Alright so I voted and I input my email and PS3 console for an Arrow costume but for the theme I already Liked the page but I don't have an option to choose the Injustice theme or Xbox avatar (I may choose the xbox avatar since I think the PS3 theme is the same one I bought a few weeks back so ill give my friend the avatar) any help would be hot ;)
When I like it, it glitches out before I can post it to my wall or select xbox/ps3 or put in my info etc. Just shows I liked it, but doesn't allow me to get the avatar/theme. I unlike it, then like it, and the same thing happens. So not sure what to tell you on your situation. And when it comes to the Arrow code, I see 3 blank boxes, and I guessed they wanted your first and last name, and then e-mail on bottom. It said I successfully got it, so I hope that was right lol.