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04/27/2015 03:47 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 15 (April 24th)

- bdog_13 d. tghuhyg19 [+1]
- Chryo_Spyder d. DarknessDragon [+2]
- Jerrod & Killswitch d. dibula & UlcaTron [+2]
- Onimike d. TheMetinPorta [+1]
- Philip94 d. kentei290 & Coltess [+2/-1/-1]
- MINION d. Maridany [+1]
- Zentile d. Sekktor [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. ShoeUnited [+16]
- Unknown265 & mwgrant0 d. nightbreed_16 & Asesino [+2]
- Nephrite d. Murdoink [+1]
- redman d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- LordSkarlet d. m0s3pH [+1]

m0s3pH had thought he left the fight behind him when he ascended to a role of influence within the KFL. He thought he had attained true power, watching proudly as TheNinjasRock071394 became chosen champion of his new KFL. When 071394 was dethroned, it was m0s3pH's decision to test new challengers. He never could've imagined he himself would be drawn back into battle by the descent of Armageddon. Or that his control would be unraveled by the rise of a dominant new force of his own making.

The indignity of defeat had planted a seed of contempt within m0s3pH. He reluctantly crowned Genku champion in the first week of Season 2015. In his desperation, m0s3pH turned to VenoMark, and in doing so, unleashed a new King who would seize control of the KFL. As the weeks turned into months, m0s3pH could not depose the new dynasty. Finally pushed too far, he relinquished his position, entering The Fatal 8+ EX Tournament.

m0s3pH dominated the field, fighting toward the right to challenge the KFL King for Championship throne. An old rival emerged in CaTigeReptile to put a devastating stop to his charge, but this roadblock was soon cleared by a determined challenger. Only one obstacle remained - another seeking to wrench control from the King: LordSkarlet!

LordSkarlet had failed in his championship quest, but put the fear of god into an untested King. m0s3pH sought to capitalize on LordSkarlet's vulnerability, but found "The Redeemer" far from weakened. In fact, LS seemed inspired by m0s's assault, as if his threat was a pace setter to urge him back toward the gold. Both fighters pushed the other - LordSkarlet coming out in front as April came to a close.

It was an impressive fight, but the war is just beginning. Even as two of the league's most potent powers collide, other forces maneuver toward their own grand designs. While the KFL King recovers, the fight for his throne carries on without him. The pervasive question - who's next?
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05/05/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 16 (May 1st)

- hydraslash d. irulegames1234 & bdog_13 [+1/--/-1]
- SK9608 d. tghuhyg19 [+1]
- Coltess d. JUST_A_TARKATAN & rick991 [+3/-2/-1]
- Asesino d. MKRocket [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. Murdoink [+3]
- jack4813 d. Zentile [+1]
- MINION d. Sekktor [+1]
- Nephrite d. mwgrant0 [+1]
- DeathScepter d. avenger45 [+1]
- nightbreed_16 d. redman [+2]
- m0s3pH d. Genku [+2]
- dibula & UlcaTron d. LordSkarlet [+23]

Stunned by his defeat in the last Friday Night Fights, m0s3pH's only thoughts turned to methods of reprisal. He knew LordSkarlet would need to be eliminated before he could challenge the dominant KFL Champion: King VenoMark! It was this single-minded quest that left him blindsided by an attack from an old enemy, but prepared enough to continue his fight with the current one...

As Head Booker, m0s3pH had ensured Genku spent the previous year toiling idly at the bottom of the ranks. When Armageddon came to the KFL - Genku had capitalized on the opportunity, fighting valiantly enough to force himself upon the KFL Championship. His reign was brief -- facilitating King VenoMark's conquest when m0s3pH turned to him to dethrone the unwanted champion.

When m0s3pH relinquished the title of Head Booker, Genku had thought his return to fights would leave him vulnerable to revenge. Little did the former champion realize, m0s3pH was far from out of practice! Genku came at him with an attack powerful enough to fell any normal kombatant, but m0s3pH was steeled by the loss to LordSkarlet. He summoned the fullest extent of his fighting potential, unleashing it upon his brash attacker. Genku was too strong to take significant damage, but the decisive result would make him think twice about interfering any time soon.

Meanwhile; m0s3pH had sent a proxy to fight in his name while he was occupied with Genku. dibula & UlcaTron would be no match for LordSkarlet individually, but fighting together they overwhelmed him! Blows reigned down upon LordSkarlet as he succumbed not only to the 2-on-1 attack, but to the weeks of fighting that had led up to it! He was powerless against their brutality! All he could do was survive. Survive, and know - redemption would find them soon enough...
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05/10/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
for fuck's sake, I'm so inconsistent. Will I ever reach the top of the proverbial mountain? It eludes me, again.
05/11/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
yoooo sign me up please

Xbox One
Mighty Moco

05/11/2015 01:35 PM (UTC)
K, I'm in. Who wants to fight me? I can be available just about anytime, I live in the east coast.

I'm on the xbox one @ Mighty Moco

let's do this!!!
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05/12/2015 09:55 AM (UTC)
Moco64 Wrote:
K, I'm in. Who wants to fight me? I can be available just about anytime, I live in the east coast.

Yo. This thread is for a forum/chat room stat game. Hit up the Xbox Gamertag thread to get your name out, and start a thread on the Gameplay & Matchmaking forum to issue challenges. We'll probably start dabbling in MKX online soon, so stay tuned.
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05/12/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 17 (May 8th)

- irulegames1234 d. bdog_13 [+1]
- DarknessDragon d. tghuhyg19 [+1]
- Chryo_Spyder d. MKRocket [+1]
- Coltess d. SK9608 & hydraslash [+1/--/-1]
- TheMetinPorta d. kentei290 [+1]
- Onimike d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. NovaStarr [+2]
- redman & MINION d. nightbreed_16 & Asesino [+1]
- Unknown265 d. Nephrite [+1]
- Zentile d. jack4813 [+4]
- m0s3pH d. DeathScepter [+7]
- LordSkarlet & legoslayer10 d. dibula & UlcaTron [+1]

LordSkarlet had been caught by surprise when he was attacked by dibula & UlcaTron. The cowardly 2-on-1 assault had overwhelmed him in ways unlike any fight in recent memory. They had been sent by m0s3pH - the former KFL Booker, who LordSkarlet thought was his only enemy. Though he was badly beaten, LordSkarlet felt a wry refreshment in defeat. m0s3pH was not the only one who could call upon old allies. Redemption would be swift and fair.

