In my not so humble, but corret oppinion, i say cena SHOULD NOT stay champ. what Zent said is true, more money in chasing than owning....
Although seeing cena would be fun to see. I can just imagine the night it happens, people throw all there John Cena shit at the ring after he brass-knuckles a super-face (like HHH, or Jeff hardy)...I'm not saying it would happen, but the backlash would be funny as hell....
as for the long title reigin, in might be forgivable as long as it's not as long as Bruno Sanmartino's was. I guess that most people just get bored watching teh same champion come out and cmpleatly obliterate the competition...(or in this case, over come the odds over and over again) And i agree with both zent and teh guy that wrote that artical, they need to add some presteige to that belt (even though i think droping it to Booker would have been teh best choice, but i'm probably alone on that one).
When teh hell did RAW ever switch titles for Ratings....I can only remember 2 short reigins......Goldburgs and Randy Orton. Reason they were so short? HHH was the top dog......
You know what i DO think though? I actually DO think they should let him hold it til Mania.....And whoever wins the rumble, beats Cena.....with a come-back victory (How ironic would it be if Cena's opponent would over-come the odds?)
As for Rikishi, i don't want him in WWE unless they bring back GMS or S2H....
Although seeing cena would be fun to see. I can just imagine the night it happens, people throw all there John Cena shit at the ring after he brass-knuckles a super-face (like HHH, or Jeff hardy)...I'm not saying it would happen, but the backlash would be funny as hell....
as for the long title reigin, in might be forgivable as long as it's not as long as Bruno Sanmartino's was. I guess that most people just get bored watching teh same champion come out and cmpleatly obliterate the competition...(or in this case, over come the odds over and over again) And i agree with both zent and teh guy that wrote that artical, they need to add some presteige to that belt (even though i think droping it to Booker would have been teh best choice, but i'm probably alone on that one).
When teh hell did RAW ever switch titles for Ratings....I can only remember 2 short reigins......Goldburgs and Randy Orton. Reason they were so short? HHH was the top dog......
You know what i DO think though? I actually DO think they should let him hold it til Mania.....And whoever wins the rumble, beats Cena.....with a come-back victory (How ironic would it be if Cena's opponent would over-come the odds?)
As for Rikishi, i don't want him in WWE unless they bring back GMS or S2H....

How come GMS came back, then left again???
superawesomeness Wrote:
How come GMS came back, then left again???
How come GMS came back, then left again???
When did he come back? where the hell was i when this happened?
Rikishi wasn't released from WWE due to his weight, he was released for claiming he was injured yet working for his uncle's promotion. Big fat liar.
And what do you mean GMS came back? What's ''coming back'' meaning here? He wrestled at the Hulk Hogan show and I think he's working indies, but he didn't go to either WWE or TNA.
And what do you mean GMS came back? What's ''coming back'' meaning here? He wrestled at the Hulk Hogan show and I think he's working indies, but he didn't go to either WWE or TNA.

About Me
subzeroisgod Wrote:
and its ovibously working for mkgeek and the rest of emotionnally attached wwe fans lol
Zentile Wrote:
Orton's a heel, they're not trying to make him look nice, they want him to look like a douche.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
No, that's not the reason why I despise Orton, I've stated several times why I despise Orton. And duh, I know it was a work, I ain't that fucking stupid, I just didn't agree with it, and thought it was unnecessary. What the hell did it prove? We all know he's a "monster heel", all it did was make him look like a bigger douche-bag than I already thought he was! Period!
Well, that's your opinion, but I still enjoyed it!
Zentile Wrote:
MKGeek, you realize that Randy Orton didn't actually beat up an old man, it was a work? You dispise him because he beat up an old man?
MKGeek, you realize that Randy Orton didn't actually beat up an old man, it was a work? You dispise him because he beat up an old man?
No, that's not the reason why I despise Orton, I've stated several times why I despise Orton. And duh, I know it was a work, I ain't that fucking stupid, I just didn't agree with it, and thought it was unnecessary. What the hell did it prove? We all know he's a "monster heel", all it did was make him look like a bigger douche-bag than I already thought he was! Period!
Zentile Wrote:
And weather you like Londrick or not, Triple H burying them was a very bad decision. It didn't put Triple H more over, it didn't establish him more since he's already as established as he can get, and all it did was make Londrick into nobodies. Like them or not, it was a bad decision.
And weather you like Londrick or not, Triple H burying them was a very bad decision. It didn't put Triple H more over, it didn't establish him more since he's already as established as he can get, and all it did was make Londrick into nobodies. Like them or not, it was a bad decision.
Well, that's your opinion, but I still enjoyed it!
Orton's a heel, they're not trying to make him look nice, they want him to look like a douche.
and its ovibously working for mkgeek and the rest of emotionnally attached wwe fans lol
Well, I've got an idea, everyone enjoyed seeing Cena's Dad get his ass beat, why not have Cena track down Cowboy Bob Orton, and beat his ass, that would really be something!

