
About Me
Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling
Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

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projectzero00 Wrote:
They are very much alive and kickin, both with 3 bars :P What do you mean?
Quanchi9 Wrote:
I know I'm out, but I have a pretty good feeling that Ahnka, and LordSkarlet are out of the game.
I know I'm out, but I have a pretty good feeling that Ahnka, and LordSkarlet are out of the game.
They are very much alive and kickin, both with 3 bars :P What do you mean?
Ah crap! I meant to say that they were on the good side!

About Me

About Me
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Ah crap! I meant to say that they were on the good side!
projectzero00 Wrote:
They are very much alive and kickin, both with 3 bars :P What do you mean?
Quanchi9 Wrote:
I know I'm out, but I have a pretty good feeling that Ahnka, and LordSkarlet are out of the game.
I know I'm out, but I have a pretty good feeling that Ahnka, and LordSkarlet are out of the game.
They are very much alive and kickin, both with 3 bars :P What do you mean?
Ah crap! I meant to say that they were on the good side!
I am pretty sure everyone that is left knows who's who by now



About Me
Diirecthit was the one who got the shaft this round with 4 votes against him. However Raiden used his Static on him, immediately restoring the health bar he just lost.
So nothing changes this round:
diirecthit - 2 Health Bars (1 inactivity)
ProfesserAhnka - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
MacyG88 - 3 Health Bars (1 inactivity)
kungkang12 - 3 Health Bars
Darkhound74 - 1 Health Bar (1 inactivity)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer - 2 Health Bars
LordSkarlet - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
Time for Round 2 again. You know the drill!
So nothing changes this round:
diirecthit - 2 Health Bars (1 inactivity)
ProfesserAhnka - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
MacyG88 - 3 Health Bars (1 inactivity)
kungkang12 - 3 Health Bars
Darkhound74 - 1 Health Bar (1 inactivity)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer - 2 Health Bars
LordSkarlet - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
Time for Round 2 again. You know the drill!

About Me
Round 2 has ended and strangely enough, it was a tie. One of the heroes didn't vote with the majority and one of the bad guys voted for someone of the same alignment. That's how you play being a villain :P
However Sub-Zero used his iceball and froze one of the villains' vote while Mileena's Deception turned one person's vote to the person she voted as well. This means we have a 3 against 3 tie again. In that case the person who received 3 votes first will lose one health, which is Diirecthit.
As Diirecthit was trying to cross the deadly pit Reptile leapt out of the shadows once again and struck him from behind. Before he could react he was thrown over the edge. Everything slowed to a crawl as he fell backwards into the dark. The spikes were more forgiving then his fellow warriors granting him a quick death as they peirced through his back straight into his heart.
Reptile morphed back into the evil sorcerer and disappeared in the shadows again. Shang Tsung used his final use of Morph into Reptile's Sneak Attack.
And just like that Diirecthit loses his last health bar. He was:
Updated list:
ProfesserAhnka - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
MacyG88 - 3 Health Bars (1 inactivity)
kungkang12 - 3 Health Bars
Darkhound74 - 1 Health Bar (1 inactivity)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer - 2 Health Bars
LordSkarlet - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
So we are close to the end and it seems the villains got it this time, unless a miracle happens. Start voting for Round 1.
However Sub-Zero used his iceball and froze one of the villains' vote while Mileena's Deception turned one person's vote to the person she voted as well. This means we have a 3 against 3 tie again. In that case the person who received 3 votes first will lose one health, which is Diirecthit.
As Diirecthit was trying to cross the deadly pit Reptile leapt out of the shadows once again and struck him from behind. Before he could react he was thrown over the edge. Everything slowed to a crawl as he fell backwards into the dark. The spikes were more forgiving then his fellow warriors granting him a quick death as they peirced through his back straight into his heart.
Reptile morphed back into the evil sorcerer and disappeared in the shadows again. Shang Tsung used his final use of Morph into Reptile's Sneak Attack.
And just like that Diirecthit loses his last health bar. He was:

Updated list:
ProfesserAhnka - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
MacyG88 - 3 Health Bars (1 inactivity)
kungkang12 - 3 Health Bars
Darkhound74 - 1 Health Bar (1 inactivity)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer - 2 Health Bars
LordSkarlet - 3 Health Bars (2 inactivities)
So we are close to the end and it seems the villains got it this time, unless a miracle happens. Start voting for Round 1.

