06/17/2013 02:16 AM (UTC)
Such an iconic character ever since my childhood. Superman has been and forever will be awesome.

Xbox 360 please :)
06/17/2013 02:28 AM (UTC)
Superman is a symbol of hope and strength and to me personally I think Superman is a great superhero to follow in comics, because he not only has super powers and strength but incredible sympathy and love. Hes a great Superhero, and I will continue to read his adventures :D

Here's hoping for NEW 52 skin pack for PS3 :)
06/17/2013 04:14 AM (UTC)
He means faith , believing and hope! glasses
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06/17/2013 08:24 AM (UTC)
Superman is a symbol of a simper age of super-hero comics. He is the perfect hero, which makes him hard to write for and keep relevant to today's day and age.

Perhaps the most crustal aspect about the character is he creates a significant imbalance to the DC universe. Because he serves as the centre of that world, it makes all other heroes and even villains feel terribly insignificant. His near limitless power and strength force writers to struggle with reasons to make him physically weaker, or give characters to do things around him. Just look at the story of injustice. The only person who could stop a rouge superman is... superman. All the other heros and villains had to run around fighting each other to lead up to this conclusion.

I've admitted before that I found the Marvel universe much more accessible. Although they might have a more 'wacky' amount of characters, they don't suffer from this shadow. While characters in the Avengers for example might have some powerhouses (i.e. Thor), they tend to not steel as much focus as Superman does. Take Marvel's rid-off parody character, the Sentry. He was humorously given the power equivalent of "one million explosion suns." Although he was ridiculous, he was made interesting because he was off the walls insane, consistently struggling with inner torment.

Superman is the perfect being, one that would not be written as he is if he where created today. Limitless power, a vast array of powers, steady morals. Character flaws create interesting stories, and I don't mean the type of story that involves kyptonite.

Superman, to me, is a product of an old style of story telling. I feel bad for the guy because he can never be reinvented because he is one of DC's most popular characters. While many heroes suffer from the misfortune of convoluted comic book origins, I feel non suffer more than the man of steel.

P.S: If my rantings make it through to any codes, Xbox 360 please.
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06/17/2013 04:54 PM (UTC)
Always hated the character but I gotta admit I loved the Man of Steel movie so much that I'm playing with Superman in Injustice a lot more because of it lol
06/17/2013 10:47 PM (UTC)
Superman represents a lot for me. He is an american pop culture icon, a phenomenon. He's literally justice. It sounds a little cliche to say, but his legacy warms the hearts of everybody. He brought together my family last Sunday for Father's Day and me and my dad NEVER go out, and it was such a good night. I took him out to eat, and to the movies to see "Man of Steel" along with a little brother of mine,and he really enjoyed it. It would mean a lot for me to win PS3 DLC codes because my little brother who is 13 is a big fan of Injustice and loves the costumes etc - and it would be the perfect treat after treating my dad yesterday. Thank you. I know its a short chance in winning but if given the opportunity my email is heavymetallamb@gmail.com
06/18/2013 12:02 AM (UTC)
I really hope to get new 52 pack for ps3!!!!
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The white hooded ninja spectre.

06/18/2013 01:20 AM (UTC)
Superman is an icon, one that has been the greatest of role-models to me and many others from this generation to past generations. What he means to me, is he has been a moral compass for who I am and who I want to be. He's everything I strive to be, selfless, charismatic, honorable, loyal and humble. If there's just one thing we all can learn from him, this world would be a better place. I can only hope that he stays such a strong figure for many more generations to come.
06/18/2013 03:49 AM (UTC)
Superman Means to me the believe of a
Man's Dream to fly
06/18/2013 04:00 AM (UTC)
superman, well what he means to me is probably one of the best superheros in the dc universe, and has amazing vilians to top it, and in injustice, he was great to play as, also his design for man of steel to me was if they added his redesign from injustice and his first original design and mixed them together, and it worksfurious
06/18/2013 06:05 AM (UTC)
Superman started it all and is one of the oldest superheroes in the world. i hope i win the new 52 in the US because ive always been a fan of super heroes and superman is one of my favorites his humble nature and pure strength are more then enough to make him a good hero
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If you use the term "spam" I have no time for your argument.

