street fighter came first, but I've never understood how it can compete with mk, let alone be a lot bigger in terms of sales/popularity. At least in Japan. I personally think street fighter is insanely overrated, it's just way too cartoony, I just think it's mediocre. The 100 different versions of street fighter 4 certainly doesn't help their argument. IMHO tekken is the only competition to MK in terms of graphics gameplay, and roster. Some people prefer tekken because of the fact it's practical martial arts, different characters with different styles Etc. If I made a chart it would say MK>tekken>street fighter.. one more time in case I forgot street fighter sucks

I know street fighter came first, but I've never understood how it can compete with mk, let alone be a lot bigger in terms of sales/popularity. At least in Japan. I personally think street fighter is insanely overrated, it's just way too cartoony, I just think it's mediocre. The 100 different versions of street fighter 4 certainly doesn't help their argument. IMHO tekken is the only competition to MK in terms of graphics gameplay, and roster. Some people prefer tekken because of the fact it's practical martial arts, different characters with different styles Etc. If I made a chart it would say MK>tekken>street fighter.. one more time in case I forgot street fighter sucks
Because everything SF2 did, MK copied.
And this is the reason why SF fans are so condescending towards the MK fans. They say the most ignorant shit and are impressed by shallow and cosmetical shit but rarely ever care about gameplay. But MK has several modes like Chess Kombat and Motor Kombat OMFGz!!!!111
And SF1 plays nothing, and looks nothing like SF4, nor does it have an even remotely similar roster, unlike MKX which has 9 out of 10 MK1 characters playable, you may have mistaken SF1 for SF2, the one that revolutioned the genre and got everything rippedoff by MK, and several other games.
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I think they are referring to the fact that the characters have the same base moveset in every game. Same for Tekken really.
That's still a superficial observation because the mechanics change, the move properties change etc etc. While MK games have more drastic changes that sometimes don't even last from game to game SF and Tekken usually make changes that effect long term gameplay in the franchise. It's subtle but still deep. I think they are referring to the fact that the characters have the same base moveset in every game. Same for Tekken really.
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
But I like that. You know what sucks about MK? Having to relearn characters. Every. Fucking. Game.
This has been bothering me since about MKD tbh.But I like that. You know what sucks about MK? Having to relearn characters. Every. Fucking. Game.
I've always sort of found them incompareable.
Street Fighter is the Beatles of fighters and Mortal Kombat is the Rolling Stones. Tekken is, I don't know...The Who.
People want to compare them, and pit them against eachother, but really they have different approaches and different offerings.
Street Fighter is the Beatles of fighters and Mortal Kombat is the Rolling Stones. Tekken is, I don't know...The Who.
People want to compare them, and pit them against eachother, but really they have different approaches and different offerings.
coltess Wrote:
I've always sort of found them incompareable.
Street Fighter is the Beatles of fighters and Mortal Kombat is the Rolling Stones. Tekken is, I don't know...The Who.
People want to compare them, and pit them against eachother, but really they have different approaches and different offerings.
I've always sort of found them incompareable.
Street Fighter is the Beatles of fighters and Mortal Kombat is the Rolling Stones. Tekken is, I don't know...The Who.
People want to compare them, and pit them against eachother, but really they have different approaches and different offerings.
They're all fighting games that have been around since the beginning of fighting games. I don't see any harm in comparing them and weighing in on which ones have progressed the most/ lost their way.
I haven't played Street Fighter since it's early arcade days, but I wanted to know what other people think about it. I used to play Tekken fervently until Tekken 6, where I thought the series began to fall off. MK on the other hand has, in a lot of ways, returned to form.
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PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
They're all fighting games that have been around since the beginning of fighting games. I don't see any harm in comparing them and weighing in on which ones have progressed the most/ lost their way.
I haven't played Street Fighter since it's early arcade days, but I wanted to know what other people think about it. I used to play Tekken fervently until Tekken 6, where I thought the series began to fall off. MK on the other hand has, in a lot of ways, returned to form.
coltess Wrote:
I've always sort of found them incompareable.
Street Fighter is the Beatles of fighters and Mortal Kombat is the Rolling Stones. Tekken is, I don't know...The Who.
People want to compare them, and pit them against eachother, but really they have different approaches and different offerings.
I've always sort of found them incompareable.
Street Fighter is the Beatles of fighters and Mortal Kombat is the Rolling Stones. Tekken is, I don't know...The Who.
People want to compare them, and pit them against eachother, but really they have different approaches and different offerings.
They're all fighting games that have been around since the beginning of fighting games. I don't see any harm in comparing them and weighing in on which ones have progressed the most/ lost their way.
I haven't played Street Fighter since it's early arcade days, but I wanted to know what other people think about it. I used to play Tekken fervently until Tekken 6, where I thought the series began to fall off. MK on the other hand has, in a lot of ways, returned to form.
It's still not a fair comparision imo. Mortal Kombat can kinda be compared to SF since it copied everything from SF2, but Tekken and MK were only similar when MK went 3D, and let's be real, MK was at the bottom of the barrel when it came to 3D fighting games, so no competition there. Tekken and SF can also not be compared since Tekken ripped off Virtua Fighter, not SF.
I think MK's comparative downfall and subsequent return to form has a lot to do with it as well.
Tekken never fell off the way MK did. T4 was weird because it was Tekken trying and failing to be Virtua Fighter or something. And T5 and 6 was them changing things and finding their legs.
Street Fighter has almost always been good. From SFII and all through the Alpha series. I'm never quite sure how people regard the SFIII series though. 4 was definitely another return to form and was also more widely available.
In general I think they're comparable. You could also throw in Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, and DoA. Although the latter has a lot more obvious fan service it's popular and has a functional and responsive fighting engine.
Tekken never fell off the way MK did. T4 was weird because it was Tekken trying and failing to be Virtua Fighter or something. And T5 and 6 was them changing things and finding their legs.
Street Fighter has almost always been good. From SFII and all through the Alpha series. I'm never quite sure how people regard the SFIII series though. 4 was definitely another return to form and was also more widely available.
In general I think they're comparable. You could also throw in Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, and DoA. Although the latter has a lot more obvious fan service it's popular and has a functional and responsive fighting engine.
Windice Wrote:
I don't know what tekken is doing. No Anna and Nina means I'm not buying it no matter how good the gameplay is.
I don't know what tekken is doing. No Anna and Nina means I'm not buying it no matter how good the gameplay is.
Nina will be in Tekken 7 mark my words. She's their Chun-Li. Anna though, not sure.
they all are fighting games and are played by proffessional players. As this game looks more like injustice it could end soon. but this is MK so the fan base is stronger and the game has variations. it just depends on those other to once they arrive.
I wont be surprised if MKX gets 3rd tekken 2nd en sf1st.
I know many ppl hate how MKX plays stiff and clunky, and how real MK elements have been taken out, time will tell.
diirecthit Wrote:
And this is the reason why SF fans are so condescending towards the MK fans. They say the most ignorant shit and are impressed by shallow and cosmetical shit but rarely ever care about gameplay. But MK has several modes like Chess Kombat and Motor Kombat OMFGz!!!!111
And SF1 plays nothing, and looks nothing like SF4, nor does it have an even remotely similar roster, unlike MKX which has 9 out of 10 MK1 characters playable, you may have mistaken SF1 for SF2, the one that revolutioned the genre and got everything rippedoff by MK, and several other games.
b-rad007 Wrote:
compare MK1 to MKX and it's a mindfuck how much the series has evolved. Hell, from mk9 to now is 100x more change than SF will ever have.. have fun buying the same shitty game 5 different times 

