Death Traps All The Ones We've Seen So Far(UPDATE 8/27/04!!!) (WE NOW HAVE 3 NEW TRAPS!!!)
posted21 years agoby
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21 years ago
The Death Trap a new feature to MK. It will be pretty much considered a ring out. Also there will be red like neon lights right by the trap.
Midway said that you can turn these lights off. Also A big rumor going around is that there also will be a option to turn death traps off, and Set them to end the match, make them only to be able to be used in Round 2. Now there might be one or 2 of these options available, none of them available, or more then the ones I named or different ones available.
We will Start Off With The Meat Grinder in the Slaughter House.

This is a deadly trap the person will get hitted into the trap like ermac was in this picture. Then the grinder will stop and try to go and then it will go and shred you to pieces. Also put blood stains on the wall lol
*NEW*Here is the Meat Grinder with the wall full of blood.

The Next Trap is in the Prison stage. Its where the wall of spikes squeeze together I think never seen it in action yet. lol

Here A new pic for this one!
There also said in PS magazine that the yellow lights by the cells means the ppl in the cells can hurt you like take a lil damage away lol.
This next ones on the Sky Temple. Sub kicks Ermac off the side. Then Ermac falls to the next stage here sub would jump down and they would fight.

So if you fall down the next level. This ones pretty much you fall awayyyyys until you hit the ground and your body blows apart lol(like sindel in the fatality trailer).
*NEW*Here is the Sky Tower fall.

The next Trap is the Crumbling Tower. This tower slowly falls apart to make fighting space smaller.

Once someones knocked off they fall down aways until they land on some Spikes. OUCH lol
*NEW*Here is the Crumbing Tower spikes.

Finally The Molten Press. This trap is simple you knock your opponent on the lava. They will try to crawl out and the the press will slam down.

The Dragon Kings Stage
The outside of the arena is surrounded by angled spikes.
The Dragon King kicks the opponent right into the spikes. Thats mainly what happens.(Doesn't The DK look Bad Ass)
This is a new stage Idk what it is but the death trap is a statue falling.
I see the red line and that has to be it
The Kutann Palce is back Now you can fly into the lava
In this picture Ashra is fal;ling towards it after Raiden kicked her into it.
The Light zone of the Ying Yang Level. Scorpion hit Sindel into the water and she's getting eaten by Pirhana.
Excuse my Language but Fucking Right THe Pit 1 is back. We all should no what this one is hehehhe.
Die Ben/Kobra Die lol
Thats it for now if you haven't seen the new trailer you can see a few images now. Thanks KOnqurr for all the new Images. I seen the snakes from the dark part of the YIng Yang Arena in Puzzle Kombat so they're probably the other deathtrap for this stage.
I say that if you get too close they'll eat yah.
UPDATE 8/27/04!!!!!!!!
Quan Chi's Fortress seems like his place is gonna be the arena with the laser death trap yes but we haven't seen it in action yet but it has to be it look at the red lasers. That or the lasers all together looks like a spider web maybe theres a spider who knows??

This next stage I have no idea what arena it is but it has 2 deathtraps according to MKO's Video! The first on is a dragon type head that when your in its mouth it kills you!

The next one is a spining thing that dices you up when you get knocked in it!
21 years ago
the images are not working but the death traps all sound good. i hope the dead pool have one.
21 years ago
I think the death traps should end the entire fight. not just the round. that's just retarded. if you don't know to stay away from something like a ledge, or lava.. or like a moat of acid.. then you probably deserve to die before two full rounds have been played. I also think the indicator lights should be taken out .. or keep them in with an option to toggle them off. what makes the most sense (if they won't have the fight end at ANY time) is to make it allowable only to a fighter who is in a position to win the fight (ie, has won one or two rounds already and this is the deciding round).. I think having a stage fatality in every stage is a bit overkill.. and I'm surprised I'm saying that considering how pissed I was that they squandered all opportunity for even ONE st.fatality in the last game to meet release deadlines.. but I wouldn't mind a round here and there where it's all up to your fighting abilities, nahmean
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21 years ago
they'll prob. have a freature to make it only one round to win. most fighting games do now in days. that would make more sence for the stage deaths and all
21 years ago
Hey I was wondering why even I couldn;t see them it was my mistake. I copied the link instead of the image location Now they work lol I hope you enjoy I'll add more later.