The warrior legoslayer10 had fought many battles alongside LordSkarlet. When he learned of their opponent's underhanded tactics, he was more than happy to reunite with his beleaguered friend. Together they had won championships. dibula & UlcaTron never stood a chance. Though LordSkarlet & legoslayer10 were dominant in victory, they showed mercy. "The Redeemer" could sense their weakness. He would allow them to return to their master - his true enemy...

m0s3pH had no trouble defending himself from the surprise return of an old enemy: Genku. What he couldn't counter was the emergence of new obstacles. m0s3pH's ultimate goal of claiming the KFL Championship from King VenoMark would be threatened if a new challenger grew powerful enough. DeathScepter was just such a challenger! No longer able to steer DeathScepter's destiny, m0s3pH would be forced to deal with the problem personally.

A string of victories had rendered DeathScepter second only to LordSkarlet in the KFL rankings. King VenoMark loomed as Champion and #1, of course, but DeathScepter had done more than enough to make himself a compelling challenger. m0s3pH would have to be harsh if he were to suppress the threat. He was! He took full advantage of his fighting potential, smothering every effort DeathScepter mustered. He was comprehensive in his assault, dissecting the challenger with two strikes for every one! Victory was his.

As m0s3pH left the battlefield, he approached two figures waiting in the wings. He knew he would have to act soon if he were to draw King VenoMark into the light. He would gather his forces, yes, but not before trying one final gambit. An important piece of information had come to his attention. He would use it to petition the gods of the KFL to grant a special challenge against the KFL Champion. Information they could not refuse...
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05/18/2015 10:27 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 18 (May 15th)

- Moco64 d. tghuhyg19 [+1]
- JUST_A_TARKATAN d. zebraska [+1]
- MKRocket d. SK9608 [+2]
- hydraslash d. rick991 [+1]
- Maridany d. Chryo_Spyder [+2]
- Coltess d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- Unknown265 & mwgrant0 d. Asesino & nightbreed_16 [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. Nephrite [+1]
- MINION d. Sekktor [+1]
- Zentile d. jack4813 [+1]
- VenoMark (c) d. TheNinjasRock071394 [+9] [KFL Championship]
- LordSkarlet, legoslayer10 & DeathScepter d. m0s3pH, dibula & UlcaTron [+1]

For 105 days, King VenoMark had reigned supreme as KFL Champion. Combined with two previous reigns, he had reached 147 days total - a seemingly insignificant number, save for the milestone set by another legendary champion. m0s3pH knew he would not yet be granted the opportunity to dethrone the King, but with VenoMark challenging the record set by TheNinjasRock071394, a special match would certainly be granted. Through his brother he could beat his enemies to the gold, and at last eliminate VenoMark's dominion over the league.

LordSkarlet could do nothing to stop the challenge. His only choice was to strengthen his own claim to contention. With the help of legoslayer10, LordSkarlet had turned the tables on m0s3pH's minions: dibula & UlcaTron. In would-be contender DeathScepter, he found the extra man needed to take the fight to m0s3pH on even terms! m0s3pH and his men were ready, but unable to stand-up to the attacking forces. m0s3pH was defeated and forced to retreat! The momentum was shifting to LordSkarlet!

m0s3pH's plan to steal the KFL Championship had also failed. Despite his withdrawal from public view since his last hard fought title defense, King VenoMark seemed more than ready for the impromptu challenger. TheNinjasRock071394 may have been regarded as one of the greatest KFL Champions of all time, but his time appeared to be passing. VenoMark defended himself from a strong challenge and then returned it nine fold! 071394 was treated to 9 shades of defeat! A comprehensive result.

Despite his defeat, m0s3pH welcomed his brother with open arms. A lingering figure joined the m0s3pH's foursome from the shadows. They had lost the day, but they would regroup, reorganize, and return...
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05/25/2015 04:14 PM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 19 (May 22nd)

- tghuhyg19 d. bdog_13 [+1]
- subzero776 d. Moco64 [+1]
- Jironobou d. SK9608 [+2]
- MKRocket d. Chryo_Spyder [+1]
- Murdoink d. Maridany [+1]
- Methuselah6463 d. TheMetinPorta [+1]
- Unknown265 & mwgrant0 d. Asesino & nightbreed_16 [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. 4avenger5 [+2]
- Zentile d. Coltess [+1]
- redman & MINION d. Sekktor & hydraslash [+1]
- DeathScepter d. jack4813 [+1]
- m0s3pH & TheNinjasRock071394 d. LordSkarlet & legoslayer10 [+1]

Feeling the momentum of battle slipping away, m0s3pH remained confident in his next action. From the shadows, m0s3pH had been maneuvering an army, assembling a force to overwhelm his newest nemesis: LordSkarlet. m0s3pH may have succumbed to the so-called "Redeemer" and his allies, but he was preparing for a greater victory through strength in numbers. This would be the final declaration of war. The beginning of the end.

jack4813 emerged as the mysterious fifth man in m0s3pH's war chest. Submitting himself in secret; jack4813 had already agreed to separate "The Redeemer" from his unlikely ally: DeathScepter. It was jack's intention to be an uncommon enemy ambushing the would-be title challenger, but DeathScepter was not taken so easily by surprise. The two battled intently, DeathScepter emerging the victor. It was another loss for m0s3pH's side - but a calculated one. DeathScepter was but one man...

legoslayer10 had helped LordSkarlet turn the tables on m0s3pH and his aggressors. With DeathScepter, they had evened the odds - but the odds were fast changing. m0s3pH reunited with his brother TheNinjasRock071394, taking advantage of their combined might to make a bold statement. Together - the former KFL Champions posed a deadly challenge! LordSkarlet & legoslayer10 fought valiantly, but could not fend them off.

