Video Game Series You Thought Went Downhill...
posted05/17/2011 02:23 AM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I've been watching several Youtube clips of old video games I used to play back in the 90s which got me thinking... Ever since we've entered a new age of video games, several series of games I've played just sucked!

Which ones do I think suck? Well....

Tomb Raider Who couldn't agree with me? After Angel of Darkness, I thought the games just went beyond sucking afterwards. I mean you have Anniversary which is a remake of the first one with minor changes, Legend, Underworld... I couldn't stand the fact that Natla was once again a main enemy and that annoying Amanda, who every time spoke I felt the need of remembering Phil and Lil DeVille. Lara's attitude completely changed as well. They gave her emotions, emotions that she never had until Angel of Darkness. Lara never gave a fuck about people during the PS1 games because she's fucking Lara Croft, she's a tomb raider, not a crying "I want my mother" freak who's got some real issues concerning with a doppelganger and a queen who apparently never died. Yeah, some Lara she turned out to be. Let's just hope for the sake of it, they restore her back to what she was with this new game coming out. Otherwise, "I'm completely ditching the games forever."

Crash Bandicoot Crash certainly holds a place right here ever since they had new developers working on it. What happened? Traveller's Tales made a completely SHITTY game with Twinsanity. I mean the entire game was not Crash at all! I could hardly preform a successful spin attack, you CANNOT jump on enemies anymore, he can roam around freely... I mean half the time I getting killed or falling off platforms that I can't even understand how I did it because of the fucking camera that goofs up right at the worst time possible! And not to mention, the love of what Crash and Cortex's ass is uneasy to watch. Crash, a character that was once a funny and loveable creature now is just another failed series that new developing teams are to blame for... My goodness.

Spyro Last time I checked, Spyro was a kick ass purple dragon who collected gems and saved the world. Sparks was voiceless, Hunter was a high cheetah who loved finding orbs in his flipper... And then came the seriousness. Spryo was never a serious game. The game felt like a kid could play it, get a kick out of it and love it, then bring the game to their older sibling, they sit down and get a kick out of it. These new games... Wayne Brady as Sparks!? What. The. Fuck? Seriously, what the fuck? When I saw that Hunter wasn't high anymore, but had more of a serious tone as well, I couldn't buy the game, I just couldn't. The game was so friendly, so loveable, so cartoony... And right as soon as these new games of Spyro came out, I did not feel the same love as I used to love the older games. There's just no love in this whatsoever... Not to mention, the Christina Ricci is a horrible actress, that makes the games she appears in as Cinder.... Craptacular.

Sonic Who didn't see this coming? Of COURSE I'm going to throw the hedgehog on here because the series spiraled out of control to where I cannot keep track of what characters are who, what colors belong to who, who's evil and who isn't... I mean really, it's nice that you want to try to make a character for every color in existence, but you're pushing the limits, pushing the madness, pushing the not-making-sense shit with these games. Why is Sonic in love with a human? Beastiality anyone? Please, as soon as Sonic got into the next generation, honestly I lost respect for this guy... Yet I still wear my sonic backpack every day and impress one person with a smile. I like hearing that they want to go back to old roots, but I heard it wasn't really all that great to get excited for. Until I can truly feel the moment where Sonic is a 2-D game just going after ROBOTNIK and capturing all of the Chaos Emeralds, call me and I'll see what I'll think of it.

Twisted Metal Does it really suck? I love Twisted Metal, but ever since 989 Studios got their hands on it, I lost it. Adding Rob Zombie music doesn't make the game more intimidating. Making Sweettooth an ass for two games straight does not make you look like you did something great. Making Calypso losing his ability to host one contest means you're fucking horrible developers go fuck yourselves. Then Black came along, yes... I hate TM:Black, even though Sweettooth is the only thing I liked out of it. Black was just something that Twisted Metal isn't... Extremely dark and serious. Twisted Metal 1 and 2 were by far the greatest car games in history to be developed, why couldn't Black go back to TM2's roots and do something with that. They tried to with one other game, but I never played it so I cannot judge that, but all the other games that I've played... I'm very skeptical about this upcoming game, that the only characters I see are Sweettooth and Dollface, I'm hoping that there are other characters besides these two and not just having me play as one of them in different cars. That is some shitty bullshit right there if it does.