About Me
** Judas Mesias Injured! **
TNA's newest monster, Judas Mesias, is in bad physical condition. Mesias, who has been wrestling as "Ricky Banderas" in the Mexican "AAA" promotion, was injured at last Sunday's "Verano de Escandalo" PPV in Mexico.
During his match, Mesias jumped from the top of a ladder which was in the middle of the ring, to the outside floor. Nobody was there to break Mesias fall and he got knocked out. On top of that, Mesias is currently suffering from sciatica nerve damage and needs a few weeks of rest and physical therapy to heal.
Mesias is currently in the middle of a nice sized push in TNA and was scheduled to wrestle the main event at next week's iMPACT. This latest injury couldn't come at a worse time for TNA and Mesias, as they are set to tape the first two 2-hour iMPACT's this coming Monday and Tuesday night.
TNA's newest monster, Judas Mesias, is in bad physical condition. Mesias, who has been wrestling as "Ricky Banderas" in the Mexican "AAA" promotion, was injured at last Sunday's "Verano de Escandalo" PPV in Mexico.
During his match, Mesias jumped from the top of a ladder which was in the middle of the ring, to the outside floor. Nobody was there to break Mesias fall and he got knocked out. On top of that, Mesias is currently suffering from sciatica nerve damage and needs a few weeks of rest and physical therapy to heal.
Mesias is currently in the middle of a nice sized push in TNA and was scheduled to wrestle the main event at next week's iMPACT. This latest injury couldn't come at a worse time for TNA and Mesias, as they are set to tape the first two 2-hour iMPACT's this coming Monday and Tuesday night.

Zentile Wrote:
Rikishi wasn't released from WWE due to his weight, he was released for claiming he was injured yet working for his uncle's promotion. Big fat liar.
And what do you mean GMS came back? What's ''coming back'' meaning here? He wrestled at the Hulk Hogan show and I think he's working indies, but he didn't go to either WWE or TNA.
Rikishi wasn't released from WWE due to his weight, he was released for claiming he was injured yet working for his uncle's promotion. Big fat liar.
And what do you mean GMS came back? What's ''coming back'' meaning here? He wrestled at the Hulk Hogan show and I think he's working indies, but he didn't go to either WWE or TNA.
Yeah he did. I remember on night watching RAW a few months ago, when out of the blue, "Grand Master Sexay" came out of the titontron, and wrestled a match with someone. I forgot who though, but I'm pretty sure he lost.
Wow really? Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Well I don't really watch RAW but I don't remember reading about that.
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?

This is a tribute about wrestling in generalI thought I just might share it with you guys it's pretty cool and reminds me of all the good times. Tell me what you think.

About Me
Zentile Wrote:
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.

Zentile Wrote:
Wow really? Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Well I don't really watch RAW but I don't remember reading about that.
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?
Wow really? Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Well I don't really watch RAW but I don't remember reading about that.
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?
No, I'm 100% positive that I saw Grand Master Sexay on RAW in 07. I know I did. You know, wiki isn't always right.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Zentile Wrote:
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
superawesomeness Wrote:
No, I'm 100% positive that I saw Grand Master Sexay on RAW in 07. I know I did. You know, wiki isn't always right.
Zentile Wrote:
Wow really? Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Well I don't really watch RAW but I don't remember reading about that.
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?
Wow really? Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Well I don't really watch RAW but I don't remember reading about that.
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?
No, I'm 100% positive that I saw Grand Master Sexay on RAW in 07. I know I did. You know, wiki isn't always right.
Yeah wiki isn't always right, but it would be kinda weird if it got all the facts on Brian Christopher right, up to his latest appearance on TV, and simply not mention that one appearance on RAW. Not to mention the fact that so far you're alone on this one, nobody else is saying that they saw GMS on RAW.
Maybe you're mistaking him with some jobber.
Dude, I definatly saw GMS on Raw a while ago. (This year). The same time SA did. I remember him losing his match too (of course). And I also remember the screen saying "Grand Master Sexay" which is the first time I found out that it wasn't "Sexy".