m0s3pH warned LordSkarlet this was just the beginning of the end. He encouraged "The Redeemer" to leave the KFL and surrender his quest for the KFL Championship. LordSkarlet remained defiant. If a war was what m0s3pH and his allies wanted - a war LordSkarlet would bring them!
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06/05/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 20 (May 29th)

- bdog_13 d. tghuhyg19 [+1]
- Moco64 d. subzero776 [+1]
- NovaStarr d. Murdoink [+1]
- Coltess d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- ShoeUnited d. Ghostdragon [+1]
- Zentile d. Nephrite [+1]
- nightbreed_16 d. MINION & mwgrant0 [+2/-1/-1]
- redman d. Asesino & Unknown265 [+2/-1/-1]
- Team LordSkarlet d. Team m0s3pH [5-4]
1. jack4813 (m0s) elim. hydraslash (LS)
2. Sekktor (LS) elim. jack4813 (m0s)
3. Sekktor (LS) elim. UlcaTron (m0s)
4. dibula (m0s) elim. Sekktor (LS)
5. DeathScepter (LS) elim. dibula (m0s)
6. TheNinjasRock071394 (m0s) elim. DeathScepter (LS)
7. TheNinjasRock071394 (m0s) elim. legoslayer10 (LS)
8. LordSkarlet (LS) elim. TheNinjasRock071394 (m0s)
9. LordSkarlet (LS) elim. m0s3pH (m0s)

- VenoMark (c) d. Baraka_MK & Onryo [+1] [KFL Championship]

With the battle lines of war declared, LordSkarlet issued a call to arms to gather a few good men. legoslayer10 had always fought loyally by LordSkarlet's side, and DeathScepter shared a common enemy, but it was only on the eve of war that Sekktor & hydraslash emerged to even the odds against their opposing enemies. Bolstered by his force, "The Redeemer" was finally ready to fight for his very survival!

m0s3pH had hoped to overwhelm and intimidate LordSkarlet out of a full-on confrontation. LordSkarlet had merely been an obstacle in m0s3pH's true goals of dethroning King VenoMark and claiming the KFL Championship for himself. He thought surrounding himself with strong allies would guarantee success - but he never anticipated LordSkarlet evening the odds!

The two armies collided in spectacular combat. Counterparts in every sense - they were evenly matched! m0s3pH's veiled friendship with jack4813 paid off as he eliminated the first fighter. LordSkarlet's redeemers turned the tables as Sekktor fought off jack4813 and tackled m0s3pH's tag team enforcers! dibula capitalized on the exertion, but DeathScepter was there to assert himself as a would-be KFL contender! The original champion and m0s3pH's chosen one TheNinjasRock071394 crossed DeathScepter off the list and leaped into a brutal one-on-one private war with legoslayer10! Their back-and-forth battle ended in 071394's favor. With bodies littering the warzone, only three men remained. "The Redeemer" stood alone against a 2-on-1 advantage of the two brothers!

LordSkarlet launched himself as TheNinjasRock071394 - unleashing his fury on all the vulnerable areas tenderized by his fallen friend, legoslayer10. He was a whirlwind of red fury - giving his opponent no opportunity to resist. The KFL civil war would end as it had begun - a one-on-one battle between LordSkarlet and m0s3pH! It seemed as if m0s had the upper hand, but his punishing blows were soon answered. The bitter enemies traded blow upon blow, but it was LordSkarlet whose attacks had the greater impact! Against all odds, he forced m0s3pH into retreat! After weeks of battle, m0s3pH had nothing left. LordSkarlet was the victor!

Breathing deeply, LordSkarlet hunched over his defeated nemesis. m0s3pH could barely move, but expelled a wry laugh. m0s3pH had been a step ahead of LordSkarlet throughout their battles, exercising the advantage of always having more allies. Even in defeat, m0s3pH would have a contingency. If he could not rise to take King VenoMark's throne - then no one would! LordSkarlet may have won this war, but m0s3pH would unleash a power upon the KFL that would finally claim LordSkarlet. He would invoke the power of the KFL Gods! A power that would soon arrive...

... Another power had unexpectedly returned. While the civil war raged - Baraka_MK & Onryo returned from death! The pair had been executed by the reigning KFL Champion: King VenoMark! They quietly returned to seek vengeance against their executioner, fighting with a completely difference energy. BMK & Onryo were different. Corrupt! They were unsuccessful in their 2-on-1 bid for payback, but only just! The dawning of a Corrupt Generation was now here.
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06/12/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 21 (June 5th)

- Moco64 d. tghuhyg19 [+1]
- SK9608 d. DarknessDragon [+1]
- subzero776 d. zebraska [+1]
- ShoeUnited d. NovaStarr [+7]
- Philip94 d. Maridany [+1]
- Murdoink d. Onimike [+7]
- redman & MINION d. Unknown265 & mwgrant0 & Asesino & nightbreed_16 [+1/--/-1]
- jack4813 d. legoslayer10 [+1]
- Sekktor & hydraslash d. dibula & UlcaTron [+1]
- TheNinjasRock071394 d. DeathScepter [+4]
- Baraka_MK & Onryo d. MKRocket [+2]
- Mick-Lucifer d. LordSkarlet [+1]

Victory over m0s3pH should have delivered LordSkarlet to the KFL Championship. In victory, he had earned the right to challenge unopposed - but opposed, he was. Ominous words rung out from m0s3pH's defeat - a promise to invoke the KFL Gods to smite his opponent. m0s3pH may have lost the battle, but in his absence, he would still attempt to win the war. A final act of manipulation for the depose controller of the league...

As an Elder God, Mick-Lucifer had amassed the power to create a new league when he waged war against the other gods. It was he who summoned the blistering hellfire in which the first KFL Championship was forged! He who watched over the mortals, guiding them from beyond toward a new age of kombat culture and prosperity - or so he had hoped...