It pains me to come out and say that these series started to suck once they crossed into the next generation of gaming. It breaks my heart to see the games that I cheerished as a young one suddenly suck because new developers didn't understand that you stay with what you've had not recreate something you think might work. No, these games didn't need recreating ideas to make it better because you've fucked them over! So, what are yours?
05/11/2011 12:41 AM (UTC)
I won't go into detail like you.....

1. Perfect Dark series -> Perfect Dark Zero

2. Mortal Kombat series -> Mortal Kombat Deception. I thought MK A and MK2011(
3. Resident Evil series -> Resident Evil 4.

4. Star Wars Rouge Squadron series -> Star Wars Rebel Strike 3

5. Mass Effect series -> Mass Effect 2.

6. Post Call Of Duty 4 ( I've only played COD4 and post COD4 games , not counting Black Ops) - > COD WAW, COD MW2, and COD BO are lame as hell. Too much about perks and kill streaks.

7. Star Wars Battlefront series - I disliked Battlefront 2.

8. Spider-Man the movie game series --> Spider-Man 2- I loved Spider-man 1 the movie game. The GTA like world in part 2 got boring very fast. Bigger isn't always better. The first Spider-man the movie game, had far more stuff to do. Spider-man 3 the movie game, was just a rehash of Spider-man 2 , GTA like setting , which was boring.
05/11/2011 01:03 AM (UTC)
Sonic went to shit. I remember the last decent Sonic game I played was Sonic Adventure 2, and that was it. Sonic Adventure 1 was good too IMO, but everything else afterwards has just been ridiculous.

I used to love Tomb Raider, I think the last one I cleared was Revelations? Or was it Chronicles? It's the one where the butler is reminiscing about her and she goes to Ireland as a teenager, I can't really remember it in detail but I remember loving it at the time. Then I played Angel of Darkness, and I wasn't fond of it at all. Likewise with Legends. Tomb Raider just kinda slipped off my map then.

Resident Evil's been slated by a lot of fans for getting worse over the years, but I still love it to absolute DEATH! I've overplayed my Resi5 game to unreal levels (any Resi5 players IM me and we can XBL co-op) and despite being a huge Jill Valentine fan I was actually really happy with her rendition in this game. Nothing will ever beat the Raccoon City era from Resi 1-3, but I like the new stuff too. I actually think it's really cool how they moved on in terms of Storyline rather than rehash the same T-Virus/Raccoon City stuff just to play it safe.
05/11/2011 02:19 AM (UTC)
Dead Or Alive, of course.

After DOA3, everything just got all shitty. The series sucks now.
05/11/2011 03:31 AM (UTC)
Now that you mention it...

Resident Evil - I'll just talk about the ones that truly are survival horror..and the one that fucked up the series, well-beyond repair.
Resident Evil 1: Fun, campy survival horror. Shock moments galore (Cerberus window hall, Hunters infesting the mansion, the guardhouse).
Resident Evil REmake: Insanely unnerving. Survival horror at its finest.
(If you don't think this game is scary, you haven't met the Crimson Head!)
Resident Evil 0: Survival horror with the addition of a tag partner. You'll still feel alone and afraid. Take a look. (Leech zombies are so damn scary)

Survival Horror, in my opinion, consists of:
-Difficult spaces to maneuver (i.e. cramped rooms, or set camera angles causing difficulty)
-Dangerous enemies that should be avoided, ideally; usually only come in small numbers
-Dark atmosphere
-Ammo conservation is key (due to lack of ammo, or enemies are hard to gun down)
-Conservation of health items
-Feeling of solitude and isolation
-Limited inventory (with the exception of Silent Hill - with environments and puzzles as they are, it's necessary)
-Emphasis on puzzles
-Limited saves (or frowning upon overusing saves)
-Tank controls (specifically for games with set cameras - it's a must)

