01/05/2004 05:13 AM (UTC)

BenUpgrade Wrote:

ERMAC IS NOT IN MK1!! That is a FACT. A 100% fact. There has never been any proof at all nor will there ever be. It is just not true.

Apparently, you DIDN'T read everything I wrote.

And MK2KungBroken, lemme say that I respect your opinion that you DON'T believe in Ermac appearing in MK1, you can't simply say "Ermac does not exist in MK1" WITHOUT offering proof to back this up.

I HAVE offered proof to back up what I said, and until I see it in writing where Boon clearly states "Ya'll know what I said in GamePro almost 10 years ago? Well, it was a lie."

But like I said before, I totally respect your opinion smile
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The Prophet - R.I.P. 1979-2006www.kombatnetwork.com
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01/05/2004 06:09 AM (UTC)
I do NOT have to prove that something doesn't exist. You have to prove it does it exist.

And Shang Tsung has always been considered a sourcerer.

Ermac does not exist in MK1, just like the Keebler Elves don't exist in MK2, and Johnny Cage's ghost doesn't exist in MK3, Ermac, does not, cannot, will not, shall not, exist, in MK1
The reason I don't respect your "opinion" that Ermac does exist in MK1 is because that's like saying 1 + 1 = 3. It doesn't, and just the same, Ermac doesn't exist in MK1.

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01/05/2004 01:14 PM (UTC)
MK2Kung's got a point. You can't proof that something is NOT there, you'll have to prove that it IS.

I really don't know nothing about the whole Ermac thing. I just think it's a waste of time to look for something thousands have allready searched for... (like love :D)
01/05/2004 02:11 PM (UTC)
Go hack a ROM with a hex editor. There. Red Scorpion. Easy. You could hack the name data if you wanted, as well. Again, it's not that hard.

The Error Macro thing happening through error is bullshit, though. The chances of ALL of the corrupted data forming perfectly to spell out something coherent in the name bar is a trillion to one, if not less. Last time I checked, there is no safeguard to change it if something bad happens, either.
01/05/2004 04:23 PM (UTC)
CorrezZ, MK2KungBroken, how many times do I have to STATE the proof that I'm offering?? The same GamePro mag where FatSatan got that Shang pic (which is the very point of this thread; sorry for taking it a bit off-topic) has an interview where Ed Boon himself CONFIRMS that he appears in MK1!

And thanx to Blade-Tsung for reminding me of this OTHER piece of proof, which every one of you can read over at GamePro.com (in a feature about the best Urban Legends in videogames), and I discussed in ANOTHER Ermac thread here in this same board:

"More than most games, Midway's coin-op Mortal Kombat II was surrounded by a special air of mystery. AFTER THE ORIGINAL GAME'S UNLIKELY RUMORS OF SECRET CHARACTERS LIKE REPTILE AND ERMAC TURNED OUT TO BE TRUE...".

Finally, Hyuga, the name DOESN'T change to Ermac in the lifebar. It always says Scorpion. The name Ermac appears when you lose and it says "Ermac Wins."
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01/05/2004 05:21 PM (UTC)
I remember going to an arcade after mk2 was just release. They had a hacked mk1 machine with a template on it saying "Get double flawless victories and fatalities to fight against hidden green or red characters!" (Not exact wording, but you get the point) I remember them calling this Revision 5 but it had to be a hack because you could combo after an uppercut...and two jump punches with cage/kano/raiden would push you back. So it had to be a hack of revision 4 or 5 as that was implemented then.

I got to reptile on it the normal way, but never fought this Red Ninja. I personally don't believe there is a legitamate Ermac character...that if he does exist in MK1 that it has to be a hacked machine.
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The Prophet - R.I.P. 1979-2006www.kombatnetwork.com
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01/05/2004 07:23 PM (UTC)
Once again, there is no Ermac in MK1.

01/06/2004 05:59 AM (UTC)

MK2KungBroken Wrote:
I do NOT have to prove that something doesn't exist. You have to prove it does it exist.

And Shang Tsung has always been considered a sourcerer.

Ermac does not exist in MK1, just like the Keebler Elves don't exist in MK2, and Johnny Cage's ghost doesn't exist in MK3, Ermac, does not, cannot, will not, shall not, exist, in MK1

The reason I don't respect your "opinion" that Ermac does exist in MK1 is because that's like saying 1 + 1 = 3. It doesn't, and just the same, Ermac doesn't exist in MK1.