The mortals carried with them the taint of an original sin. From this seed had grown the ills of greed, fear, jealousy and contempt. Tiring of this world, Mick-Lucifer attempted to curb the self-destruction by gathering the other gods and conquering the league. His Regime effortlessly conquered the KFL, but the more he exposed himself, the more he became a devil in the eyes of the people. Against all odds, a Resistance pushed back against The Regime. Soon, they turned their backs on one another, and against all odds - Mick-Lucifer was exiled.

m0s3pH's incantation had once again restored the fallen god to the KFL. He stood before LordSkarlet, emitting a power that could not be seen, heard, or felt by mortal means. LordSkarlet could sense it. He had come a long way since the rise of The Regime, but still he recognized the threat. LordSkarlet relived the war with m0s3pH and his comrades. He tracked back to the Fatal 8+ EX tournament that began it all. He remembered victory... and then he fell.

Mick-Lucifer wins.
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06/12/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 22 (June 12th)

- JUST_A_TARKATAN d. Moco64 [+1]
- subzero776 d. SK9608 [+1]
- Philip94 d. Methuselah6463 [+4]
- ShoeUnited d. NovaStarr [+2]
- Murdoink d. avenger45 [+1]
- dibula & UlcaTron d. Sekktor [+1]
- nightbreed_16 d. Zentile [+1]
- jack4813 d. DeathScepter [+1]
- Mick-Lucifer d. hydraslash [+14] [FATALITY!]
- TheNinjasRock071394 d. legoslayer10 [+3]
- LordSkarlet d. TonyTheTiger [+1]
- Baraka_MK & Onryo d. redman & MINION [+1]

Long has the KFL been host to an array of gods and monsters. Few knew this better than TonyTheTiger - a warrior who had spent time as both. In the past, he had been a member of The Regime. In the time since their disbanding, he had drifted away from the gods - becoming a predator stalking the KFL!

For weeks, TonyTheTiger had hunted his way through some of the most powerful warriors in the league! He had steadily risen through the ranks, solidifying himself as a future contender. Sensing wounded prey, he was drawn toward one of the league's best: LordSkarlet. If he could defeat LordSkarlet, perhaps he could challenge for the KFL Championship!

LordSkarlet had suffered a thorough defeat at the hands of Mick-Lucifer. The returned KFL god had been summoned as a final insult by m0s3pH, but LordSkarlet had escaped the battle relatively undamaged. TonyTheTiger was every bit the deadly warrior expected, but LordSkarlet had recovered enough to fend off his attacks. LS stood triumphant over "The Predator", but he couldn't help but wonder how his emergence tied in to larger events. He couldn't imagine what was happening elsewhere...

m0s3pH's living weapon had moved on from the nemesis he was originally pointed toward. This time, Mick-Lucifer had chosen one of m0s3pH's lesser enemies - the unexpected ally to LordSkarlet: hydraslash.

Although hydraslash had contributed in deposing m0s3pH, he had done so as a last minute recruit - the first eliminated in the war. Little did anyone realize, this had in part been due to the wounds sustained over continuous fighting. hydraslash was vulnerable to anyone - let alone one of the super heavyweights of the league! He fought valiantly, but was severely weakened and outclassed. A devastating attack destroyed him.

Mick-Lucifer wins. Fatality!
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Having defeated her opponents, CaTigeReptile was granted full access to the sorcerer's cookbooks. There, she succeeded in discovering the sequence of ingredients necessary to satisfy her hunger with delicious results. Have a nice day.

07/22/2015 01:02 AM (UTC)
10/07/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
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11/04/2015 06:08 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 23 (June 19th)

- zebraska d. bdog_13 & rick991 [+2/-1/-1]
- tghuhyg19 d. DarknessDragon [+1]
- Moco64 d. irulegames1234 [+1]
- JUST_A_TARKATAN d. subzero776 [+2]
- Murdoink d. Zentile [+8]
- Philip94 d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- Unknown265 d. nightbreed_16 [+1]
- jack4813 d. Coltess [+1]
- Mick-Lucifer d. UlcaTron [+MAX] [FATALITY!]
- TonyTheTiger d. TheNinjasRock071394 & DeathScepter [+13/-12/-1]
- Ninja_Mime, Baraka_MK & Onryo d. redman, MINION & Sekktor [+1]
- LordSkarlet d. VenoMark (c) [+1] [KFL Championship]

LordSkarlet entered a chamber deep within the labyrinth of the KFL arena. He had finally come for his prize. "The Redeemer" had purged all distractions from his mind and focused only on his inner spirit. He had been delayed before - but no longer! Waiting in the darkness was King VenoMark -- the undefeated KFL Champion!

The KFL King had not been seen for some weeks. His last defense against motivated enemies had finally forced him to retreat. He was recovered. There would be no excuses. He would emerge from the shadows to meet his challenger head-on. Dark energy swirled around him, ripping the darkness and splashing it through tiny columns of light! It crashed against red fire like waves breaking on a stormy beach. LordSkarlet was ready! LordSkarlet was the new KFL Champion!...

... VenoMark lay face down on the dusty stone floor - motionless. LordSkarlet took the KFL Championship belt from its place on a humble throne, deep within the chamber. As he moved to exit - a hand clutched his ankle. Still face down - VenoMark spoke. His voice echoed around the chamber, as if he spoke from all sides. His warning was dire: Beware the fallen! Beware the corrupt!

In the colosseum above: redman, MINION & Sekktor found themselves under attack from an unlikely opponent! Ninja_Mime had returned from obscurity, leading the tandem pairing of Baraka_MK & Onryo! The six-man skirmish went decisively in favor of Ninja_Mime, whose directions were unable to contain the assaulted allies - forced to flee!

Elsewhere, in the halls surrounding the arena, UlcaTron was shocked and confused by his own predicament. Mick-Lucifer had been summoned by m0s3pH to bedevil the former KFL booker's enemies, but now he preyed upon one of their own! Like hydraslash before him, UlcaTron was severely weakened by their war. His only ally - TheNinjasRock071394 was distracted with his own battle! UlcaTron was alone and vulnerable!

