Prima Games, known for producing the Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks guide and E-guide, have announced the official Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Game Guide. A brief overview of the guide is given, mentioning what exactly will be covered:
- Moves for all fighting styles, weapons, and finishing moves for all 60 playable characters.
- Detailed maps expose all traps and danger zones.
- Detailed walkthroughs help you master all "Breaker" and "Parry" technique.
- All secrets and unlockables revealed.
- Tips and tricks to help you make the most of the new Create-A-Fighter feature.
- A pull out poster listing all of the characters moves and finishing moves.
This 176 page guide is scheduled to be available on October 9th, 2006. Retail prices are $16.99 U.S. and $22.95 Can. To preorder now from Prima Games', click here
Thanks to forum member for originally submitting this lead, and all others for contributing to this being posted!