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09/03/2007 11:59 PM (UTC)
DevilJin Wrote:
yo Gan0n off he said he traded in his MKA disc right?

oh and sorry bone i was at my dads and we could'nt do the seriessad well we still got time right?

hmmm that reminds me,if someone challenges another but the guy who challenged mysteriously disappeared for 6 days what happens to the guy who was challenged those he lose his rank or what..........

and last but not least the heads up on what happened to me:

ok i was playing my brother like yesterday and when we were finished playing as i got up to turn off the game and my brother pressed triangle causing us to leave the character select and went to auto save. without knowing it was auto saving i turned off the ps2 and we all kno what happens to a ps2 game when its saving and u turn the game off........CORRUPTED DATA!!!!!!! so now i lost all of my data due to this. ok after reading this i know what u guys are thinking."so what? all you gotta do is make a new profile and put in your password to play on your old ID." no biggy right?..........wrong i forgot my password to my D3V1LJIN ID so i guess im never gonna use that ID anymore so my new ID is:


jus wanted y'all to get the heads up on the situation.peace

if the challenger challenges and fails to make an apearance he has to wait 6 days before he can rechallenge . loosing his spot would mean everybody gets affected by it so no he doesnt loose it .


its all good man , i dont think your gonna be known other than deviljin or jin , lol . might aswell make an id named jin kazama or something like that . just a thought . lol . dam that sucks , i turned off the ps2 when that was happening one time . i went back to memory and it sayd corrupted data but oddly enough the memory still worked and everything was working like if nothing had happened .



1) No Death Traps , no blood and No Quitting! No KAK's or MOB!

2) You can't use the same character more than three times !

3) Series will be played first to 10 .

4) You can only challenge 1UP!!! (player above you)

5) You have 6 days to fight or you will be replaced by your challenger!

6) Rematches- Once you challenge someone and you lose, you must wait exactly 6 days before you can re-challenge them.

7) If the Challenger wins, then the challenger takes over the loser's spot and the loser moves down one.

8) To get on any of the lists all you have to do is Challenge someone.

9) Fights are strictly decided within 3 days of the challenge. - Defender chooses fight time (Ex: between 5pm-7pm on Mon.) - Challenger's responsibility to be available at defender's time (even the day of challenge, so be prepared) - If defender fails to decide time or meet at that time, defender loses. - If challenger fails to meet on defender's decided time, challenger loses.

10) MKO Members only !

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09/04/2007 12:53 AM (UTC)
krayziebonethug Wrote:
DevilJin Wrote:
yo Gan0n off he said he traded in his MKA disc right?

oh and sorry bone i was at my dads and we could'nt do the seriessad well we still got time right?

hmmm that reminds me,if someone challenges another but the guy who challenged mysteriously disappeared for 6 days what happens to the guy who was challenged those he lose his rank or what..........

and last but not least the heads up on what happened to me:

ok i was playing my brother like yesterday and when we were finished playing as i got up to turn off the game and my brother pressed triangle causing us to leave the character select and went to auto save. without knowing it was auto saving i turned off the ps2 and we all kno what happens to a ps2 game when its saving and u turn the game off........CORRUPTED DATA!!!!!!! so now i lost all of my data due to this. ok after reading this i know what u guys are thinking."so what? all you gotta do is make a new profile and put in your password to play on your old ID." no biggy right?..........wrong i forgot my password to my D3V1LJIN ID so i guess im never gonna use that ID anymore so my new ID is:


jus wanted y'all to get the heads up on the situation.peace

if the challenger challenges and fails to make an apearance he has to wait 6 days before he can rechallenge . loosing his spot would mean everybody gets affected by it so no he doesnt loose it .


its all good man , i dont think your gonna be known other than deviljin or jin , lol . might aswell make an id named jin kazama or something like that . just a thought . lol . dam that sucks , i turned off the ps2 when that was happening one time . i went back to memory and it sayd corrupted data but oddly enough the memory still worked and everything was working like if nothing had happened .




1) No Death Traps , no blood and No Quitting! No KAK's or MOB!

2) You can't use the same character more than three times !

3) Series will be played first to 10 .

4) You can only challenge 1UP!!! (player above you)

5) You have 6 days to fight or you will be replaced by your challenger!

6) Rematches- Once you challenge someone and you lose, you must wait exactly 6 days before you can re-challenge them.

7) If the Challenger wins, then the challenger takes over the loser's spot and the loser moves down one.

