Index sorted by PSN/XBL accounts; alphabetical order by MKO user.
(Bold MKO Username: Regular PSN/XBL Ident.)
Post your PSN/XBL name in a reply for admin to add it to the index.
PlayStation Network:
]{0MBAT: Kombatpavilion
-Brad-: Brad-721
behemoth423: behemoth423
Casselman: Casselman
colt1107: Colt1107
CyberDemon13: FrostyJack13
D4rkwolf: Darkwolf_00
Darkhound74: ZingerOfWar
daryui: KombatNerd
Deadcell189: BJ-1531 / NightWoLf_31
DeathBlow93: PhillyBoy_16_
drpvfx: Empathogen
DeLaGeezy: Alias-El-Cabo
djdmac24: djdmac24
Dreadness: Dreadness_
Dreadnaughtx: ZXTxSupernova
EmperorNash: EmperorNash
Escrima: RUBEX74, RUBEX65
Espio872: Espio872
FatalBloodBath: FatalBloodBath
FatalFatality: iStoleurName
FlamingTP: FlamingTP01
GANON: BeastGanon
GodlyShinnok: LordShinnok03
goosu2006: goosu2006
GoshinX03: Goshin_X03
Gutteran: Gutteran
hivetyrant765: Ventris765
Hooky-Fooky: Suicide_Camel
HorrorSharkJAWS: HorrorSharkJAWS
Icebaby: Icebaby0527
iHotaru: Dragonbreatj404
InuShonen: InuShonen
Jace_of_Spades: Jace_of_Spades
Jest0311: Copperhead0311
jmo1214: pocket-town
Jironobou: Jironobou
Joe-Von-Zombie: JoeVonZombie
JoKiNgErMaC: DJSoundwave21 / JoKiNgErMaC
Kabal20: Kabal31082
kgb_psu: kgb_psu
Kitana_MK9: Nightmare_Begins
KombatKhief: doopo
Kramer: Kramer48
krayziebonethug: BMF_KRAYZIE_BONE
Krayzie_Killin_Joker: KrAyZiEJoKeR94
lebronjames: el_boricua_81
LeoBrZ81: LeoBrZ81
LionLuBu: seaadali
lordkirac: lordkirac
lordofthenetherealm: Whitdizzle86
ltfrosty: Lt RVillegas
m0s3pH: xIxSHAMROCKxIx
Mad_Dwarf: mad_dwarf
malebolgia: Dreamscape7278
maximus12: supernaturalmx
Metalhead666: Deathrattlehead
Mileenaownz12345: Mileenaownz / Mileenaownz12345
MKshizz: ianbarnes
mkwhopper: ninja-star95
MNOEVIL_aka_WildRocker334: Wildrocker334
Mojo6: Saboteur-6
mrlip: mrlipradgas
Murcielago: ShagohodXx
Murdoink: Murdoink
MySTe12Y: MySTe12Y
MysticBeerFloat: BlazingGuns94
Nephrite: JaNeZoKu
NiteOwl: Legitifyde
noobsmoke_mk: md_chy
o--Tspoon--o: o--Tspoon--o
O1Kage: TrueKage
packetman: WITFILLED
raidenthefridge: D-MCV
red5iver: red5iver
ReptileFinally: reptl
Ryukeshen: Ryukeshen
sean79: GeneralReiko
SemiPacifist: neverplayed3
Shadaloo: shadaloosoldier
ShaoKahnsBoyfriend: clinton210
Shohayabusa: SpiderFighter
shrairyuwarrior: athlos23
SlickRic82: rlg24
smoke78: SuperNeon64
Spirit_Wolf: eyeEmotion
superbn0va: superbn0va_it
SuperT26: SuperT5269
Sykyl: Protobaka
TheFreaking: Freaking_Gunner
TheMkGeek: Big_Evil_Donut
TikiTheTiki: T_Reznik606
totheark: MKOtotheark
Tundra7654: repo-man7654
Tyrant-Cenobite: Tyrant Cenobite
Unknown265: Black265
Vash_15: Vash_15
VertigoPrince: Rockstar_309
Vlad89: Vlad7779311
wckillah: perezdelfuego
ZeroSymbolic7188: ZeroSymbolic7188
ZombieMage101: ZombieMage101
Xbox Live:
[Killswitch]: Valtiel Xx
ArtemisFlow: LaamanniDa
barzillai: Bearlyalive69
Bryden88: Rykoth
Casselman: Casselman
Chilly-McFreeze: Doktor ALUCARD
CircusMaximusBC: CircusMaximusBC
CrimsonDawn: jarjarbin29
CruelVictory: CruelVictory
D4rKeN: VaLLecK
D4rkwolf: D4rkwo1fx
Darkhound74: TheMightyZinger
DarknessGouki: GOUKI187
DarKScorpioNLiGhT: xD4rK x LiGhTx
DeadlyAllience: PrimBloodGhost
DeadmanWalking: UnshapenMocha51
dibula: Dibula
DjangoDrag: DjangoDrag
DOCBROWN: emmitt brown
Doomcaster: Doomcaster
ErmackDaddy: GrandmaMatty
ErmacRawks: iAzure
Ermacs: Garattack
firephoenix2k6: firephoenix2k6
Genku: SSJGenku
