What do you think of MK: Deception? (please specify details)
posted11/29/2004 08:26 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/12/2003 12:29 AM (UTC)
Well, I've had MK: Deception for a week now and I've spent many hours a day on it. I've come close to beating the game already. All I need now are some more Krypt keys and to complete many side missions in Konquest as well as try to find the super unlockable characters (if they exist).
I have to say that although I've done a lot in about a week, I'm very impressed with this game. They improved on many things. However, there are quite a few things that I feel need to be improved.
The intro cinematic is amazing. I find it to be the best one out of all of the fighting games I've played in the past. It has the story, action, and ambience that I love. The overall storylines were well done and I really enjoyed quite a few of the endings, especially Raiden's, Noob-Smoke's, and Li Mei's.
There were some characters whose storylines I was very impressed with such as Nightwolf's, Raiden's, Scorpion's, and, Sub-Zero's and those I wasn't too impressed with such as Kira's, Kobra's, and Tanya's.
I liked quite a few of the new characters such as Havik, Ashrah, and Dairou. I hope to see some of them in the next MK game.
The graphics are very well done. I like the nice touches and the get-up animations are awesome even though not all of the characters had their own unique get-up animation. The rendering of the characters is great. I really like what they did with the looks of characters such as Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Raiden, Li Mei, Noob-Smoke, and Jade.
I like the fact that each character had their own voice in this game. This is something that I feel should've been put in MK games long ago, but anyway, it's great that they finally put this and I hope they have unique voices for each character in future MK games. I found the music in MK: Deception to be much better than the music in MK: DA. Not all of the stages had their own songs though (e.g. The Pit and Lower Mines having the same song; Hell's Foundry and the Dark Prison having the same song). However, it didn't really bother me much, especially since I really enjoyed the music of the game.
I'm glad they brought back characters like Jade, Kabal, Noob-Smoke, etc. I was really surprised with characters such as Nightwolf and Liu Kang. I never liked those two that much in the past, but now, I like them more. I'm glad that Liu Kang is no longer the main hero and I also like that Raiden has changed in an interesting way.
The fighting system in MK: Deception has improved in some areas and needs to be improved in others. I would really like it if they captured that whole martial arts movie type essence into the fighting with the parrying and all of the cool moves and stuff. They seemed to have increased the damage that the characters can do which can be both good and bad depending on whether you're on the giving or receiving end of it.
I like what they did with the different arenas and how there's more space to fight in as well as the death traps. The death traps were very cool and I really liked the variety of them. I know some here will say that they are just fancy looking ring outs or something like that. I'm fully aware of that, but hey, to me, they are the best looking ring outs in any fighting game I've ever played. I don't really use the stage weapons and I didn't really pay attention to the lights. The stage weapons are good to have though and I would like to see things such as rocks and skulls be put in like in MK4.
I found the combo breaker idea to be a good one. 3 may seem small to some, but with 3, you have to learn how to use them wisely. I find the combo breakers to be useful though I would like each character to have their own unique animation for the combo breakers and perhaps there are other ways the combo breakers can be used.
Overall, I think they could do a lot more with the fighting system. I would like to see certain elements of MK4 in future MK games such as the aerial properties and the way there was quite a bit of customization with the combos. I hope that they'll do more with each of the fighting styles. Either way, I enjoyed the fighting in MK: Deception. I'm still playing arcade mode on normal and I think it's time for me to move the difficulty up a level.
I find Onaga to be tough to beat at times. To me, he's more of a pain in the ass than Moloch is. Then again, thanks to the Kamidogu, it gives me a bit of an advantage though I have to use them wisely. He's a pretty cool boss though and I like what they did when you beat him (him blowing up).
Konquest is quite a bit of fun. I like the idea of roaming around through the 6 realms and doing different things. I wish the graphics and voice acting in Konquest was better. I liked the meditation thing as well as being able to punch people. It was funny when I punched Havik in Orderrealm and he said "Nice. I admire your unpredictability.". tongue I wasn't able to do every single side mission so perhaps if I'm able to start Konquest over again and do everything and if I look hard enough, I may get something special. If not, it's no biggie.
