[MKA] XBOX High Level Gameplay and Strategy Thread
i bought it the first week it came out but i never played online till about a year after that. i didn't have xbox live. but my friend and i played it more than anything else. i asure you that i used it. But i was definately not a die hard scorp player. Before i came online i stuck mainly to jinko and noob smoke. i used it but not to the extent you did to make it so effective.
Private_Joker Wrote:
I was practicing with ermac I can't get the D+2, slam, D+2, slam, throw to work. Every time after D+2, slam, D+2 my next teleslam misses, seems like the opponent is just barely out of range. Do I've forward stepping just before the slam to get in range but then it's too late. Can someone give me some tips?
I was practicing with ermac I can't get the D+2, slam, D+2, slam, throw to work. Every time after D+2, slam, D+2 my next teleslam misses, seems like the opponent is just barely out of range. Do I've forward stepping just before the slam to get in range but then it's too late. Can someone give me some tips?
It's a tough juggle, but you can do it. Start as close to your opponent as possible and wait as long as you can before the slam. Doesn't hurt to tap forward just before the uppercuts. But only with d2 since b2 will result in a telethrow. Did you practice against a wall? You should, just to get the timing. Then do it in open space. Also, if you think he's gonna be too far away to grab in a slam then let it go and do a telebomb.
Question: A lot of people are jumping in with a kick and then attacking or throwing the instant they hit the ground after being blocked and i keep getting caught. Got any good defense against the jumpers?
I played against the AI and found that when i jumped in i could get nailed with an uppercut and a lot of weapon strikes. I guess i'm using the wrong attack moves against jumpers since i'm not catching them on the way in, or it's in the timing. Gotta be the timing. This version of MK is harder for me with the timing since they jump so much higher and launch higher for juggles.
Also, moves that drop people straight down into a bounce cancel the wake up. The flaming kick by Kai is an example. Three of those and a low strike add up. Or one kick, a juggle, another kick, and a low attack. I haven't tried him yet so i don't know any combos with that move in it. I know other characters have the bounce too, just don't know any off hand. Oh yea, Quan Chi's throw.
I'm reading this thread looking for quality info on the use of characters, but there's not a lot coming in. Are people more interested in doing combos for now? Or is there nothing to write about? Or does no one care?
Also, moves that drop people straight down into a bounce cancel the wake up. The flaming kick by Kai is an example. Three of those and a low strike add up. Or one kick, a juggle, another kick, and a low attack. I haven't tried him yet so i don't know any combos with that move in it. I know other characters have the bounce too, just don't know any off hand. Oh yea, Quan Chi's throw.
I'm reading this thread looking for quality info on the use of characters, but there's not a lot coming in. Are people more interested in doing combos for now? Or is there nothing to write about? Or does no one care?
I'm using the jump-in-kick-miss-parry now too and it's mostly working for me. Not a good tactic against Sub Zero because of the ice clones on the ground and in the air. Bastardo. It's a good thing the damage is greatly reduced when nailed with a freeze or he'd be a killer.
And what's with the camera on this game? Anyone else getting strange shit with the camera? It gets stuck in some cases, and others it moves around like it's caught in the breeze. And worst is when it glitches and i'm able to hit my opponent from across the screen as if i was right in front of him. Fuchin Midway.
And what's with the camera on this game? Anyone else getting strange shit with the camera? It gets stuck in some cases, and others it moves around like it's caught in the breeze. And worst is when it glitches and i'm able to hit my opponent from across the screen as if i was right in front of him. Fuchin Midway.
Yo waddap MKO.
Sorry for my lack of participation on this recently, I've been pretty inactive as far as MKA and MKO go, over the past few weeks anyway. Aside from work and band practice 3 nights a week, I'm also in the middle of a separation (with kids involved) and helping my Ex move (She-Devil begone!!), so things are pretty chaotic. Even when I've found any time to play, it's been just a few scattered matches on PS2. Things will ease up a bit in the near future though and I plan to find a bit more of that highly elusive "Free Time" I hear so much about.
On the jump in stuff, if you kick low on your opponent during your jump in (like a deep jump kick), the kick will whiff and you will land, usually with enough time to attack or throw before he can react from his instinct to block high. A parry works too if you wait for them to attack after landing. And yeah, some attacks will knock a jump-in attacker out of the air. You may already be beyond this by now though, like I said, I've been far from active.
That "Beat My Meat" thread was a goddamn riot. Bobby Mafuggin' Blaze had me rollin'.
Is my nukka Smoke LK still hangin' around heeya?
Sorry for my lack of participation on this recently, I've been pretty inactive as far as MKA and MKO go, over the past few weeks anyway. Aside from work and band practice 3 nights a week, I'm also in the middle of a separation (with kids involved) and helping my Ex move (She-Devil begone!!), so things are pretty chaotic. Even when I've found any time to play, it's been just a few scattered matches on PS2. Things will ease up a bit in the near future though and I plan to find a bit more of that highly elusive "Free Time" I hear so much about.
On the jump in stuff, if you kick low on your opponent during your jump in (like a deep jump kick), the kick will whiff and you will land, usually with enough time to attack or throw before he can react from his instinct to block high. A parry works too if you wait for them to attack after landing. And yeah, some attacks will knock a jump-in attacker out of the air. You may already be beyond this by now though, like I said, I've been far from active.
That "Beat My Meat" thread was a goddamn riot. Bobby Mafuggin' Blaze had me rollin'.
Is my nukka Smoke LK still hangin' around heeya?
Smoke LK disappeared, I think he told me prior to MK:A that he wasn't going to play it or much of it for some reason.Shame really since he was a fun player in MK:D.
About Me
He is back now, me and him had a few matches already. His main character us SMOKE now.
Anyway, as this is the high-level gameplay strategy thread i had a question for all Raiden players - what do you think is the best tactic after Nan Chuan 3. What do you do after something like 2, 3 or 1, 1, 3 or 2, 1, 1, 2, 3?
3 in Nan Chuan stuns the opponents and causes them to stumble but not enough for a free throw. Any ideas?
Anyway, as this is the high-level gameplay strategy thread i had a question for all Raiden players - what do you think is the best tactic after Nan Chuan 3. What do you do after something like 2, 3 or 1, 1, 3 or 2, 1, 1, 2, 3?
3 in Nan Chuan stuns the opponents and causes them to stumble but not enough for a free throw. Any ideas?
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