Game Informer announces Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks!
Subzero5543 •10/13/2004 06:23 PM (UTC) •
you liar? Or are you lying? who said ermac and smoke are playable and if they are wow another fighting game? Named shaolin monks maybe because they are the two new heroes of the game and both are the main hero so its named after them?? Kai sucks ass though shuginko owns like hell and he has the white lotus bandanna now.
BTW midway didnt make special forces and MK advance wich sucked major ass Tobias did Ed BOON had nothing to do with those horrible ass games, but first thing that struck my attention was that they said NEW FIGHTING ENGINE if i am correct they said that it would be a new enigine and better then MKDA and MK:D engine.
After MK3 i seen all the badasses in one game, we had subzero without mask and ice clone we had kabal who was the best, we had the best damn Lui kang ever, we had green net cyrax Kano had huge combos and a nice red outfit, styker was dumb but being apart of mk3 made him a classic but the two ppl that got my attention in mk3 was KANG and his fast ass fly kick and bike kick in the game and KUNG LAOS 50 hit combo that does 100% damage in MK3 very hard to do but if u didnt block u lose i can tell you that and after that MK:D and MKDA with Kang and Lao being the best players for those two games damn monks better be good where can i get screenshots other than the magazine??? Any offical website yet for the game?
BTW midway didnt make special forces and MK advance wich sucked major ass Tobias did Ed BOON had nothing to do with those horrible ass games, but first thing that struck my attention was that they said NEW FIGHTING ENGINE if i am correct they said that it would be a new enigine and better then MKDA and MK:D engine.
After MK3 i seen all the badasses in one game, we had subzero without mask and ice clone we had kabal who was the best, we had the best damn Lui kang ever, we had green net cyrax Kano had huge combos and a nice red outfit, styker was dumb but being apart of mk3 made him a classic but the two ppl that got my attention in mk3 was KANG and his fast ass fly kick and bike kick in the game and KUNG LAOS 50 hit combo that does 100% damage in MK3 very hard to do but if u didnt block u lose i can tell you that and after that MK:D and MKDA with Kang and Lao being the best players for those two games damn monks better be good where can i get screenshots other than the magazine??? Any offical website yet for the game?
katiefolsom •11/06/2005 04:11 AM (UTC) •
do you know any cheats
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