So...let's take a look at Resident Evil 4, which completely destroyed the survival horror theme of the series:
-Wide-open environments (you can enter buildings, climb on roofs, ride a boat across a huge lake(!), have ample space to avoid enemies, etc)
-Semi-free camera. Over-the-shoulder camera when attacking, instead of a 3rd-person shot. Camera will follow you instead of staying in one set-spot.
-Humongous hordes of enemies (seriously, they come in packs of 4+ and also come in waves) that are relatively easy to gun down, since you can pinpoint exactly where you want to aim (instead of aiming up/down/straight). Certain areas you have to gun down every goddamn enemy in sight to progress.
-Instead of reinforcing the fear of being too close to enemies, Leon can do some kung fu attacks, and an instant kill if an enemy is on its knees (from cheap knife attacks) way up close
-Certain parts of the game occur in the daytime, and some environments are quite bright
-With the money system(!), you can buy tons of ammo from a merchant, who you can meet in, like, every fourth room(!)
-Once again, due to the stupid-ass merchant, you can buy vast amounts of first aid sprays, as well as finding herbs in every other barrel you bust open...
-Due to the omnipresence of the merchant, the pain-in-the-ass and worthless escort Ashley, CODEC calls from Hunnigan, run-ins with humanoid, speaking ganado enemies, run-ins with human big bads, and Luis Sera (for a while), you do not feel alone. At all.
-Instead of a set number of inventory spaces, you get an adjustable attache case (which you can expand --substantially) that will give you a massive inventory
-Your whole purpose is to go from point A to point B; lack of decent puzzles (i.e. take this medallion you got by killing 'x' boss, and use it on this door - sleep)
-Unlimited saves (no ink ribbons), and no reason not to save.

Resident Evil 4 is not a Resident Evil game. You cannot tell me that this looks anywhere as scary as this game. You can't. Rant over.
05/11/2011 03:45 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Now that you mention it...

Resident Evil - I'll just talk about the ones that truly are survival horror..and the one that fucked up the series, well-beyond repair.
Resident Evil 1: Fun, campy survival-horror. Shock moments galore (Cerberus window hall, Hunters infesting the mansion, Residence).
Resident Evil REmake: Insanely unnerving. Survival horror at its finest.
(If you don't think this game is scary, you haven't met the Crimson Head!)
Resident Evil 0: Survival horror with the addition of a tag partner. You'll still feel alone and afraid. (Leech zombies are so damn scary)

Survival Horror, in my opinion, consists of:
-Difficult spaces to maneuver (i.e. cramped rooms, or set camera angles)
-Dangerous enemies that should be avoided, ideally; usually only come in small groups
-Dark atmosphere
-Ammo conservation is key (due to lack of ammo, or enemies are hard to gun down)
-Conservation of health items
-Feeling of solitude and isolation
-Limited inventory (with the exception of Silent Hill - with environments and puzzles as they are, its a must)
-Emphasis on puzzles

So...let's take a look at Resident Evil 4, which completely destroyed the survival horror theme of the series:
-Wide-open environments (you can enter buildings, climb on roofs, ride a boat across a huge lake(!), lock certain doors, etc)
-Semi-free camera. Over-the-shoulder camera when attacking, instead of a 3rd-person shot. Camera will follow you instead of staying in on set-spot.
-Certain parts of the game occur in the daytime, and some environments are quite bright
-With the money system(!), you can buy tons of ammo from a merchant, who you can meet in, like, every fourth room(!)
-Once again, due to the stupid-ass merchant, you can buy vast amounts of first aid sprays, as well as finding herbs in every other barrel you bust open...
-Due to the merchant (who you will meet in every fifth room), the pain-in-the-ass worthless escort Ashley, CODEC calls from Hunnigan, run-ins with humanoid, speaking ganado enemies, run-ins with human big bads, and Luis Sera (for a while), you do not feel alone. At all.
-Instead of a set number of inventory spaces, you get an adjustable attache case (which you can expand --substantially) that will give you a massive inventory
-Your whole purpose is to go from point A to point B; lack of decent puzzles (i.e. find this medallion you got by killing 'x' boss, and use it on this door -

Resident Evil 4 is not a Resident Evil game. You cannot tell me that this looks anywhere as scary as this game. You can't.

Lisa Trevor. I rest my case. That bitch was fucking SCARY! And it took me days to realise the cow was bulletproof!
05/11/2011 03:55 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
Lisa Trevor. I rest my case. That bitch was fucking SCARY! And it took me days to realise the cow was bulletproof!

Oh yeah! How could I forget her? Holy shit, that boss fight, and the cabin part were intense!
Just look at her.