06/18/2013 12:53 PM (UTC)
I like Superman

I like comics

he can fly and is strong

I would like New52 code for Xbox pls.
06/18/2013 05:04 PM (UTC)
Superman is good for the sake of being good, there's no better way to say it. He is everything everyone should strive to be as far as character, morals, and doing everything one can to be the best person he/she can be. :)
06/18/2013 10:25 PM (UTC)
To me Superman means Hope, he has always brought hope ever since he first appeared. Almost everyone wants to have his power, to do something good and to help people. He is a symbol and an icon. Oh and I have a PS3 =)
06/18/2013 10:53 PM (UTC)
(Superman in General) Superman is an icon. Superman to me is a symbol of hope and power and all that is good. He represents all the good that is in the world, he fights to protect the good. Superman to me is a fire that will never be put out, his will to continue to fight lights everyone with hope. Superman will forever live strong, he will forever continue to be in everyone's hearts. He is.... the son of krypton and protector of earth.
06/20/2013 05:12 AM (UTC)
Forgot to say New 52 skin for ps3 please
06/20/2013 06:01 AM (UTC)
Superman has always been my dads favorite comic book hero and I always wondered why. But with the release of the "new 52" comic series, The man of steel movie and of course Injustice now I know why. Superman is Super cool. smile And I would love to have the new 52 skin pack for xbox360 grin
06/20/2013 10:15 AM (UTC)
Superman is everything for me. He is at the first place in my hero list. Second is Batman. I believe that he is so important for everyone as for me cause you know he is not like any others. Superman is the first true prototypical superhero, clad in spandex, originating the super archetype emulated many times over by competitors. Superman is the first and greatest. He represents the heroic ideals most aspire to. He is one of comic fiction's most famous orphans, as well as one of fiction's most famous American immigrants. Superman is a source of inspiration, reminding his readers to try your hardest to be the best person that you can be. Superman has been mentioned in song many times over. Superman is, without a doubt, the greatest myth of the twentieth century!!!

P.S. I strongly believe that we will gain amazing feelings by watching Zack Snyder's film : Man of Steel. Dreaming about new 52.
06/20/2013 10:14 PM (UTC)
what superman means to me is red underwear and blue tights and the king of all superheroes marvel or dc plus i miss his awesome red underwear that is absent in the new 52 :( but i think that superman is very iconic and is personally one of my favorite dc superheroes besides aquaman,shazam,and batman but if i do win i prefer the codes to be on the XBOX 360
06/21/2013 04:50 PM (UTC)
I've always found Superman, as I do all the characters in the DC comics mythos to be very intriguing. Aside from his super human strength and near invincibility, Superman is a reminder or rather, a beacon of promise and hope that justice shall always prevail. Superman is the dichotomy of mortal and immortal. Having the means to bend human kind to his will had he ever so chose to do so, yet remaining part of the human world, both in essence that he does in fact, remain partially susceptible to Kryptonite and that he holds an inborn appreciation for man kind. It always fascinated me, that Superman could've been so much more than a mere protector, yet he felt it necessary to uphold the position. Not only is Superman a comic book hero and favorite of kids and adults alike, he exists quite truly as a legend.
06/21/2013 05:11 PM (UTC)
I ran out of space in my post, and my console is listed in my User Profile info, but should I win, I would like the code for the New 52 Skin for Xbox 360.
06/22/2013 12:15 PM (UTC)
Seeing Superman IV at the cinema is one of my earliest memories. And therefore Superman is where I trace my love for Superheroes back to.
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Play starcraft 2? Check out Evo-Frenzy on the sc2 Arcade :), comments and questions @ Evofrenzy.forumotion.com

06/22/2013 01:34 PM (UTC)
Either for PS3 would be great!!! :)
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06/23/2013 06:57 AM (UTC)
Winners announced in original post and via User Inbox. Kongratulations! More coming.
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