Chess Kombat was a lot of fun. It really requires quite a bit of strategy as well as skill with the characters when you have to fight. One thing that bugged me about Chess Kombat was that after winning every battle, I either got gold koins or platinum koins. I would've liked it if you could get more of a variety of koins though I suppose the programmers wanted to make it a bit tough for the players to get the koins they need. Then again, Konquest did provide lots of koins.
Puzzle Kombat was also fun. I generally used characters such as Sub-Zero, Raiden, Jade, and Ermac because of their abilities. I either seemed to get Onyx or Platinum koins when playing this game which bummed me out a bit. Puzzle Kombat was tough at times and I was only able to beat the top person once.
I'm glad that each character has two fatalities as well as a Hara-Kiri. The Hara-Kiri concept is pretty cool, imo. I like the various kontent that was put in the game such as bio videos, martial arts vids, etc.
The Krypt in MK: D may have 276 less koffins than it did in MK: DA, but at least there weren't any empty koffins this time. There were some cool funny bits such as the MK: Mythologies bloopers, but I wish there were things such as the Lizarderm lotion and the Chrome Bling like in MK: DA. I really would've loved to have seen stuff like that, but either way, I liked the overall kontent.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this game and I would like to know what the rest of you here thought of it. I would like to see details in your posts rather than simple answers such as "I liked it." or "It sucks!" because I want to get a good idea of what others here think of the game.
Anyway, so far, I give Mortal Kombat: Deception a 9.5 out of 10.
To sum it up:
On the positive side:
+ good graphics, music and overall presentation
+ storyline, characters, ambience
+ lots of cool kontent
On the negative side:
- Konquest mode should have better graphics and voice acting
- the fighting system needs some improvements even though I like it overall
11/28/2004 08:21 PM (UTC)
I liked the range of characters, especially the returning characters. Nightwolf, Kabal, Mileena they were all great.
Tanya is my favourite character in this installment I disagree with what you say I really think she is the most interesting character. She really is the Judas isnt she.
The graphics and gameplay are on the whole good but no upto the standard of other fighting games like DOA, but regardless, MK is my favourite so that doesnt matter.
I think online is a great addition and really adds to the gameplay. I agree that fatalities and hara-kiris are a good addition but I think sometimes they can be overused especially in online play. Whenever I am beaten I get sick of having to watch Scorpion rip my arms off it really gets tiring, likewise with 2-player mode.
I thought Konquest was a bore to play but the result is good because you get all the best characters unlocked.
I don't like chess so naturally I don't bother with Chess kombat. Puzzle kombat is alright I think it is good fun but really the best part of the game is kombat mode.
I like that each character has a different throw and also different voices, also the way some characters get off the ground after a round is a nice touch. The arenas were generally good and the music in them improved from DA. Death traps were good at first but on online play I feel too many people take advantage of them and it is REALLY annoying when I have almost beaten someone without taking much damage myself only to be thrown to the other side of a death trap and knocked into it so I always switch the deathtraps off whenever I play online.
I like the combo breakers and the range of combos and also the different fighting styles are great. My favourites are Nightwolfs styles and Tanyas. The two I am best at.
The best ending I feel are Tanya, it is so cool it opens up so many possibilities and I cant wait to see if she is the boss for MK7 what a change and a good thing that will be. Generally the endings are good and the intro scene is great.
Overall things I like:
-Tanya, everything about her
- Range of characters (Returning and new)
- Overall presentation
- Fatalities & Hara-Kiris
Things I dont like so much:
- Death traps (Good idea but not Online)
- Darrius & Kobra (Worst characters)
- Konquest mode
- Chess Kombat
11/28/2004 08:54 PM (UTC)
I thought was ok. I bit under normal MK standards.
Too slow when compared to MK: DA
The slowness gives birth to all moves if missed or side steped the certain counter attack. Deception to me is pretty much a counter attack fest thanks to its slow recovery attacks.
"Throws" in Decetion was a very bad idea. Taking a character hitting them 2 or 3 times ( taking damage) and then throwing them , to me is a very very bad idea. Throws are too powerful since of course they take too much damage. Jade for example with a small few others are the only characters in the game that really do throw , just by taking a character and throwing them to the other side causing them little damage just more than a little get away move.
I thought that Deception had a little to much special moves per character. For me took away the fighting aspect of the game the thing that I liked most about MK DA. This really becomes a issue online.