diirecthit Wrote:
Because everything SF2 did, MK copied.
it's hard to say that they copied SF because everything mk did is better looking, and performing than the trash SF puts out. Compare SF1 to SF4, it's got a few new characters and that's about it. Gee, they've come a long way in 30 yrs b-rad007 Wrote:
I know street fighter came first, but I've never understood how it can compete with mk, let alone be a lot bigger in terms of sales/popularity. At least in Japan. I personally think street fighter is insanely overrated, it's just way too cartoony, I just think it's mediocre. The 100 different versions of street fighter 4 certainly doesn't help their argument. IMHO tekken is the only competition to MK in terms of graphics gameplay, and roster. Some people prefer tekken because of the fact it's practical martial arts, different characters with different styles Etc. If I made a chart it would say MK>tekken>street fighter.. one more time in case I forgot street fighter sucks

I know street fighter came first, but I've never understood how it can compete with mk, let alone be a lot bigger in terms of sales/popularity. At least in Japan. I personally think street fighter is insanely overrated, it's just way too cartoony, I just think it's mediocre. The 100 different versions of street fighter 4 certainly doesn't help their argument. IMHO tekken is the only competition to MK in terms of graphics gameplay, and roster. Some people prefer tekken because of the fact it's practical martial arts, different characters with different styles Etc. If I made a chart it would say MK>tekken>street fighter.. one more time in case I forgot street fighter sucks
Because everything SF2 did, MK copied.
And this is the reason why SF fans are so condescending towards the MK fans. They say the most ignorant shit and are impressed by shallow and cosmetical shit but rarely ever care about gameplay. But MK has several modes like Chess Kombat and Motor Kombat OMFGz!!!!111
And SF1 plays nothing, and looks nothing like SF4, nor does it have an even remotely similar roster, unlike MKX which has 9 out of 10 MK1 characters playable, you may have mistaken SF1 for SF2, the one that revolutioned the genre and got everything rippedoff by MK, and several other games.
Exactley thats the problem. Even i as an old MK fan, (i say old cause i dont like the new emo MKX direction) are irritated (and may eventually end up irritating) by the MK community. its like they never played any fighting game next to MK and like they all 14 year old. I remember guy called, Razor's edge with very good points, but he's gone.
there are defenit some normal ones that dont act that dumb (im not sure if its acting or being) but damn, srs most of them so stoopid. They dont even see that MK is not evolving their elements but dishing them or replacing.... aw gad i thought the MK community changed...
I've been a Tekken fan all my life, it was the first game I ever played and I loved it!
Tekken 7 however has not impressed me in the slightest. I'm only remotely interested in two of the new characters (Kazumi and Shaheen) and I think all the others either look/act ridiculous or are incredibly bland. It looks like the cast of a bad anime to me.
The gameplay looks the same as the last couple of games, with a few extra twists but nothing that gets me excited. I'm ignoring new info now until Nina is revealed, and if by some chance she doesn't make it in, I'm done with Tekken.
Street Fighter V looks fun so far, but I've never been hugely interested in the series. So so far its MKX for me, which I've been enjoying lots.
Tekken 7 however has not impressed me in the slightest. I'm only remotely interested in two of the new characters (Kazumi and Shaheen) and I think all the others either look/act ridiculous or are incredibly bland. It looks like the cast of a bad anime to me.
The gameplay looks the same as the last couple of games, with a few extra twists but nothing that gets me excited. I'm ignoring new info now until Nina is revealed, and if by some chance she doesn't make it in, I'm done with Tekken.
Street Fighter V looks fun so far, but I've never been hugely interested in the series. So so far its MKX for me, which I've been enjoying lots.
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