Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, COOKING WITH SCORPION
posted01/22/2006 04:25 AM (UTC)by
About Me

I am so alike you in so many ways. I know I'm just a copy that carries on the stain. Why do we make the same mistake? Cuz' we are one in the same! But we leave behind a stain, that cannot seperate! All that lies in me! All that dies in me! How can I live without you? I am your mirror image of all you've left behind. Who made me what I am, if who the hell am I?

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01/22/2006 12:18 AM (UTC)
This is an actually video that can be unlocked in the Krypt of DA

Narrator: This week on Cooking With Scorpion!
(A guy in a yellow ninja outfit twirls around a double-bladed axe and winks at the camera)
Narrator: You'll learn about chopping!
(Scorpion lifts up axe overhead and cuts a chicken in half)
Narrator: Tenderizing...
(Scorpion lifts a mallet overhead and beats a steak with mallet)
Narrator: Chopping!
(Scorpion decapitates fish with double-bladed axe)
Narrator: Cake decorating...
(Scorpion puts icing on flower cake and nods at the camera)
Narrator: And CHOPPING!
(Scorpion cuts into watermelon with axe, the axe blade flings off the handle)
(Cooking With Scorpion logo appears, plays little airy tune)

This is also an unlockable video you can unlock from The Kyrpt in DA
It's a cutscene from MK:4

Scorpion: By defeating you Subzero, I have avenged the death of my family and clan! Now my soul can finally rest!
Subzero: You're soul with never rest Scorpion. The Lin Kuei may have been responsible for your murder but your families true killer still remains free! (Subzero dies shortly after)
Scorpion: If you are not the murderer, than who is?
Quan Chi: I am the one you seek. To defeating my nemisis (mispelled Nemesis) Subzero, I needed the power of a spectar (mispelled Spectre). You have done my bidding well Scorpion, but now I must return to the Netherealm.
(Scorpion slowly desinigrates in thin air, until only his lower torso remains, Scorpion's lower torso flies at Quan Chi and blasts them both to a lava-y place)
Quan Chi: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! furious
01/22/2006 03:23 AM (UTC)
what is the point of this post? It is known info. Cooking with scorpion is from mk special forces and the ending is from mk4 and nothing special. Did my drunk ass miss something? Plus, he isn't disintegrating, he's being sucked into the netherrealm, and his torso isn't flying, he is running. wtf?
01/22/2006 04:25 AM (UTC)
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