Mick-Lucifer wins. Fatality!
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11/04/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 24 (June 26th)

- kentei290 d. tghuhyg19 [+1]
- Moco64 d. zebraska [+1]
- Maridany d. SK9608 [+1]
- TheMetinPorta d. Methuselah6463 & subzero776 [+3/-2/-1]
- dibula d. legoslayer10 [+1]
- Onimike d. JUST_A_TARKATAN [+1]
- Murdoink d. nightbreed_16 [+2]
- DeathScepter d. Unknown265 [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. TheNinjasRock071394 [+3]
- Sekktor d. Ninja_Mime [+1]
- Baraka_MK & Onryo d. redman [+25]
- Mick-Lucifer d. MINION [+MAX] [FATALITY!]

redman had seen it all before... The carnage, the chaos, the manipulations....
He had allowed himself to remain distracted while the Kombat Fight League was torn between forces led by m0s3pH and LordSkarlet. Crowns and championships were beyond his concern. He had already fought his war against The Regime - and won! There was nothing to be gained from adopting another struggle, especially not one so frivolous. Or so he had thought...

It all began when Baraka_MK & Onryo made their shocking return from the dead. They challenged King VenoMark unsuccessfully as part of a personal vendetta against the man who killed them. This "Corrupt Generation" then turned their attentions to MKRocket - a known associate of VenoMark, who paid for his allegiance in a 2-on-1 beat down! That same day - hydraslash died as m0s3pH's trump card was unleashed against LordSkarlet. Two seemingly unconnected coincidences. Designed that way. Hiding in plain sight. redman knew what was coming.

redman regrouped with friend MINION as Baraka_MK & Onryo came for him. After they fended off the attack, he convinced Sekktor to join their cause. BMK & Onryo answered in kind with the emergence of legendary fighter: Ninja_Mime! redman, MINION & Sekktor were overwhelmed, but they managed to escape relatively unscathed. Fortunate, as BMK & Onryo knew one of them was mortally wounded. Just like MKRocket. Just like hydraslash and UlcaTron.

They could run, but they could not hide!
Still strong as one of LordSkarlet's power players, Sekktor summoned impressive strength as Ninja_Mime attacked him! The others were not so fortunate! Baraka_MK & Onryo made sure they divided their prey, dragging redman into impossible odds! He was brutally beaten! "One of the lucky ones", he thought. The old redman was bubbling back to the surface. Coughing blood, he asked himself a grim question: "Who hunts the Manhunter?"

In the colosseum arena; the old god of the KFL cornered "The Manhunter" MINION.
It would have been so much more convenient if he'd simply fallen at the hands of Baraka_MK & Onryo. It would have meant the seventh soul could have been counted much sooner. It would have meant Mick-Lucifer could clean blood soaked hands much sooner. When you want something done, you have to do it yourself.

Mick-Lucifer wins. Fatality!
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11/04/2015 07:45 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 25 (July 3rd)

- bdog_13 d. tghuhyg19 & DarknessDragon [+2/-1/-1]
- Maridany d. kentei290 [+1]
- Methuselah6463 d. Moco64 [+4]
- Zentile d. nightbreed_16 [+1]
- Unknown265 d. Murdoink [+1]
- redman d. Corrupt hydraslash [+1]
- redman d. Corrupt UlcaTron [+1]
- redman d. Corrupt MINION [+2]
- redman d. Corrupt Onryo [+1]
- Corrupt Baraka_MK d. redman [+1]
- Ninja_Mime d. redman [+2]
- Mick-Lucifer d. LordSkarlet (c) [+13] [KFL Championship]

redman stumbled as he rushed across blood soaked sands.
It wasn't the first time he'd rushed to meet destiny! He'd been there two years prior, when The Regime marched through the KFL exacting their brutal law. He saw it coming when nobody else had, much as he had this time. Even m0s3pH had no idea what he was unleashing when he summoned Mick-Lucifer back from obscurity! Alas; this time - redman was too late. He had remained too indifferent. His friends were beaten. MINION's blood was on the snad. redman was alone.

Laughter echoed around the arena as redman shouted his challenge. The sun glared over the arena wall, blinding him as he searched for its source. Mick-Lucifer spoke from the stands. He expressed admiration for the lone warrior. He claimed he understood what it meant to have the conviction of a way forward in spite of the fear and weakness of others. He claimed he too held such vision, but his was not in defiance of another, but in embrace of the many.

Lucifer explained how he felt a great sadness in The Regime's failure and rejection. Fatigue and disillusionment had pushed him away from the KFL, but when m0s3pH summoned him back, he saw the opportunity to set things right. He expressed regret that he allowed the fear and weakness of others to tear the league apart. When he forged the KFL Championship, he saw it as a rallying point and a tool to unite everyone. He could see now that the league was too weak to sustain that vision, though. So he would unmake this reality and build a new one! The reality he saw all along! He would claim the KFL Championship and use seven corrupt souls to build an arena impervious to the weakness, fear, confusion, paranoia and selfishness of mortals! An arena to inspire!

Mick-Lucifer offered redman one opportunity to delay his plans! If redman wished to face him, he would first have to climb Lucifer's Ladder! On each rung would be a corrupt soul representing the six balancing realms and Lucifer himself - the Heavens! If somehow redman could overcome these impossible odds, he would be victorious.

1. Corrupt hydraslash landed in the arena - the first resurrected soul to fall!

2. Corrupt UlcaTron provided more sport, but redman dug deep to put him down.

3. Corrupt MINION rocked redman to his very core. He knew the likely eventuality, but still hoped he could somehow prevent the inevitable. Face to face with the soul of his corrupt friend redman summoned his full strength - and unleashed it upon him! What should have been the hardest battle became the easiest for the honorable redman!

4. Corrupt Onryo showed no mercy as he leaped into the game of death with the ferocity that earned him the nickname "Mad Dog"! He too would fall, though.

5. Corrupt Baraka_MK followed rapidly, as close to the tag team 2-on-1 tactic he and his "Corrupt Generation" ally could get! Onryo had softened redman up, and now BMK could dig at the wounds redman occurred in their last encounter!