GoDisNotHereTODAY: ViolentSpank
Greenpope: Greenpope420
heppers89: Heppers89
icephoenix: John Grizzly
Icy_X: Icy X
iHotaru: Cerealboy27
jack4813: Gideon Wyeth 1
JADEdSCORPION: Burninoni007
Joe-VonZombie: Joe Von Zombie
joebear: JoeBear13
Jonin01: Jonin01
kabal-zero: AshPan29
Kabal20: Kabal31082
Keith: CynicalHippie
KingofKings97: bgage97
KoldKombat: TOlofter
KratosisKindaKool: shakezula93
krayziebonethug: BMF KrayzieBone
Kyozaki: Wayashi
Kyzon: Kyzon Xindicate
LeperMessiah: La FixxxeR
Lipski: FSUxVengeance
Lord_Shinn0k: Lord Shinn0k
lordofthenetherealm: King BubbaOU812
m0s3pH: Glowstick Jesus
malebolgia: SgtRoxx72
microchip: Dimitri1033
MKshizz: Ian N Barnes
MortalMachado: Robuhhchu
Necromorphiliac: Necromorphile
nyjetsrulz87: nyjetsrulz87
packetman: thaPACKETMAN
rainb0y: rainb0yskimp
redman: WorldBWillis / Downfourality
ReptileFinally: MK IMMORTAL
resy_18: Cyber Wolf 93
Sekktor: G Demarkis
SemiPacifist: Semi Pacifist
Serivich: DamienSerivich
ServantToMileena: KonquerorZ33
ShaoKahnsBoyfriend: clinton210
skahwt: skahwt
smaddy: smaddy
SmokeUnitLK-7T2: Demarkis 3 16
spineripper: Spine_Ripper
SystemSCSnake: SystemSCSnake
TheBigMistake: GONZO34507
TheElderSiN: SiN DestructO
TheMkGeek: Big BDS XBL
ThePunisher1: ThePunisher1
TikiTheTiki: Reznik606
toast_is_toasty: ToastIsToasty
TortureLegend: TortureLegend
totheark: MrBigPoppa / tothearks
travelingwilbury: Wilco033
travm013: SavageTrav916
Tyrant-Cenobite: Tyrant Cenobite
UnboundIr0n_M4n: UnboundIr0n M4n
wckillah: HERETIC86
wjs_umk3: x x x SICK x x
xB$INx: xxxBSINxxx
xTI2AV1Sx: x TI2AV1S x
XxNoCampingxX: NoobzZz Camping
Please remember, Mortal Kombat Online is a public forum.
MKO cannot police your activity on the PlayStation Network or Xbox Live systems. Always take appropriate measures to protect yourself when online. Play tough, play to win, and have fun! Cheers!
Good topic.
We need a revamp on the old profile sections for PSN IDS and Gamertags instead of Ps2 usernames
XBL: Joe Von Zombie
If Im on PSN, Im probably playing red dead. Once MK9 comes out I'll be on more. Im NEVER on XBL anymore except for playing Reach.
Mortal Kombat Nexus Online By Pakistani
I play a good amount of games btw
Youtube:Deadcell531 | PSN:NightWoLf_31
Add Me
PSN: reptl
altho i never play my PS3 so dont bother sending me anything, and im getting Mortal Kombat for my Xbox 360:)
Thanks redman for the sig!
If you add me tell me your from MKO.
i am the orginal MNOEVIL from MKA.
I have been known quite well from the MK community.
My clan, of a total of 56 skilled MNO has been waitng for about 6 years for this, and now we can rise once more...
GT: Dimitri1033
i kick ass. 'nuff said.
For the most in-depth, in-detail, Mortal Kombat lore analysis vids, there's only one source:
Playstation Network ID: Tyrant Cenobite
Always on XBL. Rarely on PSN unless requested. Look forward to playing with ya'll in MK2011.
I'm usually on Resident Evil 5 or Mortal Kombat 2
XBL: CruelVictory message me on there to fight on UMK3. (Getting better)
Fan of Old style Reptile
Ill play a game with anyone if I'm in the right mood, but I kinda suck o.o (getting better though)
I havn't been on in awhile, and also I SHARE my account with my brother. He usually plays Borderlands, while I play GTA IV or Bioshock usually. I need some more games (hopefully getting Red Dead Redemption for my b-day).