I didn't get much into Konquest. Most of it has nothing to do with the storyline. Its took task riddden. Also a hassle to find stuff. To me it should have been kept simple and to the point like MK: DA 's konquest was. You train and at the same time you get tons of backstory to your characters and some past and present realtionship with other characters. Deception's goes too far off. For me not injoyable.
Chess is pretty cool concept. Unlike puzzle fighter I would have kept this in the game if I had a choice. It as something to do with the fighting and foces you to play it smart and be be a good kombatant.
Puzzle can be fun , but get old for me fast, even when online. Puzzle doesn't interest me. To me games like this should be left out and more games that have to do with fighting such as chess should be put in.
I thought the graphics were a step up from MK: DA as well as the intro movie. The characters all have a sharper look to them.I thought it was well done. The same goes with the music.Decption's music has a much more lively feel that old past MK games.
I think that Deception stage wise has no orginally. Over half of Deception's stages are returning old ones from MK1 and MK2. Not very creative compared to past incarnations of MK which featured most new levels. I've been there already. I would have gladly done away with them for some new levels. Few new levels such as Hell's foundry, falling mountains, and the Slaughter house inpressed me. Other levels such as the Caves,Liu Kang's Tomb and the Dragon Mountain all have a boring feel too them. The feel so dead In general.
All but two new characters fell flat with me. Kira and Ashrah have potional to become better characters in MK's future. Kira has brains unlike Kobra who is just some kid wanting to find some action. Ashrah storyline is so orginal, that she could do something with herself for the future. All other new characters desgin, but Hotaru are boring Havik just looks like a more meatly Spinal,Darruis nonething that stands about him,Kobra same as darruis, and dariu pretty lame desgin as well not so good storylines.
Overall Decpetion didn't work for me. Feels like I've been here before and I controls are too slow for me to work with. Also the storyline isn't that solid. I would have liked a deeper story, better/faster gameplay, more Mortal Kombat rather than bonus stuff.
Overall score 7.0
11/28/2004 10:51 PM (UTC)
i think overall it is a good game, though i would liked to have seen the toasty, i'm just a scorp finatic,
but the death traps really bother me, e.g. in the frist round you hit them in to a death trap surly it should end the match?, yet they are there for a second round,
i know you can put it to one round, so i guess it's a silly point to make, but it would be nice to have that option to have say 5 round of kombat and kill them in the frist round with out having to worrie about the rest knowing you have taken their life,
plus i know how hard it is to make animations but they could have done some better gore to it, like spilling gut and organs.
and as far as fatalites, i think the mk team might want to think more sinisterly when they are gonna make a fatality. cold blooded killing, with a twist of the supernatural that makes mk what it is.
TOASTY 3DDD!!! furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious in all a great game though it still need working on!
11/29/2004 12:22 AM (UTC)
I love the variety of characters and the multitude of fatals, but they need to be more unique. Stop over using the same fatals and rehashing characters moves. I've said it a million times, MK Deception IS NOT MK 6! It is MK 5.5 or Deadly Alliance 1.5. It's fighting engine is THE EXACT SAME and sluggish as hell. It does not feel fast paced or hectic and exciting what so ever.
11/29/2004 02:42 AM (UTC)
To be quite honest, I consider this the Mortal Kombat II of today's generation. This game is simply amazing, outdoing all other entries in the series. Only Mortal Kombat II itself stands as high as this game does in the series. The fatalities are vastly improved over the somewhat mediocre ones of Deadly Alliance, and the Hara Kiris are a fantastic addition to the MK universe. The interactive arenas and death traps are exactly what the series needed, and what Deadly Alliance lacked. The return of many classic characters helps matters even more, and I for one enjoyed Konquest mode very much. I loved running into my favorite MK characters while exploring the vast realms, uncovering various secrets. Puzzle and Chess kombat were very solid and enjoyable games that could practically be sold as games themselves, and picking up weapons in the arena works here much better than it did in Mortal Kombat 4. The only downside to this game for me is the the lack of some of the classic characters such as Sonya, Jax, and kitana, among other people.
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11/29/2004 03:00 AM (UTC)
I am quite pleased with Mortal Kombat Deception. Once again, Mortal Kombat IS the fighting game to beat. The game is so much fun to play. My only complaint with the game itself is the character balancing which is something Boon and Company can never get right it seems lol. It doesn't ruin it for me but it does bother me at times.