Anyway, Silent Hill also started to suck hard after Silent Hill 3. Silent Hill 4: The Room wasn't even supposed to be a SH game...
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05/11/2011 04:07 AM (UTC)
Battle Arena Toshinden: I only say this because it was directly in the warpath of fighters such as Tekken and the Soul series back then. It was an interesting and fun 3D fighter but it barely improved with each game and couldn't keep up with the others popularity. And the third game added walls which was a step back in my opinion. However the series had one thing truly memorable come out of it to me. And that was a character named Vermilion. What was so unique about him was that he brought guns to an almost entirely close range weapon filled game. I'd like this series to comeback but it ain't gonna.
The Chrono Series: Sure it's only 2 games(3 if you count Radical Dreamers) but Cross helped it easily fall into near obscurity. Cross was actually a good game but it had 4 glaring flaws. The first was that it didn't stack up to its predecessor with the fanbase. Second it tried to pile up most of the plot all on the last few parts of the game which doesn't make good storytelling. Third it had shown up in the heyday of 3D Final Fantasies which gave it less attention than it could have gotten. And fourth they didn't bother to completely explain the transition from Trigger and Cross in full detail. I love this series to death its one of the core pieces in my childhood, but I'm afraid the new square will shit on this beloved series if they try to make a sequel.sad
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05/11/2011 06:36 AM (UTC)
MK went downhill starting with MK4, looked like it was coming back with MKD, leveled off with MKA, went in the shitter with MKvDC, and now is back for real.

Sonic stopped being good the second it went to Dreamcast. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was the high point of that series and is in my top 5 games of all-time.

The first Spyro game is the untouchable king of that series. Year of the Dragon was excellent too, but that's about it for our purple dragon friend.

I ignored any Crash game after Crash 3... except CTR, that game kicked ass.

Tekken to me started going downhill after Tekken 3. Tag was pretty good, but the rest have left me wanting more.

I'll post more later.
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05/11/2011 08:42 AM (UTC)
I know this game isnt a series but what happened to "Psi Ops"? Coolest shooter I think I have ever played and the ending made you think there was gonna be a sequel. They should have kept that series running awhile.

MK but its made a comeback in my opinion.

Sonic has gone downhill but I have to disagree with Mos on this one. Sonic Adventure was a blast to play. I had a lot of fun with it. Sega Dreamcast was ahead of its time and shouldnt have gone out like it did. Sonic went downhill when Sega went downhill. Sonic started sucking when the only thing to do to keep him breathing was to put him on Nintendo and PS platforms. But this new sonic game looks like fun. Im not getting my hopes up though.

Am I the only one who disliked KillZone3? I liked the online play but the story just didnt do it for me. I absolutely hated the ending and wont talk about it because some of yall probably havent played it yet.
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05/11/2011 08:52 AM (UTC)
I'm still pretty sore about Contra....

I loved that game.

Same for Intelligent Qube (I.Q.), actually. That game (the first one, not the second one) turned into a gamers novelty. A Playstation game who's value went up, even long after the series stopped producing, I believe. This game has no real visual aesthetic, but is one of the best games I have ever played in my life. It's better than Tetris or something to me because, there's an actual person you're trying to save from these rolling blocks. And the irony is that he's on an isolated block of blocks in the middle of space anyway. So, what the hell am I saving this poor, doomed fella for anyway, eh?

Formula for awesome if you ask me.

Still can't find a copy...wink
05/11/2011 12:24 PM (UTC)
Resident evil :(
my opinion

wwe smackdown series it went downhill after 06

mortal kombat 4 was revolutionized 9 completly ruined it

street fighter even though I haven't played it but street fightger4 and super I did but the series went completly downhill after they did the whole crossover crap in my opinion
05/11/2011 02:37 PM (UTC)
I agree that Twisted metal 3&4 at the hands of 989 studios were awful games. That being said Twisted metal black redeemed the series since after most of the people who worked for Single track(And made MK1&2) left and formed Incognito Entertainment who made Twisted metal black an awesome game.

I don't know why it's taken then so long to make another, and I'm not sure how thrilled I'm going to be with the new play style. I loved having 15 cars to choose from each with a different driver, with a different reason for being there. This new game seems more like car combat for car combat sake and I'm a bit worried about it. Doesn't feel like a twisted metal game and the game isn't even out yet. But all I can do is wait to see and hope they don't bury the game in flashy effects and online play.
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05/11/2011 03:55 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
Sonic has gone downhill but I have to disagree with Mos on this one. Sonic Adventure was a blast to play. I had a lot of fun with it. Sega Dreamcast was ahead of its time and shouldnt have gone out like it did. Sonic went downhill when Sega went downhill. Sonic started sucking when the only thing to do to keep him breathing was to put him on Nintendo and PS platforms. But this new sonic game looks like fun. Im not getting my hopes up though.

