Very cool!!...I really LOVE the way they did his mask, face, and skinnier body!
His look is very detailed and deadly, very evil.
I really like that he somehow looks bonnier and
skinnier, a more suitable look for his “dead-guy” concept.
His mask is finally interesting; the detail from his head and the mask itself looks awesome! The “tiara” kind of thing that serves as simple detail in his mask also rocks.
His “dead-old-wrinkly” face...all those wrinkles, his evil eyes...just excellent! I really love this look for Scorpion. I even love the detail of his broken or messed up golden “shoes”.
As for the bad part, too bad they didn’t go for something more original like his “Monster” look in MKD. That would had rocked, something more distinct and unique. Same as Sub-Zero, both ninjas, well, they dont look very "wow" or original anymore.
I also think the belt is *way* too big, looks like too much.
Still, despite the ninjas looking the same, this is an excellent render/concept art
(it surely isn’t gameplay, how can it be? Look at the detail of the background and his hands, it looks painted/drawn). Very cool mask, and cool background.
I really like he looks "skinnier".
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:sonicherosfan1 Wrote:
I mean you go from MK4 to MKDA and you can see a big jump and inspiration.
You're almost my hero.
MKD's look wasn't without it's charms... sort of... but, as already discussed (
in other threads), I tend to think it's been a series of steps backward since MKDA. I just don't understand how a yellow Sub-Zero with beetle shell mask is exciting. Maybe the problem's that I was
alive in 1993...

LMAO!!! Good/funny pic! (Gotta love Reptile and Baraka's poses!)
As for the coments, yeah, I can see why some aren't excited, but personally, I love the mask design.