Online is very cool and suprisingly awesome in terms of lag. There isn't much lag. But the lack of cheat blocking and typical online players disconnecting when losing is enough to make you not want to play online altogether. Thats why I play my friend Shang H (very honorable player, and yes you Dairou cheapos, he can beat you ) :) most of the time.
Great game. A lot of fun. Shujinko is a great playable character but an idiot in terms of the MK story. Shujinko's idiocy drove me nuts while playing Konquest.
Well u guys are probably not going to like what I'm gonna say but I'm just giving my honest opinion of the game. I think mortal kombat has gone down hill since it was removed from the arcades and was brought to next generation gaming systems only (PS2-XBOX). The fighting is very slow and has a tekken feel. When was the last time u jumped and didn't get destroyed? I think that sucks, I used to love the fast paced arial fighting....now its just i dial a kombo until someone uses all of their breakers free for all. The breakers are a positive thing though. So u can put up a fight to anyone who just memorizes every long combo for a single character. Throws are one of the cheapest things I've ever seen in a game. And right behind throws at #2 on the cheapest things in a game list is death traps....one of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen....u can kill your opponent in the middle of the match? why? which actually brings me to my next positive thing in the game, the ability to turn death traps off. Very good thing. But just as easily upsets me that they would make cool ass stage fatalities then turn them into death traps where not only the timing doesn't matter(because u can do it at any time) but also u need no button combination to execute....u can easily perform these on accident by simply hitting your opponent while they are cornered. Which brings me to fatalities, this is where i was actually very impressed with the game....a lot of them seemed to be the same but alot of them had great concepts. Hara Kiris where one of the cooler things in the game, seeing if u could finish yourself before your buddy does or vise versa, great. Now for the part of the game I liked the best.....Konquest, cool little story and it had something to do with the rest of the game ala unlocking characters. Another positive thing for me was puzzle kombat mode....very addicting when playing with friends.
Puzzle Kombat
Kombo Breakers
The option to turn off death traps
Charater Selection
The actual fighting game.....i just traded my deception in at EB because I love the games extra stuff but the actual fighting is horrible....its slow and reminds me of every other fighting game out there.....so my final verdict is a thumbs down
Overall Score - 7.5
Mortal Kombat Score - 5.5
MK Deception and MK Deadly Alliance are at the bottom of the series with the worst....to say the least I am very dissapointed with MK right now.
11/29/2004 08:26 PM (UTC)
Very interesting posts everyone. Thanks for posting here. Whether you had something good or bad to say about this game, I simply wanted to get a good idea as to what the members here think of the game as I've stated before.
When reading through the posts, i noticed a couple of things that came up rather frequently such as the fighting and the death traps.
I personally like the fighting styles concept though to me, not all of the characters should have 2 unarmed styles and 1 weapon style. For example, characters such as Ermac could have 3 unarmed styles. As for the aerial properties, I agree with the person that brought that up. Like I said before, I would like it if the aerial properties were brought back to the MK4 style along with unique jumping animations for each character like in the first 3 MK games. You know how Raiden and the Deadly Alliance fought in the MK: D intro? Well, I would like the fighting to be like that with the parrying and such.
Having the martial arts styles for the characters is fitting, imo and I think it should be kept though there needs to be some improvements. When it comes to the speed of the game, I would have to say it varies amongst the different styles. I found characters such as Ermac and Li Mei to be rather fast and characters such as Bo' Rai Cho and Hotaru to be rather slow.
I like the fact that the death traps can be turned off though I've left them on. I understand those who have complaints about it.
When it comes to Konquest, I liked being able to go through the different realms though hopefully that can be expanded on later. As one person here mentioned, it didn't have the backstory stuff for the characters like it did in MK: DA and that disappointed me a bit even though it didn't really detract much from my fun with Konquest. But still, I would like to see the return of that in future MK games.
One more thing, to the person that was talking about Tanya....well, people have their likes and dislikes when it comes to the characters. I think I understand what you are trying to say when you are referring to her as a Judas type character. However, Kano is also much like that as well. I personally don't like Tanya or her storyline. It just seems very much like Kano's in the sense that they are both backstabbing characters.
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