06/22/2010 03:24 AM (UTC)
I've got some information from some of the actors:

"What went wrong...was 'studio' control' issues conflicting over the main producer's sight and vision. The studio interfered and dominated key decisions. They made critical decisions that really hurt the film. What a shame! Even so...The producer did edit a version of the movie that was MUCH better than what you saw. Again, the studio overruled...and it bombed. Their was some internal conflicts on choreography between Pat Johnson (2nd unit director) and and actor....and then, much of the really cool choreographed moves got cut from the film. I think over half of it ended up on the cutting room floor because the director on MKII wanted to show the 'acting' parts...not the action."
Historical Favorite
06/22/2010 08:41 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

There are Asians of dark color. Jade may well be such in the games as I doubt her design is African. Animality - agreed.

Jade is Asian is a running joke between myself and MKO's own, Chilly-McFreeze. So thank you for forcing me to explain a joke like an average Jay Leno.
06/24/2010 04:54 AM (UTC)
I liked Annihilation!

But, I was always bummed that Sheeva never had a longer time in the movie! She dies by a falling cage?! Booooo!

The special effects are terrible.

AND, even when I watched it when I was little, I couldn't STAND that they got another actress to replace Bridgette Wilson as Sonya! And Linden Ashby! NO, keep the original actors like Liu Kang and Kitana!
06/28/2010 06:36 AM (UTC)
That movie lost me after Raiden reveals that he is Shao Kahn's bro! The animalities was just freaky and why isn't Sub-Zero angry at Liu for killing his brother in the 1st tournament?! The fighting and dialogue was cheesy too! Worst of all: THEY KILLED CYRAX AND JADE! Just what in HELL'S BELLS were they thinking!furious On the other hand, we got to see a Mileena and Sonya mud wrestle!glasses
06/29/2010 01:04 PM (UTC)
Turok5000 Wrote:
we got to see a Mileena and Sonya mud wrestle!glasses

Yeah but the truth is it wasn't even hot or sexy in the least, so even that failed.
06/29/2010 07:54 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote
Yeah but the truth is it wasn't even hot or sexy in the least, so even that failed.

Yeah which is why this movie is LAME!sleep
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sig by Deadcell189

07/02/2010 10:46 PM (UTC)
What's wrong with it? A shitload!!

However, the movie would have been a billion times more tolerable without Shoa Kahn's cringeworthy dialogue.
07/07/2010 11:15 AM (UTC)
The main problem with it is it was made. I really wonder how the studio approved it.
but other problems include
1Including characters and not even introducing their names(Cyrax, Ermac etc)
2Set design was poo, outworld looked like a wet cardboard box with purple paint on it.
3Acting that made daytime soaps worthy of oscars
4Butchering of key story elements
5continuity was shit, characters got changed in between the end of mk1 and the start of MKA. then sonya has a mystical shower after her mud wrestling.
6repetition of shots, the shot of baraka gettin killed is actually rain
07/07/2010 08:50 PM (UTC)
In regards to what went wrong with this sequel, the list is just ongoing that I can't think of every single thing I found awful about it.

The main thing that went wrong was the fact that the whole movie looked like it was RUSHED!!! For instance...

The script sounded like it wasn't proofread,
The visual effects looked awfully dreadful,
The acting was a kindergarden level,
The editing and wirework was sloppy,
The director couldn't direct,
The fights looked more like carefully choreographed dance routines,
They didn't give Sonya and Lui Kang the same kind of outfits they had on at the end of MK1,
Johnny Cage had an extra pair or shades he never had in MK1,
They didn't cast a black actress as Jade,
They didn't give Sindel white hair,
They didn't keep Shao Kahn's mask/helmet on,
The ninja costumes and some other outfits were so cheap looking,
and Kahn, Sheeva and Motaro looked way too human!

Did I miss anything? Those are all the bad noticable facts found in MKA.