6. Ninja_Mime was not a Corrupt soul like the others, but rather a willing accomplice to Mick-Lucifer's plan! He finished the would-be hero with a comprehensive finishing move. redman was much too strong to die, but he was sufficiently defeated.

7. Mick-Lucifer came face-to-face with LordSkarlet. It was the culmination of m0s3pH's original plan. redman had failed to defeat Lucifer's Ladder, the only possible outcome. Now the KFL Championship would return to its maker! Its gold, forged in hellfire, would be the fuel for a new flame that would remake the world! Mick-Lucifer wins!
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11/04/2015 10:45 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 26 (July 10th)

- tghuhyg19 d. rick991 & DarknessDragon [+1/--/-1]
- bdog_13 d. irulegames1234 [+1]
- Moco64 d. subzero776 [+1]
- JUST_A_TARKATAN d. TheMetinPorta [+1]
- Onimike d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- Philip94 d. nightbreed_16 [+1]
- avenger45 d. Maridany [+1]
- Murdoink d. Coltess [+1]
- Unknown265 d. Zentile [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. dibula [+9]
- VenoMark d. LordSkarlet [+2]
- Lucifer's Ladder d. Team redman [5-3]
1. Killswitch (redman) elim. hydraslash (Lucifer)
2. UlcaTron (Lucifer) elim. Killswitch (redman)
3. Sekktor (redman) elim. UlcaTron (Lucifer)
4. MINION (Lucifer) elim. Sekktor (redman)
5. MINION (Lucifer) elim. Jironobou (redman)
6. Nephrite (redman) elim. MINION (Lucifer)
7. Onryo (Lucifer) elim. Nephrite (redman)
8. Onryo (Lucifer) elim. redman (redman)

On his own, redman had bested four of the six fighters who make up the menace of Lucifer's Ladder! Resurrected souls of fallen warriors: they are the Corrupt forces working to bring about the end of everything! The most recent member claimed was redman's friend and ally MINION. If redman could not succeed alone or rely upon his friends, he would unite his greatest enemies against the ultimate enemy - Mick-Lucifer!

Despite feuding earlier in the year; redman recruited Sekktor when his ally hydraslash was taken out and Corrupted. Revisiting old enemies, he adds former Regime warrior Killswitch, Prophet ally turned nemesis Jironobou, and 2013 arch-nemesis Nephrite!

Together as a unit, Team redman launched their attack on Lucifer's Ladder! The jump gave them the advantage, Killswitch taking out Corrupt hydraslash early! Corrupt MINION failed to psychologically rattle redman during their first encounter, but he managed to turn the tables in the battles of the teams! Nephrite did his best to restore the balance but "Mad Dog" Corrupt Onryo unleashed a savagery neither Nephrite nor redman could withstand!

Lucifer's Ladder wins!
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11/04/2015 11:15 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 27 (July 17th)

- irulegames1234 d. tghuhyg19 & rick991 [+1/--/-1]
- TheMetinPorta d. Moco64 [+1]
- Coltess d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- avenger45 d. Onimike [+2]
- Philip94 d. mwgrant0 [+1]
- Maridany d. JUST_A_TARKATAN [+1]
- Zentile d. nightbreed_16 [+1]
- TonyTheTiger d. jack4813 [+1]
- Sekktor & Jironobou d. UlcaTron & hydraslash [+1]
- MINION d. Nephrite [+1]
- VenoMark & MKR d. LordSkarlet & legoslayer10 [+1]
- redman & Killswitch d. Baraka_MK & Onryo [+1]

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! When redman lost his closest ally MINION to the corruption of Lucifer's Ladder - he turned to the unlikeliest of allies to fight the threat! Alas; when they attacked their foes as a single unit - they soon found it was Lucifer's Ladder who has strength in numbers!

Regrouping after their defeat, redman and his allies opt for a different tactic: divide and conquer! Sekktor is joined by Jironobou when confronting his own friend turned enemy: Corrupt hydraslash! They're the first benefactors of the new approach - overwhelming their enemies with superior ability!

Corrupt MINION had been vital in turning the tables on Team redman during their 5-on-5 struggle. Once again he proves to be a difference maker, rebuking the challenge of Nephrite in a surprising result!

redman teams with Killswitch to challenge the deadly combination of "The Corrupt Generation" Baraka_MK & Onryo! Calling upon their own tandem fight experience, redman & Killswitch were able to synchronize like another veteran team! Once again the dividing gambit tips the scales in favor of the KFL Union - a shocking loss for one of the league's best 2-man teams!
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11/04/2015 11:43 AM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 28 (July 24th)

- DarknessDragon d. rick991 & SK9608 [+2/-1/-1]
- irulegames1234 d. tghuhyg19 [+2]
- TheMetinPorta d. JUST_A_TARKATAN [+1]
- legoslayer10 d. Moco64 [+2]
- Coltess d. Maridany [+1]
- Philip94 d. avenger45 [+1]
- Murdoink d. Zentile [+2]
- DeathScepter d. LordSkarlet [+1]
- Ninja_Mime, UlcaTron & hydraslash d. Sekktor, Nephrite & Jironobou [+1]
- VenoMark & MKRocket d. Baraka_MK & Onryo [+2]
- redman d. MINION [+1]
- Mick-Lucifer (c) d. TonyTheTiger [+MAX] [KFL Championship]

Feeling Lucifer's Ladder may be on the ropes, Sekktor, Nephrite & Jironobou continue their pursuit of the deadly collective! The reemergence of Ninja_Mime proved a difference maker for The Corrupt when he came to the aid of Corrupt hydraslash & UlcaTron! Once again an increase in numbers is the key to victory for the individual rungs of the Ladder!

Combining talents had been the skill that brought Corrupt Baraka_MK & Onryo to the top of the Kombat Fight League! Unlike their Corrupt allies, their souls were sent into the inferno by former KFL Champion: VenoMark! The fallen King had been out of action since losing the title, but after a return fight against LordSkarlet he was refreshed and ready to avenge The Corrupt Generation's attacks on he and his friend MKRocket! The interception was a valuable interference for the KFL rebels!