About Me
Zentile Wrote:
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Zentile Wrote:
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
What the fuck ever dude!
TheMkGeek Wrote:
What the fuck ever dude!
Zentile Wrote:
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Zentile Wrote:
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
What the fuck ever dude!
You act like all this is real.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Several TNA wrestlers have expressed thoughts about leaving the company as of late. Those wrestlers include Homicide, Hernandez, Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley.
Upper management has asked all of them to stay until the two hour shows start (tapings are being held this Monday and Tuesday), at which point they'll get more television time.
A few of the wrestlers in question are interested in leaving TNA for Japan.
BTW has anybody checked out the video yet?
Several TNA wrestlers have expressed thoughts about leaving the company as of late. Those wrestlers include Homicide, Hernandez, Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley.
Upper management has asked all of them to stay until the two hour shows start (tapings are being held this Monday and Tuesday), at which point they'll get more television time.
A few of the wrestlers in question are interested in leaving TNA for Japan.
BTW has anybody checked out the video yet?
Zentile Wrote:
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
Yeah wiki isn't always right, but it would be kinda weird if it got all the facts on Brian Christopher right, up to his latest appearance on TV, and simply not mention that one appearance on RAW. Not to mention the fact that so far you're alone on this one, nobody else is saying that they saw GMS on RAW.
Maybe you're mistaking him with some jobber.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Zentile Wrote:
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
superawesomeness Wrote:
No, I'm 100% positive that I saw Grand Master Sexay on RAW in 07. I know I did. You know, wiki isn't always right.
Zentile Wrote:
Wow really? Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Well I don't really watch RAW but I don't remember reading about that.
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?
Wow really? Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Well I don't really watch RAW but I don't remember reading about that.
Wikipedia has this to say:
n April 2004, he was signed back to the WWE roster as Jim Ross's last act as WWE talent scout, as a favor to Ross' on screen co-announcer and Brian Lawler's father, Jerry Lawler. After only a month, he was released. He currently wrestles for several independent promotions, including Memphis Wrestling, and competed in the inaugural CT Cup for the Connecticut promotion NAWF ran by John Brooks and Fred Yale.
Brian's most recent appearance in the mainstream spotlight was in an interview on Anderson Cooper 360° surrounding Chris Benoit and his family's deaths, and their possible links to steroids.
So, maybe you're mistaken?
No, I'm 100% positive that I saw Grand Master Sexay on RAW in 07. I know I did. You know, wiki isn't always right.
Yeah wiki isn't always right, but it would be kinda weird if it got all the facts on Brian Christopher right, up to his latest appearance on TV, and simply not mention that one appearance on RAW. Not to mention the fact that so far you're alone on this one, nobody else is saying that they saw GMS on RAW.
Maybe you're mistaking him with some jobber.
Or maybe you're mistaking him for Scotty 2 Hottys last television apperance (He got switched to raw for a night, then back to smackdown where he was never seen again)

About Me
Elnino Wrote:
You act like all this is real.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
What the fuck ever dude!
Zentile Wrote:
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Zentile Wrote:
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
Geek, John Cena is a face, he's not supposed to beat up on old men. Stop acting like a mark, you yourself said you're not ''that fucking stupid''.
I'm not acting like a mark you I'm just pointing out the fact that since Orton beat's up Cena's Dad, why not have Cena return the favor, face or not.
Yeah but your point is that Orton shouldn't have attacked Cena's dad in the first place. Which is a mark thing to say, since Orton didn't really attack John Cena's father at all.
What the fuck ever dude!
You act like all this is real.
Yeah, fuck you man, don't even start with me alright! I just made a simple comment that Cena should find Orton's Pappy and beat the shit out of him in revenge for Orton beating up his Dad. Everyone on this site seemed to enjoy seeing Mr. Cena get his ass whipped, and I thought it would be funny to see Cowboy Bob get his ass beat, and I'm accussed of being a fucking mark!! Well excuse me for even saying anything in the first fucking place!
lol mkgeek, you make ur self sound like such a douchebag.
and ur a grownup.
no offence. seriously no offence.
and ur a grownup.
no offence. seriously no offence.
So, it's sunday, did anyone here that are wrestling fans go to church? (yes, wrestling news is that slow)
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