Am I the only one who disliked KillZone3? I liked the online play but the story just didnt do it for me. I absolutely hated the ending and wont talk about it because some of yall probably havent played it yet.

I agree with your comments about the Dreamcast, but since you liked Sonic Adventure so much, you probably never had the misfortune of glitching through the floor to your death countless times, or dealt with the multitude of camera issues that game had. Stuff like that kills a game, and that's why I thought it overall could have been much better and was a big step backwards from what they had established.

I never liked Killzone from day 1, so I wouldn't know about the third installment.
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05/11/2011 08:54 PM (UTC)
I guess I never had those problems. If I did I would have agreed with you though. The only thing that pissed me off about sonic adventure was the damn chao and the chao garden. I never won a single race or competition with my chao and could never figure out what they were for exactly.
05/11/2011 09:04 PM (UTC)
05/11/2011 09:13 PM (UTC)
GodlyShinnok Wrote:

Are you talking about Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts? That looked abysmal. Banjo-Tooie was pretty good, but nowhere near as good as Banjo-Kazooie.

Banjo-Kazooie is possibly one of the best games of all time. Sad to say but I'm pretty sure the franchise is dead now... sad
05/11/2011 09:36 PM (UTC)
reisdent evil: after code veronica it went to crappy action with 4 nothing was scary about 4 to me it wasnt even a resident evil game it was just a action horror game with RE guest characters

Sonic: just got worse and worse after adventure 2

Mortal kombat: i was truly sad at this one but after 4 it just wasnt the same i give a little credit to MK:DA that one was kinda fun but had boreing characters

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05/11/2011 09:54 PM (UTC)
Thibideau Wrote:
I agree that Twisted metal 3&4 at the hands of 989 studios were awful games. That being said Twisted metal black redeemed the series since after most of the people who worked for Single track(And made MK1&2) left and formed Incognito Entertainment who made Twisted metal black an awesome game.

why does EVERYONE forget about Twisted Metal Head On!!?? it came out in 2008 and is can be called the real sequel to TM2.
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05/11/2011 10:31 PM (UTC)
Resident Evil.


05/11/2011 11:01 PM (UTC)
Resident evil went down to me after 4. I thought 4 was fun it was kinda like shaolin monks of resident evil.

Resident evil 5 sucked to me I mean it was ok but I was never scared killed Wesker with only my knife. And that giant thing was the same one as resident evil 4 only with a beard..... That pissed me off.

Now they're making resident evil raccoon city. A left 4 dead wannabe
05/12/2011 12:14 AM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
Thibideau Wrote:
I agree that Twisted metal 3&4 at the hands of 989 studios were awful games. That being said Twisted metal black redeemed the series since after most of the people who worked for Single track(And made MK1&2) left and formed Incognito Entertainment who made Twisted metal black an awesome game.

why does EVERYONE forget about Twisted Metal Head On!!?? it came out in 2008 and is can be called the real sequel to TM2.

I didn't forget about it, I just don't count it since it was a PSP half game that gave me motion sickness just playing it. It wasn't a terrible game, but it could've been much better. Everything moved way too fast in that game. At least in TM2 if you were driving an ice cream truck it moved like an ice cream truck, not like a race car. Faster gameplay does not quality gameplay make.

Also the storyline didn't go any where, it was like TM2 with the speed ramped up and the story in the same place.

Plus the motion sickness trying to focus on that tiny screen with everything flying around a thousand miles an hour was enough to make my blood boil. At least with TM black it was on PS2 meaning I could get a full view with out wanting to puke or deal with a massive headache from eye strain.
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05/12/2011 01:04 AM (UTC)
Pokemon started to decline with Ruby and Sapphire. I don't think a lot of you would agree with me on that, but the games kind of lost their charm to me at that point.

I think that Mario Party took a dive from games 5-8 as well.
05/13/2011 11:13 PM (UTC)
Rayman - After the 3rd one it just started suck
Sonic - Sonic Adventure was the last Sonic I enjoyed
Tony Hawk - after Underground 2 the series went downhill fast
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