8) To get on any of the lists all you have to do is Challenge someone.

9) Fights are strictly decided within 3 days of the challenge. - Defender chooses fight time (Ex: between 5pm-7pm on Mon.) - Challenger's responsibility to be available at defender's time (even the day of challenge, so be prepared) - If defender fails to decide time or meet at that time, defender loses. - If challenger fails to meet on defender's decided time, challenger loses.

10) MKO Members only !

well the reason i didnt make one called JIN is because theres a scrub named that and well yea

yea u kinda right i been called deviljin and jin way to long so ima think of something. i know JinKazama wont fit so ima tweak it and make it fit or i could jus put deviljin but spelled different.WAIT A MINUTE DUH!!!!!! THATS WHAT I SHOULDA DID IN THE 1ST PLACE!!!! my name wont be santos. wow now i feel like im gan0n switching name to name lol
About Me

Im banned from mko

09/04/2007 04:34 AM (UTC)
DevilJin Wrote:
krayziebonethug Wrote:
DevilJin Wrote:
yo Gan0n off he said he traded in his MKA disc right?

oh and sorry bone i was at my dads and we could'nt do the seriessad well we still got time right?

hmmm that reminds me,if someone challenges another but the guy who challenged mysteriously disappeared for 6 days what happens to the guy who was challenged those he lose his rank or what..........

and last but not least the heads up on what happened to me:

ok i was playing my brother like yesterday and when we were finished playing as i got up to turn off the game and my brother pressed triangle causing us to leave the character select and went to auto save. without knowing it was auto saving i turned off the ps2 and we all kno what happens to a ps2 game when its saving and u turn the game off........CORRUPTED DATA!!!!!!! so now i lost all of my data due to this. ok after reading this i know what u guys are thinking."so what? all you gotta do is make a new profile and put in your password to play on your old ID." no biggy right?..........wrong i forgot my password to my D3V1LJIN ID so i guess im never gonna use that ID anymore so my new ID is:


jus wanted y'all to get the heads up on the situation.peace

if the challenger challenges and fails to make an apearance he has to wait 6 days before he can rechallenge . loosing his spot would mean everybody gets affected by it so no he doesnt loose it .


its all good man , i dont think your gonna be known other than deviljin or jin , lol . might aswell make an id named jin kazama or something like that . just a thought . lol . dam that sucks , i turned off the ps2 when that was happening one time . i went back to memory and it sayd corrupted data but oddly enough the memory still worked and everything was working like if nothing had happened .




1) No Death Traps , no blood and No Quitting! No KAK's or MOB!

2) You can't use the same character more than three times !

3) Series will be played first to 10 .

4) You can only challenge 1UP!!! (player above you)

5) You have 6 days to fight or you will be replaced by your challenger!

6) Rematches- Once you challenge someone and you lose, you must wait exactly 6 days before you can re-challenge them.

7) If the Challenger wins, then the challenger takes over the loser's spot and the loser moves down one.

8) To get on any of the lists all you have to do is Challenge someone.

9) Fights are strictly decided within 3 days of the challenge. - Defender chooses fight time (Ex: between 5pm-7pm on Mon.) - Challenger's responsibility to be available at defender's time (even the day of challenge, so be prepared) - If defender fails to decide time or meet at that time, defender loses. - If challenger fails to meet on defender's decided time, challenger loses.

10) MKO Members only !

well the reason i didnt make one called JIN is because theres a scrub named that and well yea

yea u kinda right i been called deviljin and jin way to long so ima think of something. i know JinKazama wont fit so ima tweak it and make it fit or i could jus put deviljin but spelled different.WAIT A MINUTE DUH!!!!!! THATS WHAT I SHOULDA DID IN THE 1ST PLACE!!!! my name wont be santos. wow now i feel like im gan0n switching name to name lol

Lol very funny deviljin.
09/04/2007 06:26 PM (UTC)
I chanllenge RIU !!!!!!!!


i can play any day after 1045pm
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09/04/2007 07:58 PM (UTC)
holy shit only 1 more day to fight bone stop hiding from me!!!!!
amviorix Wrote:
I chanllenge RIU !!!!!!!!


i can play any day after 1045pm

ok I will be on tonight!! grin
About Me

MKA Tags: Rippa / R199A

09/06/2007 02:54 AM (UTC)
This is still goin' on right?
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09/06/2007 04:21 AM (UTC)
R199A Wrote:
This is still goin' on right?