Isolated, Corrupt MINION finds himself confronted by former friend redman! In the heat of a gauntlet fight with all of Lucifer's Ladder, redman had been able to steel himself against the emotional impact of facing his fallen ally. Now face-to-face, man-to-man, the gravity of it all caught up with him. redman knew the threat was coming, but in the end he was helpless to defend MINION in his moment of vulnerability. As he did before, redman reached deep within himself to find the honor to give MINION a defeat he deserves. Summoning his strength, redman overcame the ultimate threat. Now, he prepares his new end game.

Elsewhere, another fighter prepares his end game! Mick-Lucifer's grand plan depended on capturing the coveted KFL Championship. Harnessing its power, he draws his plans to bring about totality and begin remaking the universe in his own image! Having finished picking apart the remnants of m0s3pH's warriors, TonyTheTiger sets his predatory sights on the champ! Mick-Lucifer wins!
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11/04/2015 12:17 PM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 29 (July 31st)

- rick991 d. SK9608 & tghuhyg19 [+1/+1/-2]
- DarknessDragon d. zebraska [+1]
- irulegames1234 d. Moco64 [+1]
- legoslayer10 d. JUST_A_TARKATAN [+1]
- nightbreed_16 d. Coltess [+1]
- Philip94 d. Zentile [+1]
- MKRocket d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- Murdoink d. Unknown265 [+1]
- CaTigeReptile d. LordSkarlet [+1]
- m0s3pH d. TonyTheTiger [+1]
- Team redman d. Lucifer's Ladder [5-2]
1. VenoMark (redman) elim. hydraslash (Corrupt)
2. VenoMark (redman) elim. UlcaTron (Corrupt)
3. VenoMark (redman) elim. MINION (Corrupt)
4. Onryo (Corrupt) elim. VenoMark (redman)
5. Jironobou (redman) elim. Onryo (Corrupt)
6. Baraka_MK (Corrupt) elim. Jironobou (redman)
7. Sekktor (redman) elim. Baraka_MK (Corrupt)

- redman d. Mick-Lucifer (c) [+6] [KFL Championship]

In defeating Corrupt MINION, the warrior known as redman had faced his inner most fear! He had tried to protect MINION from the plot to Corrupt his soul, but could not. MINION was the 7th soul - a vital component in a plan to unmake everything! In defeating MINION, redman had honored his friend and give him a chance to fight the Corruption gripping his soul. He had saved himself. Now he had to save everyone else.

With the help of The Corrupt, Mick-Lucifer had taken control of the league and claimed the coveted KFL Championship! Pledging his own soul, the willing soul of NInja_Mime, and the five Corrupt souls he'd claimed - Mick-Lucifer could unbalance the furies and bring about a state of total One Being! He could unmake existence and attempt to reshape it! He called his plan a search for a better way, but redman would not see it that way.

Confronting the champion, redman knew he was grossly outmatched. As the one who forged the KFL Championship, Mick-Lucifer was among the most powerful fighters in the league! His experience and fighting powers were almost unmatched! Yet, as his challenger came into view, he too felt a sense of trepidation. Introspective, he was all too aware that redman had unmade his plans and dethroned him once before! If he did it again, it would mean a different fate for the KFL - a slow, undignified death brought about by ignorance and in-fighting, he thought. He wondered how redman could defend such things. redman wondered how Mick-Lucifer dared to play god.

There were no witnesses to the fight. They were busy fighting their own battles. In fact, it was as if nothing had changed at all -- for it hadn't! In the ultimate battle for the very fate of existence - it was the dull, calm mundanity of life that told of the victor. There was a new KFL Champion. redman wins!
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11/04/2015 12:39 PM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 30 (August 7th)

- SK9608 d. zebraska & tghuhyg19 [+1/--/-1]
- rick991 d. kentei290 [+1]
- DarknessDragon d. bdog_13 [+1]
- irulegames1234 d. Moco64 [+1]
- legoslayer10 d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
- Zentile d. nightbreed_16 [+1]
- Philip94 d. Unknown265 [+1]
- Killswitch & Nephrite d. UlcaTron & hydraslash [+1]
- Baraka_MK & Onryo d. Sekktor & Jironobou [+1]
- DeathScepter d. Murdoink [+1]
- redman (c) d. MINION [+2] [KFL Championship]
- VenoMark d. m0s3pH [+6]

A gentle breeze stirred the sands of the KFL colosseum: a humble reminder of the joys of existence. A minor cosmic allusion to the existence that was almost undone!.. Mick-Lucifer had planned to end it all and remake the league without the innate weaknesses he saw as its greatest threat! He did so, summoned by m0s3pH as a final spiteful blow directed at his nemesis LordSkarlet. The plot was thwarted by redman, whose determination to stand in the face of overwhelming odds had once again made him the KFL Champion! A gift, and a burden...

m0s3pH had no intentions of involving himself in cosmic disputes when he returned to the Kombat Fight League. He didn't care about the complications of the bigger picture any more. The one-time booker had been nursing his wounds, reemerging purely to catch a predator! TonyTheTiger had been stalking the remnants of Team m0s3pH while he was away, picking them off one by one! m0s3pH sent a clear message to TTT with his comeback. Now he could finally tend to other unfinished business!

VenoMark had inadvertently been positioned as the King of the KFL by m0s3pH's own hand. His attempts to set things right were constantly derailed as LordSkarlet fought m0s into ruination and exile! Mick-Lucifer may have had grand plans of his own, but he had succeeded in punishing LordSkarlet for his hubris. Now m0s3pH would finally get his hands on the dethroned King VenoMark! Or so he thought...

VenoMark's reign at the top had ended when LordSkarlet finally took his KFL Championship! He finished on the floor, beaten and bruised. Now recovered - he was back fighting from underneath and bedeviling the devil! He paid LordSkarlet back for the title defeat, and rattled The Corrupt Generation and their Lucifer's Ladder allies! Sharp and strong he welcomed m0s3pH's challenge, unleashing his restored strength against an unprepared m0s! He had assumed the King was dead, but he was alive and well! A comprehensive win was his!