Hehe, those poor kids at West Coast Video that bought the Keebler Elf fatality for Sub Zero. Ahh the good old days.
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The Prophet - R.I.P. 1979-2006www.kombatnetwork.com
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When something better than UMK3 comes out, I'll let you all know, because it still hasn't happened yet.
01/06/2004 12:06 PM (UTC)
LOL yeah Mike, there were a LOT of other things those kids believes too, it reminds me of this guy, even reading things in Magazines you cannot believe it. If you were conscious when this happened and saw the magazine, you might remember it, but there was an ellaborate hoax created for April Fool's Day saying the Shen Long was indeed a hidden character in SF2. All the proof was there, pictures in the damn magazine. Low and behold, he wasn't in the game. That's just one example, but seriously brutha, there's no Ermac in MK1, never was, never will be. Anyone else wanna back me up on this?

"The Mac Daddy'll make you...float float...the Daddy Mac'll make you...float...float...MK'll make you...believe in hidden characters that aren't really there...uh huh...uh huh...float float...

01/06/2004 02:28 PM (UTC)
Well the MKDA said that Shang's origins are from Earth
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01/06/2004 04:08 PM (UTC)
What is the conflict?
Subzero_5th Wrote:
Well the MKDA said that Shang's origins are from Earth

01/06/2004 04:52 PM (UTC)

MK2KungBroken Wrote:
LOL yeah Mike, there were a LOT of other things those kids believes too, it reminds me of this guy, even reading things in Magazines you cannot believe it. If you were conscious when this happened and saw the magazine, you might remember it, but there was an ellaborate hoax created for April Fool's Day saying the Shen Long was indeed a hidden character in SF2. All the proof was there, pictures in the damn magazine. Low and behold, he wasn't in the game. That's just one example...

I know about this example. I also know about the infamous Akuma in Resident Evil 2 trick. Both were supposed to be legitimate tricks. Both had pics to back 'em up.

And both of 'em were later REVEALED TO BE APRIL FOOL'S JOKES! That's the KEY difference between those jokes and the proof that I've provided so far about Ermac.
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The Prophet - R.I.P. 1979-2006www.kombatnetwork.com
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When something better than UMK3 comes out, I'll let you all know, because it still hasn't happened yet.
01/06/2004 08:44 PM (UTC)
The still is no proof beyond reasonable doubt. I'm going to have to see it happen, and so is the rest of the MK world, because the rest of the MK world knows there is no Ermac in MK1.

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01/06/2004 10:37 PM (UTC)

MK2KungBroken Wrote:
The still is no proof beyond reasonable doubt.

/me bangs head on keyboard . . .

Me and MKS in unison : "BOON SAID IT HIMSELF"
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01/06/2004 11:28 PM (UTC)
The shang Tsung true form seems more like an idea that slowly went away and ended up not being used. imo.

I will say that the akuma in resident evil had me for a few minutes. Seemed...convincing.
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<img src="https://i.ibb.co/9yjLJN7/kirbyr.png" alt="kirbyr" border="0"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/Z2K7n4Y/kirbyl.png" alt="kirbyl" border="0">

01/06/2004 11:56 PM (UTC)
Also, let's continue any Ermac discussions in this thread

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The Prophet - R.I.P. 1979-2006www.kombatnetwork.com
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When something better than UMK3 comes out, I'll let you all know, because it still hasn't happened yet.
01/07/2004 12:46 AM (UTC)

Quirk Wrote:

MK2KungBroken Wrote:
The still is no proof beyond reasonable doubt.

/me bangs head on keyboard . . .

Me and MKS in unison : "BOON SAID IT HIMSELF"

There-is-no-Ermac-in-MK1-no-matter-what-you-say. Oh and I posted a huge explanation in that other thread. There is no way you two can still believe this. After all these years, after all this time.

01/09/2004 01:25 AM (UTC)

MK2KungBroken Wrote:
Quirk Wrote:

MK2KungBroken Wrote:
The still is no proof beyond reasonable doubt.

/me bangs head on keyboard . . .

Me and MKS in unison : "BOON SAID IT HIMSELF"

There-is-no-Ermac-in-MK1-no-matter-what-you-say. Oh and I posted a huge explanation in that other thread. There is no way you two can still believe this. After all these years, after all this time.


I dont think that anyone can prove anything about ermac. You cant prove that he does exist...nor if he exists. And until i come across ermac myself, i am nuetral on the whole ermac thing.
01/10/2004 09:14 AM (UTC)
Y'all, ermac DOES exist.

I suppose you all know this, but i'll say it anyway:
He is just a reptile glitch, which appeares only in the mk1 arcade.
The name ERMAC means "Error Macro"
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01/16/2004 08:53 PM (UTC)
also, shang tsung could use his powers in those mines in outworld that shao khan put him in, because he is human. im pretty sure that was included in the games and conquest, also that thing about him looking like an old human because his true demon from is old is crap because wouldnt that make all the other forms he took on be their old forms forexample when he morphed in the game that would make the perosn he morphed into old aswell and in DA it says he's from earthrealm.
01/18/2004 04:14 PM (UTC)
1)Maybe he made himself look old do lull his opponents into a false sense of security

2)Actually, MK1 was a quick project, remember?
The only reason they made him look old was to make him look like a old wise sorcerer dude.
That's IT.
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01/18/2004 04:41 PM (UTC)
1) The cobalt mines are in the game, at least the MK4 Comic, but we don't have any proof Shang Tsung spent time there.