07/07/2010 09:01 PM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:

What I don't understand is this: ALL of the "TRUE" MK mythos was/is written in the instruction manuals of the video games, comic books, and in the actual games themselves...You want perfect cinematic Mortal Kombat characters, seriously, go watch the live-action video game trailers for both MK2 and MK4...I think they did an amazing job on those 1-minute little commercials and really nailed the look and feel of how each character SHOULD HAVE looked. I can't believe that they didn't refference those or at the very least get really inspired by them. Both directors had soooo much genuine information at their fingertips, and they completely neglected to use that! WHY?!....lolol...Why did the Mortal Kombat flicks become such a tamed-down, family-friendly, moral-riddled, blood-lacking cinematic car crash?! They need to hire actual MK fans to make these movies!...lolol


I read on a source a long time ago that when Paul Anderson was hired to direct and Kevin Droney was hired to pen the script, they both wanted an R rated movie, but the studio (either threshold or NLC) wouldn't let them do it. They were afraid an R rated movie wouldn't make as much money. I was only 12 when the first film came out and I was still disappointed they didn't go with an R rating. However, I still enjoyed it as a PG-13 film at the time. Now that I'm an adult, I want a R rated movie all the way.

07/07/2010 10:21 PM (UTC)
The Baraka Halloween costume.. you forgot them ;)

Seriously.. cyber ninjas were the only decent costumes.. and Nightwolf was one of the better characters.. says it all.
Total screen time less than 5 minutes

And the greatest line went to the God of Fire
07/09/2010 01:15 AM (UTC)
Siang Wrote:
The Baraka Halloween costume.. you forgot them ;)

Seriously.. cyber ninjas were the only decent costumes.. and Nightwolf was one of the better characters.. says it all.
Total screen time less than 5 minutes

And the greatest line went to the God of Fire

Thanx. I could also mention that the opening credits of MKA looked like a carbon copy or MK1's.

07/12/2010 08:07 AM (UTC)

Too much story, with no real "guide" characters like there were in the first MK movie.

Characters appeared just for completionist sake and serve no real purpose.
Sheeva (that one hurt me...)
Sub Zero

The special effects in MK1 still look all right today. Not mind blowing but simple enough to still look ok. The effects in MKA looked shit back then and look nigh on awful today.

SHEEVA! Wasn't even fucking used for fucks sake. Fuckidy fuck fuck fuck.

No Christopher Lambert.

Costumes actually looked nigh on worse than the ones in the games. I mean at least the games have the excuse of technology or this costume has to look basic because its for 5-6 characters. What was the movie's excuse? Had a good chance of designing something a bit more fitting than lycra for everyone but it never happened.

Just not as enjoyable to watch as the first one. They had some real loveable characters in there. Kano, Goro, Shang Tsung. Pretty much everyone in this movie is like: YOU DIE, NO U.
07/12/2010 12:47 PM (UTC)
The script was approved but obviously the studio didn't even bother reading it.
07/14/2010 05:52 AM (UTC)
Everything. And then they went through with it because it's like "okay we just spent a ton of money on an even bigger ton of crap, might as well put it out and take a loss rather than keep it in the dark and get nothing." Fools.
07/14/2010 06:05 AM (UTC)
What I liked was afterwards, Joshua Wexler came out and said they weren't happy with the film that got released.. and even though behind the scenes Kasanoff wasn't and tried releasing a director's cut..
he still defended the film to this day..
07/16/2010 10:21 PM (UTC)
Siang Wrote:
What I liked was afterwards, Joshua Wexler came out and said they weren't happy with the film that got released.. and even though behind the scenes Kasanoff wasn't and tried releasing a director's cut..
he still defended the film to this day..

Where did you heared that? *_*
About Me

"Keep feeding me denial and hate. And from that, I will create".

Dimmu Borgir- Heretic Hammer In Sorte Diaboli

08/02/2010 02:46 AM (UTC)
I liked Annihilation, and I even got the DVD for it that I found in a local movie store.