Meanwhile, redman showed his gold colors, defending the newly won KFL Championship against his friend turned enemy: Corrupt MINION! The Corrupt Manhunter tried all the tricks in the book, but redman's honor could not be questioned! He stood strong, earning a convincing win against the upstart challenger!
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11/04/2015 01:25 PM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 31 (August 14th)

- zebraska d. tghuhyg19 & kentei290 [+2/-1/-1]
- SK9608 d. rick991 [+1]
- Moco64 d. DarknessDragon [+1]
- Methuselah6463 d. irulegames1234 [+2]
- nightbreed_16 d. Zentile & Coltess [+2/-1/-1]
- Sekktor & Jironobou d. UlcaTron & hydraslash [+1]
- Killswitch d. MINION [+1]
- LordSkarlet & legoslayer10 d. Unknown265 & mwgrant0 [+1]
- Murdoink d. Philip94 [+1]
- Ninja_Mime d. TonyTheTiger [+12]
- CaTigeReptile d. m0s3pH [+1]
- VenoMark & MKRocket d. Baraka_MK & Onryo [+1]

As the most dominant KFL Champion in recent history, VenoMark had earned his fair share or rivals. His championship reign was ended by LordSkarlet, but even LS fell, as VenoMark renewed his campaign of victory in a rematch! He had recruited the aid of his old ally MKRocket, who helped fend of LS & legoslayer10, and renew a rivalry with "The Corrupt Generation" Baraka_MK & Onryo!

VenoMark was convinced to help Team redman in their battle with the rest of Lucifer's Ladder, but during the skirmish it was Corrupt Onryo who took VenoMark out of the fight! With MKRocket at his side, The Corrupt Generation would be given no opportunity to work numbers against either man. With VenoMark back in top form, they couldn't possibly be beaten! A new great pairing was on top of the competition!
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11/04/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 32 (August 21st)

- zebraska d. tghuhyg19 & rick991 [+2/-1/-1]
- Asesino d. kentei290 [+2]
- SK9608 d. DarknessDragon [+2]
- mwgrant0 d. Maridany [+1]
- Methuselah6463 d. Moco64 [+3]
- Coltess d. TheMetinPorta [+1]
- Killswith, Sekktor & Jironobou d. MINION, UlcaTron & hydraslash [+1]
- nightbreed_16 d. Zentile [+1]
- CaTigeReptile d. Ninja_Mime [+2]
- LordSkarlet & legoslayer10 d. Baraka_MK & Onryo [+2]
- Murdoink d. redman (c) [+4] [KFL Championship]
- m0s & TheNinjasRock071394 d. VenoMark & MKRocket [+1]

With existence in peril, redman had never really contemplated becoming KFL Champion! He had proven himself more than capable when he earned his second crown in a major championship battle - but defending the title was never on the cards! Never the less, his position at the top of the league attracted new challengers!

Murdoink saw opportunity, capitalizing on a string of victories that brought him into the top echelon of competitors! With redman still recovering from his bitter battles with Mick-Lucifer and The Corrupt, the gambit paid off! Murdoink completely overwhelmed the champion! redman had risen to the challenge of deep personal issues and cosmic balance, but against a hungry challenger he was lost! Murdoink wins his first title!

Meanwhile, VenoMark & MKRocket had claimed they were the greatest duo in the Kombat Fight League. If m0s3pH didn't want to beat the King of the KFL with his own crown before - he sure as hell did now! TheNinjasRock071394 returned alongside his brother as they launched an all-out assault on the boastful combination! In and out of the KFL, m0s & 071394 were considered legends of the 2-man field! They would not indulge unfounded insults! They struck swiftly and at the peak of their powers. VenoMark & MKR mounted an admirable defense, but the result was clear. m0s & TheNinjasRock071394 are the greatest duo in the league!
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11/04/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
KFL Friday Night Fights: 2015 Week 33 (August 28th)

- kentei290 d. rick991 & tghuhyg19 [+2/-1/-1]
- DarknessDragon d. zebraska [+1]
- dibula d. Asesino [+1]
- JUST_A_TARKATAN d. SK9608 [+1]
- Jironobou d. Moco64 [+1]
- Methuselah6463 d. TheMetinPorta [+3]
- legoslayer10 d. Coltess [+1]
- MKRocket d. Nephrite [+1]
- LordSkarlet & CaTigeReptile d. UlcaTron & hydraslash [+5]
- Ninja_Mime d. Scott-Howell [+4]
- m0s3pH & TheNinjasRock071394 d. Baraka_MK & Onryo [+1]
- Murdoink (c) d. redman [+1] [KFL Championship]

redman had never counted on being KFL Champion, but now that he'd had another taste of gold - he wanted more! Murdoink had struck like a bolt of blue, capitalizing on a winning streak to claim contention against the beleaguered champ! As the #1 ranked fighter, it made perfect sense that redman would be granted a rematch opportunity!

This time around, redman was ready! He took the fight to Murdoink, but the KFL Champion would not be easily undone. He evaded redman's best attacks and turned the tables on every opportune grapple! redman had been a greater hero for the KFL, but it seemed he was not destined to be its champion. Murdoink finished with a solid victory.

Baraka_MK & Onryo may have had similar designs of rising to the top of the duo field, but "The Corrupt Generation" were fresh out of luck! The enforcers of Lucifer's Ladder found themselves targeted by the recently reunited combination of m0s3pH & TheNinjasRock071394! The brothers were on a tear, asserting themselves as the top dogs of the two-man ranks! They may have unleashed the darkness of Lucifer's Ladder, but they sure as hell weren't having any trouble putting it away!

Meanwhile, another section of the Ladder found itself overwhelmed by a new combination coming together! "The Guardian" CaTigeReptile had returned to the Kombat Fight League at the end of last month, and challenged LordSkarlet for his team's domination! Little did CTR realize, there was more at work than the rise of her Fatal 8+ tournament rival's aspirations! Having learned of the threat of The Corrupt, she agreed to join "The Redeemer" in cleaning them out of the KFL, starting with Corrupt UlcaTron & hydraslash! Who's next?
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