Raiden_is_god Wrote:
The Death Trap a new feature to MK. It will be pretty much considered a ring out. Also there will be red like neon lights right by the trap.
Midway said that you can turn these lights off. Also A big rumor going around is that there also will be a option to turn death traps off, and Set them to end the match, make them only to be able to be used in Round 2. Now there might be one or 2 of these options available, none of them available, or more then the ones I named or different ones available.
We will Start Off With The Meat Grinder in the Slaughter House.
This is a deadly trap the person will get hitted into the trap like ermac was in this picture. Then the grinder will stop and try to go and then it will go and shred you to pieces. Also put blood stains on the wall lol
The Next Trap is in the Prison stage. Its where the wall of spikes squeeze together I think never seen it in action yet. lol
There also said in PS magazine that the yellow lights by the cells means the ppl in the cells can hurt you like take a lil damage away lol.
This next ones on the Sky Temple. Sub kicks Ermac off the side.
This ones pretty much you fall awayyyyys until you hit the ground and your body blows apart lol.
The next Trap is the Crumbling Tower. This tower slowly falls apart to make fighting space smaller.
Once someones knocked off they fall down aways until they land on some Spikes. OUCH lol
The next trap is the Beetle Lair. I heard you can get eaten by beetles or a big steel beetle like the one in the corner below flying scorpion lol
Im going for getting eaten by that big metal beetle but Im not sure havn't seen it in action.
Well this is it for now I left out a bunch more I don;t have any video shots yet of the molten press etc... I will tomorrow this took forever so I'm short on time hehehe

The Sky Tower Death Trap isn't in this level, in this level, falls into a low level, and in this level, the fallen cames to the Death Trap.
And in the Bettle Lair Death Trap, I don't know if there is a Death Trap, but not here. Scorpion falls in the zone where this the stage weapon ( watches the FMV of the fight between Baraka and Mileena)
21 years ago
Wat u mean its not in this level thats not really clear??? What you said. Also I no he falls towards the weapon but stage weapons are made to be hard to get because it leaves you in a bad spot that can end the match they said. Also its confirmed that theres a death trap for every arena.
Now This Section of Death Traps Are ones that aren't Confirmed but I have a Idea what they are.
The Red Dragon Temple
This is the glass arena. Where you see people getting knocked through it.

Now if you look below and through the glass theres a round thing. Its like gears or something. TO see more of it go to midways site then to mkd and download the trailer its 1:53 long and at 37 secs stop it and you can see it. Now when you get knocked through the glass above and fall on the glass below. It cracks now I believe if this keeps happening it will break, and you'll fall on the gears and get chopped up.
The next trap is the Beetle Lair. I heard you can get eaten by beetles or a big steel beetle like the one in the corner below flying scorpion loltongue

Im going for getting eaten by that big metal beetle but Im not sure havn't seen it in action.
The Portals back as well!!!!! What could the death trap be I would say the shadow priests could kill you or you get knocked in the portal just ideas what do u think. The living Forest What do you think the trap will be I'm thinking a tree coming to life no sign of anything yet though.
This is a good thread idea. But some of these that you are calling death traps aren't. Death trap = Death. Not getting kicked through rocks to the rest of the level below and continue to fight.
21 years ago
Good atempt so far, but as sub-zeromasta said; some of the pics u have arent 'DEATH' traps.
But for the ones that are, the Crumbling tower looks best imo. The death is reminder of the pit's of old, the temple in the background looks like the temple of light from the movies, and if the level is anything like TM2's anatarctica level - it should get real difficult when it gets small...
21 years ago
YAh I no there not the pics of the death traps there pics of the arena so ppl have an idea wat arena im talking about I haven't got pics of the actual traps yet mainly because I can't take screen shots with windows media player so if anyone has pictures of the molten press or actual pictures of people falling like the crumbling tower and the sky temple could u post them.
21 years ago
I think that in the Beetle Lair, wen u go through that red glass, a lot of bugs and spiders will come out and eat u....i read that in the April issue of PSM....
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21 years ago
do you always laugh after every sentence you make, Raiden? tongue
21 years ago

