Even if we really are limited to kata endings.
And I really hope the endings are canon, elsewise one of the main points of this game was just a damned lie.
Hopefully the bio's will be better then they are in the gameguide
Here's a worry of mine as far as bio's go.
One of the reviews mentioned there was only 280 spaces in the vault. This doesn't seem to leave much room for alt bio's, which I thought were important to deepen the story. But then again, 280 might actually be plenty without all the garbage they had in previous entries. There will still be 62 alts(atleast), parody vids, production vids, game tracks, arenas for both arcade and motor, and the 62 bio's... Hopefully it'll just have both bio's in one.

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151
Anyways, I won't continue to flood your thread, congrats on becomming a warrior, and thanks for setting this up for us. I'm sure it will be helpful, and if all isn't revealed by the time I get my copy wednesday, then I'll be sure to try and help.

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151
Oh thats great to hear, I wasn't totally as to how the vault operated. So the stuff unveiled in Konquest is yours to use right away without a trip there.
Anyways, I won't continue to flood your thread, congrats on becomming a warrior, and thanks for setting this up for us. I'm sure it will be helpful, and if all isn't revealed by the time I get my copy wednesday, then I'll be sure to try and help.
Please. I don't view what you're doing as flooding in the least. Also, what I posted isn't set in stone, I was just speculating. It'd be cool for them to do it that way, because I don't see how they could do it otherwise. I mean, MKDA had 676 unlockables... MKD had 400. MKA has 280. They're either cutting the crap or just having less to unlock, I think both.

Congrats on the rank up and I'm in the same situation as Keith. I guess the only way I can help out right now is by hiding spoilers if people forget to and by telling you that the Nitar a ending on the previous page is real. However it's the one she had at the German convention. It may or may not be in the game still.

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151
Cool thread.
Congrats on the rank up and I'm in the same situation as Keith. I guess the only way I can help out right now is by hiding spoilers if people forget to and by telling you that the Nitar a ending on the previous page is real. However it's the one she had at the German convention. It may or may not be in the game still.
I don't doubt that Nitara ending being real, just that I won't give credit for it until it's confirmed in-game. That ending is ridiculously lacking in the creativity department (well, that's to be expected from Vogel)
If all I have to look forward to when beating the game is 15 to 40 seconds of uninspired writing and a kata-ending, then I might actually take back what I said about finishing the game with everyone.

How to unlock the 4 Unlockables in Konquest Mode
Meat- Collect 10 relic items in Knoquest
Daegon- Collect 40 relic items in Konquest
Blaze- Collect 50 relics items in Konquest
Taven- Complete Konquest Mode
The only secret characters are Blaze, Taven, Daegon & Meat, and Ninja_Arts already said how to unlock them...
KillJoy; the endings were always going to be non-canon, I don't know where you got the idea that it would be the opposite, but I do agree that the GC endings were badly written crap.

Death is a door and I am the doorman - Thanatos from Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side.
certain kombatants will have a 3rd costume and apparently scorpion's 3rd costume is monster.
I'm getting the game today and I'll make any contributions to this post when I can. I wish I could go on the internet on my cell phone though. That way I won't have to make 2 trips from my room to the dining room (where my computer is) lol. But from what I heard from someone in a thread Ninja Arts made that
certain kombatants will have a 3rd costume and apparently scorpion's 3rd costume is monster.
Ok I just edited the post and I found out that it was in fact a thread ninja arts made. http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=93236
I forgot how to link but here's the thread.
Thing about that is, others who have given information on the guide have said thats a big load of BS.
I think the best way to help in this thread is to bring forth information you've found out for yourself, having played the game.
Elsewise this will get cluttered with speculations and rumours that have been started by random users.

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |
Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

Death is a door and I am the doorman - Thanatos from Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side.
I'm getting the game today and I'll make any contributions to this post when I can. I wish I could go on the internet on my cell phone though. That way I won't have to make 2 trips from my room to the dining room (where my computer is) lol. But from what I heard from someone in a thread Ninja Arts made that
certain kombatants will have a 3rd costume and apparently scorpion's 3rd costume is monster.
Ok I just edited the post and I found out that it was in fact a thread ninja arts made. http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=93236
I forgot how to link but here's the thread.
Thing about that is, others who have given information on the guide have said thats a big load of BS.
I think the best way to help in this thread is to bring forth information you've found out for yourself, having played the game.
Elsewise this will get cluttered with speculations and rumours that have been started by random users.
Sorry dude I forgot to keep the don't quote me on that yet part in that post when I edited this the first time lol. Unfortunately its gonna take me 2 days to even help y'all out with confirming shit now since I gotta put yet more money on my credit card (I could've sworn I had enough though.) but thats another story. I'll help y'all out as soon as I can ^_^. Hopefully I can get it on thursday or else I won't be able to get the premium edition I pre ordered

Sektor apparently "beams" or "links" to Cyrax and Smoke, becoming a "monstrosity of flesh and machine" or something like that. In other words, they're merging.
It seemed REALLY unfulfilling, as
they are katas, no pictures or anything, and they do not get saved anywhere, not even in the extra kontent area...

Just beat Blaze with Sektor:
Sektor apparently "beams" or "links" to Cyrax and Smoke, becoming a "monstrosity of flesh and machine" or something like that. In other words, they're merging.
It seemed REALLY unfulfilling, as
they are katas, no pictures or anything, and they do not get saved anywhere, not even in the extra kontent area...
r u serious? tht ending isn't would it could have been, if nything tht should be cyraxs. Sektors should be
His clan of tekkunins and Sektor should take over the world, kinda like one of his past endings

I'm trying to remember as many details as possible, but it didn't help that I figured I'd be able to go back and look at the endings again...wrong assumption on my part. Kitana's ending had her beating Blaze and becoming the new champion of the elder Gods...she formed an all-girl squad with Sindel, Jade, Sonya, Li Mei...and I might be forgetting someone. It's a girl power ending where all the women save all the realms and banish all the evil. The Spice Girls would be proud.
Mileena's ending...
She becomes beautiful and Kitana gets Mileena's busted grill. Mileena becomes the ruler of Edenia, puts Kitana in the dungeon, where she basically goes mad.

Death is a door and I am the doorman - Thanatos from Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side.
Just beat Blaze with Sektor:
Sektor apparently "beams" or "links" to Cyrax and Smoke, becoming a "monstrosity of flesh and machine" or something like that. In other words, they're merging.
It seemed REALLY unfulfilling, as
they are katas, no pictures or anything, and they do not get saved anywhere, not even in the extra kontent area...
What the hell, sektor's ending sounds just plain dumb. Man, was anyone smoking too much weed when they came up with the ending for sektor. Also, apparently Kitana's spice girls like ending was true after all -_-. I thank god that the ending is not canon because then we'd have a new group called the Mortal Kombat Spice Girls or some shit like that lol. One of my homeboys back in the cuse is trying to get Mokap's ending lol.

Smoke's nonotech multiplies at an insane rate thanks to Blaze's power. It spreads all over Edenia until it's one big grey mass. The grey mass referes to itself as "Smoke"
Reptile's Ending
A coffin rises from inside the pyramid. It opens to reveal a female of Reptile's race, in human form (Khameleon, I suppose, Although this is never said.) The closer Reptile gets to her, the more he turns back to his human form. Reptile now knows his race will survive.
Liu Kang's Ending
Liu Kang's soul and body are reunited thanks to Blaze's power. Liu now has the powers of a god, and challenges Raiden, who has become corrupted after his sacrifice in the MKD opening moive. Liu destoys his fomer friend, and becomes the new protector of Earthrealm with the blessing of the Elder Gods