About Me
Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling
Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

About Me
Lord Skarlet

Lord Skarlet

Lord Skarlet

projectzero00 Wrote:
I am pretty sure everyone that is left knows who's who by now
Doesn't matter its 4 on 2 but if I must vote I vote for Darkhound for giggles. Plus I do know who everyone is lol
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Ah crap! I meant to say that they were on the good side!
projectzero00 Wrote:
They are very much alive and kickin, both with 3 bars :P What do you mean?
Quanchi9 Wrote:
I know I'm out, but I have a pretty good feeling that Ahnka, and LordSkarlet are out of the game.
I know I'm out, but I have a pretty good feeling that Ahnka, and LordSkarlet are out of the game.
They are very much alive and kickin, both with 3 bars :P What do you mean?
Ah crap! I meant to say that they were on the good side!
I am pretty sure everyone that is left knows who's who by now
Doesn't matter its 4 on 2 but if I must vote I vote for Darkhound for giggles. Plus I do know who everyone is lol

About Me
Quanchi9 Wrote:
I guess LordSkarlet getting four votes will just kick her out of the game, unless someone pulls something tricky.
I guess LordSkarlet getting four votes will just kick her out of the game, unless someone pulls something tricky.
Yeah I guess there is no point dragging this even more. Maybe last round if Sub-Zero used 2 iceballs it would have been close but now I don't think so. Since Kung Lao has lost all his damaging Specials and Raiden can only stall this by healing.
So Macy and LordSkarlet were outnumbered by the bad guys and just like that the winners of MK2 Voting Game are the VILLAINS!!
Congrats to the survivors: Shang Tsung, Mileena, Kintaro and Reptile!
Here were the identities of everyone:

Sub Zero - diirecthit

Johnny Cage - martin_m95

Raiden - MacyG88

Kung Lao - LordSkarlet

Liu Kang - FerraTorr

Kitana - JenSalMar

Mileena - Darkhound

Scorpion - razz2d2

Baraka - QuanChi9

Reptile - ProfesserAhnka

Shang Tsung - Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer

Kintaro - Kungkang12
I was thinking about doing an MK3 tournament version after this one finished, but judging from how long it took us to get it going and gather 14 players, I don't see it happening lol
Anyway, thanks for playing everyone! I tried to make this as balanced as I could with the powers and everything. Hope y'all had some fun

It was a BLAST! please think about doing a MK3 based one! I'd sign up in a heart beat!

About Me
Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling
Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.
I really enjoyed the game, and I really REALLY enjoyed being Shang Tsung. So, yeah, I'm ready for an MK3 game as well. :)

Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
I really enjoyed the game, and I really REALLY enjoyed being Shang Tsung. So, yeah, I'm ready for an MK3 game as well. :)
I really enjoyed the game, and I really REALLY enjoyed being Shang Tsung. So, yeah, I'm ready for an MK3 game as well. :)
An MK3 game might take quite a while before it happens but sounds interesting.
LordSkarlet Wrote:
An MK3 game might take quite a while before it happens but sounds interesting.
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
I really enjoyed the game, and I really REALLY enjoyed being Shang Tsung. So, yeah, I'm ready for an MK3 game as well. :)
I really enjoyed the game, and I really REALLY enjoyed being Shang Tsung. So, yeah, I'm ready for an MK3 game as well. :)
An MK3 game might take quite a while before it happens but sounds interesting.
How about in a month or so? You're a great host, so I'm sure you could get enough people.

About Me
I actually managed to survive..awesome.
Good game guys. Hopefully we will have more people next time. I would also be down with an MK3 version of this game.
Good game guys. Hopefully we will have more people next time. I would also be down with an MK3 version of this game.
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