Raiden_is_god Wrote:
YAh I no there not the pics of the death traps there pics of the arena so ppl have an idea wat arena im talking about I haven't got pics of the actual traps yet mainly because I can't take screen shots with windows media player so if anyone has pictures of the molten press or actual pictures of people falling like the crumbling tower and the sky temple could u post them.

Ok, here are some molten press ones:

If I find others I'll post 'em.
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21 years ago
lolololololololololololol tongue
Sojaofcrst Wrote:
do you always laugh after every sentence you make, Raiden?

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21 years ago
I heard that ALL stages are going to have a death trap, if that is true, then what's the death trap for the netherbelly stage????
SORRY if tha has already been asked
21 years ago
Don't forget:
Ice Stage - Ice Worm
Crumbling Tower - Spikes
Sky Tower - Fall all the way down (Sindel when she is all broken apart)
Yeah the deathtrap when the two walls with spikes come together was shown in a movie. That vary screen shot non the less.
Edit: One dragon point. Owned.
21 years ago

Brunão Wrote:
I heard that ALL stages are going to have a death trap, if that is true, then what's the death trap for the netherbelly stage????
SORRY if tha has already been asked

i i hope like you get knock out of the ship and get rip apart by a gaint octopuss.
21 years ago
Yah I no all that Dmitch sorry all i had to system restore my computer I haven;t been on to fix some of these death traps yet and add some.
The screenshot with Jade and Kabal shows the Acid Shower deathtrap.
21 years ago
where you get this idea plus theres already a death trap in the Prison Stage its up above scorpions flying into it.
21 years ago
Remember how PSM Said that if u broke the red glass a bunch of beatles ate u?
In a bunch of videos they break the glass and the beatles come out but they dont eat anyone....
21 years ago
I was looking at old posts and it's impressive how close Grizzle came from the real outcome:
"I have an idea for a stage fatality and interaction, like a torture chamber level where there is like corpses chained to the wall and torture devices like a guilottene or that device where they stretch you out with the ropes. the floor could have this gutter you know in the middle of the floor where theres holes in it. well water could flow in it. if you knock people into the floor with powerful moves the floor would crack. do it enough the floor would crumble and you both fall through into a sewer level where the water is knee high.
as for the stage fatality you could have two choices kicking someone into a guilotene and kicking the switch chopping the opponents head off, or throwing somone on the stretch table and chain him down and crank the thing enough untill the guy gets ripped in half. the TORTURE CHAMBER, that would be a sick level, it could be Drahmin's signiture stage if hes in it."
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21 years ago

kamionero Wrote:
Remember how PSM Said that if u broke the red glass a bunch of beatles ate u?
In a bunch of videos they break the glass and the beatles come out but they dont eat anyone....

I think it's just a cool effect. If you notice, once you break the glass, little beetles run in every direction, and if you step on them, you squash them, making them green blood appear. It may also damage a little more than usual. However, it is not a death-trap.
21 years ago
What abt. the stage with Lasers and the Falling Rocks; and what abt. the original stages (Deadpool, Pit 1, Portal, Living Forest, Courtyard, etc.) I know that they r in the chess kombat but they have to be hidden stages or it would be absurd to even taunt us with them. I mean the Deadpool and Pit 1 r basically given (speaking of which I hope that the heads and bodies r in the bottom of the Pit 1 and hope u can fight there as well in the bottom)!!!
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