But here is what I think went wrong, no wait, confused me.

It is said that it is continuing the saga of Mortal Kombat. I don't know, but I think the movies should have followed the timeline of the actual Mortal Kombat series. If Liu Kang has to fight Shang Tsung in the final fight then that must mean most of the characters portrayed in MKII have got to be in the 2nd movie to make sense, right? Then why is there characters from the 3rd game in the 2nd movie (i.e. Ermac, Motaro, Rain, Cyrax, Smoke...etc). Now I have to admit that there were some characters in MKII that were actually in the movie (Baraka, Jax, Mileena, Kitana, Jade, Liu Kang Raiden...etc). Johnny Cage dies in the movie, but is in the 2nd game, where is Sonya in the game and why is she in the movie?

And right at the end with the Liu Kang Fighting Shao Kahn, what happens...Animality. Animalities didn't actually become possible endings till MK3 came out.

Overall, the second movie, should have been about the 2nd game. It would have made more sense to have all of the MKII characters in the movie instead of some of the MK3 characters. If your going to go in order, stay in order. Film the original Mortal Kombat, THEN do Mortal Kombat 2 and call that Mortal Kombat Annihilation.
08/02/2010 09:35 PM (UTC)
ShaoKahn707 Wrote:
I liked Annihilation, and I even got the DVD for it that I found in a local movie store.

But here is what I think went wrong, no wait, confused me.

It is said that it is continuing the saga of Mortal Kombat. I don't know, but I think the movies should have followed the timeline of the actual Mortal Kombat series. If Liu Kang has to fight Shang Tsung in the final fight then that must mean most of the characters portrayed in MKII have got to be in the 2nd movie to make sense, right? Then why is there characters from the 3rd game in the 2nd movie (i.e. Ermac, Motaro, Rain, Cyrax, Smoke...etc). Now I have to admit that there were some characters in MKII that were actually in the movie (Baraka, Jax, Mileena, Kitana, Jade, Liu Kang Raiden...etc). Johnny Cage dies in the movie, but is in the 2nd game, where is Sonya in the game and why is she in the movie?

And right at the end with the Liu Kang Fighting Shao Kahn, what happens...Animality. Animalities didn't actually become possible endings till MK3 came out.

Overall, the second movie, should have been about the 2nd game. It would have made more sense to have all of the MKII characters in the movie instead of some of the MK3 characters. If your going to go in order, stay in order. Film the original Mortal Kombat, THEN do Mortal Kombat 2 and call that Mortal Kombat Annihilation.

Seriously? THAT'S what confuses you? That they did animalities even though it was only the second movie? That there were characters from the THIRD game on the SECOND movie? That blows your mind? Is this a joke?
About Me

"Keep feeding me denial and hate. And from that, I will create".

Dimmu Borgir- Heretic Hammer In Sorte Diaboli

08/03/2010 03:11 AM (UTC)
Animalities weren't intorduced until the 3rd game.

See, I was trying to compare the 2nd movie to how it was much like the 3rd game. When it should have been resembling the 2nd game.

It had much in common with the 3rd game that I was confused on whether this was about either the 2nd game or the 3rd.

Ok let me clarify things up a little more just in case. Notice how there were a lot of MK3 characters in the movie that were in the 2nd movie. Sheeva for instance. She was brought up in the 3rd game MK3. But also notice how Baraka was introduced near the middle of the movie when Liu Kang is trying to rescue Kitana. He was, in the 2nd movie.

There were a lot of things going on in Annihilation that either should have been about either MK2 or MK3. If a movie is going to be about MK2, then keep the story lines along the lines of MK2. If they wanted to make a movie about MK3, then go with the MK3 story line.