2) His "human form" that he assumes, is probably an approximation of what he WOULD look like if he were still human. That's the best way I can describe it. That explains why when he when he looks like what his human self would look like in MK1, he is old and needs Kahn's help to restore his youth.

This is from the MK2 instruction booklet (It's in the MK2 comic as well). It shows exactly what happened to Shang Tsung when Shao Kahn decided to make him young again.
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The Prophet - R.I.P. 1979-2006www.kombatnetwork.com
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When something better than UMK3 comes out, I'll let you all know, because it still hasn't happened yet.
01/19/2004 01:32 AM (UTC)
There's no real reason to asume any one form when you are a shape shifter, or changling, or what have you. If you wanna get technical, he'd probably be a puddle of goo like the Founders in Star Trek. It wouldn't make sense for a solid being to have the ability to be any shape he wanted, but for a liquid being to be able to form solid shapes. But going on the concept of "magic", since he is a sorceror, Shang Tsung could be anything he wants, bound by the limitations of his own powers. If there is a race of his kind, then it would make sense that they all would have a standard form, if not, then he's probably not really anything other than a character without a real identity. When making the first one, maybe they didn't think they'd have to explain it lol.

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01/20/2004 01:44 AM (UTC)

MK2KungBroken Wrote:
Once again, there is no Ermac in MK1.


I'm sorry man, but you're being childish. Your stating your opinion as a fact without refuting MKS's evidence and proof. He nullified your examples with the street fighter and Resident Evil, and you've offered no other information to help your case.

And speaking of reasonable doubt, how do you explain that both Ed Boon, EGM, and Gamepro are all wrong? You haven't offered anything which would convince a competant person that these people would lie at the risk of their reputation and credibility. The April fools joke doesn't apply to MK, so basically you have no arguement.

Thank you Kombat for posting the true form of Shang Tsung. I really do appreciate that, and I won't derail your thread anymore. Sorry it got so off-topic.
About Me
The Prophet - R.I.P. 1979-2006www.kombatnetwork.com
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When something better than UMK3 comes out, I'll let you all know, because it still hasn't happened yet.
01/20/2004 03:46 AM (UTC)
Temp, you have to read the Ermac thread, and you will see that I have overwhelming evidence that just compounds and compounds to the point of no return. Nothing you just said makes any sense at all because I never once said anything was a fact without presenting evidence in some way. The other thread is pretty much dead now, and I got the guys to admit that the "rumor" isn't a hidden character, which trapped them because they all said it was, and then magically change their words to fit an argument, when none of them have any idea what they are really talking about. Then Sakura jumped on them because by admitting it's not a hidden character, it contradicts everything they've said, and everything that has ever been said in detail about Ermac has been that he is a real hidden character, with his own name when he wins, and he is faster and more powerful, like Reptile, and with all this, meaning he was really meant to be there, but none of that is true, because it's not provable, and I do NOT have to even prove that it's false, because proving something doesn't exist is as simple as "Show me that it does exist." The first statement I questioned was "Ed Boon CLEARLY states that Ermac appears in MK1" and that is just false, not true, a lie, a hoax, whatever you want to call it. I brought to the table every slightest bit of evidence I could, any way they said that might have been a reason for the character appearing red, everything they said is all hearsay, there's no evidence backing it, and Ed Boon even said in 1999, that no one has found Ermac in MK1 because of the rumor, the character's STORYLINE is a rumor, and then was changed to be not ridiculous. Anything that ever was talked about in an MK game or that was rumored to be and never proven, was never there in the first place, and added later as fan service. That's what Ermac in UMK3 is. The ERMACS system exists, but no one can find a way to access it, or make the counter go up without editing the rom, there is no evidence of Ermac Wins in the game's raw data. I was done with this, but you had to make a comment. If Childish also means "right" then I am childish. And you're going to tell me that the MK crew never said anything mysterious to get more people into the game? That's all it was. They even say don't try it, why? Because it's not really there. If people talk, people play, and now it's 11 years later, Ermac's still not in MK1, people shouldn't be talking about him being there as if it's fact, and all 3 people who defended him have stated it matter of factly, well it's not, it's a belief. Even if it was my opinion that he isn't there, it's their opinion that he is. Well no evidence of him being there besides a video game magazine interview is not enough evidence, and the fact that 2 people also recall there being a recall on the trick months later saying it wasn't true. Read the Ermac thread, you'll see how their wording changes eventually to try and fit the debate, that is what made me angry because of the out and out lying.

The answer lies in MK2: CEARM ODSE NTO EXITS

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