yes but people havent been challenging so it hasent been as exciting as i thought it would besad
09/06/2007 10:02 PM (UTC)
sorry bone i should have post before.

i won the matches between me and wiido. now can
i challenge funko? i know there is a rule of six days
but i think that that rules is what is holding this back.
09/06/2007 10:06 PM (UTC)
yeah challenge me and get your spot back.
About Me
09/06/2007 10:30 PM (UTC)
@ riu - you can .

the reason there is 6 days is for a chance at the person on bottom to challenge up . 6 days rule is prior to the challenger if he looses . if he wins he gets the spot . and is free to challenge .
ok RIU you won, take my spot!! lol JK

seriously, very good games man!!!

so I wait for 6 days before challenge someone!! sad lol

peace!!! grin
09/06/2007 11:14 PM (UTC)
ok RIU you won, take my spot!! lol JK

seriously, very good games man!!!

so I wait for 6 days before challenge someone!! sad lol

peace!!! grin


i just look at your top ten list and you have fujin in ur top 3 how come
you did not use him?

challenge funko

is tonight ok at 930pm ?

I really dont know!! lol

but next time that we fight, I will show my Fujin!!! wink
About Me
09/07/2007 04:21 AM (UTC)
ok challenges posted

funkopath challenged by riu 09/06/2007
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09/07/2007 04:37 AM (UTC)
this six day shit is pissin me off furious

bout to go FUCKIN CRAZY!!!!!

i want that #1 spot! but i must continue to practice on my patterns (nice...)

*sigh* fuck.....................................................50 cent
09/07/2007 02:17 PM (UTC)
amviorix Wrote:
ok RIU you won, take my spot!! lol JK

seriously, very good games man!!!

so I wait for 6 days before challenge someone!! sad lol

peace!!! grin


i just look at your top ten list and you have fujin in ur top 3 how come
you did not use him?

challenge funko

is tonight ok at 930pm ?

9:30 eastern?
I can get on after 10:00 eastern tonight.
IM me or leave a message on this thread, let me know what time works out for you tonight.
09/07/2007 08:31 PM (UTC)
i am not so sure about tonight bro i wont like to stop
playing before the saries is over. there is this girl who
i am talking to and she said that she was going to call
me tonight but she did not give me a time.

she is hot i wont change her for you tonguetonguetonguetonguetongue gringrin
09/07/2007 08:41 PM (UTC)
^ that's what I am talking about.
you go do what you gotta do.
I think I might check out this new club that popped up and my friend's a bar-tender @ it.
play ya soon enough.
About Me


09/07/2007 11:12 PM (UTC)
i challenge wii wii to ten

im free tonight and tomorrow night after 11:30pm

Sunday around 10pm. Bills are on and then im going to watch Halloween. so ten is a good time.

Monday im free all day

Tuesday im free after 10pm. i bowl on tuesdays.
09/07/2007 11:23 PM (UTC)
amviorix Wrote:
i am not so sure about tonight bro i wont like to stop
playing before the saries is over. there is this girl who
i am talking to and she said that she was going to call
me tonight but she did not give me a time.

she is hot i wont change her for you tonguetonguetonguetonguetongue gringrin

Uh-oh! Looks like RIU's gonna get some bootay! lol!
About Me

Play With Respect------------Play With Reg------------Play With Rage

09/07/2007 11:43 PM (UTC)
I challenge Live2Die....smile
09/08/2007 12:31 AM (UTC)
G_gamer07 Wrote:
amviorix Wrote:
i am not so sure about tonight bro i wont like to stop
playing before the saries is over. there is this girl who
i am talking to and she said that she was going to call
me tonight but she did not give me a time.

she is hot i wont change her for you tonguetonguetonguetonguetongue gringrin

Uh-oh! Looks like RIU's gonna get some bootay! lol!


yo when are you going to get ur ass back in mka?
a copy is only like $10 DOLLARS I miss our sonya vs kabal.
09/08/2007 01:11 AM (UTC)
Oh yeah you were the one with the Kabal that gave my Sonya a hard time. Good shit. I might stop at GameStop tomorrow and get a copy. We'll see.
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09/08/2007 02:13 AM (UTC)
G_gamer07 Wrote:
Oh yeah you were the one with the Kabal that gave my Sonya a hard time. Good shit. I might stop at GameStop tomorrow and get a copy. We'll see.

grin hopefully you get that new copy
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