The universal answer would have been to stick with a title that combines all of the things together (maybe name it MKT, even though it's the second movie). This would have solved any problems, for me, about the characters, the plot, the fights, and even the scenes. What do you think? Do you think that Mortal Kombat Annihilation went with MK2 or MK3. Then and only then will you realize that they just mashed two games altogether to make one movie. It's kind of tough to look at the movie again and ask "What game did it originate from?"
About Me

"Keep feeding me denial and hate. And from that, I will create".

Dimmu Borgir- Heretic Hammer In Sorte Diaboli

08/03/2010 10:03 PM (UTC)
Ok never mind. I did however figure out that MK Annihilation came from MK3. It still doesn't make sense though why they skipped a game.

First let's take a look at what happened in the 1st Mortal Kombat. If you recall, Sonya was in a scene where they are spying on the so-called Kano. When she sees him boarding the ship off to another island, she boards, but Jax doesn't. Once the 1st MK tournament is over, Shao Kahn begins his reign of terror (this is where they should have based their second movie off of the second game). Shao Kahn opens a portal over Earthrealm and invades. This is where Johnny Cage dies. That is why he is in MK2, but not in MK3. I guess he is supposedly disappears after MK2. In the movie, Johnny Cage gets killed.

Secondly, I happend to think about looking at MK2 tournament beginning. Or how the tournament led up to MK2. It is said that "Sonya disappears and Jax goes looking for her". In Shao Kahn's arena, if you look in the background, Sonya is seen tied to a post alongside Kano. Then I also compared the beginning of MK2 to MK3. Sonya returns with Jax, but they are not alone, Kano is with them.

So out of all this, I have finally figured out that MK Annihilation was all about MK3. It does make sense now.
08/04/2010 01:45 AM (UTC)
I got it the first time. Why on Earth would they call the second movie ''Mortal Kombat Trilogy''?

They decided to skip a game because the second game's storyline isn't all that great. Big deal. How the hell is that even a flaw? How can you be so stunned by how there's animalities and MK3 characters in the second movie? You can't be serious.

The horrible acting didn't bother you? The bad special effects? The moronic dialogue and character "development"? The replacement of unique actors? The cheap post-production?

No. ''OMG sheeva's in the movie but she wasn't in the second game!? How's this possible!?''. That's your major issue?

I still can't believe you're serious.
About Me

"Keep feeding me denial and hate. And from that, I will create".

Dimmu Borgir- Heretic Hammer In Sorte Diaboli

08/04/2010 02:55 AM (UTC)
I didn't find a thing wrong with the movie, it was just how they just skipped ahead on the story line. The acting, was just like the first, everything was alright in the movie. That is how I see it.

But the reason why I am serious is because I want to show you proof. I don't mean to just post something and just say "there you go that's it." The way I want to show you is " Ok here is my thoughts on it, the ups, the downs, reason whys."

This is the reason why I kicked myself off of a certain website because I wasn't being scientific enough and that let others to believe that I was being immature about the subject at hand. Here I promised myself that things about me were going to change. And they have.

Now back to subject. I understand the plot FULLY now, ok? I now understand that if the Animalities were to come into the movie itself, they would to have originated from the game itself. Thus that led to either MK3, UMK3, or MKT. MK2 did have Liu Kang's "fatality" where he transforms into a dragon. But it wasn't an animality to an point. UMK3 MKT and MK3 are the same basic games, but with MKT having more charcters, backgrounds, and Sub-bosses from previous games. But seeing as how most of the MK3 characters were in it. It would probably have had to come from MK3. I know we all need to be serious when it comes to topics like these, but you don't have to let yourself sound too critical of the subject. It 's just a scientific question of whether we liked the movie or we didn't. If we didn't, list something that would have made the movie better for you. Moving on now.
Um.. everything..this is the first movie in cinema history that physically gives me migraines!! proven by my doctors!!!
11/14/2010 04:46 AM (UTC)
I've found this interesting stuff:

"A friend of mine worked on this, and I vividly remember him telling me how the director would walk around in pre-production saying, “The kids are gonna love it, it’s all about teamwork!'
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